The Tower of Hanoi is a traditional puzzle in mathematics and computer science. The puzzle consists of a set of 3 posts, one of which holds a collection of disks ranging in size from large to small.
The disks begin placed in order with the largest on the bottom and smallest on the top, so a simple Tower of Hanoi might look something like:
D | |
D|D | |
DD|DD | |
The objective of the puzzle is to move the existing stack of disks to a new post while always preserving the following invariants:
- You can only move 1 disk at a time.
- Only the uppermost disk on any post can be moved.
- You can never place a larger disk on top of a smaller disk.
Thus a potential end state for the starting state above would be:
D | | => | | D
D|D | | => | | D|D
DD|DD | | => | | DD|DD
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The steps toward that solution might look something like:
Step 1:
D | | => | | |
D|D | | => D|D | |
DD|DD | | => DD|DD | D
=============== ===============
Step 2:
| | | => | | |
D|D | | => | | |
DD|DD | D => DD|DD D|D D
=============== ===============
Step 3:
| | | => | | |
| | | => | D |
DD|DD D|D D => DD|DD D|D |
=============== =================
Step 4:
| | | => | | |
| D | => | D |
DD|DD D|D | => | D|D DD|DD
================= =================
Step 5:
| | | => | | |
| D | => | | |
DD|DD D|D | => D D|D DD|DD
================= =================
Step 6:
| | | => | | |
| | | => | | D|D
D D|D DD|DD => D | DD|DD
================= =================
Step 7 (solved):
| | | => | | D
| | D|D => | | D|D
D | DD|DD => | | DD|DD
================= =================
For this challenge, implement an algorithm that solves the problem of moving disks from one tower to another, outputting information along the way about what it's doing.
Consider this template as a starting point:
class Tower
attr_reader :posts
def initialize(posts = {"A" => [3,2,1], "B" => [], "C" => []})
@posts = posts
def move!(from = "A", to = "C", extra = "B") #add args / modify method signature if you like
# your code here
t =
{"A" => [], "B" => [], "C" => [3,2,1]}