Issue #2 improve gui: 200 points you can add pictures for the background and all pieces We thought about it and added some pictures into the directory. Due to the time limit we did not finish this.
Issue #29 Fix Jump Bug: 100 points Since AI is just randomly choose its moves, it will encounter this bug.
Issue #31 Percalculated Move Storage: 100 points. Fixing this issue will help you with other issues.
Issue #10 Indicate Possible Moves: 100 points This can be easily done after you completed issue #31.
Total: 500 points
Possible issues:
Add advanced version of AI. Right now the run time complexity for the basic AI version is high. 200 points
Change the layout format of GUI. Right now, retract method is called at the very top of the gui version. Move it to a better spot: 100 points