- baseArea: Basic Area of a particle (i.e., length in 1D), i.e.,
$\Delta x$ - c0: Speed of sound, approximately
$10\times u_max$ - diffusionAlpha: Velocity Diffusion constant for the Price artificial viscosity model (1.0)
- diffusionBeta: Velocity Diffusion constant for the Price artificial viscosity model (2.0)
- dt: Fixed Timestep used for the simulation
- generator: Scheme used to generate the data, perlin and simplex indicates random velocity fields.
- kappa: Stiffness coefficient for compressible EOS
- maxDomain: Maximum domain extent (1)
- minDomain: Minimum domain extent (-1)
- numParticles: Expected number of particles in a simulation
- particleRadius: Radius, i.e., half particle spacing
$\Delta x$ - particleSupport: Support radius used during the simulation
- restDensity: Rest Density of the fluid, 1000 in most cases
- timesteps: Number of timesteps expected in the simulation
- xsphConstant: Legacy constant, not used during the simulation
- freq: Base Frequency of the noise
- mag: Maximum amplitude of the noise
- octaves: Number of octaves, i.e., powers of two of the base frequency
- offset: Constant used to shift the density noise up, needed to avoid zero density
- r: Implementation specific parameter
- seed: Seed used for generation (should be included in the file name)
- dudt: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing
$\frac{d u}{d t}$ - dudt_k1, dxdt_k1: Substep information from the RK4 integrator for velocity and position updates
- dudt_k2, dxdt_k2: Substep information from the RK4 integrator for velocity and position updates
- dudt_k3, dxdt_k3: Substep information from the RK4 integrator for velocity and position updates
- dudt_k4, dxdt_k4: Substep information from the RK4 integrator for velocity and position updates
- fluidAreas: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing area of each particle (constant)
- fluidDensity: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing the current summation density of each particle
- fluidPosition: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing the current position of each particle
- fluidPressure: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing the current pressure of each particle
- fluidVelocities: Tensor of shape [t,i] containing the current velocity of each particle
attribute | example | description | legacy
EOSgamma | 7.0 | Stiffness coefficient for the stiff Tait EOS | yes
alphaDiffusion | 0.01 | Diffusion coefficient for the standard velocity | yesdiffusion model
boundaryPressureTerm | PBSPH | Method to compute the presssure on the boundary particles if any | yes
boundaryScheme | solid | Scheme to sample boundary particles if any | yes
c0 | 100 | Speed of sound for the EOS, should be
Note that if there are no boundary particles, this node may not exist
- boundaryArea: Array of shape [b], contains the area of each boundary particle (may be different for the Akinci boundary model)
- boundaryBodyAssociation: Array of shape [b]: Contains the solid body each particle is associated with
- boundaryNormals: Array of shape [b,d]: Normal associated with the boundary, points towards the outside of the body
- boundaryPosition: Array of shape [b,d]: Position of the particle in simulation space
- boundaryRestDensity: Array of shape [b]: Rest Density of the boundary particle
- boundarySupport: Array of shape [b]: Support radius of the boundary particle
- boundaryVelocity: Array of shape [b,d]: Velocity of the boundary particle (0 if static)
Contrary to the 1D data, this group contains a subgroup per frame in the simulation export. The key of each group is the frame in %05d format.
- dt: Current timestep
- time: Current time of the simulation (after integration)
- timestep: Current timestep count of the simulation (after integration)
optional attrs (in new format):
- CFLNumber:
- averageCompression:
- averageDensity:
- dt_a:
- dt_c:
- dt_v:
- maxCompression:
- maxNeighborCount:
- maxShift:
- medianNeighborCount:
- minCompression:
- minNeighborCount:
- UID: Array of shape [f]: Contains a unique identifier for each particle to track particles over time, necesssary if inlet/outlet conditions are used
- boundaryDensity: Array of shape [f]: Density contribution of the boundary to each fluid particle, may not exist
- finalPosition: Array of shape [f,d]: Position of each particle after integration, may not exist
- finalVelocity: Array of shape [f,d]: Velocity of each particle after integration, may not exist
- fluidAcceleration: Array of shape [f,d]: Acceleration of each particle, i.e., du/dt, may not exist
- fluidArea: Array of shape [f]: Area of each particle, should be constant, may not exist
- fluidDensity: Array of shape [f]: Current density of each particle, if continuum is used this quantity is integrated over time, otherwise it is recomputed every timestep
- fluidDpdt: Array of shape [f]: Change of density of a particle, i.e., drho/dt, may not exist
- fluidPosition: Array of shape [f,d]: Position of each particle before integration
- fluidPressure: Array of shape [f]: Pressure of each particle based on EOS/pressure Solve, may not exist
- fluidSupport: Array of shape [f]: Support radius of each particle, should be constant, may not exist
- fluidVelocity: Array of shape [f,d]: Velocity of each particle before integration
- fluidShiftAmount: Array of shape [f,d]: Particle Shifting amount, may not exist
- dx:
- jitterAmount:
- jitterMean:
- maxDomain:
- minDomain:
- numNeighbors:
- nx:
- ny:
- nz:
- simplexFrequency:
- simplexScale:
- support:
- volume:
simulationData: Contains a list of random seeds as subgroups, each subgroup consists of: attrs:
- frequency:
- seed:
and groups:
- gradRhoDifference:
- gradRhoNaive:
- gradRhoSymmetric:
- jitter:
- ni:
- rho:
- vols:
- x: