A plugin that does the same (but all together) than:
- gazebo_ros_p3d: Publishes odometry, but it supports gaussian noise for XY & Yaw separately (and it doesn't add the noise when the robot is stopped). It allows the odom frame to be
doesn't for some reason). - ros_planar_move: It moves the robot by sending velocities in Gazebo in a Twist topic, but it also implements velocity, acceleration and jerk limits to better behave like a real robot. It also stops the robot if no commands are sent for a while. Kind of a diff_drive_controller but hacky.
You can just do
roslaunch gazebo_model_velocity_plugin boxbot_example.launch
Then you can command the robot around with
rosrun rqt_robot_steering rqt_robot_steering
(Even though, the robot can also move in the Y axis, and that GUI doesn't allow that).
You can check the odometry topic /boxbot/odom
and the actual velocity sent to gazebo in /boxbot/output_vel
Looks like:
<plugin name="base_drive_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_model_velocity.so">
<!-- this topic will output the actual velocity sent in Gazebo (after applying limits) -->
<!-- How often do we send velocity commands in Gazebo -->
<!-- After how long of not hearing a new command in commandTopic do we send a 0 to the robot -->
<!-- Publish odometry as needed -->
<!-- the frame wich will be the odometry from, usually base_footprint -->
<!-- Gaussian noise to apply on movement (can be interpreted as % of error) -->
<!-- Limits to apply to the Twist commands -->