diff --git a/doc/entities.md b/doc/entities.md
index 02d0b3f..3f5405d 100644
--- a/doc/entities.md
+++ b/doc/entities.md
@@ -42,7 +42,15 @@ instance, not to describe a category of entities by their properties or
relations to other entities. Thus _muzeum_ is not a name because it can be
used to refer to any institution that meets certain parameters. The phrase
_Národní muzeum_ is a name because it was specifically designed to label one
-particular museum. The name does not have to be unique: An important museum
+particular museum.
+> **proper name** ?= named entity (as "New Zealand" and "the United States of America")
+BUT "Zealand" or "America" are not proper names - why not?
+(confusing as Zealand is a Danish island and America may refer to the continent)
+> **proper noun** ?= common noun (as "museum")
+The name does not have to be unique: An important museum
in another country may also be called _Národní muzeum_, just like there are
multiple people called _John Smith_. People may have to add more information
if misinterpretation is possible, but the intended purpose of a name is to
diff --git a/doc/eventive-concepts.md b/doc/eventive-concepts.md
index f7a31bb..98e4692 100644
--- a/doc/eventive-concepts.md
+++ b/doc/eventive-concepts.md
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ Examples:
> **RULE 1b:**
> - **Stative verbs** should be annotated as events, even if not classified as processes.
+[What are state verbs?](https://www.ecenglish.com/learnenglish/lessons/what-are-state-verbs)
* (8a) [cs] *Moje kočka **nesnáší** granule.*
* (8b) [en] *My cat **loves** wet food.* (from the UMR Guidelines)
@@ -101,7 +103,9 @@ Based on examples from the Guidelines:
> **RULE 2a - limitation:**
> - **relative clauses with lexical verb** (play, went, ...) considered as eventive concepts, but
-> - **relative clauses falling under "non-verbal clauses"** considered as non-eventive concepts!
+> - **relative clauses falling under "non-verbal clauses"** considered as non-eventive concepts!
+(see below for four semantic types of non-verbal clauses: possession, location, property, and object ... [guidelines, part 3-1-1-3](https://github.com/umr4nlp/umr-guidelines/blob/master/guidelines.md#part-3-1-1-3-states-and-entities) )
@@ -133,9 +137,13 @@ driver treated as an entity (ex.) but teacher as ARG0-of teach-01 (ex.) even in
*I said [**that** the thorns **scratched** me]*. / the **[scratching of the thorns]**
- ??? for event nominals
- **?? OK** for generic mentions ... *war, storm, ceremony, válka, bouře*??
- - **!! NO** for specific mentions ... rather anchored in wikidata/wikipedie/
+ - **!! NO** for specific mentions ... rather anchored in wikidata/wikipedie/
+ **?? OR both as an entity AND as an event??**
-Example: *válka na Ukrajině* ... ?? should be anchored to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q110999040
+* (6a) [cs] druhá světová válka
+ [en] WW II ... ?? should be anchored to https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q362
+* (6b) [cs] *válka na Ukrajině* ... ?? https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q110999040
@@ -150,6 +158,10 @@ Example: *válka na Ukrajině* ... ?? should be anchored to https://www.wikidat
... see [the document on entities](https://github.com/ufal/UMR/blob/main/doc/entities.md)
+ * (7a) [cs] Před 80 lety Německo přepadením Polska rozpoutalo druhou světovou válku.
+ * (7a) [en] 80 years ago, Germany started World War II by invading Poland.
**(2) non-PROCESSESS packed as predication:**
- OK states in predication ... prototypically adjectives, but also other nominal modifiers as PPs, relative clauses, participles
*Those thorns **are sharp**.*
@@ -161,11 +173,11 @@ Example: *válka na Ukrajině* ... ?? should be anchored to https://www.wikidat
>- non-eventive concepts should be linked to wiki
-**(3) STATES:**
+**(3) STATES in modification or reference:**
- **??** states in reference ... what to do with them? (sharpness https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q55433472 )
- **??** states in modification ... either without any mapping OR, contrary to the guidelines, as eventive concepts (being tall)
-**(4) ENTITIES:**
+**(4) ENTITIES in modification or reference:**
- entities in reference (proototypical)
- **??** for generic mention (*the sharp **thorns***) ... what to do with them?
- **OK** for specific mentions (***Barack Obama***)
@@ -182,7 +194,7 @@ Example: *válka na Ukrajině* ... ?? should be anchored to https://www.wikidat
#### TO READ
-- Croft (2001) ??? *Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective*
+- Croft (2001) *Radical Construction Grammar: Syntactic Theory in Typological Perspective*
- Pustejovsky et al. (2005) *The Specification Language TimeML*. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242423032_The_Specification_Language_TimeML
About events expressed as MWE: