- Allow to pass a function as parent for component PR424
- adds tOptions to Trans component to support ICU
- removes componentWillMount lifecycle method from I18n.js render props as it will get deprecated on react 16.3 404
- Fix reference to props in constructor PR411
- passes down tReady from translate hoc for cases you prefer showing a placeholder instead of default return null in case of wait: true and not yet loaded translations PR400
- I18n render prop calls with ready as third param
- enables setting prop
on Trans component to override namespace passed by render prop or hoc - allows trans component with no children just returning the string getting from translations
- reorder selection of i18n in I18n render prop
- reorder selection of i18n in I18n render prop
- more save access to options in general
- more save access to options.react
- replace Interpolate PureComponent with Component to assert it gets rerendered on lng change
- remove react-dom from peer dependencies as module is used in react-native too
- Allow translate HOC to take a function for getting namespaces 372
- fixes: bring back Trans component t fc from context
- optional take i18n.t in Trans component if non t function passed in via props or context
- fixes rendering in Trans component in case of no parent
- working Trans component without the need of setting options.react
- [BREAKING] As with react 16 you can return multiple elements from render - based on that we do not need to return a wrapper any longer from Trans component.
Starting with v7.0.0 Trans component per default won't add a parent div around content passed as children. It will just return it's children.
You still got the option to set a parent if you prefer content being wrapped.
If you prefer wrapping for all your Trans components (or for backwards compatibility) you can set option react.defaultTransParent
to an element on i18next init.
- adds hashTransKey function for custom key generation in case of not passing a key to Trans component and not like having the source value as key
- pre-check namespaces to avoid unnecessary initial
render PR336
- remove PureComponent from Trans
- fixes support passing i18n and t to Trans as props PR315
- fixes translate hoc build
- stop using PureComponent and use Component again...seems we get an issue with react-router v4 if using PureComponents
- recreate t function on i18next updates so PureComponents relying on t get an update triggered
- rebuild needed cause of uppercasing for components name was not reflected in last build
- remove react from dependencies - not sure how that came into the package.json
- [BREAKING] removes options to set translateFuncName in translate hoc (was not supported in Trans and Interpolate component anyway)
- setting i18n instance and defaults can now be done by i18next.use(reactI18nextModule) making I18nextProvider obsolete
- As an alternative to the translate hoc you now can use the I18n component supporting a render props (for details about render props https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcVAq3YFiuc)
- fixes AST implementation for preact
- replaces regex used to parse nodes from string to an ast implementation solving #298
- Pass extra parameters to Trans parent component
- adds module export in package.json pointing to es dist files.
- you now can set i18n instance on translate hoc once using setI18n:
import translate from 'react-i18next';
import i18n from './i18n';
- [BREAKING] we no longer accept wait to be specified on i18next init options like
{ wait: true }
-> all overrides for the translate hoc now have to be in childreact
like{ react: { wait: true } }
- you now can override all the default options for translate hoc by setting them on i18next.init (excluding
as we need that upfront to define childContextTypes)
// ... other options
react: {
wait: false,
withRef: false,
bindI18n: 'languageChanged loaded',
bindStore: 'added removed',
nsMode: 'default'
- you now can override all defaults for translate hoc options (including
) by using:
import translate from 'react-i18next';
wait: false,
withRef: false,
bindI18n: 'languageChanged loaded',
bindStore: 'added removed',
nsMode: 'default',
translateFuncName: 't'
- make trans component work with preact and preact-compat
- add preact example
- Trans component parent element configurable PR278
- optimize generated defaultValue for components not having children
- move react, prop-types, ... to peerDependency again
- optimize trans component output
- fixes issue in changeLanguage on set via translate hoc ssr
- allow passing initialI18nStore and initialLanguage to I18nextProvider via props to support simpler ssr
- adds a serverside rendering sample based on razzle
- pass i18n instance to context inside translate hoc to simplify usage in nextjs
- options.react.exposeNamespace will expose namespace on data-i18next-options for consuming in editors
- introduces Trans component which enables you to translate nested components incl. interpolation by resulting in one translatable string. learn more
- allow passing down initialI18nStore and initialLanguage to translate hoc to support ssr scenario better see example/nextjs
- allow passing i18next instance in translate hoc options makes integration in nextjs easier
- Remove workaround to set ready if there was no initialized signal PR263
- Fix react-i18next to work with TypeScript PR261
- eslint cleanup
- a lot more tests
- flag nsMode: 'fallback' -> uses namespaces passed to translate hoc as fallbacks #254
- deploys 3.1.1 as possible breaking: fixes issue in fixing t function - pass only first namespace not an array of namespaces (access other namespaces like: this.props.t('namespace:key'))
- reverts last change
- fixes issue in fixing t function - pass only first namespace not an array of namespaces
- fixes wrong warning of missing prop on interpolate with format
- the wait flag on translate hoc can now be set globally on i18next options
i18next.init({ wait: true })
- [BREAKING] assert you install prop-types as a peerDependency based on changes in react >= 15.5.x
- update react to 15.5.x use prop-types module to remove react warnings PR248
- update all dependencies
- move react, prop-types to peerDependencies
- try not access store if undefined for hmr
- fixes validation for missing prop in interpolate component
- support formatting inside interpolate component
- tanslate hoc: expose the i18n instance via props
- translate hoc wait option asserts now that i18next is initialized before rendering (waits for lng detection)
- [BREAKING] needs i18next >= 4.2.0
- pass style prop to interpolate component
- define i18next as a peerDependency
- Suppresses required context type warning if passing i18n as a prop PR205
- allow passing i18next instance via props to translate hoc PR203
- adds options bindI18n, bindStore can be set to false or string of events to bind for triggering updates
- allows to set a className on interpolate component
- update all dependencies and devDependencies
- add option to change t function name to something else PR196
- Added an option of using the with a raw HTML PR195
- only trigger loaded namespaces if mounted
- update for react 15.2, eliminates Unknown Prop Warning
- Added conditional warning on unmatched variable during interpolation [PR 160](i18next#160
- Hoist non react statics [PR 150](i18next#150
- Handle i18next added and removed resource events [PR 150](i18next#150
- move ns loading to did mount
- possible fix for HRM issues
- adds wait option, which delays initial rendering until translations are loaded
- possible fix for HRM issues
- change global name
- adds getWrappedInstance() to translate wrapper
- Support for universal apps / server-side rendering PR 52
- fixes bower json - bower publish only
- change build to rollup
- added WrappedComponent property to translate wrapper PR 15
- fixing export of index
- change package.json main to
- move build from gulp to npm run script