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#Count Featurizer

The Count Featurizer (Also, called Learning With Counts, or Dracula ) allows you to convert complex categorical dimensions to simpler scalar dimensions which are easier and faster to train on while improving classification performance.

The Count Featurizer is unlike most of the other feature engineering methods in that, it is designed specifically for classification, and requires some care to use correctly.

  • The count featurizer requires a target prediction column to be provided.
  • You should perform fit and transform on different datasets to avoid overfitting (See Usage Tips below).

Formally, given a target column Y we are trying to predict with k classes (1...k), it replaces every categorical column X with 2 columns:

count_X : a list of the following values

  • #(Y = 1 & X = x_i) : the number of times Y = 1 when X has the value x_i
  • #(Y = 2 & X = x_i) : the number of times Y = 2 when X has the value x_i
  • #(Y = 3 & X = x_i) : the number of times Y = 3 when X has the value x_i
  • ...
  • #(Y = k & X = x_i): the number of times Y = k when X has the value x_i

prob_X : a list of the following values

  • P(Y = 1 | X = x_i) : the probability Y = 1 when X has the value x_i
  • P(Y = 2 | X = x_i) : the probability Y = 2 when X has the value x_i
  • P(Y = 3 | X = x_i) : the probability Y = 3 when X has the value x_i
  • ...
  • P(Y = k-1 | X = x_i) : the probability Y = k-1 when X has the value x_i

The input categorical columns must of type string or int and the target prediction column must also be of type string or int.


import graphlab
from graphlab.toolkits.feature_engineering import *

# Create data.

# Split the data
sf_fit = sf[:4]
sf_train = sf[4:]

# Create a transformer.
countfeat = graphlab.feature_engineering.create(sf_fit, 

# Transform the train set. This is the dataset I will train my classifier on
transformed_sf_train = countfeat.transform(sf_train)

# Save the transformer.'save-path')

	click	int
	gender	str
	state	int

Rows: 2

| click | gender | state |
|   1   |   F    |   2   |
|   1   |   F    |   2   |
[2 rows x 3 columns]

	count_gender	array
	prob_gender	array
	count_state	array
	prob_state	array
	click	int

Rows: 2

| count_gender | prob_gender | count_state | prob_state | click |
|  [0.0, 1.0]  |    [0.0]    |  [0.0, 0.0] |   [0.0]    |   1   |
|  [0.0, 1.0]  |    [0.0]    |  [0.0, 0.0] |   [0.0]    |   1   |
[2 rows x 5 columns]

Usage Tips

Since the Count Featurizer internally learns something similar to a Naive Bayes classifier you should perform fit and transform on different datasets to avoid overfitting.

Dataset Split

Furthermore, if your data has a temporal component to it (for instance log data for click through prediction), you should not perform a random split, but perform the split temporally: the fit dataset should be the oldest, the validation should be the newest, and the training set in between.