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The Traversal story #220

aspiwack opened this issue Sep 25, 2020 · 3 comments

The Traversal story #220

aspiwack opened this issue Sep 25, 2020 · 3 comments


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Let me write some thought on the design of optics, and especially
traversals, so that I don't forget again. All this should make its way
into a document

Profunctor optics

When designing the optics library, I settled on profunctor optics
rather than a Van Laarhoven encoding for two reasons:

  • Profunctor optics compose better (mostly because prisms always
    require some profunctoriness, which the lens library has to work around)
  • It makes very clear how to make a newtype for Optic_ that
    everything else is a restriction on.

As I'm writing this, I realise that we could have done newtype Optic_ p f s t a b = Optical (p a (f b)) -> p s (f t)) and defined, say,
lens as type Lens s t a b = forall f. Functor f => Optic (FUN 'One) s t a b), which counter the second point, but as I'm writing this
counter, another benefit of profunctors is coming back:

  • Profunctors abstract over FUN 'One vs (->) = FUN 'Many.

The latter is used in lens for instance so that over can be linear
while get and set aren't. If we forced FUN 'One, then set and
get would still be definable, but would require additional
allocations, which would be a bit unfortunate.

So, anyway, profunctor it is. Not that it makes the problem of
Traversal any harder really, so whatever.


The first difficulty with traversals is that they can be defined in
two ways. Let me define a bunch of classes on profunctors:

class Strong (,) () p where
  second :: p a b -> p (c, a) (c, b)
class Strong Either Void p where
  second :: p a b -> p (Either c a) (Either c b)
class Monoidal (,) () p where
  (***) :: p a b -> p c d -> p (a, c) (b, d)
  unit :: p () ()
class (Strong (,) () p, Strong Either Void p) => Wandering p where
  -- | Equivalently but less efficient in general:
  -- > wander' :: Data.Traversable t => p a b -> p (t a) (t b)
  -- It would be less efficient because `wander'` is trivially
  -- implemented as `wander traverse`, implementing `wander` in terms
  -- of `wander'` actually requires allocating some intermediate traversable
  -- structure.
  wander :: forall s t a b. (forall f. Control.Applicative f => (a %1 -> f b) -> s %1 -> f t) -> p a b -> p s t

Both Strong super-classes are implied by wander' since both (c,)
and Either c are traversable.


The first difficulty that we face is that there are two different
definitions for profunctor traversable in the literature.

These two definitions are equivalent (and are equivalent to a bunch
of other definitions not involving profunctors, like the Van Laarhoven
encoding). However, I don't believe that (Strong (,) () p, Strong Either Void p, Monoidal (,) () p) and Wandering p are equivalent!
In fact I don't believe either is included in the other (but I don't
have a proof), I'm at least pretty sure that Wandering p doesn't
imply Monoidal (,) () p.

So it's a true choice. We could even require (Monoidal (,) () p, Wandering p), or make Monoidal (,) () p a super class of Wandering p. There are a lot of possible choices.

The intuitive reason why all of these things work is that the only
profunctor which really matters for traversals is

newtype Kleisli f a b = Kleisli (a %1 -> f b)

for f a control applicative functor. And it has all of the above
instances. So, whatever instances we choose, we can define
traverseOf easily and efficiently.

Van Laarhoven encodings are great at defining traversals

Where things are more difficult is for defining traversals. Let's give
ourselves an example type.

data T
  = MkT1 A A
  | MkT2 A A A

Definining a Van-Laarhoven-style traversal is as easy as:

traverse f (MkT1 x y) = MkT1 <$> f x <*> f y
traverse f (MkT2 x y z) = MkT2 <$> f x <*> f y <*> f z

It's very terse. Very readable. Very systematic. Very exactly what we

If you try defining the same traversal with just (Strong (,) () p, Strong Either Void p, Monoidal (,) () p) you are not going to have
fun. First you will notice that you kind of want Monoidal Either Void as well (which, to be fair, we could throw in no problem).

With Wandering we have, instead,

traverse t = wander go
    go f (MkT1 x y) = MkT1 <$> f x <*> f y
    go f (MkT2 x y z) = MkT2 <$> f x <*> f y <*> f z

It's almost as easy as in the Van Laarhoven case. Not quite perfect,
but quite ok. (note: if we had wander' and not wander this would
be rather non-fun again)

Which is, I assume, is the reason why Purescript uses this definition.

Unrestricted traversals

I lied above. There is a second profunctor of interest:

newtype KleisliU f a b = KleisliU (a -> f b)

This one lets us define unrestricted traversals:

traverseOfU :: Traversal s t a b -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t

We do want to have traverseOfU otherwise we have to define two
traversals for every data structure: one unrestricted and one not. And
they are really the same. Which would be quite a shame.

KleisliU f is \p. (Strong (,) () p, Strong Either Void p, Monoidal (,) () p), but I don't believe that it is Wandering or, if it is,
it doesn't admit a trivial implementation.

So if we have traversals defined in terms of (Strong (,) () p, Strong Either Void p, Monoidal (,) () p) they can be equally well used in a
linear and unrestricted context. In fact, we may even have,
eventually, a linearity-polymorphic Kleisli, and get a polymorphic
traversal out as a mere cast. This is very much not the case with
Wandering. This is the reasoning behind #79.

But if don't have Wandering how do you build a traversal? Making one
manually by composing profunctor arrows is pretty much out of the
question: it is very cumbersome and allocate a ton as you are forced
to decompose your type into a sequence of Either and binary (,)
since it's the only language that the profunctor speaks.

There is a generic way to make one from a Van Laarhoven traversal. It
uses a special applicative to reify the traversal.

The simplest presentation of this type is

data Batch a b t = Batch [a] ([b] -> t)
  -- invariant: in `Batch a k`, `k` only accepts lists of the same
  -- size as `as`

It's an interesting exercise to prove that it is indeed an
applicative. Important functions are

pure :: t %1 -> Batch a b t
pure x = Batch [] (\[] -> x)

(<*>) :: Batch a b (x -> t) %1 -> Batch a b x %1 -> Batch a b t
(<*>) = -- exercise

batch :: a %1 -> Batch a b b
batch a = Batch a (\[b] -> b)

fuse :: Batch b b t %1 -> t
fuse (Batch bs k) = k bs

With this material, we have:

reifyTraversal :: (forall f. Applicative f => (a #-> f b) -> s %1 -> f t) %1 -> s %1 -> Batch a b t
reifyTraversal traverse = traverse @(Batch a b) batch

It is then sufficient to know how to traverse Batch with a
profunctor, which can be done once and for all.

That being said, we still have to allocate a lot to do a
traversal. And this extra allocation can't be removed by
specialisation, since traversals are usually recursive.

It does seem at this point in my thought process that we have two
definitions: one is good for writing new traversals, the other one is
good for using traversals. That's bad! And I don't quite know what the
best solution is yet.

Appendix: A possibly more efficient Batch

If you have done the exercise above (I'm watching you!), you will have
realised that there are a lot of lists concatenation in this
story. List concatenations are bad.

But, before I propose a way to avoid them let's first make things
worse. Because another potential issue with Batch is the presence of
a partial function throughout. It's not really a problem for a type
used only internally, but, at any rate, it can be eliminated. I'll
give the definition that was actually used in #79

data Batch a b t
  = Done t
  | More a (Batch a b (b %1 -> t))

It's structured as a list of a terminated by a function b %1 -> … %1 -> t with the appropriate arity.

There is no partiality here. But everything is horribly slow: even the
Functor instance requires a recursion.

By the way, it's some kind of free applicative structure. We can find
the same type in this sweet blog post about sorting

At the very least, if we want to reify the traversal through some
applicative functor, none of the functions of interest should be
recursive. So we kind of want to have concatenation built in. Here is
my attempt

data Batch a b t
  = Pure t
  | One a (b -> t)
  | Concat (Batch a b x) (Batch a b y) (x %1 -> y %1 -> t)
instance Functor (Batch a b) where
  fmap f (Pure t) = Pure $ f t
  fmap f (One a k) = One a $ f . k
  fmap f (Concat l r k) = Concat l r $ \x y -> f (k x y)

instance Applicative (Batch a b) where
  pure = Pure
  bf <*> bx = Concat bf bx ($)
batch :: a %1 -> Batch a b b
batch a = One a id

-- Ok this one is recursive, there is little to be done here. Still,
-- it's less bad.
fuse :: Batch b b t %1 -> t
fuse (Pure x) = x
fuse (One a k) = k a
fuse (Concat l r k) = k (fuse l) (fuse r)

Honestly though, it's not enough to convince me. I want to read
traversals as some kind of iterator in Rust, or generator in Python,
etc… But here, we still need to reify the recursive structure. So,
basically, a structure which would otherwise be only on the stack is
now duplicated in the heap. It prevents many optimisation, including
inlining with non-recursive traversals, so I'm really not satisfied.

Bonus thoughts on Traversable-by-data

While I'm at it, let's speak about traversal but with
Data.Applicative instead. See also #190.

Basically, in the scope of the Optics library, these are very special
citizen: they don't really compose with anything. A lens composed with
a traversal-by-data is a regular traversal (by control). Same with a
prism. So to be traversable by data you basically need to be a
composition of traversable-by-data.

We will have, just as is the case for the normal traversal, two

class TheOtherWandering p where
  wander :: forall s t a b. (forall f. Data.Applicative f => (a %1 -> f b) -> s %1 -> f t) -> p a b -> p s t
type TraversableByData1 = Optic TheOtherWandering
type TraversableByData2 = Optic (\p. (Monoidal (,) () p, Monoidal Either Void p))

Notice the absence of Strong: traversals-by-data don't compose with
much. I don't think we can avoid Monoidal Either Void here, so that
would be an argument to add Monoidal Either Void to the constraints
in the regular traversal case if we were to go this way: for

I don't think we need these for the first release, really: they are,
indeed, pretty special. But we may want them eventually
nonetheless. So these were my thoughts on them.

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Cc @b-mehta , you may be interested in opining.

aspiwack added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 25, 2020
I'm assuming, here, that traversals are built from the same type as
`Traverse`. I believe this to be the right type, which I explain in
some details in #220.
aspiwack added a commit that referenced this issue Sep 28, 2020
I'm assuming, here, that traversals are built from the same type as
`Traverse`. I believe this to be the right type, which I explain in
some details in #220.
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aspiwack commented Oct 2, 2020

It occurred to me that I can probably give a Wandering instance, as above, to the non-linear Kleisli, which is used to define unresctricted traversals. By reifying the linear traversal with a Batch in wander.

But if I do that, then, when I do an unrestricted traversal, I will pay the reification for each call of wander, so each intermediate traversal. This is expensive.

If, on the other hand, we define the unrestricted traversal for the linear Kleisli by reifying the linear traverseOf with a Batch instance, then I only reify once, which may be an acceptable cost to pay.

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ekmett commented Feb 17, 2021

The Batch type (aka FunList based on an ancient post by Twan) as used in #79 is actually less defined than the CPS'd version, introducing bottoms in infinite cases.

This is why the lens library uses Bazaar, which in this setting looks something like

Bazaar a b t = forall f. Applicative f => (a %1 -> b) -> f t

(The irrelevant Context type, for lenses would probably translate as

Context a b t = forall f. Functor f => (a %1 -> b) %1 -> f t

I leave it to you to map onto Control and Data Applicative, the names still trip me up as to which is which ;)

Linear versions of those should translate directly. With all the same instances as Batch, just better termination behavior when the list would happen to be infinite, and so

data Batch a b t
  = Done t
  | More a (Batch a b (b %1 -> t))

can never even start to assemble a t because you can't get past all the More constructors to find the function to use, whereas Bazaar is giving you an f of t directly and pushes the function (a %1 -> b) down through it as it goes, enabling it to return the outermost constructors to you promptly.

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