Releases: ufrisk/pcileech
Version 2.3
FPGA support.
Version 2.2
UEFI support.
Linux 2.6.33-4.6 target support.
Version 2.1
Linux support.
Android support.
Version 2.0
Mount target system live RAM and file system as drive.
Substantial refactorings to support multiple future hardware devices.
Signature: Linux 4.10 kernel support in LINUX_X64_EFI signature.
Version 1.5
core: Win10 generic HAL attack stabilized (-sig win10_x64)
signature: macOS Sierra updated.
signature: Windows 10 updated.
other: bug fix - memory write in macOS.
other: firmware flash fixes for PP3380 device.
Version 1.3
The Changes/Updates are described below:
core: basic linux 4.8 support.
core: mac_fvrecover - retrieve filevault2 password from locked mac.
core: stability improvements for USB2 and new options [-out none, -usb2, -iosize, -v]
implant: pull large files from target [wx64_filepull, mac_filepull, lx64_filepull].
implant: spawn cmd in user context [wx64_pscmd_user].
implant: stability improvements for Win8+ [wx64_pscreate, wx64_pscmd, wx64_pscmd_user].
other: load kmd by compiling and inserting .ko on linux [ pcileech_kmd/linux ].
other: firmware flash support in Windows.
Version 1.2
New functionality, updates and bug fixes.
Version 1.1
New functionality, updates and bug fixes.
Initial Release
Initial Release after DEF CON 24 talk.