copy/paste and execute via terminal
the indented below in order to gather installation/apt/aptitude/apt-get/synaptic/package-manager/software-manager/software-sources errors/glitches/history which may help in trouble shooting the issue you are having.
sudo inxi -U ; echo "Please wait...." ; ( date ; echo ; inxi -c0 -Sr ; echo term.log ; grep -Ei 'setting up|configur|remov|err|fail|log started|log ended' /var/log/apt/term.log | tail --lines=60 ; echo "errors-found-begin" ; sudo apt update | grep -Ei 'fail|404' ; echo "errors-found-end" ; date ) > ~/trouble-shoot-history.txt ; echo "Done, the log has been saved to ~/trouble-shoot-history.txt"
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