FastAnno : an ultra-fast tool for annotating flexible tsv files > install or use the binary directly git clone cd fastanno go build > please check tests directory for more details common tsv fastanno index -f test1_db1.tsv fastanno anno -q test1_query.tsv -d test1_db1.tsv,test1_db2.tsv -k 1,2 -o test1_out bioinfo vcf fastanno index -f hg19_AlphaMissense_100.vcf fastanno anno -q test3_query.vcf -d hg19_AlphaMissense_100.vcf -k 1,2,4,5 -o test3_out vs annovar query file test_10000.txt: 10,000 lines, db hg19_AlphaMissense.txt: 69,716,656 lines annovar costs 19.2s, fastanno(just use 1 thread) costs 2.6s > recommend SnpEff + FastAnno as an alternative to ANNOVAR SnpEff is more tiny than VEP, and more HGVS than ANNOVAR