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Lab 5: Command Line Basics

Gaston Sanchez

Learning Objectives

  • Practicing with the command line
  • Navigating the filesystem and managing files
  • Practice basic manipulation of data files
  • Practice exporting tables from R
  • Practice exporting displayed output (as is) from R
  • Practice exporting plot images from R

General Instructions

  • Write your descriptions, explanations, and code in an Rmd (R markdown) file.
  • Name this file as lab05-first-last.Rmd, where first and last are your first and last names (e.g. lab05-gaston-sanchez.Rmd).
  • Knit your Rmd file as an html document (default option).
  • Submit your Rmd and html files to bCourses, in the corresponding lab assignment.

Basic Shell Commands

The first part of the lab involves navigating the file system and manipulating files (and directories) with the following basic shell commands:

  • pwd: print working directory
  • ls: list files and directories
  • cd: change directory (move to another directory)
  • mkdir: create a new directory
  • touch: create a new (empty) file
  • cp: copy file(s)
  • mv: rename file(s)
  • rm: delete file(s)

Online Man Pages for Windows Users

If you are using git-bash (i.e. your OS is Windows) you don’t have the man command to see the manual documentation of other commands. In this case you can check the man pages online:

Unevaluated Code Chunks

In this lab you will be writing bash commands. Depending on your Operating System, you could include such commands inside code chunks in an Rmd file, that get evaluated when knitting into html. But we won’t do that today (mainly because some of you use Windows computers).

Instead, write your bash commands inside a chunk that is NOT evaluated. One way to do this is to add the option eval = FALSE inside the curly braces of the chunk (see image below)

1) Your Turn*: Lab Directory

  • Open (or launch) the command line

  • Use the command pwd to see what’s your current directory

  • Use mkdir to create a new directory stat133-lab05

  • Change directory to stat133-lab05

  • Use the command curl to download the following text file:

# the option is the letter O (Not the number 0)
curl -O

2) Your Turn*: Inspecting a Directory

  • Use the command ls to list the contents in your current directory

  • Now try ls -l to list the contents in your current directory in long format

  • Look at the man documentation of ls to find out how to list the contents in reverse order

  • How would you list the contents in long format arranged by time?

  • Find out how to use the wildcard * to list all the files with extension .txt

  • Use the wildcard * to list all the files with extension .csv in reverse order

  • You can use the character ? to represent a single character: e.g. ls mid?.csv. Find out how to use the wilcard ? to list .csv files with names made of 4 characters (e.g. mid1.csv, snow.csv)

  • The command ls *[1]*.csv should list .csv files with names containing the number 1 (e.g. mid1.csv, minutes1.csv). Adapt the command to list .csv files with names containing the number 2.

  • Find out how to list files with names containing any number.

3) Your Turn*: Moving Files

  • Inside stat133-lab05 create a directory data

  • Change directory to data

  • Create a directory txt-files

  • Create a directory csv-files

  • Use the command mv to move the bread.txt file to the folder txt-files. Without changing directories, use ls to confirm that bread.txt is now inside txt-files.

  • Use the wildcard * to move all the .txt files to the directory txt-files. Without changing directories, use ls to confirm that all the .txt files are inside txt-files.

  • Use the wildcard * to move all the .csv files to the directory csv-files. Without changing directories, use ls to confirm that all the .csv files are inside csv-files.

  • Try using the command tree to see a visual display of the filestructure. Warning: You may not have this command in git-bash or in another shell flavor.

4) Your Turn*: Copying Files

  • Go back to the parent directory stat133-lab05

  • Create a directory copies

  • Use the command cp to copy the bread.txt file (the one inside the folder txt-files) to the copies directory

  • Without changing directories, use ls to confirm that bread.txt is now inside copies.

  • Use the wildcard * to copy all the .txt files in the directory copies

  • Without changing directories, use ls to confirm that all the .txt files is now inside copies.

  • Use the wildcard * to copy all the .csv files in the directory copies

  • Try using the command tree to see a visual display of the filestructure.

5) Your Turn*: Renaming and Deleting Files

  • Change to the directory copies

  • Use the command mv to rename the file bread.txt as bread-recipe.txt

  • Rename the file cars.csv as autos.csv

  • Rename the file btaco.txt as breakfast-taco.txt

  • Change to the parent directory (i.e. stat133-lab05)

  • Rename the directory copies as copy-files

  • Find out how to use the rm command to delete the .csv files that are in copy-files

  • Find out how to use the rm command to delete the directory copy-files

  • List the contents of the directory txt-files displaying the results in reverse (alphabetical) order

Optional challenge

If you are already familiar with the basic bash commands to navigate the filesystem (or if you want to expand your R skills), use the R functions to manipulate files and directories to perform the exact same tasks from within R. See ?files for more information.

  • getwd()
  • setwd()
  • download.file()
  • dir.create()
  • list.files()
  • list.dirs()
  • file.create()
  • file.copy()
  • file.rename()
  • file.remove()

Abalone Data Set

The second part of the lab involves downloading the Abalone Data Set that you used in lab03:

The location of the data file is:

The location of the data dictionary (description of the data) is:

Your Turn:

  • Change to the directory stat133-lab05

  • Create a directory abalone

  • Change to abalone directory

  • Use curl to download the file

  • Use the file command to know what type of file is

  • Use the word count command wc to obtain information about: 1) newline count, 2) word count, and 3) byte count, of the file.

  • See the man documentation of wc and learn what option you should use to obtain only the number of lines in

  • Use head to take a peek at the first lines (10 lines by default) of

  • See the man documentation of head and learn what option you should use to display only the first 5 files in

  • How would you display the first 15 files in

  • Use tail to take a peek at the last lines (10 lines by default) of

  • See the man documentation of tail and learn what option you should use to display only the last 3 files in

  • Use the less command to look at the contents of (this command opens a paginator so you can move up and down the contents of the file). Press the key q to exit the paginator.

  • Rename as abalone.csv

  • Make a copy of abalone.csv, naming this copy dataset.csv

  • Move dataset.csv to the directory csv-files

Exporting Objects from R to External Files

In this second part of the lab, you will practice exporting different objects and outputs from R to external files. The underlying goal is that you practice specifying relative file paths.

  • Create a directory exports inside stat133-lab05.

  • The data that you will have to use is the built-in data frame mtcars

##                    mpg cyl disp  hp drat    wt  qsec vs am gear carb
## Mazda RX4         21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46  0  1    4    4
## Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0   6  160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02  0  1    4    4
## Datsun 710        22.8   4  108  93 3.85 2.320 18.61  1  1    4    1
## Hornet 4 Drive    21.4   6  258 110 3.08 3.215 19.44  1  0    3    1
## Hornet Sportabout 18.7   8  360 175 3.15 3.440 17.02  0  0    3    2
## Valiant           18.1   6  225 105 2.76 3.460 20.22  1  0    3    1

Exporting Tables from R’s console

Let’s begin by exporting the data mtcars to a CSV file, executing commands from the console. Suppose that we want to export mtcars inside the directory exports. The first thing to do is to find out what is the working directory that the R console is paying attention to.

# get working directory

Example 1

Let’s assume that the working directory of R’s console is Desktop, and that stat133-lab105 is a subdirectory of Desktop, like in the following scheme:


Here’s how you could export mtcars to a CSV file named mtcars.csv, to be saved in the folder exports, using the function write.csv():

  x = mtcars, # R object to be exported
  file = 'stat133-lab05/exports.csv'  # file path

Example 2

Let’s make things a bit more interesting. Suppose now that the working directory of R’s console is the directory Documents, which is at the same level of Desktop.

To export mtcars to a CSV file named mtcars.csv, you can use a relative path like this:

  x = mtcars, # R object to be exported
  file = '../Desktop/stat133-lab05/exports.csv'  # file path

Exporting some R output

What about exporting some output returned by a function or some other computation? For example, say you are interested in exporting the summary statistics of mpg and disp, exactly in the same way they are displayed by R (in its console):

summary(mtcars[ ,c('mpg', 'disp')])
##       mpg             disp      
##  Min.   :10.40   Min.   : 71.1  
##  1st Qu.:15.43   1st Qu.:120.8  
##  Median :19.20   Median :196.3  
##  Mean   :20.09   Mean   :230.7  
##  3rd Qu.:22.80   3rd Qu.:326.0  
##  Max.   :33.90   Max.   :472.0

One naive option to “export” this output would be to manually copy the text displayed on the console, and then paste it to a text file. While this may work, it is labor intensive, error prone, and highly irreproducible.

Example 3

A better way to achieve this task is with the sink() function. Assume again that R’s console working directory is Desktop. Here’s how to export the output of summary() to a text file summary-mpg-disp.txt

# divert output to the specified file
sink(file = 'stat133-lab05/summary-mpg-disp.txt')
summary(mtcars[ ,c('mpg', 'disp')])
# closing sinking operation

The first call to sink() opens a connection to the specified file, and then all outputs are diverted to that location. The second call to sink(), i.e. the one without any arguments, closes the connection.

While you are sink()ing output to a specified file, all the results will be sent to such file. In other words, nothing will be printed on the console. Only after the sinking process has finished and the connection is closed, you will be able to execute commands and see results displayed on R’s console.

Exporting some “base” graphs

In the same way that R output, as it appears on the console, can be exported to some files, you can do the same with graphics and plots. Actually, saving plot images is much more common than sink()ing output.

Base R provides a wide array of functions to save images in most common formats:

  • png()
  • jpeg()
  • tiff()
  • bmp()
  • svg()
  • pdf()

Similar to the writing table functions such as write.table() or write.csv(), and the sink() function, the graphics device functions require a file name to be provided.

Example 4

Here’s how to save a simple scatterpot of mpg and disp in png format to the folder exports/:

# saving a scatterplot in png format
png(filename = "stat133-lab05/exports/scatterplot-mpg-disp.png")
plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$disp, pch = 20, 
     xlab = 'Miles per Gallon', ylab = 'Displacement')
  • The function png() tells R to save the image in PNG format, using the provided filename.
  • Invoking png() will open a graphics device; not the graphics device of RStudio, so you won’t be able to see the graphic.
  • The plot() function produces the scatterplot.
  • The function closes the graphics device.

Your turn*

Instead of executing commands from the R console, you will have to perform the following tasks inside code chunks of your Rmd file. This implies that the working directory, when knitting the file into an html document, will be the directory in which the Rmd files is located (by default).

  • Export a data frame with columns mpg, disp, and hp, to a CSV file dataset.csv in the exports/ subdirectory.

  • Export the output of str() on mtcars to a text file called mtcars-structure.txt (inside the exports/ subdirectory).

  • Export the summary() of the entire data frame mtcars to a text file summary-mtcars.txt, in the exports/ folder.

  • Open the help documentation of png() and related graphic devices.

  • Use png() to save a scatterplot of mpg and wt with plot(). Save the graph as scatterplot-mpg-wt.png in the exports/ folder.

  • Save another version of the scatterplot between hp and wt, but now try to get an image with higher resolution. Save the plot as scatterplot-hp-wt.png in exports/.

  • Save a histogram in JPEG format of mpg with dimensions (width x height) 600 x 400 pixels, name the file histogram-mpg.jpeg.

  • Use pdf() to save the previous histogram of age in PDF format, with dimensions (width x height) 7 x 5 inches, name the file histogram-mpg.pdf.

  • The package "ggplot2" comes with a wrapper function ggsave() that allows you to save ggplot graphics to a specified file. By default, ggsave() saves images in PDF format.

  • Use ggplot() to make a scatterplot of mpg and disp, and store it in a ggplot object named gg_mpg_disp. Then use ggsave() to save the plot with dimensions (width x height) 7 x 5 inches, as scatterplot-mpg-disp.pdf.