Releases: typosquatter/ail-typo-squatting
ail-typo-squatting - first official release v0.3.1
AIL Typographic Squatting Library - first release
ail-typo-squatting is a Python library to generate list of potential typo squatting domains with domain name permutation engine to feed AIL and other systems.
The tool can be used as a stand-alone tool or to feed other systems. The tool can be used a Library pip3 install ail-typo-squatting
or as a local tool.
v0.3.1 (2022-03-15)
[doc] change dot to hyphen. [David Cruciani]
[formatOutput] check for format. [David Cruciani]
[formatOutput] readme, runall, yaml. [David Cruciani]
[doc] JTAN acknowledgment added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[license] updated copyright notices. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
[poetry] preparation to publish on pypi. [David Cruciani]
[doc] readme, add init [David Cruciani]
[workflows] .txt+ display. [David Cruciani]
[typo] typo resultList. [David Cruciani]
[typo] runAll. [David Cruciani]
[limit] use limit in function instead of main. [David Cruciani]
[refactor] function for all algo. [David Cruciani]
[typo] limit. [David Cruciani]
[typo] write to file, fix tld in algo. [David Cruciani]
[typo] argparse, verbose. [David Cruciani]
[typo] comment, global result list. [David Cruciani]
- [doc] CEF logo added. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
Add: [typo] change dot to hyphen + verbose + homoglyph dash. [David Cruciani]
Update pyproject.toml. [David Cruciani]
Add: [formatOutput] yara - regex - text. [David Cruciani]
yaml in preparation
Update [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman. [Alexandre Dulaunoy]
Update pyproject.toml. [David Cruciani]
Merge pull request #1 from ail-project/add-license-1. [David Cruciani]
Create LICENSE. [David Cruciani]
Add: [David Cruciani]
Add: action. [David Cruciani]
Add: requirements. [David Cruciani]
Add: [tests] circl-misp-ail. [David Cruciani]
Add: [typo] dns resolve. [David Cruciani]
Add: [typo] add tld to domain name. [David Cruciani]
Add: [display] domain name separation. [David Cruciani]
Add: [typo] algo, homophone - tlds - misspellings. [David Cruciani]
18 algo
Initial commit. [David Cruciani]