diff --git a/.github/linters/.python-lint b/.github/linters/.python-lint new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..748b19b49c --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/linters/.python-lint @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +[MASTER] +errors-only= + +# A comma-separated list of package or module names from where C extensions may +# be loaded. Extensions are loading into the active Python interpreter and may +# run arbitrary code +extension-pkg-whitelist= + +# Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should be base names, not +# paths. +ignore=CVS + +# Add files or directories matching the regex patterns to the blacklist. The +# regex matches against base names, not paths. +ignore-patterns= + +# Python code to execute, usually for sys.path manipulation such as +# pygtk.require(). +#init-hook= + +# Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. +jobs=1 + +# List of plugins (as comma separated values of python modules names) to load, +# usually to register additional checkers. +load-plugins= + +# Pickle collected data for later comparisons. +persistent=yes + +# Specify a configuration file. +#rcfile= + +# When enabled, pylint would attempt to guess common misconfiguration and emit +# user-friendly hints instead of false-positive error messages +suggestion-mode=yes + +# Allow loading of arbitrary C extensions. Extensions are imported into the +# active Python interpreter and may run arbitrary code. +unsafe-load-any-extension=no + + +[MESSAGES CONTROL] + +# Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels. Leave empty to show +# all. Valid levels: HIGH, INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE, UNDEFINED +confidence= + +# Disable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You +# can either give multiple identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this +# option multiple times (only on the command line, not in the configuration +# file where it should appear only once).You can also use "--disable=all" to +# disable everything first and then reenable specific checks. For example, if +# you want to run only the similarities checker, you can use "--disable=all +# --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the classes checker, but have +# no Warning level messages displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes +# --disable=W" +disable=raw-checker-failed, + bad-inline-option, + locally-disabled, + file-ignored, + suppressed-message, + useless-suppression, + deprecated-pragma, + E0401, + +# Enable the message, report, category or checker with the given id(s). You can +# either give multiple identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option +# multiple time (only on the command line, not in the configuration file where +# it should appear only once). See also the "--disable" option for examples. +enable=c-extension-no-member + + +[REPORTS] + +# Python expression which should return a note less than 10 (10 is the highest +# note). You have access to the variables errors warning, statement which +# respectively contain the number of errors / warnings messages and the total +# number of statements analyzed. This is used by the global evaluation report +# (RP0004). +evaluation=10.0 - ((float(5 * error + warning + refactor + convention) / statement) * 10) + +# Template used to display messages. This is a python new-style format string +# used to format the message information. See doc for all details +#msg-template= + +# Set the output format. Available formats are text, parseable, colorized, json +# and msvs (visual studio).You can also give a reporter class, eg +# mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. +output-format=text + +# Tells whether to display a full report or only the messages +reports=no + +# Activate the evaluation score. +score=no + + +[REFACTORING] + +# Maximum number of nested blocks for function / method body +max-nested-blocks=5 + +# Complete name of functions that never returns. When checking for +# inconsistent-return-statements if a never returning function is called then +# it will be considered as an explicit return statement and no message will be +# printed. +never-returning-functions=optparse.Values,sys.exit + + +[VARIABLES] + +# List of additional names supposed to be defined in builtins. Remember that +# you should avoid to define new builtins when possible. +additional-builtins= + +# Tells whether unused global variables should be treated as a violation. +allow-global-unused-variables=yes + +# List of strings which can identify a callback function by name. A callback +# name must start or end with one of those strings. +callbacks=cb_, + _cb + +# A regular expression matching the name of dummy variables (i.e. expectedly +# not used). +dummy-variables-rgx=_+$|(_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?$)|dummy|^ignored_|^unused_ + +# Argument names that match this expression will be ignored. Default to name +# with leading underscore +ignored-argument-names=_.*|^ignored_|^unused_ + +# Tells whether we should check for unused import in __init__ files. +init-import=no + +# List of qualified module names which can have objects that can redefine +# builtins. +redefining-builtins-modules=six.moves,past.builtins,future.builtins + + +[LOGGING] + +# Logging modules to check that the string format arguments are in logging +# function parameter format +logging-modules=logging + + +[TYPECHECK] + +# List of decorators that produce context managers, such as +# contextlib.contextmanager. Add to this list to register other decorators that +# produce valid context managers. +contextmanager-decorators=contextlib.contextmanager + +# List of members which are set dynamically and missed by pylint inference +# system, and so shouldn't trigger E1101 when accessed. Python regular +# expressions are accepted. +generated-members= + +# Tells whether missing members accessed in mixin class should be ignored. A +# mixin class is detected if its name ends with "mixin" (case insensitive). +ignore-mixin-members=yes + +# This flag controls whether pylint should warn about no-member and similar +# checks whenever an opaque object is returned when inferring. The inference +# can return multiple potential results while evaluating a Python object, but +# some branches might not be evaluated, which results in partial inference. In +# that case, it might be useful to still emit no-member and other checks for +# the rest of the inferred objects. +ignore-on-opaque-inference=yes + +# List of class names for which member attributes should not be checked (useful +# for classes with dynamically set attributes). This supports the use of +# qualified names. +ignored-classes=optparse.Values,thread._local,_thread._local + +# List of module names for which member attributes should not be checked +# (useful for modules/projects where namespaces are manipulated during runtime +# and thus existing member attributes cannot be deduced by static analysis. It +# supports qualified module names, as well as Unix pattern matching. +ignored-modules= + +# Show a hint with possible names when a member name was not found. The aspect +# of finding the hint is based on edit distance. +missing-member-hint=yes + +# The minimum edit distance a name should have in order to be considered a +# similar match for a missing member name. +missing-member-hint-distance=1 + +# The total number of similar names that should be taken in consideration when +# showing a hint for a missing member. +missing-member-max-choices=1 + + +[MISCELLANEOUS] + +# List of note tags to take in consideration, separated by a comma. +notes=FIXME, + XXX, + TODO + + +[BASIC] + +# Naming style matching correct argument names +argument-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct argument names. Overrides argument- +# naming-style +#argument-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct attribute names +attr-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct attribute names. Overrides attr-naming- +# style +#attr-rgx= + +# Bad variable names which should always be refused, separated by a comma +bad-names=foo, + bar, + baz, + toto, + tutu, + tata + +# Naming style matching correct class attribute names +class-attribute-naming-style=any + +# Regular expression matching correct class attribute names. Overrides class- +# attribute-naming-style +#class-attribute-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct class names +class-naming-style=PascalCase + +# Regular expression matching correct class names. Overrides class-naming-style +#class-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct constant names +const-naming-style=UPPER_CASE + +# Regular expression matching correct constant names. Overrides const-naming- +# style +#const-rgx= + +# Minimum line length for functions/classes that require docstrings, shorter +# ones are exempt. +docstring-min-length=-1 + +# Naming style matching correct function names +function-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct function names. Overrides function- +# naming-style +#function-rgx= + +# Good variable names which should always be accepted, separated by a comma +good-names=i, + j, + k, + ex, + Run, + _ + +# Include a hint for the correct naming format with invalid-name +include-naming-hint=no + +# Naming style matching correct inline iteration names +inlinevar-naming-style=any + +# Regular expression matching correct inline iteration names. Overrides +# inlinevar-naming-style +#inlinevar-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct method names +method-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct method names. Overrides method-naming- +# style +#method-rgx= + +# Naming style matching correct module names +module-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct module names. Overrides module-naming- +# style +#module-rgx= + +# Colon-delimited sets of names that determine each other's naming style when +# the name regexes allow several styles. +name-group= + +# Regular expression which should only match function or class names that do +# not require a docstring. +no-docstring-rgx=^_ + +# List of decorators that produce properties, such as abc.abstractproperty. Add +# to this list to register other decorators that produce valid properties. +property-classes=abc.abstractproperty + +# Naming style matching correct variable names +variable-naming-style=snake_case + +# Regular expression matching correct variable names. Overrides variable- +# naming-style +#variable-rgx= + + +[SPELLING] + +# Limits count of emitted suggestions for spelling mistakes +max-spelling-suggestions=4 + +# Spelling dictionary name. Available dictionaries: none. To make it working +# install python-enchant package. +spelling-dict= + +# List of comma separated words that should not be checked. +spelling-ignore-words= + +# A path to a file that contains private dictionary; one word per line. +spelling-private-dict-file= + +# Tells whether to store unknown words to indicated private dictionary in +# --spelling-private-dict-file option instead of raising a message. +spelling-store-unknown-words=no + + +[FORMAT] + +# Expected format of line ending, e.g. empty (any line ending), LF or CRLF. +expected-line-ending-format= + +# Regexp for a line that is allowed to be longer than the limit. +ignore-long-lines=^\s*(# )??$ + +# Number of spaces of indent required inside a hanging or continued line. +indent-after-paren=4 + +# String used as indentation unit. This is usually " " (4 spaces) or "\t" (1 +# tab). +indent-string=' ' + +# Maximum number of characters on a single line. +max-line-length=150 + +# Maximum number of lines in a module +max-module-lines=1000 + +# Allow the body of a class to be on the same line as the declaration if body +# contains single statement. +single-line-class-stmt=no + +# Allow the body of an if to be on the same line as the test if there is no +# else. +single-line-if-stmt=no + + +[SIMILARITIES] + +# Ignore comments when computing similarities. +ignore-comments=yes + +# Ignore docstrings when computing similarities. +ignore-docstrings=yes + +# Ignore imports when computing similarities. +ignore-imports=no + +# Minimum lines number of a similarity. +min-similarity-lines=4 + + +[DESIGN] + +# Maximum number of arguments for function / method +max-args=5 + +# Maximum number of attributes for a class (see R0902). +max-attributes=7 + +# Maximum number of boolean expressions in a if statement +max-bool-expr=5 + +# Maximum number of branch for function / method body +max-branches=12 + +# Maximum number of locals for function / method body +max-locals=15 + +# Maximum number of parents for a class (see R0901). +max-parents=7 + +# Maximum number of public methods for a class (see R0904). +max-public-methods=20 + +# Maximum number of return / yield for function / method body +max-returns=6 + +# Maximum number of statements in function / method body +max-statements=50 + +# Minimum number of public methods for a class (see R0903). +min-public-methods=2 + + +[IMPORTS] + +# Allow wildcard imports from modules that define __all__. +allow-wildcard-with-all=no + +# Analyse import fallback blocks. This can be used to support both Python 2 and +# 3 compatible code, which means that the block might have code that exists +# only in one or another interpreter, leading to false positives when analysed. +analyse-fallback-blocks=no + +# Deprecated modules which should not be used, separated by a comma +deprecated-modules=regsub, + TERMIOS, + Bastion, + rexec + +# Create a graph of external dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +ext-import-graph= + +# Create a graph of every (i.e. internal and external) dependencies in the +# given file (report RP0402 must not be disabled) +import-graph= + +# Create a graph of internal dependencies in the given file (report RP0402 must +# not be disabled) +int-import-graph= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of the standard +# compatibility libraries. +known-standard-library= + +# Force import order to recognize a module as part of a third party library. +known-third-party=enchant + + +[CLASSES] + +# List of method names used to declare (i.e. assign) instance attributes. +defining-attr-methods=__init__, + __new__, + setUp + +# List of member names, which should be excluded from the protected access +# warning. +exclude-protected=_asdict, + _fields, + _replace, + _source, + _make + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a class method. +valid-classmethod-first-arg=cls + +# List of valid names for the first argument in a metaclass class method. +valid-metaclass-classmethod-first-arg=mcs + + +[EXCEPTIONS] + +# Exceptions that will emit a warning when being caught. Defaults to +# "Exception" +overgeneral-exceptions=builtins.Exception + + diff --git a/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml b/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..afcac43957 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/linters/.yaml-lint.yml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +--- + +extends: default + +rules: + braces: + level: warning + max-spaces-inside: 1 + brackets: + level: warning + max-spaces-inside: 1 + colons: + level: warning + commas: disable + comments: disable + comments-indentation: disable + document-start: disable + empty-lines: + level: warning + hyphens: + level: warning + indentation: + level: warning + indent-sequences: consistent + line-length: disable + truthy: disable + trailing-spaces: disable + diff --git a/.github/workflows/aux.yml b/.github/workflows/aux.yml index 49449097a3..b9262bd816 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/aux.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/aux.yml @@ -18,43 +18,42 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - - name: Share helper id - run: echo -n ${{ github.run_id }} >~/id_file + - name: Share helper id + run: echo -n ${{ github.run_id }} >~/id_file - - uses: actions/cache@v2 - with: - path: ~/id_file - key: helperid-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} + - uses: actions/cache@v2 + with: + path: ~/id_file + key: helperid-${{ github.event.workflow_run.id }} repocheck: name: Repo check runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 steps: - - name: Check up-to-dateness and post comment - run: | - trap 'echo "exit-code=$?" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"' EXIT - head_sha=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} - head_brc=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} - head_url=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.html_url }} - git clone -q -b $head_brc $head_url . - git checkout -q $head_sha - git submodule -q update --init --recursive - cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci - url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY - pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ - | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') - echo "pr_number is $pr_number" - pr_uid=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.owner.login }} - echo "pr_uid is $pr_uid" - ./repo_check.sh - #comment="$(./repo_check.sh 2>/dev/null)" - #echo "comment is $comment" - #if [[ -n $comment ]]; then - # curl -sS -X POST -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ - # $url/issues/$pr_number/comments -d '{"body": "'"${comment}"'"}' - # echo -n "failure" >~/repocheck_file - #else - # echo -n "success" >~/repocheck_file - #fi - + - name: Check up-to-dateness and post comment + run: | + trap 'echo "exit-code=$?" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"' EXIT + head_sha=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} + head_brc=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} + head_url=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.html_url }} + git clone -q -b $head_brc $head_url . + git checkout -q $head_sha + git submodule -q update --init --recursive + cd ${{ github.workspace }}/tests/ci + url=$GITHUB_API_URL/repos/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY + pr_number=$(curl -sS -H $app $url/pulls \ + | jq -r '.[] | select(.head.sha == "'"$head_sha"'") | .number') + echo "pr_number is $pr_number" + pr_uid=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.repo.owner.login }} + echo "pr_uid is $pr_uid" + ./repo_check.sh + #comment="$(./repo_check.sh 2>/dev/null)" + #echo "comment is $comment" + #if [[ -n $comment ]]; then + # curl -sS -X POST -H $app -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \ + # $url/issues/$pr_number/comments -d '{"body": "'"${comment}"'"}' + # echo -n "failure" >~/repocheck_file + #else + # echo -n "success" >~/repocheck_file + #fi diff --git a/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml b/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml index 4b1ffea8d2..a3d92fc835 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/superlinter.yml @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ jobs: - name: Super-Linter uses: super-linter/super-linter@v6.3.0 env: - LINTER_RULES_PATH: / + LINTER_RULES_PATH: '.github/linters/' DEFAULT_BRANCH: origin/develop GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE: .*(tests/fv3_conf/.*|tests/ci/.*|tests/auto/.*|tests/auto-jenkins/.*|tests/opnReqTests/.*|tests/opnReqTest|tests/atparse.bash).* @@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ jobs: #VALIDATE_GITHUB_ACTIONS: true #VALIDATE_LUA: true #VALIDATE_MARKDOWN: true - #VALIDATE_PYTHON_PYLINT: true - #VALIDATE_YAML: true + VALIDATE_PYTHON_PYLINT: true + VALIDATE_YAML: true diff --git a/FV3 b/FV3 index aa1484378d..66bded5b3e 160000 --- a/FV3 +++ b/FV3 @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit aa1484378de6cc665910b63a691a1475809f6bb3 +Subproject commit 66bded5b3e6fefc181f7df433acd18c392267311 diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst index 0ac0044002..d43ca7943a 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/Glossary.rst @@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ Glossary Global atmospheric model based on fluid dynamics principles, including Euler's equations of motion. EMC - The `Environmental Modeling Center `_ is one of :term:`NCEP`'s nine centers and leads the :term:`National Weather Service `'s modeling efforts. + The `Environmental Modeling Center `__ is one of :term:`NCEP`'s nine centers and leads the :term:`National Weather Service `'s modeling efforts. + ESMF `Earth System Modeling Framework `__. The ESMF defines itself as "a suite of software tools for developing high-performance, multi-component Earth science modeling applications." It is a community-developed software infrastructure for building and coupling models. diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst index fbf767c263..c4a79ed5f8 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/InputsOutputs.rst @@ -1304,6 +1304,26 @@ These field section entries are described in :numref:`Table %s ` contains links to the full set of options for each WM component. + +.. _diag-table-options: + +.. list-table:: * *diag_table* Options for WM Components* + :widths: 16 24 24 + :header-rows: 1 + + * - WM Component + - Diag Table + - Source File + * - FV3 + - :ref:`FV3 Variables ` + - `GFS_diagnostics.F90 `_ + * - MOM6 + - `MOM6 Variables `_ + - `MOM_diagnostics.F90 `_ + + A brief example of the diag_table is shown below. ``"..."`` denotes where lines have been removed. .. _code-block-fv3-diag-table: diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py b/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py index 546afb385f..ea5e7cf860 100644 --- a/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/conf.py @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ ] # Ignore working links that cause a linkcheck 403 error. linkcheck_ignore = [r'https://agupubs\.onlinelibrary\.wiley\.com/doi/10\.1029/2020MS002260', + r'https://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/*', ] # -- Options for HTML output ------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..38435af1b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3_diag_table.rst @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +:orphan: + +.. _fv3diagtable: + +**************************** +FV3 Weather Model Variables +**************************** + + +.. csv-table:: + :file: fv3diagtable.csv + :widths: 10, 15 + :header-rows: 1 diff --git a/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6016da5c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/UsersGuide/source/tables/fv3diagtable.csv @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ +Variable,Description +cldfra2d,Instantaneous 2D (max-in-column) fraction +total_albedo,Total sky albedo at top of atmosphere +lwp_ex,Total liquid water path from explicit microphysics +iwp_ex,Total ice water path from explicit microphysics +lwp_fc,Total liquid water path from cloud fraction scheme +iwp_fc,Total ice water path from cloud fraction scheme +ALBDO_ave,Surface albedo +DLWRF,Surface downward longwave flux +DLWRFI,Instantanous surface downward longwave flux +ULWRF,Surface upward longwave flux +DSWRFItoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere downward shortwave flux +USWRFtoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere upward shortwave flux +ULWRFtoa,Instantaneous top of atmosphere upward longwave flux +ULWRFI,Instantaneous surface upward longwave flux +DSWRF,Averaged surface downward shortwave flux +DSWRFI,Instantaneous surface downward shortwave flux +USWRF,Averaged surface upward shortwave flux +USWRFI,Instantaneous surface upward shortwave flux +duvb_ave,UV-B downward solar flux +cduvb_ave,Clear sky UV-B downward solar flux +vbdsf_ave,Visible beam downward solar flux +vddsf_ave,Visible diffuse downward solar flux +nbdsf_ave,Near infrared beam downward solar flux +nddsf_ave,Near infrared diffuse downward solar flux +csulf_avetoa,Clear sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere +csusf_avetoa,Clear sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere +csdlf_ave,Clear sky downward longwave flux +csusf_ave,Clear sky upward shortwave flux +csdsf_ave,Clear sky downward shortwave flux +csulf_ave,Clear sky upward longwave flux +DSWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere downward shortwave flux +USWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere upward shortwave flux +ULWRFtoa,Top of atmosphere upward longwave flux +TCDC-aveclm,Atmosphere column total cloud cover +TCDC_avebndcl,Boundary layer cloud layer total cloud cover +TCDCcnvcl,Convective cloud layer total cloud cover +PREScnvclt,Pressure at convective cloud top level +PREScnvclb,Pressure at convective cloud bottom level +TCDC_avehcl,High cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avehct,Pressure high cloud top level +PRES_avehcb,Pressure high cloud bottom level +TEMP_avehct,Temperature at high cloud top level +TCDC_avemcl,Mid-cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avemct,Pressure at middle cloud top level +PRES_avemcb,Pressure at middle cloud bottom level +TEMP_avemct,Temperature middle cloud top level +TCDC_avelcl,Low cloud level total cloud cover +PRES_avelct,Pressure low cloud top level +PRES_avelcb,Pressure at low cloud bottom level +TEMP_avelct,Temperature at low cloud top level +AOD_550,Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +DU_AOD_550,Dust aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +BC_AOD_550,Soot aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +OC_AOD_550,Water soluble aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +SU_AOD_550,Sulfate aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +SS_AOD_550,Salt aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +aod,Total aerosol optical depth at 550 nm +fluxr,Fluxr diagnostic - GFS radiation +sw_upfxc,Total sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +sw_dnfxc,Total sky downward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +sw_upfx0,Clear sky upward shortwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +lw_upfxc,Total sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +lw_upfx0,Clear sky upward longwave flux at top of atmosphere - GFS radiation +ssrun_acc,Accumulated surface storm water runoff +evbs_ave,Direct evaporation from bare soil +evcw_ave,Canopy water evaporation +snohf,Snow phase change heat flux +pah_ave,Total precipitation advected heat +trans_ave,Transpiration +sbsno_ave,Sublimation (evaporation from snow) +snowc_ave,Snow cover - GFS lsm +snowc,Snow cover +soilm,Total column soil moisture content +tmpmin2m,Min temperature at 2 meters (height) +tmpmax2m,Max temperature at 2 meters (height) +dusfc,Surface zonal momentum flux +dvsfc,Surface meridional momentum flux +shtfl_ave,Surface sensible heat flux +lhtfl_ave,Surface latent heat flux +totprcp_ave,Surface precipitation rate +totprcpb_ave,Bucket surface precipitation rate +gflux_ave,Surface ground heat flux +dlwsfc,Time-accumulated downward longwave flux at surface +ulwsfc,Time-accumulated upward longwave flux at surface +sunsd_acc,Sunshine duration +watr_acc,Total water runoff +ecan_acc,Total evaporation of intercepted water +etran_acc,Total plant transpiration +edir_acc,Total soil surface evaporation +wa_acc,Total water storage in aquifer +pevpr_ave,Averaged potential evaporation rate +cwork_ave,Cloud work function (valid only with sas) +u-gwd_ave,Surface zonal gravity wave stress +v-gwd_ave,Surface meridional gravity wave stress +psmean,Surface pressure +cnvprcp_ave,Averaged surface convective precipitation rate +cnvprcpb_ave,Averaged bucket surface convective precipitation rate +cnvprcp,Surface convective precipitation rate +spfhmin2m,Minimum specific humidity at 2m +spfhmax2m,Maximum specific humidity at 2m +u10mmax,Maximum (magnitude) u-wind at 10m above ground level (AGL) +v10mmax,Maximum (magnitude) v-wind at 10m AGL +wind10mmax,Maximum wind speed at 10m AGL +u10max,Hourly maximum (magnitude) u-wind +v10max,Hourly maximum (magnitude) v-wind +spd10max,Hourly maximum wind speed +t02max,Maximum hourly temperature at 2 meters +t02min,Minimum hourly temperature at 2 meters +rh02max,Maximum hourly relative humidity at 2 meters +rh02min,Minimum hourly relative humidity at 2 meters +pratemax,Maximum hourly precipitation rate +frzr,Accumulated surface freezing rain +frzrb,Accumulated surface freezing rain in bucket +frozr,Accumulated surface graupel +frozrb,Accumulated surface graupel in bucket +tsnowp,Accumulated surface snow +tsnowpb,Accumulated surface snow in bucket +rhonewsn,Precipitation ice density +rain,Total rain at this time step +rainc,Convective rain at this time step +ice,Ice fall at this time step +snow,Snow fall at this time step +graupel,Graupel fall at this time step +totice_ave,Surface ice precipitation rate +toticeb_ave,Bucket surface ice precipitation rate +totsnw_ave,Surface snow precipitation rate +totsnwb_ave,Bucket surface snow precipitation rate +totgrp_ave,Surface graupel precipitation rate +totgrpb_ave,Bucket surface graupel precipitation rate +sfcdlw,Total sky to surface downward longwave flux +htrlw,Total sky longwave heating rate +lwhc,Clear sky longwave heating rate +u10m,10 meter u wind +v10m,10 meter v wind +dpt2m,2 meter dewpoint temperature +hgt_hyblev1,Layer 1 height +psurf,Surface pressure +hpbl,Surface planetary boundary layer height +pwat,Atmosphere column precipitable water +tmp_hyblev1,Layer 1 temperature +spfh_hyblev1,Layer 1 specific humidity +ugrd-hyblev1,Layer 1 zonal wind +vgrd-hyblev1,Layer 1 meridional wind +sfexc,Exchange coefficient +acond,Aerodynamic conductance +dlwsfci,Instantaneous surface downward longwave flux +ulwsfci,Instantaneous surface upward longwave flux +dswsfci,Instantaneous surface downward shortwave flux +uswsfci,Instantaneous surface upward shortwave flux +dusfci,Instantaneous u component of surface stress +dvsfci,Instantaneous v component of surface stress +shtfl,Instantaneous surface sensible heat net flux +lhtfl,Instantaneous surface latent heat net flux +gfluxi,Instantaneous surface ground heat flux +wilt,Wilting point (volumetric) +fldcp,Field capacity (volumetric) +pahi,Instantaneous precipitation advected heat flux +pevpr,Instantaneous surface potential evaporation +wet1,Normalized soil wetness +cpofp,Precent frozen precipitation +crain_ave,Averaged categorical rain +csnow_ave,Averaged categorical snow +cfrzr_ave,Averaged categorical freezing rain +cicep_ave,Averaged categorical sleet +refl_10cm,Radar reflectivity +max_hail_diam_sfc,Maximum hail diameter at lowest model level +dkt,Atmospheric heat diffusivity +dku,Atmospheric momentum diffusivity +cldfra,Instantaneous 3D cloud fraction +cnvw,Subgrid scale convective cloud water +skebu_wts,Perturbation velocity - u component +skebv_wts,Perturbation velocity - v component +zmtnblck,Level of dividing streamline +refdmax,Max hourly 1-kilometer above ground level reflectivity +refdmax263k,Max hourly -10C reflectivity +sppt_wts,Perturbation velocity (from the SPPT `stochastic physics `_ scheme) +shum_wts,Perturbation velocity (from the SHUM `stochastic physics `_ scheme) +spp_wts_pbl,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - planetary boundary layer +spp_wts_sfc,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - surface physics + +spp_wts_mp,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - microphysics +spp_wts_gwd,Stochastically perturbed parameterization - gravity wave drag +spp_wts_rad,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) - radiation +spp_wts_cu_deep,Stochastically perturbed parameterization weights (magnitude) for deep convection +sfc_wts,Perturbation amplitude +ca1,Cellular automata +ca_deep,Cellular automaton deep convection +ca_turb,Cellular automaton turbulence +ca_shal,Cellular automaton shallow convection +ca_rad,Cellular automaton radiation +ca_micro,Cellular automaton microphysics +lakefrac,Lake fraction +lakedepth,Lake depth +T_snow,Temperature of snow on a lake +T_ice,Temperature of ice on a lake +use_lake_model,Lake model flag +lake_is_salty,Lake point is considered salty by CLM lake model +lake_cannot_freeze,CLM lake model considers the point to be so salty it cannot freeze +lake_t2m,Temperature at 2 meters from lake model +lake_q2m,2m specific humidity from lake model +lake_albedo,Mid-day surface albedo over lake +lake_h2osno2d,Water equivalent of accumulated snow depth over lake +lake_sndpth2d,Actual accumulated snow depth over lake in CLM lake model +lake_snl2d,Snow layers in CLM lake model (treated as integer) +lake_tsfc,Skin temperature from CLM lake model +lake_savedtke12d,Top level eddy conductivity from previous timestep in CLM lake model +lake_ht,Lake height +zmtb,Height of dividing streamline +zogw,Height of orographic gravity wave (OGW) launch +zlwb,Height of low-level wave breaking +tau_ogw,Orographic gravity wave vertical momentum flux at launch level +tau_mtb,Orographic mountain blocking integrated flux from surface +tau_tofd,Turbulent orographic form drag integrated flux from surface +tau_ngw,Non-stationary gravity waves momentum flux at launch level +du3dt_pbl_ugwp,U-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +dv3dt_pbl_ugwp,V-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +dt3dt_pbl_ugwp,T-tendency due to planetary boundary layer physics +uav_ugwp,U-daily mean for unified gravity wave physics +tav_ugwp,T-daily mean for unified gravity wave physics +du3dt_ogw,Averaged E-W orographic gravity wave tendency +du3dt_ngw,Averaged E-W non-stationary gravity waves tendency +du3dt_mtb,Averaged E-W mountain blocking tendency +du3dt_tms,Averaged E-W turbulent orographic form drag tendency +dudt_tot,Averaged E-W dycore-tendency +dtdt_tot,Averaged temperature dycore-tendency +dudt_ogw,X wind tendency from mesoscale orographic gravity wave form drag +dvdt_ogw,Y wind tendency from mesoscale orographic gravity wave form drag +dudt_obl,X wind tendency from blocking drag +dvdt_obl,Y wind tendency from blocking drag +du_ogwcol,Integrated x momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave +dv_ogwcol,Integrated y momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave +du_oblcol,Integrated x momentum flux from blocking drag +dv_oblcol,Integrated y momentum flux from blocking drag +dws3dt_ogw,Averaged wind speed tendency due to mesoscale gravity wave drag +dws3dt_obl,Averaged wind speed tendency due to blocking drag +dudt_oss,X wind tendency from small scale gravity wave drag +dvdt_oss,Y wind tendency from small scale gravity wave drag +dudt_ofd,X wind tendency from form drag +dcdt_ofd,Y wind tendency from form drag +dws3dt_oss,Averaged wind speed tendency due to small-scale gravity wave drag +dws3dt_ofd,Averaged wind speed tendency due to turbulent orographic form drag +ldu3dt_ogw,Averaged x wind tendency due to mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +ldu3dt_obl,Averaged x wind tendency due to blocking drag +ldu3dt_ofd,Averaged x wind tendency due to form drag +ldu3dt_oss,Averaged x wind tendency due to small-scale gravity wave drag +du_osscol,Integrated x momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +dv_osscol,Integrated y momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +du_ofdcol,Integrated x momentum flux from form drag +dv_ofdcol,Integrated y momentum flux from form drag +du3_ogwcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +dv3_ogwcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from mesoscale orographic gravity wave drag +du3_oblcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from blocking drag +dv3_oblcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from blocking drag +du3_osscol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +dv3_osscol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from small-scale gravity wave drag +du3_ofdcol,Time averaged surface x momentum flux from form drag +dv3_ofdcol,Time averaged surface y momentum flux from form drag +ldu3dt_ngw,Time averaged u momentum tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +ldv3dt_ngw,Time averaged v momentum tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +ldt3dt_ngw,Time averaged temperature tendency due to non-stationary gravity wave drag +upd_mf,Updraft convective mass flux +dwn_mf,Downdraft convective mass flux +det_mf,Detrainment convective mass flux +alnsf,Mean near-infrared albedo with strong cos(z) dependency +alnwf,Mean near-infrared albedo with weak cos(z) dependency +alvsf,Mean visible albedo with strong cos(z) dependency +alvwf,Mean visible albedo with weak cos(z) dependency +canopy,Canopy water (``cnwat`` in GFS data) +f10m,10-meter wind speed divided by lowest model wind speed +facsf,Fractional coverage with strong cos(z) dependency +facwf,Fractional coverage with weak cos(z) dependency +ffhh,FH parameter from planetary boundary layer scheme +ffmm,FM parameter from planetary boundary layer scheme +uustar,U-uStar surface frictional wind +slope,Surface slope type +fice,Surface ice concentration (ice=1; no ice=0) +hice,Sea ice thickness (``icetk`` in ``gfs_data``) +snoalb,Maximum snow albedo in fraction +shdmax,Maximum fractional coverage of green vegetation +shdmin,Minimum fractional coverage of green vegetation +snowd,Surface snow depth +sbsno,Instantaneous sublimation (evaporation from snow) +evbs,Instantaneous direct evaporation over land +evcw,Instantaneous canopy evaporation +trans,Instantaneous transpiration +sfalb,Surface albedo over land +rhofr,Density of frozen precipitation +snowfall_acc_land,Total accumulated frozen precipitation over land +acsnow_land,Total accumulated SWE (snow water equivalent) of frozen precipitation over land +snowmt_land,Accumulated snow melt over land +snowfall_acc_ice,Total accumulated frozen precipitation over ice +acsnow_ice,Total accumulated SWE (snow water equivalent) of frozen precipitaton over ice +snowmt_ice,Accumulated snow melt over ice +crain,Instantaneous categorical rain +stype,Soil type in integer 1-9 +scolor,Soil color in integer 1-20 +lfrac,Land fraction +q2m,2 meter specific humidity +t2m,2 meter temperature +tsfc,Surface temperature +usfco,Surface zonal current +vsfco,Surface meridional current +tiice,Internal ice temperature layer +tg3,Deep soil temperature +tisfc,Surface temperature over ice fraction +tprcp,Total time-step precipitation +vtype,Vegetation type in integer +weasd,Surface snow water equivalent +weasdi,Surface snow water equivalent over ice +snodi,Snow depth over ice +hgtsfc,Surface geopotential height +slmsksfc,"Sea-land-ice mask (0-sea, 1-land, 2-ice)" +zorlsfc,Surface roughness +vfracsfc,Vegetation fraction +wetness,Soil moisture availability in top soil layer +nirbmdi,Surface near infrared beam shortwave downward flux +nirdfdi,Surface near infrared differential shortwave downward flux +visbmdi,Surface uv+visible beam shortwave downward flux +visdfdi,Surface uv+visible differential shortwave downward flux +xlaixy,Leaf area index +vfrac,Fraction of vegetation category +sfrac,Fraction of soil category +slc,Liquid soil moisture +soill,Liquid soil moisture +soilw,Volumetric soil moisture +soilt,Soil temperature +tref, Near Sea Surface Temperature (NSST) reference or foundation temperature +z_c,NSST sub-layer cooling thickness +c_0,NSST coefficient1 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +c_d,NSST coefficient2 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +w_0,NSST coefficient3 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +w_d,NSST coefficient4 to calculate d(tz)/d(ts) +xt,NSST heat content in diurnal thermocline layer +xs,NSST salinity content in diurnal thermocline layer +xu,NSST u-current content in diurnal thermocline layer +xv,NSST v-current content in diurnal thermocline layer +xz,NSST diurnal thermocline layer thickness +zm,NSST mixed layer thickness +xtts,NSST d(xt)/d(ts) +xzts,NSST d(xz)/d(ts) +d_conv,NSST thickness of free convection layer +ifd,NSST index to start diurnal thermocline layer model (DTLM) run or not +dt_cool,NSST sub-layer cooling amount +qrain,NSST sensible heat flux due to rainfall +nwfa,Number concentration of water-friendly aerosols +nwfa2d,Water-friendly surface aerosol source +nifa,Number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols +nifa2d,Ice-friendly surface aerosol source +thompson_diag3d,Thompson extended diagnostics array +fire_heat,Surface fire heat flux +burned,Ratio of the burnt area to the grid cell area +emdust,Emission of fine dust for smoke +emseas,Emission of sea salt for smoke +emanoc,Anthropogenic organic carbon (anoc) emission for Thompson microphysics +coef_bb_dc,Coefficient bb for smoke +min_fplume,Minimum smoke plume height +max_fplume,Maximum smoke plume height +HWP,Hourly fire weather potential +HWP_ave,Averaged fire weather potential +uspdavg,Boundary layer average wind speed +hpbl_thetav,Boundary layer depth modified parcel method +drydep_smoke,Dry deposition smoke +drydep_dust,Dry deposition dust +drydep_coarsepm,Dry deposition coarse pm +wetdpr_smoke,Resolved wet deposition smoke +wetdpr_dust,Resolved wet deposition dust +wetdpr_coarsepm,Resolved wet deposition coarse particulate matter +wetdpc_smoke,Convective wet deposition smoke +wetdpc_dust,Convective wet deposition dust +wetdpc_coarsepm,Convective wet deposition coarse particulate matter +peak_hr,Hour of peak smoke emissions +fire_type,Fire type +lu_nofire,Land use (lu) nofire pixes +lu_qfire,Land use (lu) qfire pixes +fhist,Coefficient to scale the fire activity depending on the fire duration +fire_end_hr,Hours since fire was last detected +ebb_smoke_in,Input smoke emission +frp_output,Output fire radiative power +ebb_rate,Total EBB carbon emissions +frp_davg,Daily mean fire radiative power +hwp_davg,Daily mean hourly wildfire potential +ebu_smoke,Smoke emission +ext550,3D total extinction at 550nm +radar_tten,Temperature tendency due to digital filter initialization (DFI) radar tendencies +ltg1_max,Max lightning threat 1 +ltg2_max,Max lightning threat 2 +ltg3_max,Max lightning threat 3 +cleffr,Effective radius of cloud liquid water particle in micrometers +cieffr,Effective radius of stratiform cloud ice particle in micrometers +cseffr,Effective radius of stratiform cloud snow particle in micrometers +ztop_plume,Height of highest plume +maxmf,Maximum mass-flux in column +maxwidth,Maximum width of plumes in grid column +zol,Monin-Obukhov surface stability parameter +flhc,Surface exchange coefficient for heat +flqc,Surface exchange coefficient for moisture +CLDFRA_BL,Subgrid cloud fraction +QC_BL,Subgrid cloud mixing ratio +EL_PBL,Turbulent mixing length +QKE,2 X TKE (Turbulent Kinetic Energy) (from MYNN) +edmf_a,Updraft area fraction (from MYNN) +edmf_w,Mean updraft vertical velocity (from MYNN) +edmf_qt,Updraft total water (from MYNN) +edmf_thl,Mean liquid potential temperature (from MYNN) +edmf_ent,Updraft entrainment rate (from MYNN) +edmf_qc,Mean updraft liquid water (from MYNN) +sub_thl,Subsidence temperature tendency (from MYNN) +sub_sqv,Subsidence water vapor tendency (from MYNN) +det_thl,Detrainment temperature tendency (from MYNN) +det_sqv,Detrainment water vapor tendency (from MYNN) +aux2d,Auxiliary 2D array +aux3d,Auxiliary 3D array +lake_snow_z3d,Lake snow level depth +lake_snow_dz3d,Lake snow level thickness +lake_snow_zi3d,Lake snow interface depth +lake_h2osoi_vol3d,Volumetric soil water +lake_h2osoi_liq3d,Soil liquid water content +lake_h2osoi_ice3d,Soil ice water content +lake_t_soisno3d,Snow or soil level temperature +lake_t_lake3d,Lake layer temperature +lake_icefrac3d,Lake fractional ice cover diff --git a/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml b/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..18acbf67c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/baseline_setup.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +hera: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: + dprefix: /scratch1/NCEPDEV + DISKNM: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4 + PTMP: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2 + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +orion: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: orion + dprefix: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER} + DISKNM: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp + PTMP: /work/noaa/stmp/${USER}/stmp + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +hercules: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: hercules + dprefix: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + DISKNM: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + PTMP: /work2/noaa/stmp/${USER} + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +gaea: + QUEUE: normal + COMPILE_QUEUE: normal + PARTITION: c5 + dprefix: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER} + DISKNM: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT + STMP: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER}/RT_BASELINE + PTMP: /gpfs/f5/${ACCNR}/scratch/${USER}/RT_RUNDIR + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +jet: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: xjet + dprefix: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER} + DISKNM: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT + STMP: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER}/RT_BASELINE + PTMP: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/${USER}/RT_RUNDIRS + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +derecho: + QUEUE: main + COMPILE_QUEUE: main + PARTITION: + dprefix: /glade/derecho/scratch + DISKNM: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT + STMP: /glade/derecho/scratch + PTMP: /glade/derecho/scratch + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: pbs + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +noaacloud: + QUEUE: batch + COMPILE_QUEUE: batch + PARTITION: + dprefix: /lustre + DISKNM: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT + STMP: /lustre/stmp4 + PTMP: /lustre/stmp2 + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /contrib/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 +s4: + QUEUE: s4 + COMPILE_QUEUE: s4 + PARTITION: s4 + dprefix: /data/prod + DISKNM: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT + STMP: /scratch/short/users + PTMP: /scratch/users + RUNDIR_ROOT: + SCHEDULER: slurm + INPUTDATA_ROOT: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/input-data-20240501/WW3_input_data_20240214 + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC: /data/prod/emc.nemspara/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/BM_IC-20220207 diff --git a/tests-dev/create_log.py b/tests-dev/create_log.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..72ebd5ae70 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/create_log.py @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +import os +import sys +import subprocess +import yaml +from datetime import datetime +from ufs_test_utils import get_testcase, write_logfile, delete_files, machine_check_off + +def finish_log(): + """Collect regression test results and generate log file. + """ + UFS_TEST_YAML = str(os.getenv('UFS_TEST_YAML')) + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + filename = REGRESSIONTEST_LOG + KEEP_RUNDIR= str(os.getenv('KEEP_RUNDIR')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + + run_logs= f""" +""" + COMPILE_PASS= 0 + COMPILE_NR = 0 + JOB_NR = 0 + PASS_NR= 0 + FAIL_NR= 0 + failed_list= [] + test_changes_list= PATHRT+'/test_changes.list' + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as f: + rt_yaml = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, val) + PASS_TESTS = False + if machine_check: + COMPILE_NR += 1 + RT_COMPILER = val['compiler'] + COMPILE_ID = apps + COMPILE_LOG = 'compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'.log' + COMPILE_LOG_TIME ='compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'_timestamp.txt' + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+COMPILE_LOG) as f: + if "[100%] Linking Fortran executable" in f.read(): + COMPILE_PASS += 1 + f.seek(0) + for line in f: + if 'export RUNDIR_ROOT=' in line: + RUNDIR_ROOT=line.split("=")[1] + break + compile_err = RUNDIR_ROOT.strip('\n')+'/compile_'+COMPILE_ID+'/err' + with open(compile_err) as ferr: + contents = ferr.read() + count_warning = contents.count(": warning #") + count_remarks = contents.count(": remark #") + ferr.close() + warning_log = "" + if count_warning > 0: + warning_log = "("+str(count_warning)+" warnings" + if count_remarks > 0: + warning_log+= ","+str(count_remarks)+" remarks)" + flog = open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+COMPILE_LOG_TIME) + timing_data = flog.read() + first_line = timing_data.split('\n', 1)[0] + etime = int(first_line.split(",")[4].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[1].strip()) + btime = int(first_line.split(",")[3].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[2].strip()) + etime_min, etime_sec = divmod(int(etime), 60) + etime_min = f"{etime_min:02}"; etime_sec = f"{etime_sec:02}" + btime_min, btime_sec = divmod(int(btime), 60) + btime_min = f"{btime_min:02}"; btime_sec = f"{btime_sec:02}" + time_log = " ["+etime_min+':'+etime_sec+', '+btime_min+':'+btime_sec+"]" + flog.close() + compile_log = "PASS -- COMPILE "+COMPILE_ID+time_log+warning_log+"\n" + else: + compile_log = "FAIL -- COMPILE "+COMPILE_ID+"\n" + f.close() + run_logs += compile_log + else: + PASS_TESTS = True + if (str(key) == 'tests' and COMPILE_ONLY == 'false' and not PASS_TESTS): + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, config) + if machine_check: + JOB_NR+=1 + TEST_NAME = case + TEST_ID = TEST_NAME+'_'+RT_COMPILER + TEST_LOG = 'rt_'+TEST_ID+'.log' + TEST_LOG_TIME= 'run_'+TEST_ID+'_timestamp.txt' + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + DEP_RUN = str(config['dependency'])+'_'+RT_COMPILER + else: + DEP_RUN = "" + PASS_CHECK = 'Test '+TEST_ID+' PASS' + MAXS_CHECK = 'The maximum resident set size (KB)' + pass_flag = False + create_dep_flag = False + if (CREATE_BASELINE == 'true' and not DEP_RUN == ""): + create_dep_flag = True + if not create_dep_flag: + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG) as f: + if PASS_CHECK in f.read(): + pass_flag = True + f.close() + if pass_flag: + f = open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG_TIME) + timing_data = f.read() + first_line = timing_data.split('\n', 1)[0] + etime = str(int(first_line.split(",")[4].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[1].strip())) + rtime = str(int(first_line.split(",")[3].strip()) - int(first_line.split(",")[2].strip())) + etime_min, etime_sec = divmod(int(etime), 60) + etime_min = f"{etime_min:02}"; etime_sec = f"{etime_sec:02}" + rtime_min, rtime_sec = divmod(int(rtime), 60) + rtime_min = f"{rtime_min:02}"; rtime_sec = f"{rtime_sec:02}" + time_log = " ["+etime_min+':'+etime_sec+', '+rtime_min+':'+rtime_sec+"]" + f.close() + with open('./logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID+'/'+TEST_LOG) as f: + if pass_flag : + rtlog_file = f.readlines() + for line in rtlog_file: + if MAXS_CHECK in line: + memsize= line.split('=')[1].strip() + test_log = 'PASS -- TEST '+TEST_ID+time_log+' ('+memsize+' MB)\n' + PASS_NR += 1 + else: + test_log = 'FAIL -- TEST '+TEST_ID+'\n' + failed_list.append(TEST_NAME+' '+RT_COMPILER) + FAIL_NR += 1 + run_logs += test_log + f.close() + run_logs += '\n' + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=run_logs) + + TEST_START_TIME = os.getenv('TEST_START_TIME') + TEST_END_TIME = os.getenv('TEST_END_TIME') + start_time = datetime.strptime(TEST_START_TIME, "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S") + end_time = datetime.strptime(TEST_END_TIME, "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S") + hours, remainder= divmod((end_time - start_time).total_seconds(), 3600) + minutes, seconds= divmod(remainder, 60) + hours = int(hours); minutes=int(minutes); seconds =int(seconds) + hours = f"{hours:02}"; minutes= f"{minutes:02}"; seconds= f"{seconds:02}" + elapsed_time = hours+'h:'+minutes+'m:'+seconds+'s' + + COMPILE_PASS = str(int(COMPILE_PASS)) + COMPILE_NR = str(int(COMPILE_NR)) + JOB_NR = str(int(JOB_NR)) + PASS_NR = str(int(PASS_NR)) + FAIL_NR = str(int(FAIL_NR)) + synop_log = f""" +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: {TEST_START_TIME} +Ending Date/Time: {TEST_END_TIME} +Total Time: {elapsed_time} +Compiles Completed: {COMPILE_PASS}/{COMPILE_NR} +Tests Completed: {PASS_NR}/{JOB_NR} + +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=synop_log) + + if (int(FAIL_NR) == 0): + if os.path.isfile(test_changes_list): + delete_files(test_changes_list) + open(test_changes_list, 'a').close() + SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" + comment_log = f""" +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: {SUCCESS} + +====END OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=comment_log) + else: + with open(test_changes_list, 'w') as listfile: + for line in failed_list: + listfile.write(f"{line}\n") + listfile.close() + SUCCESS = "FAILED" + comment_log = f""" +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated with list of all failed tests. +You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: FAILURE + +====END OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output=comment_log) + + print("Performing Cleanup...") + exefiles= PATHRT+'/fv3_*.*x*'; delete_files(exefiles) + modfiles= PATHRT+'/modules.fv3_*'; delete_files(modfiles) + modfiles= PATHRT+'modulefiles/modules.fv3_*'; delete_files(modfiles) + tmpfiles= PATHRT+'/keep_tests.tmp'; delete_files(tmpfiles) + if KEEP_RUNDIR == 'false': + rundir = PATHRT+'/run_dir' + os.unlink(rundir) + if ROCOTO == 'true': + rocotofiles=PATHRT+'/rocoto*' + delete_files(rocotofiles) + lockfiles=PATHRT+'/*_lock.db' + delete_files(lockfiles) + print("REGRESSION TEST RESULT: SUCCESS") + +#if __name__ == '__main__': + diff --git a/tests-dev/create_xml.py b/tests-dev/create_xml.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2d567cec4e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/create_xml.py @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ +import os +import sys +import subprocess +import yaml +from ufs_test_utils import get_testcase, write_logfile, rrmdir, machine_check_off + +def rocoto_create_entries(RTPWD,MACHINE_ID,INPUTDATA_ROOT,INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3,INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC,RUNDIR_ROOT,NEW_BASELINE,ROCOTO_XML): + """Generate header information for Rocoto xml file + + Args: + RTPWD (str): Baseline directory + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e. Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + INPUTDATA_ROOT (str): Input data directory + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 (str): WW3 input data directory + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC (str): BMIC input data directory + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + NEW_BASELINE (str): Directory for newly generated baselines + ROCOTO_XML (str): Rocoto .xml filename to write to + """ + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + LOG_DIR= PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + ROCOTO_SCHEDULER = os.getenv('ROCOTO_SCHEDULER') + rocoto_entries = f""" + + + + + + + + + +]> + + 197001010000 197001010000 01:00:00 + &LOG;/workflow.log +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"w") as f: + f.writelines(rocoto_entries) + f.close() + +def rocoto_create_compile_task(MACHINE_ID,COMPILE_ID,ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES,MAKE_OPT,ACCNR,COMPILE_QUEUE,PARTITION,ROCOTO_XML): + """Generate and append compile task into Rocoto xml file + + Args: + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e. Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + COMPILE_ID (str): Compile identifier e.g. s2swa_intel + ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES (str): Max attempts for compile + MAKE_OPT (str): Make build options + ACCNR (str): Account to run the job with + COMPILE_QUEUE (str): QOS i.e. batch, windfall, normal, etc. + PARTITION (str): System partition i.e. xjet, c5 + ROCOTO_XML (str): Rocoto .xml filename to write to + """ + NATIVE="" + BUILD_CORES="8" + BUILD_WALLTIME="00:30:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'jet' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="02:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'hera'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'orion'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'hercules'): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 's4' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'gaea' ): BUILD_WALLTIME="01:00:00" + compile_task = f""" + &PATHRT;/run_compile.sh &PATHRT; &RUNDIR_ROOT; "{MAKE_OPT}" {COMPILE_ID} 2>&1 | tee &LOG;/compile_{COMPILE_ID}.log + compile_{COMPILE_ID} + {ACCNR} + {COMPILE_QUEUE} +""" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'gaea' ): + compile_task+=f""" --clusters=es + eslogin_c5 +""" + PARTITION= "" + if ( PARTITION != "" and MACHINE_ID != "hera" ): + compile_task+=f""" {PARTITION} +""" + compile_task+=f""" 1:ppn={BUILD_CORES} + {BUILD_WALLTIME} + &RUNDIR_ROOT;/compile_{COMPILE_ID}.log + {NATIVE} + +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"a") as f: + f.writelines(compile_task) + f.close() + +def write_metatask_begin(COMPILE_METATASK_NAME, filename): + """Write compile task metadata to Rocoto xml file + + Args: + COMPILE_METATASK_NAME (str): Compile job name e.g. s2swa_intel + filename (str): Rocoto xml filename to append to + """ + metatask_name = f""" 0 +""" + with open(filename,"a") as f: + f.writelines(metatask_name) + f.close() + +def write_metatask_end(filename): + """Append closing metatask element to Rocoto xml + + Args: + filename (str): Rocoto xml filename + """ + metatask_name = f""" +""" + with open(filename,"a") as f: + f.writelines(metatask_name) + f.close() + +def write_compile_env(SCHEDULER,PARTITION,JOB_NR,COMPILE_QUEUE,RUNDIR_ROOT): + """Generate compile task .env file + + Args: + SCHEDULER (str): Job scheduler e.g. pbs, slurm + PARTITION (str): System partition i.e. xjet, c5 + JOB_NR (str): Job number + COMPILE_QUEUE (str): QOS i.e. batch, windfall, normal, etc. + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + """ + filename = RUNDIR_ROOT+"/compile_"+str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ID'))+".env" + COMPILE_ID = os.getenv('COMPILE_ID') + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + RT_COMPILER= os.getenv('RT_COMPILER') + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + ACCNR = os.getenv('ACCNR') + ROCOTO = os.getenv('ROCOTO') + ECFLOW = os.getenv('ECFLOW') + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + compile_envs = f"""export JOB_NR={JOB_NR} +export COMPILE_ID={COMPILE_ID} +export MACHINE_ID={MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER={RT_COMPILER} +export PATHRT={PATHRT} +export PATHTR={PATHTR} +export SCHEDULER={SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR={ACCNR} +export QUEUE={COMPILE_QUEUE} +export PARTITION={PARTITION} +export ROCOTO={ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW={ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG={REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR={LOG_DIR} +""" + with open(filename,"w+") as f: + f.writelines(compile_envs) + f.close() + +def write_runtest_env(): + """Generate run task .env file + """ + filename = str(os.getenv('RUNDIR_ROOT'))+"/run_test_"+str(os.getenv('TEST_ID'))+".env" + JOB_NR = str(os.getenv('JOB_NR')) + TEST_ID = str(os.getenv('TEST_ID')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + RT_COMPILER= str(os.getenv('RT_COMPILER')) + RTPWD = str(os.getenv('RTPWD')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT = str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 = str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3')) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC= str(os.getenv('INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC')) + PATHRT = str(os.getenv('PATHRT')) + PATHTR, tail = os.path.split(PATHRT) + NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINE')) + CREATE_BASELINE =str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + RT_SUFFIX = str(os.getenv('RT_SUFFIX')) + BL_SUFFIX = str(os.getenv('BL_SUFFIX')) + SCHEDULER = str(os.getenv('SCHEDULER')) + ACCNR = str(os.getenv('ACCNR')) + QUEUE = str(os.getenv('QUEUE')) + PARTITION = str(os.getenv('PARTITION')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + ECFLOW = str(os.getenv('ECFLOW')) + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + DEP_RUN = str(os.getenv('DEP_RUN')) + skip_check_results = str(os.getenv('skip_check_results')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + WLCLK = str(os.getenv('WLCLK')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + runtest_envs = f""" +export JOB_NR={JOB_NR} +export TEST_ID={TEST_ID} +export MACHINE_ID={MACHINE_ID} +export RT_COMPILER={RT_COMPILER} +export RTPWD={RTPWD} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT={INPUTDATA_ROOT} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3={INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3} +export INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC={INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC} +export PATHRT={PATHRT} +export PATHTR={PATHTR} +export NEW_BASELINE={NEW_BASELINE} +export CREATE_BASELINE={CREATE_BASELINE} +export RT_SUFFIX={RT_SUFFIX} +export BL_SUFFIX={BL_SUFFIX} +export SCHEDULER={SCHEDULER} +export ACCNR={ACCNR} +export QUEUE={QUEUE} +export PARTITION={PARTITION} +export ROCOTO={ROCOTO} +export ECFLOW={ECFLOW} +export REGRESSIONTEST_LOG={REGRESSIONTEST_LOG} +export LOG_DIR={LOG_DIR} +export DEP_RUN={DEP_RUN} +export skip_check_results={skip_check_results} +export delete_rundir={delete_rundir} +export WLCLK={WLCLK} +export RTVERBOSE=false +""" + if ( MACHINE_ID == 'jet' ): + runtest_envs+="export PATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/bin:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/bin:$PATH" + runtest_envs+="export PYTHONPATH=/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/envs/ufs-weather-model/lib/python3.8/site-packages:/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/software/miniconda3/4.8.3/lib/python3.8/site-packages" + + with open(filename,"w+") as f: + f.writelines(runtest_envs) + f.close() + +def make_loghead(ACCNR,MACHINE_ID,RUNDIR_ROOT,RTPWD,REGRESSIONTEST_LOG): + """Generate log header information + + Args: + ACCNR (str): Account to run the job with + MACHINE_ID (str): Machine ID i.e. Hera, Gaea, Jet, etc. + RUNDIR_ROOT (str): Test run directory + RTPWD (str): Baseline directory + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG (str): Regression Test log filename + """ + filename = REGRESSIONTEST_LOG + TESTS_FILE = str(os.getenv('TESTS_FILE')) + NEW_BASELINES_FILE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINES_FILE')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + DEFINE_CONF_FILE = str(os.getenv('DEFINE_CONF_FILE')) + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE')) + RUN_SINGLE_TEST = str(os.getenv('RUN_SINGLE_TEST')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + skip_check_results = str(os.getenv('skip_check_results')) + KEEP_RUNDIR = str(os.getenv('KEEP_RUNDIR')) + ROCOTO = str(os.getenv('ROCOTO')) + ECFLOW = str(os.getenv('ECFLOW')) + RTVERBOSE = str(os.getenv('RTVERBOSE')) + SRT_NAME = str(os.getenv('SRT_NAME')) + SRT_COMPILER= str(os.getenv('SRT_COMPILER')) + + rtlog_head=f"""====START OF {MACHINE_ID} REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +""" + rtlog_submod=f""" +Submodule hashes used in testing: +""" + write_logfile(filename, "w", output= rtlog_head) + write_logfile(filename, "a", subproc="git rev-parse HEAD") + write_logfile(filename, "a", output= rtlog_submod) + write_logfile(filename, "a", subproc="git submodule status --recursive") + + with open(filename, 'r') as rtlog: + filedata = rtlog.read(); rtlog.close() + + filedata = filedata.replace('../', '') + write_logfile(filename, "w", output= filedata) + + info_note=f""" +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: {RTPWD} +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: {RUNDIR_ROOT} + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +""" + write_logfile(filename, "a", output= info_note) + + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: "+ACCNR+"\n") + if (not NEW_BASELINES_FILE == ""): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-b) - NEW BASELINES FROM FILE: "+NEW_BASELINES_FILE+"\n") + if (CREATE_BASELINE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-c) - CREATE NEW BASELINES"+"\n") + if (DEFINE_CONF_FILE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: "+TESTS_FILE+"\n") + if (RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-m) - COMPARE AGAINST CREATED BASELINES"+"\n") + if (RUN_SINGLE_TEST == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-n) - RUN SINGLE TEST: "+SRT_NAME+" "+SRT_COMPILER+"\n") + if (COMPILE_ONLY == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-o) - COMPILE ONLY, SKIP TESTS"+"\n") + if (delete_rundir == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-d) - DELETE RUN DIRECTORY"+"\n") + if (skip_check_results == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-w) - SKIP RESULTS CHECK"+"\n") + if (KEEP_RUNDIR == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-k) - KEEP RUN DIRECTORY"+"\n") + if (ROCOTO == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-r) - USE ROCOTO"+"\n") + if (ECFLOW == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-e) - USE ECFLOW"+"\n") + if (RTVERBOSE == "true"): + write_logfile(filename, "a", output="* (-v) - VERBOSE OUTPUT"+"\n") + +def xml_loop(): + ACCNR = str(os.getenv('ACCNR')) + PATHRT = str(os.getenv('PATHRT')) + MACHINE_ID = str(os.getenv('MACHINE_ID')) + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE')) + NEW_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINE')) + CREATE_BASELINE = str(os.getenv('CREATE_BASELINE')) + COMPILE_ONLY = str(os.getenv('COMPILE_ONLY')) + delete_rundir = str(os.getenv('delete_rundir')) + if (delete_rundir == "true"): dependency_list= [] + + with open('bl_date.conf', 'r') as bldate: + bl_date = str(bldate.readline()) + BL_DATE = bl_date.split("=")[1].strip() + with open("baseline_setup.yaml", 'r') as f: + exp_config = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + base = exp_config[MACHINE_ID] + USER = str(os.environ.get('USER')) #os.environ.get('USERNAME')) #os.getlogin() + pid = str(os.getpid()) + + QUEUE = str(base['QUEUE']) + COMPILE_QUEUE = str(base['COMPILE_QUEUE']) + PARTITION = str(base['PARTITION']) + if (PARTITION == "None"): PARTITION = "" + dprefix = str(base['dprefix']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + dprefix = dprefix.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + DISKNM = str(base['DISKNM']) + STMP = str(base['STMP']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + STMP = STMP.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + PTMP = str(base['PTMP']).replace("${USER}", str(USER)) + PTMP = PTMP.replace("${ACCNR}", str(ACCNR)) + RUNDIR_ROOT = str(base['RUNDIR_ROOT']) + SCHEDULER = str(base['SCHEDULER']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT= str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 = str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3']) + INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC= str(base['INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC']) + + path = STMP+'/'+USER + os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) + NEW_BASELINE = path + '/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST' + if (RUNDIR_ROOT == "None"): RUNDIR_ROOT=PTMP+'/'+USER+'/FV3_RT/rt_'+pid + os.makedirs(RUNDIR_ROOT, exist_ok=True) + if (os.path.islink(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): os.unlink(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + if (os.path.isfile(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): os.remove(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + if (os.path.isdir(PATHRT+'/run_dir')): rrmdir(PATHRT+'/run_dir') + print('Linking ',RUNDIR_ROOT,' to ',PATHRT,'/run_dir') + os.symlink(RUNDIR_ROOT,PATHRT+'/run_dir') + print('Run regression test in: ',RUNDIR_ROOT) + LOG_DIR = PATHRT+'/logs/log_'+MACHINE_ID + os.makedirs(LOG_DIR, exist_ok=True) + + if ( RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE == 'true' ): + RTPWD = NEW_BASELINE + else: + RTPWD = DISKNM+'/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-'+BL_DATE + + if (CREATE_BASELINE == 'false'): + if ( not os.path.isdir(RTPWD) ) : + print("Baseline directory does not exist:",RTPWD) + sys.exit("***Baseline directory trouble***") + elif (len(os.listdir(RTPWD)) == 0): + print("Baseline directory is empty:",RTPWD) + sys.exit("***Baseline directory trouble***") + else: + if ( not os.path.isdir(NEW_BASELINE) ) : + os.makedirs(NEW_BASELINE, exist_ok=True) + else: + rrmdir(NEW_BASELINE) + os.makedirs(NEW_BASELINE, exist_ok=True) + + ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES = "3" + RTVERBOSE = False + os.environ["MACHINE_ID"] = MACHINE_ID + os.environ["ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES"] = ROCOTO_TEST_MAXTRIES + os.environ["NEW_BASELINE"] = NEW_BASELINE + os.environ["RUNDIR_ROOT"] = RUNDIR_ROOT + os.environ["QUEUE"] = QUEUE + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT"] = INPUTDATA_ROOT + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3"] = INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3 + os.environ["INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC"]= INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC + os.environ["PARTITION"] = PARTITION + os.environ["SCHEDULER"] = SCHEDULER + os.environ["RTPWD"] = RTPWD + os.environ["RTVERBOSE"] = str(RTVERBOSE) + + JOB_NR = 0 + ROCOTO = True + ROCOTO_XML = os.getenv('ROCOTO_XML') + rocoto_create_entries(RTPWD,MACHINE_ID,INPUTDATA_ROOT,INPUTDATA_ROOT_WW3,INPUTDATA_ROOT_BMIC,RUNDIR_ROOT,NEW_BASELINE,ROCOTO_XML) + UFS_TEST_YAML = str(os.getenv('UFS_TEST_YAML')) + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as f: + rt_yaml = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, val) + PASS_TESTS = False + if machine_check: + RT_COMPILER = val['compiler'] + COMPILE_ID = apps + MAKE_OPT = val['option'] + os.environ["COMPILE_ID"] = str(COMPILE_ID) + os.environ["MAKE_OPT"] = str(MAKE_OPT) + ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES = "3" + os.environ["RT_COMPILER"] = str(RT_COMPILER) + write_compile_env(SCHEDULER,PARTITION,str(JOB_NR),COMPILE_QUEUE,RUNDIR_ROOT) + rocoto_create_compile_task \ + (MACHINE_ID,COMPILE_ID,ROCOTO_COMPILE_MAXTRIES,MAKE_OPT,ACCNR,COMPILE_QUEUE,PARTITION,ROCOTO_XML) + else: + PASS_TESTS = True + if (str(key) == 'tests' and COMPILE_ONLY == 'false' and not PASS_TESTS): + JOB_NR+=1 + if ( ROCOTO ): + write_metatask_begin(COMPILE_ID, ROCOTO_XML) + case_count=0 + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + machine_check = machine_check_off(MACHINE_ID, config) + if machine_check: + TEST_NAME = case + TEST_ID = TEST_NAME+'_'+RT_COMPILER + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + DEP_RUN = str(config['dependency'])+'_'+RT_COMPILER + if (delete_rundir == "true"): dependency_list.append(config['dependency']) + else: + DEP_RUN = "" + RT_SUFFIX = "" + BL_SUFFIX = "" + os.environ["TEST_NAME"] = TEST_NAME + os.environ["DEP_RUN"] = DEP_RUN + os.environ["TEST_ID"] = TEST_ID + os.environ["RT_SUFFIX"] = RT_SUFFIX + os.environ["BL_SUFFIX"] = BL_SUFFIX + os.environ["JOB_NR"] = str(JOB_NR) + if (CREATE_BASELINE == 'true'): + if (DEP_RUN == ""): + rc_set_run_task = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; set_run_task']) + rc_set_run_task.wait() + case_count+=1 + else: + rc_set_run_task = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; set_run_task']) + rc_set_run_task.wait() + case_count+=1 + if int(case_count) > 0: + write_metatask_end(ROCOTO_XML) + else: + lines = subprocess.check_output(['head', '-n', '-1', ROCOTO_XML]) + lines = lines.decode('utf-8') + with open(ROCOTO_XML, 'w') as filetowrite: + filetowrite.write(lines) + filetowrite.close + rocoto_close=f""" +""" + with open(ROCOTO_XML,"a") as f: + f.writelines(rocoto_close) + f.close() + + REGRESSIONTEST_LOG = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + make_loghead(ACCNR,MACHINE_ID,RUNDIR_ROOT,RTPWD,REGRESSIONTEST_LOG) + + if (delete_rundir == "true" and len(dependency_list) > 0): + with open('keep_tests.tmp', 'w+') as fdep: + for i in dependency_list: + fdep.write(str(i) + '\n') + fdep.close() + +#if __name__ == "__main__":6 + diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..34232feb9a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ +====START OF derecho REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +93160247a9d4bf6a9adefc6fb876e37b8550fcf2 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 9452de8c3cb43fb2628f0722e6a51f79429d2160 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-450-g9452de8) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 927261d3916c8e96e7ebe38fe86f06f7aab0abc2 FV3 (heads/develop) + 1720f85e54765251f869756e67c93ef7acefac0d FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-402-g1720f85) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 2a50cccd916cceafaf031f4cd14f2ecef277be8f FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-840-g2a50cccd) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + b32aea7bf3f9e2a774afa23d3386c88156cd1182 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10051-gb32aea7bf) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + d9b3172f4197c65d471662c6952a668152d71230 WW3 (6.07.1-345-gd9b3172f) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240724 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_47118 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: nral0032 +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [21:49, 21:49](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [06:34, 05:22] (3203236 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [23:43, 23:43](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [15:50, 14:23] (1911268 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [17:09, 15:24] (1956204 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [08:52, 07:14] (1063944 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [17:49, 16:18] (1888684 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [23:29, 23:29](6 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [14:44, 14:12] (1922428 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [12:00, 12:00](1530 warnings,1948 remarks) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [21:17, 21:17](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [07:00, 05:51] (3225160 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [06:57, 05:43] (3225956 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [04:57, 03:28] (3157132 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [07:03, 05:49] (3254904 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [05:09, 03:44] (3181752 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [06:21, 05:21] (3731488 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [07:05, 05:49] (3220488 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [06:02, 04:56] (3538044 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [07:12, 06:05] (3234224 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [11:15, 09:25] (3813104 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [08:54, 06:21] (3622076 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [17:25, 10:45] (4508432 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [16:14, 06:55] (4659692 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [06:27, 05:23] (3210320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [19:31, 19:31](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [05:25, 04:29] (1928660 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [05:31, 04:27] (1991852 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [11:50, 11:50](1455 warnings,1209 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [09:21, 08:14] (3300200 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [11:12, 11:12](1455 warnings,1209 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [06:37, 05:39] (1960752 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [15:40, 15:40](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:43, 04:38] (1991868 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [15:40, 15:40](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [06:59, 06:14] (2940124 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [02:39, 01:53] (2940464 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [01:52, 01:04] (2323524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [25:33, 25:33](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [07:06, 05:54] (3233236 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [22:01, 22:00](5 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [15:52, 14:49] (1938892 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [09:15, 08:03] (1101660 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [17:41, 16:39] (1901196 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [11:00, 11:00](1565 warnings,1948 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [24:47, 23:39] (1959192 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [15:17, 15:17](6 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:39, 03:25] (669952 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:05, 02:29] (1571368 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:05, 02:26] (1578496 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [02:57, 02:25] (1571048 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [03:08, 02:30] (1571156 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [06:33, 06:02] (1615012 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [05:30, 05:15] (734072 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [09:45, 08:57] (1684744 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [10:37, 09:00] (2001884 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [09:39, 07:10] (1198112 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:39, 01:26] (625784 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:05, 00:52] (440844 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:35, 01:21] (626396 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [02:16, 02:03] (620764 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [02:19, 02:05] (621112 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [04:13, 03:02] (1868600 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:19, 03:04] (1866204 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [04:21, 03:05] (1875488 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [03:32, 02:19] (1017524 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [04:24, 03:15] (1853448 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [03:13, 02:05] (1019644 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [04:18, 03:04] (1865376 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [04:32, 03:18] (1953660 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [05:58, 05:23] (1869296 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [05:36, 04:12] (1920604 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [04:37, 03:23] (1868512 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [05:05, 03:36] (1871024 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:09, 04:40] (872080 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [03:04, 02:35] (870640 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [05:22, 04:51] (874728 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [05:08, 04:34] (1188576 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:09, 04:37] (872044 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [05:18, 04:49] (878052 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [06:20, 05:51] (1602908 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [13:01, 13:01](8 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [07:24, 06:19] (1008248 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [04:53, 03:59] (1198804 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [07:40, 06:34] (1010324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [06:50, 05:43] (1094796 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [04:16, 03:11] (883472 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [07:19, 06:14] (1005324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [07:28, 06:24] (1003512 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [05:50, 04:41] (881792 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [04:16, 03:10] (1004808 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [04:24, 03:15] (1002620 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [03:59, 02:47] (1091728 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:03, 01:47] (837412 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [07:03, 05:59] (1002872 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [07:42, 07:29] (1959488 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [07:25, 07:11] (1948428 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [11:15, 11:15](5 warnings +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [07:11, 06:40] (963844 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:03, 02:51] (657856 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [10:50, 10:49](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [10:45, 10:14] (1665232 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [17:31, 17:31](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [04:17, 03:03] (1869744 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [04:54, 04:26] (858376 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [13:04, 13:04](889 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [03:06, 02:31] (1615172 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [03:05, 02:28] (1602992 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:06, 02:53] (808768 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [02:47, 02:35] (813012 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [05:00, 04:32] (1123068 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [02:50, 02:36] (817036 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:13, 02:35] (1669840 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:39, 03:08] (1906380 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [16:39, 16:10] (930060 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [04:52, 04:40] (1197948 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [04:48, 04:34] (1185156 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [04:55, 04:43] (1192180 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [04:52, 04:40] (1193720 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [04:55, 04:41] (1195636 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [05:19, 04:52] (1277036 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [05:06, 04:52] (1195152 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [05:00, 04:45] (1191324 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [04:54, 04:41] (1195948 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [04:55, 04:44] (1196592 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [04:47, 04:32] (1190712 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [04:51, 04:38] (1196856 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [07:42, 07:28] (1190716 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [04:51, 04:35] (1185388 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [05:59, 05:44] (1193440 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [04:54, 04:39] (1194012 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [09:15, 07:57] (1192380 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [06:46, 06:46](844 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [13:00, 12:26] (1698848 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [11:06, 11:06](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:27, 03:35] (1058912 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:24, 05:22] (882748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:20, 02:48] (883804 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:47, 04:48] (956156 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:58, 02:25] (941780 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:25, 02:53] (881488 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:53, 03:52] (794252 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [01:50, 01:35] (780276 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [15:09, 15:09](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:40, 01:58] (1088192 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:34, 00:59] (1087084 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:47, 01:09] (977220 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [11:11, 11:11](8 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:04, 03:35] (906176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [07:09, 07:09](792 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:52, 04:38] (1069432 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:44, 04:31] (1067992 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [14:07, 13:26] (1151972 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [14:08, 13:28] (835884 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [08:23, 07:46] (1152964 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [13:55, 13:19] (1222628 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [06:57, 06:57](792 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:58, 04:45] (1097584 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [18:17, 18:17](6 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [05:21, 04:30] (717484 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [05:18, 04:57] (1071024 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [07:30, 06:24] (774896 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [11:50, 10:55] (793196 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [13:18, 12:08] (816260 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [05:17, 04:38] (481144 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [06:42, 05:43] (492940 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [02:51, 02:17] (392240 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [07:50, 06:07] (458060 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [03:54, 03:20] (513732 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [03:42, 03:01] (511248 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [04:34, 03:50] (588008 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:27, 01:13] (425212 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [06:02, 04:00] (1712924 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [08:17, 08:17](1472 warnings,1481 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [13:00, 12:17] (632600 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [26:55, 26:55](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [07:55, 07:07] (632268 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [08:00, 07:10] (693776 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [19:00, 18:59](5 warnings,7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [06:07, 05:19] (682816 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [15:38, 15:38](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [06:40, 05:45] (759308 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [06:48, 05:48] (740812 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [17:00, 16:18] (894376 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [08:29, 08:29](5 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [02:37, 02:31] (769544 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:39, 01:30] (757816 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [02:32, 02:25] (646652 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [02:33, 02:24] (647020 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:33, 02:25] (650428 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [02:41, 02:30] (768700 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:36, 02:31] (769452 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:27, 02:21] (650680 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [06:38, 05:34] (698620 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [06:33, 05:34] (680764 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [02:32, 02:29] (757388 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:03, 03:56] (2032516 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:00, 03:53] (2034936 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [05:54, 05:54](7 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [05:17, 05:09] (754740 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [08:28, 08:28](5 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [02:37, 02:30] (769112 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [02:46, 02:46],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:27, 01:09] (311792 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:13, 01:01] (451292 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:56, 00:41] (450340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [13:16, 13:16](5 warnings,3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:44, 03:44] (1921228 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [12:12, 12:12](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [04:52, 03:51] (1911260 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [15:09, 15:08](13 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [08:20, 06:59] (1896040 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [08:17, 06:56] (1882936 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [04:43, 04:05] (1039484 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [09:44, 09:44](887 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [07:37, 06:12] (1937452 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [14:35, 14:35](5 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [03:28, 02:12] (1887112 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [12:31, 12:31](5 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:38, 04:15] (3122868 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:35, 04:20] (2998540 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [05:26, 04:23] (3009904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [07:52, 07:52](889 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [23:54, 22:11] (4536424 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240729 12:53:57 +Ending Date/Time: 20240729 17:32:15 +Total Time: 04h:38m:18s +Compiles Completed: 41/41 +Tests Completed: 183/183 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF derecho REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9cec2a7896 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +====START OF hera REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +5e659f10e5df1f1d1b5eda1c0706927953108f7e + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 9452de8c3cb43fb2628f0722e6a51f79429d2160 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-450-g9452de8) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 927261d3916c8e96e7ebe38fe86f06f7aab0abc2 FV3 (heads/develop) + 1720f85e54765251f869756e67c93ef7acefac0d FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-402-g1720f85) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 2a50cccd916cceafaf031f4cd14f2ecef277be8f FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-840-g2a50cccd) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + b32aea7bf3f9e2a774afa23d3386c88156cd1182 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10051-gb32aea7bf) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + d9b3172f4197c65d471662c6952a668152d71230 WW3 (6.07.1-345-gd9b3172f) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240724 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_852179 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [13:57, 13:55](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [06:54, 05:59] (3275484 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [16:22, 16:20](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [18:07, 17:19] (1995288 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [19:10, 18:10] (2156140 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [09:22, 08:21] (1244284 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [20:10, 19:27] (1853500 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [16:26, 16:24](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [17:29, 16:57] (1937068 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [05:41, 05:40](1525 warnings,1998 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel [23:50, 23:02] (1923896 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [13:57, 13:55],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [06:58, 05:59] (3332484 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [07:38, 06:36] (3319044 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [04:46, 03:45] (3253540 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [07:03, 06:08] (3334096 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [04:46, 03:35] (3289136 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [06:20, 05:30] (3626160 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [06:54, 06:04] (3323856 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [06:00, 05:13] (3191556 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [06:55, 05:58] (3325868 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [12:06, 10:18] (3515648 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [09:03, 06:38] (3634720 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [16:51, 10:24] (4265404 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [13:55, 06:10] (4366120 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [06:19, 05:23] (3315468 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [13:12, 13:10],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [05:47, 04:54] (1990872 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [05:24, 04:28] (2056176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [05:44, 05:43](1450 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [09:43, 08:48] (3359844 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [05:16, 05:15](1450 warnings,1228 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [06:59, 06:01] (1989136 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [12:33, 12:32],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:17, 04:22] (2043880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [12:34, 12:33],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [09:32, 08:56] (3108564 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [03:14, 02:38] (3095072 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [02:06, 01:31] (2521764 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [17:43, 17:42],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [06:31, 05:32] (3329308 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [16:11, 16:11],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [18:28, 17:36] (2001816 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [09:26, 08:25] (1268892 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [20:58, 20:01] (1914436 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [05:21, 05:20](1560 warnings,1998 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [25:39, 24:52] (1945360 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [11:51, 11:50](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:40, 03:24] (709940 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:27, 02:58] (1602864 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:33, 03:00] (1603592 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [03:22, 02:54] (1604196 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [03:29, 02:56] (1605116 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [08:03, 07:34] (1766076 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [07:02, 06:32] (874424 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [11:19, 10:33] (1733616 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [11:55, 10:23] (2009184 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [10:14, 07:52] (1404820 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:53, 01:37] (662192 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:16, 00:59] (512280 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:47, 01:33] (668412 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [03:11, 02:55] (659672 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [03:09, 02:55] (659496 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [04:05, 03:19] (1897244 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [04:00, 03:10] (1896492 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [03:44, 03:04] (1879792 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [02:22, 01:45] (1142152 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [03:38, 03:04] (1874324 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [02:20, 01:44] (1161668 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [03:43, 03:10] (1852628 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [03:27, 02:54] (1984284 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [05:57, 05:26] (1876244 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [04:45, 04:07] (1950676 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [03:52, 03:09] (1901556 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [04:11, 03:33] (1889680 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:58, 05:27] (1094840 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [03:24, 03:00] (1099188 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [06:15, 05:48] (1096988 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [03:52, 03:27] (1094616 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [05:42, 05:16] (1396724 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:52, 05:27] (1101484 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [05:45, 05:21] (1105076 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [07:24, 06:55] (1897552 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [11:25, 11:23](3 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [08:12, 07:44] (1113888 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [05:02, 04:11] (1303848 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [08:40, 08:09] (1045768 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [07:53, 07:25] (1186000 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [04:32, 04:01] (1105316 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [08:18, 07:44] (1112948 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [08:36, 08:09] (1033808 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [06:20, 05:48] (1137476 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [04:26, 03:58] (1041044 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [04:38, 04:13] (1031336 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [04:03, 03:39] (1116748 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:30, 02:10] (999008 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [08:07, 07:35] (1103292 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [09:37, 09:22] (1976260 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [09:20, 09:04] (2071088 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [10:28, 10:26] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [06:36, 06:09] (1021928 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:27, 03:15] (750380 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_gnu [04:22, 04:20] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_gnu [08:54, 08:26] (750412 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [10:34, 10:33],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [11:23, 10:50] (1665804 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [14:47, 14:46],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [03:30, 02:52] (1877100 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [05:15, 04:51] (1091668 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [06:39, 06:37](884 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [03:16, 02:47] (1604436 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [03:12, 02:38] (1623716 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [03:21, 03:06] (833528 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [03:11, 02:55] (832248 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [04:42, 04:19] (1155312 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [03:08, 02:55] (844692 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [03:26, 02:52] (1668648 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [03:42, 03:13] (1889836 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [18:09, 17:43] (1103940 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [05:11, 04:58] (1218676 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [05:16, 05:01] (1213800 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [05:17, 05:04] (1217072 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [05:17, 05:05] (1171408 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [05:18, 05:05] (1213252 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [05:37, 05:11] (1306372 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [05:21, 05:09] (1221840 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [05:20, 05:07] (1222464 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [05:13, 04:59] (1222344 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [05:21, 05:06] (1219020 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [05:03, 04:48] (1218732 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [05:16, 05:04] (1211628 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [08:22, 08:07] (1220132 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [05:16, 05:03] (1224268 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [06:21, 06:06] (1216008 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [05:13, 04:57] (1221016 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [09:09, 08:41] (1229176 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_gnu [04:54, 04:53] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_gnu [02:53, 02:23] (737988 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [03:59, 03:58](839 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_intel [14:14, 13:35] (1691584 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [10:30, 10:30](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:40, 03:52] (1169156 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:53, 06:28] (1058076 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:49, 03:23] (989796 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:28, 06:05] (1097024 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:37, 03:10] (964200 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:06, 03:41] (927508 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:24, 04:53] (1037848 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:11, 01:53] (928612 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [13:59, 13:58](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:46, 02:06] (1214948 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:27, 00:55] (1125956 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:57, 01:23] (1113700 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [10:39, 10:39](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:42, 04:12] (988812 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [04:07, 04:06](787 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:12, 04:59] (1094828 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:09, 04:52] (1102540 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [15:11, 14:37] (1250436 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [15:23, 14:52] (946604 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [10:16, 09:45] (1163920 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [15:08, 14:38] (1306500 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:07, 04:06](787 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [05:44, 05:27] (1141900 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [12:30, 12:30](1 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [06:04, 04:59] (742632 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [06:06, 05:47] (1111736 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [08:02, 06:53] (848972 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [14:31, 13:24] (871644 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [16:33, 15:18] (885820 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [06:15, 05:28] (503956 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [07:49, 06:41] (523248 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [03:15, 02:41] (376832 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [08:52, 07:07] (486708 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [04:24, 03:51] (533848 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [04:17, 03:36] (530244 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [04:52, 04:09] (594000 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:27, 01:08] (409712 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_nested_intel [05:17, 04:01] (1744792 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [04:38, 04:37](1467 warnings,1501 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [13:59, 13:11] (595672 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [16:34, 16:33],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [09:29, 08:41] (684072 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [09:46, 08:50] (749224 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [12:27, 12:25],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [07:14, 06:24] (742820 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [11:44, 11:43],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [07:30, 06:29] (837364 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [07:31, 06:28] (807508 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [16:49, 16:08] (1222660 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [06:40, 06:39] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [02:53, 02:44] (1147328 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:53, 01:43] (1099196 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [02:42, 02:35] (1024148 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [03:00, 02:42] (1033352 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:46, 02:39] (1024528 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [02:54, 02:42] (1160140 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:57, 02:46] (1168368 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:47, 02:40] (1022220 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [07:57, 06:39] (1070768 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [07:58, 06:39] (1042496 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [02:48, 02:41] (1160968 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:10, 04:02] (2452188 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:14, 04:03] (2496684 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [03:20, 03:19](2 warnings +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [06:28, 06:20] (1093840 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [06:38, 06:37] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [03:04, 02:53] (1148448 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [01:12, 01:12],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:12, 00:49] (260324 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:09, 00:51] (328172 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:46, 00:30] (321732 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [11:21, 11:19],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:35, 03:42] (1970100 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [11:08, 11:05],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [04:31, 03:35] (1954524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [12:25, 12:24](8 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [05:14, 04:21] (1851548 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [05:08, 04:22] (1879560 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [03:04, 02:26] (1106320 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [05:01, 05:00](882 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [06:47, 05:51] (1891340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [11:32, 11:31],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [02:34, 01:55] (1906440 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [11:23, 11:22],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [04:53, 04:09] (3182560 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:38, 04:54] (3084264 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [06:26, 05:41] (3044004 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [04:16, 04:15](884 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [23:00, 21:09] (4478468 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_gnu [04:45, 04:43] +PASS -- TEST control_c48_gnu [11:43, 11:12] (1539040 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_gnu [03:34, 03:18] (505064 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_gnu [05:01, 04:46] (514472 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_gnu [05:40, 04:51] (1463300 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu [05:31, 04:47] (1463428 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_gnu [10:25, 10:10] (549156 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_gnu [04:42, 04:40] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_gnu [11:15, 10:48] (816436 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_gnu [11:18, 10:54] (851764 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_gnu [10:12, 09:46] (932332 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_gnu [06:01, 05:28] (578728 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_gnu [11:21, 10:47] (814476 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu [11:32, 11:06] (813696 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu [08:37, 08:01] (582772 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_gnu [05:59, 05:31] (814048 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_noqr_gnu [05:59, 05:31] (799468 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_gnu [05:24, 04:59] (921020 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_gnu [06:01, 05:32] (850092 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_gnu [03:12, 02:51] (566496 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu [03:10, 02:48] (656112 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_gnu [11:05, 10:27] (813500 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_debug_gnu [07:53, 07:52] +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_gnu [02:17, 01:40] (1275460 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_gnu [11:22, 10:54] (748640 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_gnu [02:56, 02:41] (825548 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_gnu [02:57, 02:39] (816988 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_gnu [02:58, 02:41] (824812 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_gnu [02:54, 02:41] (828356 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_gnu [03:16, 02:50] (911492 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu [04:23, 04:07] (825672 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu [02:53, 02:38] (825244 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu [03:02, 02:38] (818684 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_gnu [01:49, 01:35] (456872 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_gnu [02:02, 01:45] (452296 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_gnu [02:26, 01:48] (1442360 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_gnu [02:58, 02:42] (820440 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu [03:16, 03:00] (821680 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu [04:50, 04:21] (832912 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_gnu [03:19, 03:18] + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:55, 04:54] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [09:51, 09:21] (707504 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:25, 04:58] (710952 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [09:08, 08:38] (753076 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:56, 04:30] (745716 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu [05:31, 05:03] (707868 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [07:30, 06:59] (553380 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:57, 02:32] (536668 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_gnu [03:59, 03:13] (878456 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_gnu [06:44, 06:06] (882028 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu [02:22, 01:48] (555420 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu [10:58, 10:57] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu [06:11, 05:39] (738904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu [07:43, 07:42] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:54, 02:37] (714828 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:48, 02:31] (714776 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_gnu [07:47, 07:09] (893464 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_gnu [07:38, 06:58] (582268 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu [07:56, 07:26] (900368 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu [07:37, 07:08] (960144 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [07:41, 07:40] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [02:53, 02:39] (734672 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_gnu [16:44, 16:43] +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_gnu [15:45, 15:44] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu [08:31, 07:29] (1536368 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_gnu [03:24, 03:23] +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_gnu [16:15, 16:14] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu [20:46, 19:54] (1458072 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu [03:13, 03:12] +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu [14:31, 13:36] (1451368 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_gnu [15:42, 15:41] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu [03:16, 03:06] (682964 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240727 20:11:02 +Ending Date/Time: 20240728 00:59:44 +Total Time: 04h:48m:42s +Compiles Completed: 57/57 +Tests Completed: 245/245 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF hera REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cae5c403c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log @@ -0,0 +1,415 @@ +====START OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +17a83e2be289181af20ba9fec4ce683393447809 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 9452de8c3cb43fb2628f0722e6a51f79429d2160 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-450-g9452de8) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + 0495c19204325401ccba2943f99e65ee9190f07d FV3 (heads/develop) + 1720f85e54765251f869756e67c93ef7acefac0d FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-402-g1720f85) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 2a50cccd916cceafaf031f4cd14f2ecef277be8f FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-840-g2a50cccd) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + b32aea7bf3f9e2a774afa23d3386c88156cd1182 MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10051-gb32aea7bf) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + d9b3172f4197c65d471662c6952a668152d71230 WW3 (6.07.1-345-gd9b3172f) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/epic/nandoam/stmp/hercules/nandoam/FV3_RT/rt_543959 + +UFS_TEST.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_intel [10:14, 10:13](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel [08:21, 07:40] (2129484 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel [15:43, 15:42](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_intel [14:09, 13:33] (2005816 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel [15:05, 14:01] (2293032 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel [07:00, 06:31] (1328388 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel [15:42, 14:57] (1914440 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel [17:07, 17:07](1 warnings,10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_sfs_intel [13:19, 13:04] (1998772 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel [04:12, 04:11](1525 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel [21:53, 21:05] (1975984 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_intel [11:05, 11:04],10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_intel [08:37, 07:52] (2191088 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [08:25, 07:42] (2186660 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_p8_intel [05:05, 04:25] (1991300 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_qr_p8_intel [08:28, 07:42] (2220256 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel [05:15, 04:25] (1742124 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_2threads_p8_intel [09:28, 08:59] (2544432 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_decomp_p8_intel [08:13, 07:36] (2175668 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_p8_intel [07:02, 06:23] (2098072 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel [08:19, 07:37] (2189656 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c192_p8_intel [16:51, 15:43] (2970344 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel [07:24, 05:47] (2929308 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_bmark_p8_intel [12:59, 08:57] (3813308 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel [11:32, 05:32] (3641116 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_s2sa_p8_intel [05:31, 05:02] (2159060 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_intel [10:22, 10:22],10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel [07:52, 07:19] (2019944 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel [04:55, 04:24] (2090540 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_intel [05:33, 05:32](1450 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_p8_intel [09:09, 08:25] (2211636 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_debug_intel [05:08, 05:08](1450 warnings,1230 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel [05:48, 05:14] (2054848 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_aoflux_intel [09:18, 09:18],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel [05:39, 04:59] (2076360 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_intel [08:47, 08:47],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_c48_intel [10:27, 10:01] (3112160 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_warmstart_c48_intel [02:56, 02:31] (3083164 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_c48_intel [01:41, 01:27] (2547716 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_faster_intel [15:23, 15:23],10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_p8_faster_intel [08:57, 08:11] (2183292 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_intel [18:10, 18:10],10 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel [14:16, 13:42] (2036988 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel [07:18, 06:44] (1389792 MB) +PASS -- TEST cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel [15:54, 15:14] (1967980 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel [05:25, 05:25](1560 warnings,2000 remarks) +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel [23:00, 22:22] (2023460 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_intel [09:30, 09:30](1 warnings,1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_intel [03:46, 03:34] (714964 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_intel [03:04, 02:39] (1610580 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel [03:04, 02:34] (1617392 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_latlon_intel [02:42, 02:25] (1604492 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel [02:53, 02:30] (1613924 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48_intel [07:12, 06:53] (1745244 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c48.v2.sfc_intel [06:08, 05:56] (861908 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c192_intel [09:34, 09:08] (1755128 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384_intel [10:31, 09:30] (2053240 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_c384gdas_intel [11:00, 09:39] (1529356 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_intel [01:52, 01:44] (662764 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_restart_intel [01:17, 01:03] (543352 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_intel [01:45, 01:35] (690228 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr4_intel [02:45, 02:37] (670316 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_iovr5_intel [02:45, 02:38] (663084 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_intel [03:12, 02:38] (1909624 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8.v2.sfc_intel [03:14, 02:38] (1911236 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_intel [03:11, 02:34] (1898624 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_intel [02:01, 01:34] (1171084 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_noqr_p8_intel [03:01, 02:34] (1908472 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_noqr_p8_intel [01:54, 01:31] (1216572 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_decomp_p8_intel [03:10, 02:40] (1888532 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_2threads_p8_intel [02:58, 02:28] (1986460 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_lndp_intel [04:50, 04:33] (1909972 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_rrtmgp_intel [04:11, 03:36] (1976124 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_mynn_intel [03:13, 02:41] (1917140 MB) +PASS -- TEST merra2_thompson_intel [03:36, 02:56] (1919508 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_intel [05:00, 04:41] (1201416 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_restart_intel [02:49, 02:36] (1174616 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_decomp_intel [05:17, 04:57] (1196052 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2threads_intel [03:16, 03:02] (1158360 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_noquilt_intel [04:46, 04:31] (1527012 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_netcdf_parallel_intel [05:13, 04:47] (1207656 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel [05:00, 04:39] (1198288 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_wofs_intel [07:37, 07:17] (2088288 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_intel [07:26, 07:26](3 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_intel [07:12, 06:39] (1213496 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel [04:00, 03:28] (1408956 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_intel [07:28, 06:56] (1153196 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_intel [06:48, 06:10] (1369584 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_intel [03:56, 03:28] (1160520 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_intel [07:12, 06:39] (1228628 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel [07:28, 06:57] (1167808 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel [05:30, 05:02] (1219400 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_intel [03:59, 03:26] (1102540 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_intel [04:10, 03:35] (1056660 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_intel [08:53, 08:15] (1124332 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_intel [02:13, 01:58] (1042628 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_intel [07:02, 06:27] (1204596 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_intel [07:46, 07:37] (2004728 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel [07:38, 07:26] (2178328 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_intel [07:01, 07:01] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_intel [06:32, 06:14] (1059284 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_intel [03:04, 02:55] (860612 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE csawmg_gnu [03:50, 03:50] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_gnu [07:20, 06:58] (1071576 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_intel [07:30, 07:30],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_wam_intel [10:49, 10:06] (1681804 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_faster_dyn32_intel [14:01, 14:01],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_faster_intel [02:59, 02:24] (1906392 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_control_faster_intel [05:26, 05:09] (1192036 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel [05:20, 05:19](884 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel [02:46, 02:20] (1644528 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel [02:40, 02:15] (1638648 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_intel [02:49, 02:36] (843852 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_lndp_debug_intel [02:26, 02:18] (842612 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_intel [03:48, 03:36] (1164396 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_intel [02:26, 02:19] (851764 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_intel [02:42, 02:20] (1701584 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_intel [02:55, 02:37] (1938140 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_intel [16:40, 16:25] (1161000 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_intel [04:05, 03:59] (1238112 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_intel [04:24, 04:15] (1231056 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_intel [04:12, 04:05] (1238764 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_intel [04:13, 04:07] (1244492 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel [04:20, 04:13] (1233992 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_intel [04:28, 04:16] (1311912 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [04:24, 04:18] (1241964 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel [04:37, 04:23] (1237336 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_lndp_debug_intel [04:22, 04:07] (1232572 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel [04:21, 04:10] (1237704 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_debug_intel [04:07, 04:00] (1234280 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel [04:17, 04:09] (1236752 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel [07:10, 07:00] (1230752 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel [04:16, 04:05] (1239552 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_intel [05:25, 05:13] (1230492 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_intel [04:10, 04:02] (1230676 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel [07:52, 07:16] (1239252 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_gnu [05:43, 05:43] +PASS -- TEST control_csawmg_debug_gnu [02:08, 01:54] (1062516 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_intel [03:33, 03:33](839 warnings,1 remarks) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel [07:17, 07:17](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:06, 03:33] (1268824 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [07:41, 07:06] (1179780 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:21, 03:34] (1053716 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [06:31, 06:00] (1297048 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel [03:49, 03:04] (1049296 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:33, 03:51] (1007912 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [05:53, 05:17] (1135840 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel [02:11, 01:53] (959756 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel [11:47, 11:46](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_intel [02:08, 01:44] (1320540 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_intel [01:04, 00:45] (1211848 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel [01:23, 01:03] (1156444 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel [07:41, 07:41](3 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel [04:00, 03:43] (1070280 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel [03:35, 03:35](787 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:17, 04:09] (1120284 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel [04:03, 03:54] (1109828 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_intel [13:12, 12:45] (1362828 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_intel [13:34, 13:11] (1012732 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_intel [08:39, 08:24] (1259788 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel [12:56, 12:37] (1433524 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [03:29, 03:29](787 warnings,8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel [04:21, 04:14] (1158140 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_intel [10:40, 10:40](1 warnings,9 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_intel [06:05, 05:15] (871548 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel [05:04, 04:51] (1266756 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel [07:26, 06:24] (947688 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel [14:45, 13:54] (989996 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel [16:06, 15:02] (1015140 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel [05:57, 05:24] (611612 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel [07:54, 06:55] (627516 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel [02:59, 02:34] (442256 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel [08:56, 07:33] (554560 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel [04:20, 03:51] (626152 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [04:07, 03:35] (617620 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel [05:26, 04:46] (685628 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel [01:25, 01:09] (455740 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_debug_intel [03:38, 03:38](1467 warnings,1502 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel [14:05, 13:37] (687668 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafsw_faster_intel [15:37, 15:36],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel [16:45, 16:06] (765496 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel [16:41, 15:57] (851620 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_mom6w_intel [11:18, 11:17],7 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel [10:51, 10:08] (823680 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE hafs_all_intel [09:56, 09:56],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_intel [06:16, 05:24] (935040 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel [06:24, 05:34] (940492 MB) +PASS -- TEST hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel [16:58, 16:25] (1343520 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_intel [05:17, 05:17],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel [02:14, 02:09] (1153520 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel [01:24, 01:18] (1096412 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel [03:02, 02:57] (1017844 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel [02:11, 02:07] (1021472 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel [02:12, 02:06] (1021720 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel [03:10, 03:04] (1121116 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel [02:11, 02:07] (1160100 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel [02:06, 02:02] (1021784 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel [05:27, 04:56] (1174944 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel [05:22, 04:50] (1162748 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel [02:12, 02:08] (1123180 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel [04:13, 04:06] (2360116 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_gfs_intel [04:08, 04:01] (2429888 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_debug_intel [03:07, 03:07](2 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel [05:10, 05:05] (1063444 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_faster_intel [05:19, 05:19],2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel [02:15, 02:07] (1171280 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_land_intel [00:46, 00:46],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel [01:06, 00:50] (334496 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel [01:03, 00:49] (572520 MB) +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel [00:41, 00:31] (571540 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [07:43, 07:43],3 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel [04:17, 03:38] (2015268 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [08:55, 08:54],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel [04:52, 04:12] (1988396 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_intel [09:41, 09:41](8 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel [07:57, 07:07] (1903416 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_intel [07:32, 06:42] (1902872 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel [03:50, 03:19] (1146648 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atml_debug_intel [04:18, 04:17](882 warnings,2 remarks) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel [06:27, 05:42] (1936600 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmw_intel [09:38, 09:38],8 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel [02:36, 01:54] (1954912 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaero_intel [07:34, 07:33],1 remarks) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_intel [05:22, 04:47] (2030936 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel [05:07, 04:29] (1803268 MB) +PASS -- TEST atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel [05:00, 04:31] (1822764 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atmaq_debug_intel [03:09, 03:08](884 warnings,6 remarks) +PASS -- TEST regional_atmaq_debug_intel [17:49, 16:42] (4563588 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_gnu [04:18, 04:17] +PASS -- TEST control_c48_gnu [09:41, 09:16] (1555776 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_gnu [02:50, 02:39] (731092 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_gnu [03:57, 03:46] (737984 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_gnu [04:34, 03:53] (1729072 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu [04:26, 03:52] (1757840 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_flake_gnu [04:44, 04:32] (820784 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_gnu [04:09, 04:09] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_gnu [08:20, 07:46] (1089052 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_decomp_gnu [08:31, 07:57] (1093316 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_gnu [07:44, 07:08] (1149416 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_gnu [04:40, 03:58] (885348 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_gnu [08:25, 07:48] (1083964 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu [08:33, 07:56] (1083656 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu [06:40, 05:55] (884976 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_gnu [04:35, 03:59] (1076288 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_noqr_gnu [04:31, 04:01] (1135484 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_gnu [07:28, 06:49] (1047856 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_gnu [04:38, 04:02] (1070560 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_gnu [02:27, 02:06] (883068 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu [02:27, 02:06] (934272 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_gnu [08:47, 08:02] (1094156 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_debug_gnu [07:50, 07:50] +PASS -- TEST control_diag_debug_gnu [01:48, 01:23] (1632584 MB) +PASS -- TEST regional_debug_gnu [07:07, 06:45] (1117388 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_gnu [02:15, 02:02] (1109016 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_gnu [02:15, 02:03] (1095784 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_gf_debug_gnu [02:17, 02:04] (1104804 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_c3_debug_gnu [02:17, 02:02] (1104648 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_diag_debug_gnu [02:32, 02:11] (1277556 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu [03:32, 03:23] (1102024 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu [02:11, 01:58] (1110572 MB) +PASS -- TEST rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu [02:11, 02:02] (1100628 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_ras_debug_gnu [01:28, 01:18] (731496 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_stochy_debug_gnu [01:31, 01:20] (728128 MB) +PASS -- TEST control_debug_p8_gnu [01:54, 01:32] (1711472 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_flake_debug_gnu [02:15, 02:05] (1107168 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu [02:28, 02:20] (1108844 MB) +PASS -- TEST gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu [04:06, 03:29] (1109808 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE wam_debug_gnu [02:35, 02:35] +PASS -- TEST control_wam_debug_gnu [05:52, 05:26] (1576324 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu [03:57, 03:57] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [08:00, 07:27] (965284 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:38, 03:57] (958072 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [07:13, 06:42] (975416 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu [16:29, 15:45] (891176 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu [04:37, 03:55] (952988 MB) +PASS -- TEST rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [06:09, 05:42] (861924 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:23, 02:04] (857836 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_control_gnu [02:56, 02:33] (1267340 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_2threads_gnu [01:29, 01:10] (1179252 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu [01:53, 01:29] (932556 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu [10:33, 10:33] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu [04:57, 04:33] (990892 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu [07:51, 07:50] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:21, 02:09] (978076 MB) +PASS -- TEST hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu [02:23, 02:10] (972500 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_gnu [06:33, 06:06] (1295040 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_qr_gnu [06:33, 06:07] (962368 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu [04:01, 03:39] (1200568 MB) +PASS -- TEST conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu [06:27, 06:03] (1356340 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [07:53, 07:53] +PASS -- TEST rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu [02:09, 02:02] (1007056 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_gnu [16:40, 16:39] +PASS -- COMPILE s2s_gnu [15:48, 15:48] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu [05:31, 04:51] (3081940 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2swa_debug_gnu [03:23, 03:22] +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_gnu [15:58, 15:57] +PASS -- TEST cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu [26:28, 25:52] (3032616 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu [03:24, 03:24] +PASS -- TEST cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu [12:32, 11:56] (2907888 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE datm_cdeps_gnu [14:30, 14:30] +PASS -- TEST datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu [02:19, 02:14] (773052 MB) + + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240801 11:12:36 +Ending Date/Time: 20240801 15:37:09 +Total Time: 04h:24m:33s +Compiles Completed: 57/57 +Tests Completed: 244/244 + + +NOTES: +A file test_changes.list was generated but is empty. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit test_changes.list. + +Result: SUCCESS + +====END OF hercules REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0896f7aa1c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_derecho.config @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/modulefiles +module load rocoto + +module use -a /glade/work/epicufsrt/conda/modulefiles.derecho +module load anaconda/23.7.4 + +cp fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN_derecho fv3_conf/fv3_qsub.IN +cp fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN_derecho fv3_conf/compile_qsub.IN + +ROCOTORUN=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/derecho/rocoto/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=pbspro +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..266d1200bc --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_gaea.config @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module use /ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/modulefiles +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/ncrc/proj/epic/rocoto/1.3.6/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load python/3.9 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cc083c162b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hera.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load intelpython/2023.2.0 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9aa4404ffa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_hercules.config @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load contrib rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module use -a /work/noaa/epic/conda/modulefiles.hercules +module load anaconda/23.7.4 + + diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09e72f8841 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_jet.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto +ROCOTORUN=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load intelpython/2023.2.0 diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..31333c256e --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_noaacloud.config @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +export PATH=/contrib/EPIC/bin:${PATH} +module use /apps/modules/modulefiles +module load rocoto/1.3.3 + +ROCOTORUN=/apps/rocoto/1.3.3/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/rocoto/1.3.3/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/rocoto/1.3.3/bin/rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..09487fa9ab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_orion.config @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load gcc/12.2.0 +module load python/3.10.8 + +module load contrib ruby/3.2.3 rocoto/1.3.7 +ROCOTORUN=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotorun +ROCOTOSTAT=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin/rocotostat +ROCOTOCOMPLETE=/apps/contrib/rocoto/1.3.7/bin//rocotocomplete +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +export ROCOTORUN +export ROCOTOSTAT +export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + + diff --git a/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0a432d5eb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/machine_config/machine_s4.config @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +module load rocoto/1.3.2 +#ROCOTORUN=$(which rocotorun) +#ROCOTOSTAT=$(which rocotostat) +#ROCOTOCOMPLETE=$(which rocotocomplete) +ROCOTO_SCHEDULER=slurm +#export ROCOTORUN +#export ROCOTOSTAT +#export ROCOTOCOMPLETE +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER + +module load miniconda/3.8-s4 diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml b/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7bcf6f4c1f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_error-test.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +atm_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - control_c48.v2.sfc: {'project':['daily']} + - fail_to_copy: {'project':['daily']} + - fail_to_run: {'project':['daily']} +atm_dyn64_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - control_c48: {'project':['daily']} +fail_to_compile_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '--invalid-argument -DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=whatever' + tests: + - dependency_unmet: {'project':['daily']} diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh b/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..47bc6568c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +SECONDS=0 + +hostname + +die() { echo "$@" >&2; exit 1; } + +usage() { + set +x + echo + echo "Usage: $0 -a | -b | -c | -d | -e | -h | -k | -l | -m | -n | -o | -r | -w | -s" + echo + echo " -a to use on for HPC queue" + echo " -b create new baselines only for tests listed in " + echo " -c create new baseline results" + echo " -d delete run direcotries that are not used by other tests" + echo " -e use ecFlow workflow manager (this option is not fully functional yet)" + echo " -h display this help" + echo " -k keep run directory after ufs_test.sh is completed" + echo " -l runs test specified in " + echo " -m compare against new baseline results" + echo " -n run single test " + echo " -o compile only, skip tests" + echo " -r use Rocoto workflow manager" + echo " -w for weekly_test, skip comparing baseline results" + echo " -s for use tests-dev, symlink sharable tests scripts" + echo + set -x + exit 1 +} + +[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage + +rt_trap() { + [[ ${ROCOTO:-false} == true ]] && rocoto_kill + [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_kill + cleanup +} + +cleanup() { + PID_LOCK=$(awk '{print $2}' < "${LOCKDIR}/PID") + [[ ${PID_LOCK} == "$$" ]] && rm -rf "${LOCKDIR}" + [[ ${ECFLOW:-false} == true ]] && ecflow_stop + trap 0 + exit +} + +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh interrupted"; rt_trap ; }' INT +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh quit"; rt_trap ; }' QUIT +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh terminated"; rt_trap ; }' TERM +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh error on line $LINENO"; cleanup ; }' ERR +trap '{ echo "ufs_test.sh finished"; cleanup ; }' EXIT + +# PATHRT - Path to regression tests directory +PATHRT="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd -P )" +readonly PATHRT +cd "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/detect_machine.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/detect_machine.sh "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/rt_utils.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/rt_utils.sh "${PATHRT}" +[[ -f "${PATHRT}"/module-setup.sh ]] || cp "${PATHRT}"/../tests/module-setup.sh "${PATHRT}" + +# make sure only one instance of ufs_test.sh is running +readonly LOCKDIR="${PATHRT}"/lock +if mkdir "${LOCKDIR}" ; then + HOSTNAME=$(hostname) + echo "${HOSTNAME} $$" > "${LOCKDIR}/PID" +else + echo "Only one instance of ufs_test.sh can be running at a time" + exit 1 +fi + +CREATE_BASELINE=false +ROCOTO=false +ECFLOW=false +KEEP_RUNDIR=false +export skip_check_results=false +export delete_rundir=false +COMPILE_ONLY=false +RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=false +TESTS_FILE='ufs_test.yaml' +NEW_BASELINES_FILE='' +RUN_SINGLE_TEST=false +ACCNR=${ACCNR:-""} +UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test.yaml" +export UFS_TEST_YAML +LINK_TESTS=false + +while getopts ":a:b:cl:mn:dwkreohs" opt; do + case ${opt} in + a) + ACCNR=${OPTARG} + ;; + b) + NEW_BASELINES_FILE=${OPTARG} + export NEW_BASELINES_FILE + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.update_testyaml_b()" + UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test_temp.yaml" + export UFS_TEST_YAML + ;; + c) + CREATE_BASELINE=true + ;; + l) + TESTS_FILE=${OPTARG} + grep -q '[^[:space:]]' < "${TESTS_FILE}" || die "${TESTS_FILE} empty, exiting..." + UFS_TEST_YAML=${TESTS_FILE} + export UFS_TEST_YAML + ;; + o) + COMPILE_ONLY=true + ;; + m) + # redefine RTPWD to point to newly created baseline outputs + RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE=true + ;; + n) + RUN_SINGLE_TEST=true + IFS=' ' read -r -a SINGLE_OPTS <<< "${OPTARG}" + + if [[ ${#SINGLE_OPTS[@]} != 2 ]]; then + die 'The -n option needs AND in quotes, i.e. -n "control_p8 intel"' + fi + + SRT_NAME="${SINGLE_OPTS[0]}" + SRT_COMPILER="${SINGLE_OPTS[1]}" + + if [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "intel" ]] && [[ "${SRT_COMPILER}" != "gnu" ]]; then + die "COMPILER MUST BE 'intel' OR 'gnu'" + fi + + export SRT_NAME + export SRT_COMPILER + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.update_testyaml_n()" + UFS_TEST_YAML="ufs_test_temp.yaml" + export UFS_TEST_YAML + ;; + d) + export delete_rundir=true + ;; + w) + export skip_check_results=true + ;; + k) + KEEP_RUNDIR=true + ;; + r) + ROCOTO=true + ECFLOW=false + ;; + e) + ECFLOW=true + ROCOTO=false + die "Work-in-progress to support for ECFLOW. Please, use the ROCOTO workflow manamegment option (-r)" + ;; + s) + LINK_TESTS=true + ;; + h) + usage + ;; + :) + die "Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument." + ;; + ?) + die "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" + ;; + *) + die "Invalid runtime options: no parameter included with argument-${OPTARG}" + ;; + esac +done + +source detect_machine.sh # Note: this does not set ACCNR. The "if" block below does. +source rt_utils.sh +source module-setup.sh + +check_machine=false +platforms=( hera orion hercules gaea jet derecho noaacloud s4 ) +for name in "${platforms[@]}" +do + if [[ ${MACHINE_ID} == "${name}" ]]; then + check_machine=true + break + fi +done + +if [[ ${check_machine} == true ]]; then + source "${PATHRT}"/machine_config/machine_"${MACHINE_ID}".config +else + echo "*** Current support of ufs_test.sh only for ${platforms[*]} ! ***" + exit 1 +fi + +# If -s; link sharable test scripts from tests directory +if [[ ${LINK_TESTS} == true ]]; then + if ! python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.sync_testscripts()" + then + echo "*** error: python sync_testscripts! ***" + exit 1 + fi +fi + +#Check to error out if incompatible options are chosen together +[[ ${KEEP_RUNDIR} == true && ${delete_rundir} == true ]] && die "-k and -d options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${ECFLOW} == true && ${ROCOTO} == true ]] && die "-r and -e options cannot be used at the same time" +[[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE} == true ]] && die "-c and -m options cannot be used at the same time" + +if [[ -z "${ACCNR}" ]]; then + echo "Please use -a to set group account to use on HPC" + exit 1 +fi + +# Display the machine and account using the format detect_machine.sh used: +echo "Machine: ""${MACHINE_ID}"" Account: ""${ACCNR}"" " + +shift $((OPTIND-1)) +[[ $# -gt 1 ]] && usage + +TEST_START_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" +export TEST_START_TIME + +rm -f fail_test* fail_compile* + +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + ROCOTO_XML="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.xml + ROCOTO_STATE="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.state + ROCOTO_DB="${PATHRT}"/rocoto_workflow.db + rm -f "${ROCOTO_XML}" "${ROCOTO_DB}" "${ROCOTO_STATE}" ./*_lock.db* +fi + +[[ -f ${TESTS_FILE} ]] || die "${TESTS_FILE} does not exist" + +export ROCOTO_SCHEDULER +export ACCNR +export ROCOTO_XML +export PATHRT +export ROCOTO +export ECFLOW +export MACHINE_ID +export RTPWD_NEW_BASELINE +export CREATE_BASELINE +export RTVERBOSE + +export TESTS_FILE +export NEW_BASELINES_FILE +export RUN_SINGLE_TEST +export COMPILE_ONLY +export delete_rundir +export skip_check_results +export KEEP_RUNDIR + +if ! python -c "import create_xml; create_xml.xml_loop()" +then + echo "*** experiment setup didn't run successfully! ***" + exit 1 +fi + +## +## run regression test workflow (currently Rocoto or ecFlow are supported) +## +if [[ ${ROCOTO} == true ]]; then + rocoto_run +fi + +# IF -c AND -b; LINK VERIFIED BASELINES TO NEW_BASELINE +if [[ ${CREATE_BASELINE} == true && ${NEW_BASELINES_FILE} != '' ]]; then + python -c "import ufs_test_utils; ufs_test_utils.link_new_baselines()" +fi + +TEST_END_TIME="$(date '+%Y%m%d %T')" +export TEST_END_TIME + +## Lets verify all tests were run and that they passed +python -c "import create_log; create_log.finish_log()" diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml b/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..cfd80ab693 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,583 @@ +s2swa_32bit_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1' + tests: + - cpld_control_p8_mixedmode: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_gfsv17: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +# - cpld_control_gfsv17_iau: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_gfsv17: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_gfsv17','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_gfsv17: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_gfsv17','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DHYDRO=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_sfs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_ugwpv1 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud','jet'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_gfsv17: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud','jet']} +s2swa_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + tests: + - cpld_control_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_qr_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_qr_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_2threads_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_decomp_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_ciceC_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_control_c192_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','jet','acorn','s4','noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_c192_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_c192_p8','turnoff':['wcoss2','jet','acorn','s4','noaacloud']} + - cpld_bmark_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['s4','jet','acorn','noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_bmark_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_bmark_p8','turnoff':['s4','jet','acorn','noaacloud']} + - cpld_s2sa_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + tests: + - cpld_control_noaero_p8: {'project':['daily']} + - cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +s2sw_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','noaacloud','acorn'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_noaero_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +s2s_aoflux_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8_sfcocn -DCMEPS_AOFLUX=ON' + tests: + - cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid: {'project':['daily']} +s2s_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + tests: + - cpld_control_c48: {'project':['daily']} + - cpld_warmstart_c48: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_c48: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_warmstart_c48','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2swa_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_p8_faster: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_pdlib_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_control_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_restart_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_pdlib_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_pdlib_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +s2sw_pdlib_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - control_flake: {'project':['daily']} + - control_CubedSphereGrid: {'project':['daily']} + - control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_latlon: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c48: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c48.v2.sfc: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c192: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c384: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_c384gdas: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_stochy','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_lndp: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_iovr4: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_iovr5: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8.v2.sfc: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_ugwpv1: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_restart_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_noqr_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_restart_noqr_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_decomp_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_2threads_p8: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_lndp: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_rrtmgp: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_p8_mynn: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - merra2_thompson: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_control','turnoff':['derecho','noaacloud']} + - regional_noquilt: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4']} + - regional_netcdf_parallel: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['acorn']} + - regional_2dwrtdecomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_control','turnoff':['acorn']} + - regional_wofs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4']} +ifi_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON -DREQUIRE_IFI=ON' + turnon: ['acorn'] + tests: + - regional_ifi_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['acorn']} + - regional_ifi_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_ifi_control','turnon':['acorn']} + - regional_ifi_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'regional_ifi_control','turnon':['acorn']} +rrfs_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_RRFS_v1nssl -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - rap_control: {'project':['daily']} + - regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb: {'project':['daily']} + - rap_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1beta: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1nssl: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +csawmg_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_csawmg: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_ras: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +csawmg_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_csawmg: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +wam_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_wam: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_faster_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_faster: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_control_faster: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_debug_dyn32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_CubedSphereGrid_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_stochy_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_lndp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_csawmg_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_ras_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_diag_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - control_debug_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - regional_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_control_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_gf_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_c3_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_unified_drag_suite_debug: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control_debug','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_diag_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_unified_ugwp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_cires_ugwp_debug','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_lndp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_progcld_thompson_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_noah_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_sfcdiff_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rrfs_v1beta_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_clm_lake_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_flake_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_debug_dyn32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR,FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_csawmg,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_unified_ugwp,FV3_RAP_cires_ugwp,FV3_RAP_flake,FV3_RAP_clm_lake,FV3_RAP_noah,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_RAP_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp,FV3_RRFS_v1beta,FV3_HRRR_c3,FV3_HRRR_gf,FV3_global_nest_v1' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_csawmg_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +wam_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - control_wam_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud','hercules']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - rap_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DFASTER=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - conus13km_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_restart_mismatch: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR,FV3_HRRR_gf -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug_qr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_debug','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_debug_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_debug','turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - conus13km_radar_tten_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +hafsw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_tedmf_gfdlsf,FV3_global_nest_v1 -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - hafs_regional_atm: {'project':['daily']} + - hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf: {'project':['daily']} + - hafs_regional_atm_ocn: {'project':['daily']} + - hafs_regional_atm_wav: {'project':['daily']} + - hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_1nest_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_1nest_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - gnv1_nested: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['hercules','wcoss2','s4','noaacloud']} +hafsw_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafsw_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFSW -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafs_mom6w_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFS-MOM6W -DREGIONAL_MOM6=ON -DCDEPS_INLINE=ON -DMOVING_NEST=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson,FV3_HAFS_v1_thompson_nonsst -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +hafs_all_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=HAFS-ALL -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf,FV3_HAFS_v1_gfdlmp_tedmf_nonsst -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - hafs_regional_docn: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_docn_oisst: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - hafs_regional_datm_cdeps: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['jet','s4','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_control_gefs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_iau_gefs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} + - datm_cdeps_gfs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS -DDEBUG=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2','acorn','noaacloud']} +datm_cdeps_faster_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS -DFASTER=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} +datm_cdeps_land_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=LND' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_lnd_era5: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} + - datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5','turnoff':['wcoss2','noaacloud']} +atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM_DS2S-PCICE -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + tests: + - atm_ds2s_docn_pcice: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATM_DS2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnoff: ['wcoss2','acorn'] + tests: + - atm_ds2s_docn_dice: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2','acorn']} +atml_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_atmlnd_sbs: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} + - control_p8_atmlnd: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} + - control_restart_p8_atmlnd: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'control_p8_atmlnd','turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} +atml_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATML -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_rrtmgp,FV3_GFS_v15_thompson_mynn_lam3km,FV3_WoFS_v0,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_mynn -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + tests: + - control_p8_atmlnd_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud','wcoss2']} +atmw_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['wcoss2'] + tests: + - atmwav_control_noaero_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['wcoss2']} +atmaero_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMAERO -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['noaacloud'] + tests: + - atmaero_control_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - atmaero_control_p8_rad: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} + - atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['noaacloud']} +atmaq_debug_intel: + build: + compiler: 'intel' + option: '-DAPP=ATMAQ -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v15p2 -DDEBUG=ON -D32BIT=ON' + turnoff: ['jet','noaacloud','s4'] + tests: + - regional_atmaq_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnoff':['hera','jet','s4','noaacloud']} +atm_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v16,FV3_GFS_v16_flake,FV3_GFS_v16_ras,FV3_GFS_v17_p8,FV3_GFS_v17_p8_ugwpv1' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_c48: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_stochy: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_ras: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_p8_ugwpv1: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_flake: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +rrfs_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_RAP_sfcdiff,FV3_HRRR,FV3_RRFS_v1beta -D32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_sfcdiff_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_sfcdiff','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_noqr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_decomp: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart_noqr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rrfs_v1beta: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_diag_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - regional_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_control_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_gf_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_c3_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_diag_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_progcld_thompson_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rrfs_v1beta_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_ras_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_stochy_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - control_debug_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_flake_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_clm_lake_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +wam_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_p8 -D32BIT=ON -DMULTI_GASES=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - control_wam_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hercules']} +rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_RAP,FV3_HRRR -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - rap_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'rap_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_control: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_restart_mismatch: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_control','turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -D32BIT=ON -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug_qr: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_debug','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_debug_2threads: {'project':['daily'],'dependency':'conus13km_debug','turnon':['hera','hercules']} + - conus13km_radar_tten_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=ATM -DCCPP_32BIT=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2swa_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] +s2s_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2S -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2swa_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SWA -DDEBUG=ON -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] +s2sw_pdlib_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DPDLIB=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_control_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} +s2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=S2SW -DCCPP_SUITES=FV3_GFS_v17_coupled_p8 -DPDLIB=ON -DDEBUG=ON' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - cpld_debug_pdlib_p8: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hercules']} +datm_cdeps_gnu: + build: + compiler: 'gnu' + option: '-DAPP=NG-GODAS' + turnon: ['hera','hercules'] + tests: + - datm_cdeps_control_cfsr: {'project':['daily'],'turnon':['hera','hercules']} diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9a0f8a2faa --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.py @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +import os +import sys +import re +import glob +import yaml +import shutil +import subprocess + +def update_testyaml(input_list): + """Generate temporary test yaml based on list of tests received + + Args: + input_list (list): list of tests to run + """ + UFS_TEST_YAML = "ufs_test.yaml" # default ufs_test.yaml + new_yaml = {} + yaml_item_count = None + with open(UFS_TEST_YAML, 'r') as file_yaml: + rt_yaml = yaml.load(file_yaml)#, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + for apps, jobs in rt_yaml.items(): + app_temp = None + build_temp = None + for key, val in jobs.items(): + if (str(key) == 'build'): + #--- build information --- + build_val = val + compiler_val= val['compiler'] + if (str(key) == 'tests'): + #--- serach for test cases given with -n or -b option --- + test_list = [] + temp_list = [] + app_temp = None + build_temp = None + test_temp = None + test_temp_dep = None + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + i=0 + ilist= None + #--- search input_list test cases from ufs_test.yaml --- + for line in input_list: + case_check = line.split(" ")[0] + compiler_check= line.split(" ")[1] + if case == case_check and compiler_val == compiler_check: + ilist=i + app_temp = apps + build_temp= build_val + test_temp = {case:config} + temp_list.append(str(case)) + if 'dependency' in config.keys(): + if not str(config['dependency']) in temp_list: + test_temp_dep = get_testdep(str(config['dependency']),val) + i+=1 + #--- pop input_list element if a test case is found --- + if not ilist is None: + input_list.pop(ilist) + #--- append test cases to new test list --- + if not test_temp_dep is None: + test_list.append(test_temp_dep) + test_temp_dep = None + if not test_temp is None: + test_list.append(test_temp) + test_temp = None + if not app_temp is None: + new_yaml[app_temp]={'build':build_temp,'tests':test_list} + #--- check all search is done for input_list --- + if len(input_list) == 0: + break + #--- dump into temporary test yaml file --- + if len(new_yaml) > 0: + yaml_item_count = len(new_yaml) + try: + yaml_item_count + except NameError: + print("*** Test cases given with runtime options -n or -b are not found in ufs_test.yaml! ***") + else: + with open(r'ufs_test_temp.yaml', 'w') as yaml_file: + outputs = yaml.dump(new_yaml, yaml_file) + yaml_file.close() + file_yaml.close() + +def update_testyaml_n(): + """Update test yaml file for a single test specified in -n + """ + try: + SRT_NAME = str(os.getenv('SRT_NAME')) + SRT_COMPILER = str(os.getenv('SRT_COMPILER')) + except NameError: + print("*** SRT_NAME or SRT_COMPILER are not given with runtime option -n! ***") + input_list=[SRT_NAME+" "+SRT_COMPILER] + update_testyaml(input_list) + +def update_testyaml_b(): + """Update test yaml file for tests specified in -b + """ + NEW_BASELINES_FILE = str(os.getenv('NEW_BASELINES_FILE')) + input_list=[] + with open(NEW_BASELINES_FILE) as input_file: + for line in input_file: + line=line.strip('\n') + line=line.strip() + input_list.append(str(line)) + input_file.close() + update_testyaml(input_list) + +def string_clean(str_in): + """Strip out RUN or COMPILE whitespace and separate with commas. + + Args: + str_in (str): RUN or COMPILE line read in from rt.conf + + Returns: + str: whitespace stripped and comma separated values + """ + return "'"+("','".join(str_in.split()))+"'" + +def parse_line(str_in): + """Parse rt.conf line into list + + Args: + str_in (str): RUN or COMPILE line from rt.conf + + Returns: + list: list of RUN or COMPILE test attributes + """ + build_attr = " ".join(str_in.split()).split('|') + build_attr = [attr.strip() for attr in build_attr] + return build_attr + +def create_yaml(): + """Parse default rt.conf into ufs_test.yaml + + """ + with open('ufs_test.yaml', 'w') as yaml_file, open("rt.conf") as conf_file: + for line in conf_file: + line = line.strip() + if not line: # skip: line is blank + continue + if line.startswith("#"): # skip: comment line + continue + if line.startswith("COMPILE"): # COMPILE line + build = parse_line(line) + apps = build[1] + compiler = f"'{build[2]}'" + options = f"'{build[3]}'" + machine = build[4] + off_machine = None + on_machine = None + if (machine.find('-') != -1): + off_machine = machine.replace("-", "").strip() + off_machine = string_clean(off_machine) + if (machine.find('+') != -1): + on_machine = machine.replace("+", "").strip() + on_machine = string_clean(on_machine) + yaml_file.write(f"{apps}_{build[2].strip()}:\n") + yaml_file.write(f" build: \n") + yaml_file.write(f" compiler: {compiler}\n") + yaml_file.write(f" option: {options}\n") + if not (off_machine is None): + yaml_file.write(f" turnoff: [{off_machine}]\n") + if not (on_machine is None): + yaml_file.write(f" turnon: [{on_machine}]\n") + prev_line = 'COMPILE' + if line.startswith("RUN"): # RUN line + build = parse_line(line) + test = build[1] + machine = build[2] + baseline = f"'{build[3]}'" + depend = build[4] + if (machine.find('-') != -1): + off_machine = machine.replace("-", "").strip() + off_machine = string_clean(off_machine) + if (machine.find('+') != -1): + on_machine = machine.replace("+", "").strip() + on_machine = string_clean(on_machine) + tests = f" - {test}: {{'project':['daily']" + if baseline.isalnum(): + tests += f",'baseline': {baseline}" + if depend and depend.strip(): + tests += f",'dependency':'{depend}'" + if not (off_machine is None): + tests += f",'turnoff':[{off_machine}]" + if not (on_machine is None): + tests += f",'turnon':[{on_machine}]" + if prev_line == "COMPILE": + yaml_file.write(" tests: \n") + yaml_file.write(tests+"}\n") + prev_line = 'RUN' + + yaml_file.close(); conf_file.close() + +def sync_testscripts(): + """symlink sharable rt.sh test scripts + """ + dst= os.getcwd() + src= os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0]+'/tests' + for name in os.listdir(src): + src_name= src +'/'+ name + dst_name= dst +'/'+ name + if not os.path.exists(dst_name): + if "/compile.sh" in dst_name: + shutil.copyfile(src_name, dst_name) + subprocess.call(['chmod', '755', dst_name]) + with open(dst_name) as rfile: + buildsh = rfile.read().replace("${PATHTR}/tests/", "${PATHTR}/tests-dev/") + rfile.close() + with open(dst_name, "w") as wfile: + wfile.write(buildsh) + wfile.close() + else: + os.symlink(src_name, dst_name) + +def machine_check_off(machine_id, val): + """Check turned-off machine from yaml configuration + + Args: + machine_id (str): local machine name + val (dic): build and test config dictionary list + Returns: + pass_machine: logical flag to pass local machine + """ + pass_machine = True + if 'turnoff' in val.keys(): + if machine_id in val['turnoff']: + pass_machine = False + if 'turnon' in val.keys(): + if not machine_id in val['turnon']: + pass_machine = False + return pass_machine + +def delete_files(deletefiles): + """Remove specified filepath + + Args: + deletefiles (str): filepath to remove e.g. tests/rocoto.* + """ + fileList = glob.glob(deletefiles, recursive=True) + for filePath in fileList: + try: + os.remove(filePath) + except OSError: + print("Error while deleting ",deletefiles) + +def link_new_baselines(): + """Create symlinks for newly generated baselines. + """ + USER = str(os.environ.get('USER')) + MACHINE_ID = os.getenv('MACHINE_ID') + PATHRT = os.getenv('PATHRT') + with open("baseline_setup.yaml", 'r') as f: + exp_config = yaml.load(f) #, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) + base = exp_config[MACHINE_ID] + DISKNM= str(base['DISKNM']) + STMP = str(base['STMP']) + PTMP = str(base['PTMP']) + path = STMP+'/'+USER + RTPWD = path + '/FV3_RT/REGRESSION_TEST' + f.close() + #--- capture user's NEW_BASELINE location ---- + logfile = PATHRT+'/logs/RegressionTests_'+MACHINE_ID+'.log' + with open(logfile,'r') as flog: + logheads= flog.readlines() + for line in logheads: + if "BASELINE DIRECTORY:" in line: + NEW_BASELINE=line.split(" ")[1] + break + flog.close() + #--- symlink verified baseline cases to users new baseline --- + os.environ["RTPWD"] = RTPWD + os.environ["NEW_BASELINE"] = NEW_BASELINE + symlink_baselines = subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '. ufs_test_utils.sh; link_new_baselines']) + symlink_baselines.wait() + +def get_testdep(casename,val): + """Retrieve test case dependencies + + Args: + casename (str): Test case name + val (dict): Test case attributes e.g. val['compiler'] + + Returns: + dict: Test case and config for the specified dependency + """ + test_dep = None + for test in val: + case, config = get_testcase(test) + if case == casename: + test_dep = {case:config} + return test_dep + +def get_testcase(test): + """Retrieve test case names and configs from given dict from pyaml + + Args: + test (dict): dict retrieved from reading in yaml test file + + Returns: + str, dict: test name and python dict of test configuration + """ + case_name = None + case_config = None + for case, configs in test.items(): + case_name=case + case_config=configs + return case_name, case_config + +def write_logfile(logfile, openmod, output="", subproc=""): + """Append given output into log file + + Args: + logfile (str): Log filename + openmod (str): mode to open file in + output (str): Content to append to log file. Defaults to "". + subproc (str): Command to run within the shell. Defaults to "". + """ + with open(logfile, openmod) as rtlog: + if (not subproc == "") : + subprocess.call(subproc, shell=True, stdout=rtlog) + if (not output == "") : + rtlog.writelines(output) + rtlog.close() + +def rrmdir(path): + """Remove all files and directories in specified path. + + Args: + path (str): File path to remove + """ + shutil.rmtree(path) + #for entry in os.scandir(path): + # if entry.is_dir(): + # rrmdir(entry) + # else: + # os.remove(entry) + # os.rmdir(path) + +#if __name__ == "__main__": +# create_yaml() diff --git a/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4b103dc39f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests-dev/ufs_test_utils.sh @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash +set -eux + +function set_run_task() { + source default_vars.sh + source rt_utils.sh + source "${PATHRT}"/tests/"${TEST_NAME}" + compute_petbounds_and_tasks + + TPN=$(( TPN / THRD )) + NODES=$(( TASKS / TPN )) + if (( NODES * TPN < TASKS )); then + NODES=$(( NODES + 1 )) + fi + + PPN=$(( TASKS / NODES )) + if (( TASKS - ( PPN * NODES ) > 0 )); then + PPN=$((PPN + 1)) + fi + + export WLCLK + + python -c "import create_xml; create_xml.write_runtest_env()" + rocoto_create_run_task + +} + +function link_new_baselines() { + for dir in "${RTPWD}"/*/; do + dir=${dir%*/} + [[ -d "${NEW_BASELINE}/${dir##*/}" ]] && continue + ln -s "${dir%*/}" "${NEW_BASELINE}/" + done +} diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log index a79ca74ba1..5fc896fd29 100644 --- a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_control_p8_hera.log @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -Wed Aug 7 16:04:22 UTC 2024 +Fri Aug 9 04:00:06 UTC 2024 Start Operation Requirement Test baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_bit_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/bit_base_bit_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/bit_base_bit_base Checking test bit_base results .... Moving baseline bit_base files .... Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK @@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ Moving baseline bit_base files .... Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 291.553157 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1432740 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 279.679964 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1460412 Test bit_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_dbg_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/dbg_base_dbg_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/dbg_base_dbg_base Checking test dbg_base results .... Moving baseline dbg_base files .... Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK @@ -106,14 +106,14 @@ Moving baseline dbg_base files .... Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 978.453839 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1404508 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 986.199169 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1426460 Test dbg_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/dcp_dcp +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/dcp_dcp Checking test dcp results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -160,14 +160,14 @@ Checking test dcp results .... Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 250.835851 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1418368 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 250.630229 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1408568 Test dcp PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/mpi_mpi +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/mpi_mpi Checking test mpi results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ Checking test mpi results .... Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 251.336453 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1419812 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 248.429764 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1428500 Test mpi PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/rst_rst +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/rst_rst Checking test rst results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ Checking test rst results .... Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 250.225330 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1419120 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 255.808429 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1426564 Test rst PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/std_base_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/std_base_std_base Checking test std_base results .... Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving sfcf000.nc .........OK @@ -323,14 +323,14 @@ Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 251.764603 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1418912 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 248.579185 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1433372 Test std_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/control_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3245717/thr_thr +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_3660377/thr_thr Checking test thr results .... Comparing sfcf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing sfcf021.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -377,11 +377,11 @@ Checking test thr results .... Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile5.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing RESTART/20210323.060000.sfc_data.tile6.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 250.616791 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1405864 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 253.035278 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1426628 Test thr PASS OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Aug 7 17:12:51 UTC 2024 -Elapsed time: 01h:08m:29s. Have a nice day! +Fri Aug 9 05:05:03 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:04m:57s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log index e61bb4928d..fbada5b633 100644 --- a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_hera.log @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -Wed Aug 7 14:58:27 UTC 2024 +Fri Aug 9 02:56:32 UTC 2024 Start Operation Requirement Test baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_dbg_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1523760/dbg_base_dbg_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2767517/dbg_base_dbg_base Checking test dbg_base results .... Moving baseline dbg_base files .... Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK @@ -66,14 +66,14 @@ Moving baseline dbg_base files .... Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1347.758320 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1508348 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1360.287918 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1522784 Test dbg_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1523760/rst_rst +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2767517/rst_rst Checking test rst results .... Comparing sfcf021.tile1.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing sfcf021.tile2.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ Checking test rst results .... Comparing RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 427.699439 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1502940 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 431.635030 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1531952 Test rst PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/cpld_control_c96_noaero_p8_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_1523760/std_base_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2767517/std_base_std_base Checking test std_base results .... Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving sfcf021.tile1.nc .........OK @@ -205,11 +205,11 @@ Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving RESTART/iced.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK Moving RESTART/ufs.cpld.cpl.r.2021-03-23-21600.nc .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 461.709298 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1511784 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 432.002387 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 1541276 Test std_base PASS OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Aug 7 16:04:22 UTC 2024 -Elapsed time: 01h:05m:56s. Have a nice day! +Fri Aug 9 04:00:06 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 01h:03m:35s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log index 61c8ee0c7e..b99fa78e5c 100644 --- a/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log +++ b/tests/logs/OpnReqTests_regional_control_hera.log @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ -Wed Aug 7 12:28:17 UTC 2024 +Fri Aug 9 00:27:51 UTC 2024 Start Operation Requirement Test baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_bit_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_538515/bit_base_bit_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2714443/bit_base_bit_base Checking test bit_base results .... Moving baseline bit_base files .... Moving dynf000.nc .........OK @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ Moving baseline bit_base files .... Moving NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK Moving NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 1405.955778 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 767568 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 1379.789847 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 770252 Test bit_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_538515/dcp_dcp +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2714443/dcp_dcp Checking test dcp results .... Comparing dynf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing dynf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -33,14 +33,14 @@ Checking test dcp results .... Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 2160.154552 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 703612 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2222.469710 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 742740 Test dcp PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_538515/std_base_std_base +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2714443/std_base_std_base Checking test std_base results .... Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving dynf000.nc .........OK @@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ Moving baseline std_base files .... Moving NATLEV.GrbF00 .........OK Moving NATLEV.GrbF06 .........OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 2253.393184 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 716020 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2152.921801 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 742124 Test std_base PASS baseline dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp4/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/OPNREQ_TEST/regional_control_std_base_gnu -working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_538515/thr_thr +working dir = /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/role.epic/FV3_OPNREQ_TEST/opnReqTest_2714443/thr_thr Checking test thr results .... Comparing dynf000.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK Comparing dynf006.nc .....USING NCCMP......OK @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ Checking test thr results .... Comparing NATLEV.GrbF00 .....USING CMP......OK Comparing NATLEV.GrbF06 .....USING CMP......OK - 0: The total amount of wall time = 2176.355099 - 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 724868 + 0: The total amount of wall time = 2261.335740 + 0: The maximum resident set size (KB) = 720504 Test thr PASS OPERATION REQUIREMENT TEST WAS SUCCESSFUL -Wed Aug 7 14:58:26 UTC 2024 -Elapsed time: 02h:30m:10s. Have a nice day! +Fri Aug 9 02:56:30 UTC 2024 +Elapsed time: 02h:28m:41s. Have a nice day! diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log index 5062b3ac4e..a80a8b4b99 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_derecho.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF DERECHO REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -c34693f57b7804adb9fae55d41f8519a32801059 +8cb23af867d56961352ff5fab97656c3a4c6b936 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -36,285 +36,362 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT//NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/zshrader/FV3_RT/rt_62932 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/FV3_RT/rt_85245 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: nral0032 * (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf * (-e) - USE ECFLOW -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [55:29, 20:54] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [15:15, 05:37](3206 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [57:29, 22:54] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [22:20, 14:38](1910 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [21:17, 15:54](1933 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [15:12, 07:53](1077 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [23:51, 16:25](1888 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [57:30, 22:55] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [21:19, 14:10](1905 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [47:48, 11:21] ( 1530 warnings 1948 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [26:36, 22:39](1941 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [54:30, 20:47] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [59:22, 06:21](3220 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [35:17, 06:15](3219 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [09:50, 04:05](3146 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [16:40, 06:14](3250 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [13:09, 04:01](3179 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [30:17, 05:58](3734 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [07:20, 06:09](3217 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [09:08, 05:08](3536 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [17:35, 06:19](3228 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [15:10, 09:37](3816 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [12:53, 06:24](3619 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [25:08, 10:20](4518 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [23:20, 06:59](4672 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [17:14, 06:07](3208 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [53:29, 19:24] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [15:50, 04:45](1929 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [16:58, 05:06](1981 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [47:48, 11:18] ( 1455 warnings 1209 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [11:00, 08:10](3304 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [46:29, 10:38] ( 1455 warnings 1209 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [40:33, 05:56](1956 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [51:29, 15:44] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [19:06, 04:46](1986 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [51:31, 15:45] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [44:37, 06:39](2886 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [39:38, 02:21](2893 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:18, 01:33](2311 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [07:45, 23:26] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [10:22, 06:16](3234 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [04:47, 21:33] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [19:01, 14:44](1924 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [11:05, 07:46](1103 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [18:48, 16:34](1894 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [53:44, 10:43] ( 1565 warnings 1948 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [29:46, 24:35](1947 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [53:42, 13:46] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [07:37, 03:28](671 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [05:56, 02:26](1565 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [06:19, 02:28](1563 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:57, 02:24](1566 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:02, 02:26](1565 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [09:04, 06:07](1573 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [07:40, 05:15](710 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [11:40, 08:48](1679 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [16:20, 08:53](1946 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [14:12, 07:10](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:40, 01:27](622 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:43, 00:52](440 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:40, 01:22](621 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:49, 02:06](617 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:35, 02:06](622 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [06:38, 03:02](1855 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [06:35, 03:04](1858 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [05:34, 03:02](1850 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [04:14, 01:59](1003 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [05:17, 03:10](1855 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [04:13, 02:07](1002 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [05:16, 03:04](1844 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [06:27, 03:03](1936 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [08:13, 05:01](1853 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:33, 03:56](1909 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [06:34, 03:12](1866 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [06:30, 03:32](1861 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:54, 04:54](865 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [04:50, 02:56](858 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:53, 05:04](865 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:54, 04:45](1178 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:58, 04:46](870 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:00, 04:51](864 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:00, 05:39](1595 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [51:40, 12:30] ( 8 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [11:20, 06:10](1004 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [08:43, 03:42](1163 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [11:20, 06:24](1002 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [10:28, 05:42](1092 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:13, 03:15](877 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [11:21, 06:07](1000 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [15:22, 06:25](1006 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [07:12, 04:36](875 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [14:14, 03:12](1002 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [14:14, 03:21](999 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [13:17, 02:47](1078 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:41, 01:46](832 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [11:28, 06:00](1000 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [11:53, 07:26](1952 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [11:53, 07:12](1944 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [48:41, 11:24] ( 5 warnings ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [12:09, 06:27](957 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [07:34, 02:54](656 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [47:39, 11:09] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [15:16, 10:10](1655 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [47:40, 11:38] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [13:32, 02:49](1853 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [07:02, 04:43](859 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [47:40, 13:52] ( 889 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [11:12, 02:34](1602 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [11:15, 02:33](1612 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [11:39, 02:54](807 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [10:39, 02:37](807 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [13:11, 04:32](1114 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [10:38, 02:39](815 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [11:41, 02:39](1662 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [12:14, 03:27](1902 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [19:04, 16:31](915 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [13:40, 04:54](1186 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [12:49, 04:37](1184 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:35, 04:42](1188 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:27, 04:43](1189 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [06:42, 04:40](1186 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [08:05, 04:59](1269 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:31, 04:46](1188 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:33, 04:44](1189 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:46, 04:44](1192 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [06:41, 04:44](1192 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:36, 04:43](1185 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:40, 04:47](1185 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:33, 07:31](1184 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:37, 04:36](1185 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:43, 05:32](1189 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [05:41, 04:44](1188 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [10:09, 07:57](1191 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [40:35, 07:01] ( 844 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [13:57, 12:22](1684 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [12:23, 11:10] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:46, 03:28](1016 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:06, 05:07](885 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:04, 02:46](884 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:09, 04:46](941 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:12, 02:24](935 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:19, 02:53](876 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:11, 03:54](793 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [02:48, 01:32](778 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [12:30, 11:02] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [04:48, 01:53](1075 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [03:33, 00:58](1071 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:33, 01:06](958 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [24:24, 11:07] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:13, 03:39](908 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [20:22, 07:22] ( 792 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:33, 04:38](1062 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:40, 04:27](1060 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:35, 13:28](1147 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:24, 13:39](826 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [10:29, 07:50](1140 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:28, 13:52](1211 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [18:26, 07:00] ( 792 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:39, 04:35](1086 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [29:23, 17:09] ( 6 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [06:31, 04:33](699 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:59, 05:02](1047 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:03, 06:26](753 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [13:24, 10:58](766 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [14:41, 12:10](797 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [07:35, 04:39](460 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [07:44, 05:41](477 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [04:06, 02:17](383 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [09:35, 06:05](452 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:03, 03:17](498 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:16, 03:03](498 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:21, 03:48](570 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [02:33, 01:13](421 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [07:33, 04:12](1701 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [18:20, 08:24] ( 1472 warnings 1481 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [14:39, 12:00](625 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [27:22, 16:52] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [09:19, 07:10](614 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [09:27, 07:14](674 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [23:22, 18:17] ( 5 warnings 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [07:26, 05:23](668 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [18:15, 15:31] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [08:46, 05:41](740 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [08:53, 05:44](722 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [18:55, 16:07](892 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [09:17, 08:10] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:44, 02:28](770 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:25, 01:32](759 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:35, 02:21](648 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:31, 02:24](647 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:44, 02:25](648 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:43, 02:28](769 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:38, 02:29](766 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:38, 02:19](647 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [11:52, 05:43](698 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [11:18, 05:42](676 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:24, 02:29](756 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:28, 03:54](2032 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:30, 03:53](2035 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [08:17, 05:37] ( 7 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [06:27, 05:10](752 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [09:22, 08:15] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:33, 02:29](756 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [04:17, 02:37] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:44, 01:09](309 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:28, 01:05](450 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:41, 00:45](451 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [14:19, 13:16] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [06:38, 03:50](1902 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [13:18, 12:14] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [05:30, 03:45](1898 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [15:19, 14:17] ( 13 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [09:37, 07:14](1883 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [09:40, 07:06](1878 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:12, 04:13](1033 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [11:18, 10:26] ( 887 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [08:35, 06:24](1919 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [14:20, 13:22] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [04:22, 02:21](1875 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [13:18, 12:37] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [06:48, 04:12](3122 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [06:46, 04:19](3000 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [06:12, 04:23](3007 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [09:19, 07:52] ( 889 warnings 6 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [26:13, 21:53](4538 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [26:18, 24:28] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [11:33, 06:05](3203 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [28:22, 26:54] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [18:09, 15:04](1909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [22:04, 16:38](1937 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [13:08, 08:13](1072 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [20:09, 16:55](1881 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [29:23, 26:26] ( 6 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [17:24, 14:34](1910 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [17:15, 15:08] ( 1530 warnings 1948 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [26:13, 23:04](1933 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [25:21, 24:03] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [13:15, 06:30](3221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [13:39, 06:44](3221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [08:05, 04:19](3149 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [13:15, 06:38](3247 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [12:03, 04:06](3176 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [11:32, 06:12](3732 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [12:47, 06:39](3219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [10:27, 05:38](3534 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [13:37, 06:38](3228 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [17:14, 09:52](3816 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [16:01, 07:00](3618 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [34:56, 10:59](4518 MB) +FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [11:24, 06:10](3202 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [24:21, 22:14] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [07:56, 05:03](1919 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [09:08, 05:21](1986 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [18:20, 14:52] ( 1455 warnings 1209 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [12:14, 08:23](3304 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [16:19, 13:52] ( 1455 warnings 1209 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [09:00, 06:10](1956 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [21:20, 18:17] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [09:08, 05:11](1991 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [22:18, 18:46] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [35:35, 07:02](2891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [31:33, 02:44](2902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:42, 01:46](2309 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [27:20, 26:11] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [11:56, 06:29](3231 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [26:24, 24:46] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [18:17, 15:03](1929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [12:29, 08:30](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:01, 16:58](1905 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [14:25, 13:32] ( 1565 warnings 1948 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [29:06, 24:45](1944 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [16:26, 15:20] ( 6 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [08:03, 03:33](671 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [09:48, 02:29](1565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [09:10, 02:35](1571 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [09:47, 02:32](1562 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:45, 02:33](1562 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [19:47, 06:10](1575 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [18:59, 05:22](708 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [16:56, 08:51](1674 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [19:16, 09:02](1958 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [19:56, 07:31](1175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [06:06, 01:36](621 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [03:47, 00:55](438 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [06:07, 01:26](622 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [07:08, 02:12](622 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [07:08, 02:14](623 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [09:19, 03:19](1858 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [10:22, 03:21](1859 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [11:03, 03:15](1861 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [05:47, 02:08](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [10:43, 03:15](1851 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [05:30, 02:17](1011 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [10:40, 03:26](1852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [06:01, 03:12](1937 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [07:41, 05:08](1857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:54, 04:09](1912 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [07:59, 03:18](1863 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [07:55, 03:28](1858 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [08:30, 05:03](858 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [05:11, 03:29](862 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [08:58, 05:27](870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:56, 05:02](1181 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:02, 05:03](863 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:03, 05:18](868 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:13, 05:46](1595 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [42:28, 14:11] ( 8 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [11:16, 06:18](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [08:26, 03:57](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [11:16, 06:32](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [09:26, 05:52](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:27, 03:17](877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [10:15, 06:16](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:15, 06:32](1005 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [07:25, 04:47](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [07:40, 03:18](998 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:39, 03:29](996 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:14, 02:55](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [04:01, 01:56](832 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [08:30, 06:10](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [09:50, 07:32](1957 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [08:54, 07:14](1947 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [39:31, 13:00] ( 5 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:22, 06:31](955 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [04:39, 03:00](658 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [38:32, 12:52] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [15:20, 10:23](1644 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [37:22, 13:24] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [05:46, 03:15](1857 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [07:14, 05:06](858 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [37:32, 15:50] ( 889 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [05:22, 02:43](1609 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [05:18, 02:34](1610 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [04:47, 02:57](808 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:49, 02:46](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [07:23, 04:48](1115 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [03:58, 02:43](815 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [06:57, 02:43](1660 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [06:17, 03:28](1906 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [19:34, 16:34](919 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:56](1191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:54, 04:46](1186 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:54, 04:49](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:39, 04:46](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:45](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [09:18, 04:58](1271 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:54](1192 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:49, 04:58](1192 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:51, 04:46](1196 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [06:57, 04:46](1188 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:53, 04:42](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [05:49, 04:45](1189 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:45, 07:32](1186 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:50, 04:42](1185 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [08:01, 05:52](1193 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:52, 04:54](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [10:27, 08:02](1199 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [30:27, 08:42] ( 844 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [15:09, 12:08](1694 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [31:26, 12:50] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:10, 03:47](1019 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:25, 05:11](884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:36, 02:57](884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:25, 04:55](944 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:38, 02:33](938 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:36, 03:00](881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:33, 03:59](790 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [02:47, 01:37](775 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [26:23, 12:50] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [08:35, 02:04](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [03:59, 01:12](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:56, 01:15](958 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [21:18, 13:09] ( 8 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:44, 03:43](902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [17:17, 09:08] ( 792 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:46, 04:39](1068 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:45, 04:30](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [17:24, 13:50](1148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [18:30, 14:23](830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [11:14, 08:16](1145 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [17:12, 13:54](1215 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [10:13, 09:00] ( 792 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:49, 04:47](1087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [21:21, 19:58] ( 6 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [07:49, 04:51](704 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [07:40, 05:25](1043 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [10:57, 06:45](756 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [14:11, 11:15](770 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [15:28, 12:29](794 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [07:53, 04:47](461 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [08:58, 05:55](475 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [04:18, 02:27](387 MB) +FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [, ]( MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:20, 03:28](498 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:58, 03:15](499 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:54, 04:05](567 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [02:43, 01:21](418 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [08:48, 04:30](1713 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [12:22, 10:46] ( 1472 warnings 1481 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [14:45, 12:38](620 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [20:25, 18:59] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [09:55, 07:27](614 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [10:24, 07:25](679 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [21:24, 20:24] ( 5 warnings 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [08:32, 05:33](665 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [20:18, 17:52] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [09:25, 06:03](737 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [09:27, 06:00](720 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [18:42, 16:24](894 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [15:22, 09:42] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:47, 02:34](757 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:04, 01:36](759 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:52, 02:25](645 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:55, 02:29](653 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:49, 02:27](649 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:51, 02:32](769 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:55, 02:36](768 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:48, 02:26](648 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [15:46, 05:50](696 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [15:44, 05:51](680 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:29, 02:34](770 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [06:00, 03:59](2033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:07, 04:02](2033 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [13:19, 07:30] ( 7 warnings 2 remarks ) +FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [, ]( MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [15:15, 09:59] ( 5 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:46, 02:34](767 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [08:19, 03:20] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:58, 01:26](310 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:09, 01:17](454 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [03:00, 01:12](451 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [16:36, 15:38] ( 5 warnings 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:09, 04:25](1906 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [15:20, 14:24] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [06:52, 04:06](1902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [17:31, 16:32] ( 13 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [12:30, 08:44](1891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [11:37, 08:16](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:06, 04:01](1037 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [13:27, 12:28] ( 887 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [10:38, 06:45](1927 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [16:21, 15:23] ( 5 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [05:07, 02:31](1882 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:23, 14:46] ( 5 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [07:20, 04:32](3122 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [07:26, 04:29](3003 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [06:20, 04:33](3008 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [11:14, 09:50] ( 889 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [29:41, 22:29](4542 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240806 14:30:46 -Ending Date/Time: 20240806 18:20:14 -Total Time: 03h:50m:18s +Starting Date/Time: 20240808 18:27:21 +Ending Date/Time: 20240808 20:33:18 +Total Time: 02h:07m:14s Compiles Completed: 41/41 -Tests Completed: 184/184 +Tests Completed: 181/184 +Failed Tests: +* TEST cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel: FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON +-- LOG: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/jenkins/workspace/s-weather-model_pipeline_PR-2278/tests/logs/log_derecho/run_cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel.log +* TEST hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel: FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON +-- LOG: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/jenkins/workspace/s-weather-model_pipeline_PR-2278/tests/logs/log_derecho/run_hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel.log +* TEST datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel: FAILED: UNABLE TO COMPLETE COMPARISON +-- LOG: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/jenkins/workspace/s-weather-model_pipeline_PR-2278/tests/logs/log_derecho/run_datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel.log + +NOTES: +A file 'test_changes.list' was generated with list of all failed tests. +You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. +If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. + +Result: FAILURE + +====END OF DERECHO REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== +====START OF DERECHO REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== + +UFSWM hash used in testing: +be00f82a5b69e02f347d8334d4b13292804e83f5 + +Submodule hashes used in testing: + 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) + be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) + fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) + 2ffee5cd48e0c389bdf75c0d910b3f6d53263563 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-451-g2ffee5c) + f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) + f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) + cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) + 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) + be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) +-1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd +-7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd + 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) + bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) + 4b8777eb08b065d8a95e5317b6270a7a67ccf93e MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10053-g4b8777eb0) + 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) + 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) + 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) + 7f548c795a348bbb0fe4967dd25692c79036dc73 WW3 (6.07.1-346-g7f548c79) + fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) + + +NOTES: +[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). +The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). +The second time is specifically for the run phase. +Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. + +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/epicufsrt/ufs-weather-model/RT//NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /glade/derecho/scratch/zshrader/FV3_RT/rt_65928 + +RT.SH OPTIONS USED: +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: nral0032 +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [25:26, 23:56] ( 5 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [26:43, 11:15](4518 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [24:58, 07:56](4664 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [21:24, 19:55] ( 6 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [10:03, 06:30](449 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [08:12, 07:28] ( 7 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [06:35, 05:15](738 MB) + +SYNOPSIS: +Starting Date/Time: 20240809 07:25:10 +Ending Date/Time: 20240809 08:43:35 +Total Time: 01h:18m:42s +Compiles Completed: 3/3 +Tests Completed: 4/4 NOTES: A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log index 0b77498111..f9064a2595 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_gaea.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF GAEA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -b40a0f095bb14723f1a8be990d19a22972f356d6 +8cb23af867d56961352ff5fab97656c3a4c6b936 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,340 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) - 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) - be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) --1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd --7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd - 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) - bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) - 4b8777eb08b065d8a95e5317b6270a7a67ccf93e MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10053-g4b8777eb0) - 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) - 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) - 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) - 7f548c795a348bbb0fe4967dd25692c79036dc73 WW3 (6.07.1-346-g7f548c79) - fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) - - -NOTES: -[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). -The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). -The second time is specifically for the run phase. -Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. - -BASELINE DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240806 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_214339 - -RT.SH OPTIONS USED: -* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic -* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf -* (-e) - USE ECFLOW - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [22:12, 21:38] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [12:04, 07:24](3207 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [25:15, 25:07] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [15:40, 14:00](1914 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [16:38, 14:59](1935 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [09:31, 07:46](1072 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [16:40, 14:58](1887 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [27:12, 25:03] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [14:47, 13:49](1913 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [16:15, 15:52] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [27:59, 25:08](1939 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [22:12, 21:58] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [12:54, 08:27](3224 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [12:56, 08:28](3221 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [08:58, 05:12](3156 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [12:54, 08:31](3247 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [08:56, 05:14](3172 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [11:36, 06:56](3460 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [12:43, 08:26](3222 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [11:56, 07:26](3168 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [13:05, 08:29](3223 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [17:11, 10:34](3453 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [11:43, 08:21](3604 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [22:36, 13:10](4209 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [16:04, 09:17](4360 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [11:56, 08:00](3211 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [21:16, 20:08] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [07:40, 06:02](1929 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [08:50, 06:45](1996 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [17:11, 16:28] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [11:38, 09:58](3280 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [16:15, 15:53] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [09:11, 06:36](1954 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [20:11, 18:38] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [07:40, 05:32](1993 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [19:11, 19:04] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [08:14, 06:29](2870 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [05:27, 01:56](2877 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [03:18, 01:08](2288 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [23:17, 22:16] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [10:50, 08:41](3223 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [25:14, 24:56] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [18:44, 16:17](1926 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [11:41, 08:00](1085 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [21:41, 17:58](1903 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [17:15, 16:58] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [28:30, 26:56](1959 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [17:16, 16:48] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [04:45, 03:54](664 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [06:47, 03:12](1565 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [06:27, 03:12](1565 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:45, 03:08](1567 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:17, 03:09](1563 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [09:15, 06:32](1561 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [07:48, 05:51](696 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [12:52, 10:11](1671 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [21:09, 18:34](1927 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [18:37, 14:35](1151 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:48, 02:04](619 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:31, 01:03](425 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:51, 01:51](618 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:54, 02:41](616 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [03:54, 02:43](616 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [07:38, 03:26](1849 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [07:50, 03:32](1848 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [07:42, 03:21](1852 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [04:18, 02:17](996 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [07:38, 03:26](1844 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:15, 01:47](1013 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [07:30, 03:21](1849 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [05:13, 02:51](1926 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [07:50, 05:46](1849 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [06:30, 04:15](1905 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [05:27, 03:44](1863 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [06:11, 04:09](1856 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:11, 05:05](848 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [03:38, 02:33](847 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:53, 04:52](851 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [05:00, 02:55](989 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:24, 04:39](1175 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:23, 04:33](856 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:00, 04:39](832 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [06:45, 06:07](1580 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [17:16, 16:46] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [08:08, 07:04](1010 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [06:15, 04:10](1152 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [10:19, 07:13](1007 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [08:41, 06:18](1087 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:53, 03:28](878 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [09:24, 06:57](1005 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:07, 07:37](1004 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [06:13, 04:58](877 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [05:14, 03:55](1001 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [05:04, 03:54](997 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [05:01, 03:14](1081 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [02:42, 01:59](833 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [08:34, 06:45](1000 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [09:34, 08:38](1960 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [08:37, 07:54](1948 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [16:16, 15:46] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [07:42, 06:47](958 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [05:20, 03:33](654 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [16:11, 15:58] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [13:19, 12:04](1649 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [16:11, 15:35] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [05:30, 03:11](1846 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [05:44, 04:35](844 MB) - -FAILED: UNABLE TO FINISH COMPILE -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [, ] -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) -SKIPPED: ASSOCIATED COMPILE FAILED -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [, ]( MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [12:12, 11:29] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [15:17, 13:32](1674 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:11, 13:55] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:18, 04:13](1010 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:15, 05:48](878 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:05, 03:32](875 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:13, 05:06](932 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:11, 02:53](922 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:07, 03:33](875 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:12, 04:24](774 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [02:37, 01:41](757 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [15:11, 15:09] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [05:05, 02:36](1086 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [03:21, 01:10](1062 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [03:27, 01:26](963 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [15:15, 14:47] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [06:44, 04:21](906 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [11:14, 10:47] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:39, 05:07](1051 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:35, 05:46](1052 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [17:52, 14:11](1136 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:27, 15:08](807 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [10:14, 08:36](1115 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:15, 15:06](1200 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [14:15, 13:11] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:40, 05:22](1079 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [20:11, 19:57] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [07:37, 05:31](685 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:00, 04:41](1034 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [10:03, 07:57](725 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [13:41, 11:48](762 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [15:30, 12:52](781 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [07:32, 05:30](462 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [08:44, 06:50](482 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:37, 03:06](368 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [11:20, 08:05](429 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:19, 04:01](498 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:37, 03:38](496 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [07:27, 04:59](557 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [03:49, 01:53](399 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [09:16, 06:00](1706 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [15:11, 14:43] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [15:26, 13:10](585 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [19:14, 18:59] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [10:40, 07:48](605 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [11:33, 07:51](777 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [21:12, 20:45] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [09:28, 06:08](776 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [20:12, 19:52] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [09:25, 06:19](720 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [09:16, 06:25](705 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [22:19, 20:07](893 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [15:13, 14:50] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:28, 02:34](761 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:34, 01:35](753 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:27, 02:27](638 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:34, 02:27](642 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:33, 02:36](643 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:35, 02:37](750 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:32, 02:37](763 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:28, 02:28](638 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [08:50, 06:12](692 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [07:51, 06:03](673 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:23, 02:36](763 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:29, 04:40](2028 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:58, 04:42](2028 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [11:11, 10:26] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:35, 05:31](746 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [16:13, 15:09] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:27, 02:34](765 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [05:20, 04:43] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [03:11, 01:59](316 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:10, 01:38](456 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [03:50, 01:04](456 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [18:18, 17:19] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:38, 05:07](1910 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [15:12, 14:33] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [06:44, 04:16](1897 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [17:16, 16:20] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [09:47, 07:20](1881 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [09:47, 07:20](1881 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [05:59, 04:17](1031 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [13:16, 12:26] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [08:33, 06:42](1921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [16:14, 15:50] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [04:11, 02:24](1883 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [15:11, 14:54] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [08:32, 06:19](3117 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [08:32, 06:44](3008 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [08:29, 06:48](3018 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [13:11, 11:10] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [20:39, 18:18](4492 MB) - -SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240806 23:36:46 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 01:14:37 -Total Time: 01h:38m:56s -Compiles Completed: 40/41 -Tests Completed: 159/185 -Failed Compiles: -* COMPILE atm_debug_dyn32_intel: FAILED: UNABLE TO FINISH COMPILE --- LOG: /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/reg-test/wm/2183/ufs-weather-model/tests/logs/log_gaea/compile_atm_debug_dyn32_intel.log - -NOTES: -A file 'test_changes.list' was generated with list of all failed tests. -You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. -If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. - -Result: FAILURE - -====END OF GAEA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== -====START OF GAEA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== - -UFSWM hash used in testing: -43fce6b201a8bffe7e346b1dfb5c724bfc053722 - -Submodule hashes used in testing: - 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) - be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) - fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) - 2ffee5cd48e0c389bdf75c0d910b3f6d53263563 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-451-g2ffee5c) - f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) - f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) - cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -366,47 +36,286 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/world-shared/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_233535 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /gpfs/f5/epic/scratch/role.epic/RT_RUNDIRS/role.epic/FV3_RT/rt_110577 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic * (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf * (-e) - USE ECFLOW -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [41:24, 41:03] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [11:37, 03:00](1589 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [10:36, 03:13](1592 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [06:44, 03:17](795 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [05:04, 02:52](794 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [11:19, 04:37](1098 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [05:04, 02:53](801 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [10:23, 03:16](1652 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [10:21, 03:27](1887 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [23:19, 17:06](889 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [10:04, 05:39](1178 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [11:04, 05:29](1173 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [12:09, 05:53](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [12:09, 05:46](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [09:05, 05:08](1179 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [14:16, 05:20](1261 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [11:08, 05:31](1176 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [11:08, 05:46](1182 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [09:05, 05:10](1182 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [12:09, 05:43](1182 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [09:05, 04:56](1176 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [09:05, 05:23](1180 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [12:09, 08:04](1174 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [11:05, 05:37](1170 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [12:09, 06:14](1181 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [12:09, 05:42](1179 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [15:38, 09:20](1179 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [19:13, 18:58] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [16:58, 08:02](3205 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [23:15, 22:46] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [18:37, 14:17](1913 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [34:13, 14:16](1935 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [26:36, 06:52](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [25:27, 14:54](1887 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [24:13, 23:42] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [22:53, 14:19](1910 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [13:16, 13:04] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [40:21, 25:16](1917 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [19:13, 18:42] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [16:53, 08:33](3224 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [17:51, 08:39](3220 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [31:08, 05:21](3156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [17:41, 08:32](3247 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [30:07, 05:06](3172 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [15:46, 06:59](3464 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [17:35, 08:32](3222 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [16:33, 07:54](3167 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [16:59, 08:38](3224 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [22:06, 11:38](3449 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [29:26, 07:27](3607 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [46:33, 13:06](4208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [17:29, 09:15](4359 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [16:40, 08:18](3211 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [19:13, 18:14] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [14:41, 05:33](1929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [14:41, 05:59](1988 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [14:12, 13:37] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [23:35, 10:08](3281 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [13:16, 12:18] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [21:13, 06:14](1954 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [16:14, 15:42] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [17:49, 05:42](1995 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [15:14, 15:02] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [19:17, 06:32](2871 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [14:30, 02:07](2876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [13:13, 01:13](2288 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [20:15, 19:40] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [28:55, 07:57](3223 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [23:17, 22:35] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [40:48, 15:19](1927 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [12:18, 07:47](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:40, 17:37](1904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [15:10, 14:23] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:22, 27:07](1956 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [15:12, 14:26] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [21:47, 04:04](664 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [25:17, 03:26](1560 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [25:15, 03:10](1565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [25:05, 03:07](1564 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [21:17, 03:05](1563 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [27:23, 06:37](1568 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [16:56, 05:42](697 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [31:07, 09:49](1670 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [40:31, 18:39](1928 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [38:25, 14:39](1153 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [23:35, 02:02](619 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [03:40, 01:02](425 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [23:41, 01:49](619 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [25:39, 02:48](616 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [25:37, 02:40](616 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [28:42, 03:19](1848 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [29:02, 03:36](1850 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [27:46, 03:22](1852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [06:36, 02:37](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [27:05, 03:17](1843 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [05:37, 02:22](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [18:30, 03:25](1850 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [17:30, 02:49](1928 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [17:58, 05:16](1849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [14:37, 04:11](1905 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [12:46, 03:21](1863 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [11:35, 03:38](1856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [09:42, 04:35](848 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [07:01, 02:56](849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [09:43, 04:45](851 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [08:45, 02:59](987 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:45, 04:27](1179 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:56, 04:38](856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:20, 04:42](849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:38, 06:26](1580 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [15:14, 14:32] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [09:46, 07:14](1010 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [06:21, 04:13](1152 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [09:25, 07:34](1006 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [09:33, 06:42](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:06, 03:48](878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [09:52, 07:26](1005 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:50, 07:33](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [07:43, 05:25](877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:22, 04:20](1001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [07:22, 04:19](1001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:20, 03:10](1075 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:48, 02:16](832 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [10:41, 06:50](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [13:54, 09:10](1959 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [11:47, 08:46](1947 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [16:12, 15:37] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:56, 07:03](957 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [06:37, 03:32](653 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [14:12, 13:52] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [15:21, 11:58](1657 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [14:12, 14:07] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [07:59, 03:42](1847 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [06:54, 04:30](844 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [15:15, 14:33] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [05:26, 03:03](1589 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [06:06, 03:13](1592 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [05:42, 03:27](793 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [04:34, 03:07](794 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [05:45, 04:30](1099 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:43, 03:04](801 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [03:56, 03:02](1652 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:43, 03:17](1888 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [17:52, 16:21](888 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [07:08, 05:22](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:53, 05:16](1173 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [06:36, 05:09](1177 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:35, 05:08](1177 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [06:45, 05:11](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:54, 05:18](1261 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:44, 05:14](1176 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:52, 05:15](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:53, 05:08](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [07:00, 05:05](1182 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:01, 04:58](1176 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:49, 05:04](1180 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:55, 07:56](1175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:03, 04:55](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:41, 05:52](1178 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:41, 05:05](1179 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [12:53, 09:21](1179 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [11:12, 10:18] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [17:16, 14:15](1674 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [15:12, 14:25] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:21, 04:40](1004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:02, 06:54](878 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:21, 04:14](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:11, 06:18](933 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:42, 03:47](924 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:20, 04:01](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:19, 05:13](773 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:42, 02:07](757 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [14:11, 13:36] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [05:06, 02:13](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [04:42, 01:16](1062 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [05:08, 02:40](964 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [15:12, 14:26] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [06:25, 04:34](906 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [11:12, 10:37] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:45, 04:56](1051 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:48, 05:08](1052 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [17:11, 14:12](1136 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:50, 14:35](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [10:27, 08:25](1113 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:37, 14:07](1200 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [11:12, 10:30] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:48, 05:07](1079 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [18:11, 17:42] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:00, 05:30](683 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [05:42, 04:37](1033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:38, 07:43](728 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [13:24, 11:54](758 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [17:02, 13:17](784 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [08:09, 05:28](462 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [08:57, 06:48](484 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [07:00, 03:04](369 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [12:48, 08:04](430 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [06:28, 03:56](498 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:48, 03:36](498 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [08:32, 05:00](557 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:32, 01:47](399 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [12:01, 06:51](1706 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [13:11, 13:08] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [17:11, 14:04](585 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [18:14, 17:25] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [12:04, 08:34](598 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [12:15, 08:01](777 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [19:13, 18:10] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [11:48, 06:10](778 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [18:19, 17:20] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [10:03, 06:19](719 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [08:55, 06:24](707 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [21:43, 20:04](893 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [13:13, 13:06] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:31, 02:39](761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:30, 01:42](751 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:28, 02:27](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:35, 02:28](640 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:26, 02:31](639 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:26, 02:34](749 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:27, 02:36](749 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:38, 02:25](640 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [09:09, 06:09](694 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [07:33, 06:00](675 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:30, 02:34](761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:48, 04:39](2029 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:34, 04:39](2029 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:36] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:03, 05:36](733 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [14:11, 13:20] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:29, 02:33](752 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [04:11, 03:25] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [04:24, 02:30](316 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:15, 01:34](455 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [04:14, 02:11](454 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [16:15, 15:37] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:02, 04:31](1917 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [15:14, 14:55] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [07:09, 04:17](1903 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [16:12, 15:46] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [10:58, 08:20](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [10:54, 08:31](1882 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:56, 05:16](1023 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [12:17, 11:39] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [08:48, 06:37](1922 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [14:11, 14:04] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [05:20, 02:23](1884 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [16:15, 15:29] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [09:25, 07:16](3118 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [09:28, 07:15](3009 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [09:19, 07:12](3018 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [12:15, 11:37] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [22:59, 18:16](4485 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 15:32:30 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 16:39:53 -Total Time: 01h:07m:48s -Compiles Completed: 1/1 -Tests Completed: 26/26 +Starting Date/Time: 20240808 20:31:36 +Ending Date/Time: 20240808 22:33:34 +Total Time: 02h:03m:10s +Compiles Completed: 41/41 +Tests Completed: 185/185 NOTES: A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log index 29aadba024..c585b44b12 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hera.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF HERA REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -b40a0f095bb14723f1a8be990d19a22972f356d6 +47a543052e09892e0825465e5699e061faf068cb Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: 2ffee5cd48e0c389bdf75c0d910b3f6d53263563 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-451-g2ffee5c) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) 4b8777eb08b065d8a95e5317b6270a7a67ccf93e MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10053-g4b8777eb0) @@ -24,375 +24,374 @@ The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. -BASELINE DIRECTORY: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240806 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_763542 +BASELINE DIRECTORY: /scratch2/NAGAPE/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/stmp2/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_2101635 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic -* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf * (-e) - USE ECFLOW -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [13:12, 12:10] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [09:21, 05:41](3286 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [18:12, 16:24] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [21:05, 17:29](1957 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [20:22, 18:11](2132 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [10:17, 08:23](1217 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [23:04, 19:30](1856 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [17:12, 16:10] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [18:46, 17:15](1936 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:44] ( 1525 warnings 1998 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [27:02, 23:32](1888 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [13:12, 12:22] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [09:21, 06:00](3315 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [10:26, 06:02](3316 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [08:28, 03:36](3219 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [10:17, 05:58](3344 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [07:31, 03:35](3246 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [08:11, 05:38](3606 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [10:17, 06:01](3306 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [07:15, 04:52](3192 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [09:26, 05:55](3320 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [16:13, 10:28](3503 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [10:06, 06:23](3600 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [22:49, 09:33](4265 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [17:54, 06:07](4356 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [09:19, 05:31](3294 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [13:12, 11:47] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [08:11, 04:55](1957 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [08:15, 04:26](2035 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:43] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [12:05, 08:37](3319 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [07:12, 05:39] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [08:57, 05:51](1956 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:12, 10:53] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [08:04, 04:24](2033 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:12, 11:11] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [10:42, 09:08](3031 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [03:41, 02:43](3018 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [02:44, 01:38](2450 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [17:12, 16:35] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [07:21, 05:32](3319 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [17:12, 16:19] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [19:13, 17:34](1988 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [10:20, 08:24](1246 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [22:22, 20:01](1886 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [06:12, 05:28] ( 1560 warnings 1998 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [28:11, 25:51](1921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [11:12, 10:33] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [07:26, 03:21](679 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [06:44, 02:57](1583 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [06:49, 02:59](1591 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [06:40, 02:54](1578 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:48, 02:57](1586 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [08:45, 07:38](1693 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [07:29, 06:32](831 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [14:04, 10:46](1737 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [13:05, 10:59](1943 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [11:22, 08:07](1355 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:24, 01:39](638 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:26, 01:06](477 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:27, 01:37](640 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:26, 02:28](631 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [03:26, 02:30](629 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [04:57, 03:08](1880 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:01, 03:06](1864 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [04:57, 03:00](1872 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [02:52, 01:48](1106 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [03:56, 03:06](1865 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [02:55, 01:48](1145 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [04:51, 03:10](1862 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [03:47, 02:54](1938 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [06:42, 05:28](1868 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [04:55, 04:07](1928 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [04:58, 03:09](1874 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [04:51, 03:40](1874 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:44, 05:23](1073 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [03:43, 02:53](1067 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:39, 05:41](1067 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:39, 03:27](1056 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:42, 05:18](1370 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:43, 05:25](1074 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:38, 05:25](1079 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [07:42, 06:59](1891 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [10:12, 10:00] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [12:42, 07:49](1086 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [09:14, 04:08](1237 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [11:46, 08:13](1019 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [11:46, 07:22](1148 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [05:48, 04:09](1078 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [12:45, 07:48](1078 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [12:45, 08:15](1018 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [06:48, 05:56](1112 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [08:47, 04:01](1024 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [08:47, 04:09](1009 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [08:47, 03:42](1081 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:35, 02:14](984 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [08:57, 07:44](1070 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [10:30, 09:23](1978 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:30, 09:06](2056 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [11:11, 09:54] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [07:42, 06:11](995 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [04:24, 03:19](729 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [06:11, 04:23] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [09:45, 08:31](729 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [11:11, 09:55] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [12:56, 11:12](1653 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [11:12, 10:13] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [03:58, 02:49](1876 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [06:39, 04:59](1066 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [08:11, 07:43] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [03:49, 02:38](1587 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [03:45, 02:40](1590 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [04:24, 03:09](795 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:24, 02:46](795 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [05:37, 04:20](1105 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [03:25, 02:51](798 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [03:53, 02:48](1645 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:46, 03:03](1885 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [18:43, 17:46](1058 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [05:27, 04:55](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [05:27, 05:00](1169 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [05:24, 04:54](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [05:26, 04:55](1181 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [05:26, 05:01](1182 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:42, 05:19](1262 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:25, 05:06](1174 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:26, 05:01](1173 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [05:24, 05:03](1180 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [06:23, 04:56](1183 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:23, 04:53](1178 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:25, 04:59](1183 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:24, 08:12](1174 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [05:23, 05:00](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:28, 05:58](1175 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:59](1176 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [09:44, 08:30](1186 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [05:11, 04:14] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [03:41, 02:18](696 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [06:12, 04:45] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [14:49, 13:47](1664 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:11, 09:39] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:09, 03:53](1111 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:40, 06:27](1037 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:37, 03:26](969 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:32, 06:12](1071 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:30, 03:10](938 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:33, 03:38](913 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:55, 04:52](1030 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [02:27, 01:52](908 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [10:11, 09:58] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:01, 02:07](1177 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [01:51, 00:53](1093 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:49, 01:14](1086 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [10:12, 09:44] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:42, 04:18](962 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [05:11, 04:29] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:25, 04:56](1057 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:29, 04:53](1055 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [16:52, 15:11](1175 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:47, 15:12](896 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [09:41, 08:29](1106 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [16:42, 15:15](1242 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:11, 04:42] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:24, 05:02](1097 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [12:12, 11:28] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [07:16, 05:10](703 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [07:31, 06:19](1070 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:24, 07:01](792 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [15:13, 13:41](828 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [17:28, 15:17](860 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [06:58, 05:37](474 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [08:27, 06:49](487 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [03:46, 02:41](356 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [10:08, 07:23](466 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:45, 03:47](498 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:50, 03:31](503 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [05:55, 04:11](551 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [02:29, 01:10](386 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [06:45, 04:16](1723 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [05:11, 05:00] ( 1467 warnings 1501 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [13:56, 12:54](533 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [12:11, 11:03] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [10:01, 08:44](640 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [10:08, 08:45](699 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [11:11, 11:03] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [08:07, 06:39](701 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [12:11, 10:55] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [08:20, 06:39](797 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [08:14, 06:41](772 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [16:55, 16:03](1212 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [07:11, 06:27] -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:19, 02:43](1167 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:21, 01:42](1095 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:19, 02:33](1041 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:24, 02:40](1020 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:17, 02:39](1025 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:20, 02:46](1140 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:20, 02:47](1152 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:21, 02:36](1021 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [09:29, 06:52](1067 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [08:22, 06:11](1033 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [04:17, 03:08](1150 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:23, 04:02](2506 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:33, 03:59](2441 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [04:11, 03:22] ( 2 warnings ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:21, 06:23](1078 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [07:11, 06:26] -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:18, 02:41](1135 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [02:11, 01:38] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:30, 00:47](260 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:24, 00:49](315 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [05:27, 00:33](314 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [11:12, 10:54] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [06:06, 03:46](1964 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:11, 10:41] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [05:03, 03:37](1921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [11:11, 10:56] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [06:03, 04:19](1838 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:02, 04:16](1840 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [03:48, 02:25](1066 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [06:12, 05:47] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [07:58, 05:54](1841 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [11:12, 10:52] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [03:50, 01:52](1897 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [11:12, 10:25] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [06:01, 04:10](3176 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [06:56, 04:57](3071 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [06:44, 05:00](3089 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [05:11, 05:02] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [05:11, 04:35] -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [14:39, 11:11](1493 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [04:24, 03:27](474 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [08:23, 04:50](490 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [08:58, 04:47](1437 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [08:54, 04:40](1425 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [14:25, 10:31](519 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [05:11, 04:34] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [14:33, 10:49](792 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [13:32, 11:09](796 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [12:39, 09:55](898 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [06:43, 05:30](557 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [13:37, 10:51](792 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [13:32, 11:07](828 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [09:50, 08:13](563 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [07:40, 05:35](791 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [07:33, 05:32](784 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [07:36, 05:05](886 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [06:34, 05:34](787 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [03:33, 02:54](547 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [03:31, 02:50](635 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [12:42, 10:33](792 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [07:11, 06:23] -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [04:52, 01:38](1245 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [13:41, 11:11](724 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [03:26, 02:41](800 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [05:26, 02:34](795 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [04:25, 02:37](810 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [04:23, 02:38](804 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [04:38, 02:53](885 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [05:24, 04:10](794 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [04:22, 02:37](794 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [03:23, 02:38](795 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [02:20, 01:35](433 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [02:20, 01:47](429 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [02:41, 01:49](1402 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [03:23, 02:39](796 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [03:23, 02:53](799 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [05:38, 04:23](807 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [03:11, 02:49] - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:11, 04:14] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [10:30, 09:28](692 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:35, 04:59](688 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:34, 08:35](733 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:29, 04:28](725 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:29, 05:03](688 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [08:41, 07:04](536 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:30, 02:33](520 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [03:57, 03:09](854 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [10:47, 05:45](856 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [02:46, 01:48](536 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [10:12, 09:32] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [06:40, 05:57](708 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [07:12, 06:29] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:25, 02:36](685 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:24, 02:32](687 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [08:47, 07:11](853 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [07:50, 07:06](552 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [08:44, 07:29](861 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [07:44, 07:00](923 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [07:10, 06:31] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [03:24, 02:41](706 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [17:12, 16:30] - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [16:11, 15:48] -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [09:15, 07:26](1518 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [04:10, 03:11] - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [16:11, 15:53] -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [22:14, 20:57](1430 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [03:11, 02:59] - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [16:12, 15:30] -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [03:18, 03:02](680 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [14:13, 13:08] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [24:24, 05:44](3306 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [18:13, 16:41] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [41:08, 17:26](1979 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [19:10, 18:00](2148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [10:06, 08:20](1246 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [43:05, 19:28](1876 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [18:13, 16:50] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [40:45, 16:56](1966 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:25] ( 1525 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [32:10, 23:16](1931 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [14:13, 13:09] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [23:12, 05:51](3338 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [32:30, 05:58](3333 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [08:16, 03:34](3255 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [24:09, 05:54](3378 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [07:15, 03:30](3282 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [23:13, 05:29](3635 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [24:08, 05:50](3335 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [25:09, 04:47](3222 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [25:19, 05:51](3356 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [37:17, 10:15](3537 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [09:40, 06:23](3631 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [41:40, 09:31](4298 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [14:41, 06:03](4378 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [23:10, 05:26](3304 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [13:14, 12:13] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [16:53, 04:53](2001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [20:00, 04:22](2061 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:24] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [20:16, 08:38](3391 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [08:11, 06:18] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [15:03, 05:52](1965 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [13:13, 12:01] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [15:01, 04:19](2058 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [13:13, 11:30] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [12:48, 09:05](3051 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [08:48, 02:41](3042 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [14:39, 01:33](2491 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [17:11, 16:35] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [22:08, 05:31](3333 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [17:11, 16:12] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [34:02, 17:30](1999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [10:07, 08:21](1267 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [21:00, 20:00](1923 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [06:10, 05:40] ( 1560 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [52:12, 26:05](1971 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [15:13, 11:07] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [16:26, 03:21](699 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [14:39, 02:54](1601 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [11:42, 03:01](1605 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [08:33, 02:55](1593 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [07:49, 02:58](1600 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [12:45, 07:34](1722 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [10:29, 06:28](846 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [13:57, 10:48](1740 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [14:13, 10:39](1958 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [11:50, 08:01](1378 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [03:21, 01:40](659 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:22, 01:00](499 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:23, 01:36](662 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:23, 02:30](656 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [03:22, 02:30](657 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [04:54, 03:07](1885 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:00, 03:11](1877 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [03:51, 03:02](1887 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:48, 01:46](1124 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [03:51, 03:02](1881 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [02:49, 01:45](1167 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [04:47, 03:13](1873 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [03:47, 02:56](1975 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [06:43, 05:25](1886 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [05:54, 04:06](1949 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [04:52, 03:10](1891 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [04:46, 03:29](1888 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:32, 05:33](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [03:31, 02:50](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:33, 05:48](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:37, 03:30](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:37, 05:17](1392 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:39, 05:19](1095 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:32, 05:22](1099 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [07:34, 06:52](1906 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [13:11, 10:02] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [23:39, 07:49](1112 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [20:06, 04:12](1258 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [23:39, 08:11](1033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [22:45, 07:21](1170 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [04:46, 04:07](1098 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [22:43, 07:47](1104 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [23:40, 08:11](1040 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [06:44, 05:55](1136 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [19:41, 04:01](1042 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [17:52, 04:10](1026 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [04:43, 03:47](1104 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:30, 02:15](994 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [08:52, 07:42](1095 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [10:29, 09:21](1991 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:27, 09:10](2073 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [14:11, 09:54] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [07:37, 06:09](1019 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [04:21, 03:17](748 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [18:13, 04:20] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [09:37, 08:30](742 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [20:14, 09:50] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [12:53, 11:13](1675 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [24:15, 10:11] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [03:54, 02:48](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [05:36, 04:50](1084 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [23:12, 07:28] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [03:42, 02:40](1629 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [03:42, 02:40](1631 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [03:22, 03:05](833 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:22, 02:52](830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [05:33, 04:27](1142 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [03:23, 02:51](831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [03:44, 02:46](1680 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [03:39, 03:05](1915 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [18:35, 17:57](1091 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [06:23, 05:09](1217 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [05:24, 05:01](1214 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [05:22, 04:59](1221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [05:22, 05:04](1216 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [06:24, 05:09](1218 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:36, 05:17](1300 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:22, 05:13](1216 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:21, 05:06](1222 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [05:22, 05:01](1223 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [05:23, 05:06](1217 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [05:26, 05:01](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [05:21, 04:59](1212 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:21, 08:14](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [05:22, 05:00](1214 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:23, 06:10](1215 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [05:25, 05:04](1219 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [09:39, 08:53](1222 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [20:12, 04:29] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [03:32, 02:19](724 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [17:12, 04:46] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [14:49, 13:43](1697 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [23:12, 09:46] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:02, 03:53](1121 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:31, 06:26](1068 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:36, 03:23](988 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:37, 06:08](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:30, 03:08](963 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:29, 03:36](935 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:46, 04:54](1037 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:26, 01:51](931 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [24:11, 09:56] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:52, 02:08](1195 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [05:45, 00:53](1111 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [04:44, 01:15](1101 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [24:12, 09:58] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:37, 04:10](985 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [18:13, 04:42] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:21, 05:03](1096 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:21, 04:52](1105 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [16:51, 15:11](1240 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [16:51, 15:15](944 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [09:43, 08:26](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [15:43, 15:08](1315 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [14:11, 04:31] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:23, 05:01](1141 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [19:12, 11:31] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [06:14, 04:55](717 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:27, 05:54](1093 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:18, 06:52](808 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [15:15, 13:36](856 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [21:30, 15:08](869 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [07:55, 05:27](487 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [08:19, 06:35](507 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [08:45, 02:41](375 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [14:03, 07:08](483 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [10:47, 03:40](519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [06:51, 03:28](523 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [09:54, 04:04](585 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [07:30, 01:14](404 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [11:34, 04:04](1726 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [09:12, 05:09] ( 1467 warnings 1501 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [19:51, 12:42](589 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [15:12, 11:07] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [15:57, 08:36](627 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [18:04, 08:35](734 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [12:11, 11:22] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [14:59, 06:22](736 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [11:12, 10:40] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [17:19, 06:27](814 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [16:22, 06:27](806 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [23:57, 16:02](1218 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [07:11, 06:57] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [04:18, 02:45](1175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [06:20, 01:37](1126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:17, 02:38](1034 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [05:20, 02:40](1023 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [06:19, 02:36](1028 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [07:19, 02:39](1148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [07:19, 02:44](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [07:22, 02:32](1022 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [11:23, 06:09](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [11:13, 06:02](1054 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [07:16, 02:43](1163 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [07:18, 03:49](2473 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [07:20, 03:53](2464 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [04:11, 03:40] ( 2 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [08:18, 06:20](1089 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [08:12, 07:15] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [04:18, 02:38](1146 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [02:11, 01:32] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [01:30, 00:47](260 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [01:23, 00:49](330 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [01:26, 00:32](329 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [11:12, 10:35] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [04:58, 03:56](1975 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:12, 10:18] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [04:58, 03:33](1956 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [11:12, 10:44] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [05:58, 04:16](1871 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:00, 04:14](1862 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [03:45, 02:23](1100 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [06:12, 05:51] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [07:54, 05:46](1902 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [11:12, 10:53] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [02:47, 01:50](1923 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [11:12, 10:12] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [05:58, 04:11](3208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [06:52, 04:54](3104 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [05:42, 04:54](3114 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [05:11, 04:39] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [05:11, 04:39] +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [12:41, 11:17](1513 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [04:20, 03:27](472 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [05:21, 04:47](500 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [05:54, 04:48](1455 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [05:48, 04:38](1455 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [11:24, 10:15](539 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [05:12, 04:34] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [11:37, 10:47](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [11:35, 10:58](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [10:42, 09:56](931 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [06:44, 05:33](575 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [11:41, 10:52](810 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [11:38, 11:06](807 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [09:43, 08:12](583 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [06:38, 05:37](814 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [06:33, 05:39](798 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [06:29, 05:01](908 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [06:31, 05:37](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [03:28, 02:54](563 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [05:26, 02:53](655 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [11:44, 10:35](809 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [07:12, 06:23] +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [02:48, 01:40](1275 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [12:40, 11:53](758 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [03:24, 02:36](827 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [03:23, 02:36](824 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [03:21, 02:33](831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [03:22, 02:39](829 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [03:36, 02:51](909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [04:21, 04:05](828 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [03:21, 02:37](826 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [03:20, 03:03](818 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [02:18, 01:35](457 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [02:19, 01:45](450 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [02:37, 01:53](1433 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [03:21, 02:38](828 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [04:20, 02:51](832 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [05:40, 04:19](833 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [03:11, 02:34] + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:11, 04:08] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [10:31, 09:28](711 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:36, 04:54](706 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:33, 08:29](758 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:30, 04:30](752 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:28, 05:04](703 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [08:33, 07:01](554 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:26, 02:34](539 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [03:57, 03:09](874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [06:49, 05:58](879 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [02:48, 01:56](567 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [10:11, 09:43] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [06:36, 05:44](731 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [07:11, 06:30] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:23, 02:33](717 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:22, 02:30](714 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [08:47, 06:53](888 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [08:41, 06:59](583 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [08:39, 07:30](889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [09:40, 07:07](958 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [07:11, 06:28] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [03:22, 02:36](747 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [17:12, 16:29] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [16:13, 15:53] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [10:03, 07:17](1529 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [04:11, 03:09] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [16:14, 15:58] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [20:54, 19:58](1462 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [03:11, 02:55] + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [17:13, 15:37] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [03:17, 02:58](698 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 03:42:14 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 05:17:49 -Total Time: 01h:36m:42s +Starting Date/Time: 20240808 21:45:57 +Ending Date/Time: 20240808 23:40:22 +Total Time: 01h:54m:44s Compiles Completed: 57/57 Tests Completed: 243/243 diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log index f3c8e7df2c..48ebe99b39 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_hercules.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF HERCULES REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -316fa2afafdaabcdf9c024689e0f5f117395bce5 +8cb23af867d56961352ff5fab97656c3a4c6b936 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -36,374 +36,375 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/hercules/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/stmp/jongkim/stmp/jongkim/FV3_RT/rt_2147705 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work2/noaa/epic/stmp/role-epic/stmp/role-epic/FV3_RT/rt_3225805 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic -* (-r) - USE ROCOTO - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [12:51, 12:51] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [08:27, 07:45](2117 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [41:47, 41:47] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [13:51, 13:16](2006 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [14:44, 13:55](2282 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [07:22, 06:29](1316 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [15:42, 14:56](1920 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [16:17, 16:17] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [13:35, 13:07](1984 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [04:40, 04:40] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [21:51, 21:02](1975 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [10:52, 10:52] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [08:34, 07:50](2175 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [08:34, 07:46](2182 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [04:59, 04:22](1980 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [08:40, 07:53](2197 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [05:13, 04:30](1743 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [09:47, 09:08](2547 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [08:12, 07:34](2174 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [07:03, 06:34](2089 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [08:34, 07:50](2179 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [16:32, 15:22](2993 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [07:30, 05:59](2918 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [14:22, 10:05](3834 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [11:25, 05:59](3642 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [06:20, 05:51](2159 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [10:23, 10:23] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [08:01, 07:26](2018 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [04:50, 04:11](2087 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [05:30, 05:30] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [07:55, 07:16](2221 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [05:19, 05:19] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [05:22, 04:50](2043 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:42, 12:42] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [04:41, 04:03](2080 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [09:43, 09:43] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [07:27, 07:01](3055 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [02:23, 01:57](3031 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [01:40, 01:07](2490 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [12:54, 12:54] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [08:11, 07:26](2182 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [15:27, 15:27] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [14:17, 13:49](2039 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [07:14, 06:48](1381 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [15:54, 15:18](1959 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [03:59, 03:59] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [23:06, 22:36](2005 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [08:10, 08:10] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [04:07, 03:58](714 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [03:44, 03:24](1607 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [03:46, 03:24](1610 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [03:32, 03:21](1611 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [03:49, 03:29](1606 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [07:35, 07:09](1713 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [06:17, 06:05](837 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [13:52, 13:25](1744 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [14:02, 13:07](2007 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [11:39, 10:17](1492 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:05, 01:56](663 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:25, 01:10](552 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [01:49, 01:41](663 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:06, 02:55](673 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [02:57, 02:50](665 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [04:12, 03:40](1904 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [04:20, 03:42](1898 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [04:14, 03:32](1902 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [02:29, 02:05](1162 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [04:13, 03:39](1899 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [02:19, 01:58](1211 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [04:41, 04:04](1880 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [03:41, 03:08](1978 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [06:36, 06:22](1898 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [05:25, 04:44](1965 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [03:46, 03:11](1924 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [04:40, 04:02](1902 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [06:42, 06:29](1198 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [03:49, 03:35](1156 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:50, 06:36](1175 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:26, 04:13](1160 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [06:54, 06:41](1518 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:56, 06:38](1190 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:45, 06:30](1189 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:29, 08:16](2078 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [08:33, 08:33] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [08:47, 08:12](1239 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [04:57, 04:26](1347 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [09:33, 09:01](1158 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [08:34, 07:56](1373 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [04:56, 04:22](1166 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [08:43, 08:11](1239 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [09:31, 08:59](1167 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [06:55, 06:17](1236 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [05:04, 04:26](1104 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [05:10, 04:35](1055 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [04:25, 03:52](1112 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [02:35, 02:28](1047 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [09:38, 09:01](1226 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [09:04, 08:55](2009 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [08:52, 08:42](2196 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [07:37, 07:37] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [05:47, 05:33](1045 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [03:04, 02:57](827 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [03:53, 03:53] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [07:34, 07:19](1073 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [12:15, 12:15] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [10:15, 09:51](1669 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [07:54, 07:54] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [02:58, 02:24](1891 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [04:35, 04:18](1198 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [05:34, 05:34] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [02:47, 02:25](1635 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [02:49, 02:30](1653 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [03:00, 02:53](849 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [02:28, 02:22](848 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [04:07, 03:46](1150 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [02:39, 02:28](847 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [02:42, 02:26](1696 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [03:15, 03:00](1942 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [16:05, 15:46](1150 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [04:35, 04:23](1227 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [04:32, 04:22](1230 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [04:28, 04:19](1237 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [04:46, 04:38](1226 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [04:52, 04:43](1247 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [04:58, 04:37](1316 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [04:41, 04:29](1240 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [04:57, 04:42](1233 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [04:43, 04:36](1239 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [04:34, 04:27](1236 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [04:23, 04:16](1233 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [04:31, 04:21](1247 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:13, 07:06](1235 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [04:29, 04:22](1225 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [05:30, 05:20](1234 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [04:39, 04:29](1235 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [08:23, 07:45](1231 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [04:02, 04:02] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [02:53, 02:33](1050 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [03:29, 03:29] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:24, 08:23] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:53, 03:15](1243 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:58, 05:22](1146 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:31, 02:52](1020 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:32, 05:01](1261 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:24, 02:37](1028 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:48, 03:02](1001 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:38, 04:01](1079 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [01:59, 01:37](944 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [08:31, 08:30] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [02:11, 01:44](1279 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [01:04, 00:43](1196 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [01:18, 01:04](1145 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [07:58, 07:58] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [04:30, 04:12](1098 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [04:47, 04:47] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:49, 04:35](1099 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:20, 04:08](1098 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [13:23, 13:00](1340 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [13:35, 13:12](991 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [08:21, 07:58](1248 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [12:47, 12:22](1401 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [03:23, 03:22] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [04:19, 04:08](1168 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [09:29, 09:29] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [06:12, 05:17](857 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [05:09, 04:51](1259 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [07:25, 06:24](938 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [15:04, 14:15](979 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [16:35, 15:31](981 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [05:58, 05:23](595 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [07:44, 06:46](602 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [03:01, 02:33](436 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [08:49, 07:26](547 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [04:18, 03:47](601 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [04:08, 03:35](611 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [05:23, 04:45](659 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [01:27, 01:11](451 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [03:59, 03:59] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [12:09, 11:29](633 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [09:44, 09:44] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [16:58, 16:21](763 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [16:28, 15:37](845 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [13:04, 13:04] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [10:47, 10:03](815 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [11:08, 11:08] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [06:17, 05:28](949 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [06:20, 05:31](908 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [17:06, 16:32](1338 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [07:48, 07:47] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [02:18, 02:12](1149 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [01:52, 01:45](1102 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:11, 04:06](1025 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [02:18, 02:09](1023 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [02:54, 02:51](1028 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:39, 03:32](1162 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [02:18, 02:13](1155 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [02:10, 02:05](1022 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [05:30, 04:53](1164 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [05:22, 04:50](1157 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [02:58, 02:55](1146 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [03:13, 03:07](2384 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [03:12, 03:06](2402 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [03:16, 03:15] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [05:12, 05:08](1080 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [06:04, 06:04] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [02:43, 02:38](1142 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [00:46, 00:46] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [01:07, 00:53](327 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [01:02, 00:50](558 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [00:47, 00:33](561 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [09:03, 09:02] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [04:07, 03:30](2018 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [09:15, 09:15] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [04:22, 03:36](1989 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [08:39, 08:39] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [06:19, 05:33](1901 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:40, 05:52](1891 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [03:39, 03:12](1139 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [04:11, 04:11] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [06:40, 05:53](1921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [09:55, 09:55] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [02:18, 01:38](1939 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [08:33, 08:33] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [04:33, 03:54](2026 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [05:18, 04:37](1806 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [05:05, 04:36](1815 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [04:21, 04:21] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [17:07, 16:01](4575 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [04:40, 04:40] -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [09:52, 09:28](1529 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [02:37, 02:26](721 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [04:05, 03:56](734 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [04:45, 04:02](1722 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [04:30, 03:55](1729 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [05:07, 04:54](802 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [04:05, 04:05] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [09:58, 09:27](1080 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [10:05, 09:29](1082 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [08:52, 08:14](1138 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [05:21, 04:51](887 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [10:10, 09:36](1082 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [09:27, 08:55](1083 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [07:50, 07:08](883 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [05:41, 05:03](1070 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [05:06, 04:41](1135 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [04:56, 04:24](1045 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [05:14, 04:44](1068 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [02:49, 02:30](883 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [02:38, 02:19](933 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [09:46, 09:02](1076 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [05:59, 05:58] -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [01:31, 01:14](1625 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [06:48, 06:27](1122 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [02:18, 02:05](1098 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [02:01, 01:55](1086 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [02:07, 01:58](1094 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [02:03, 01:57](1093 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [02:18, 02:04](1266 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [03:23, 03:14](1094 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [02:06, 01:59](1095 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [02:03, 01:57](1089 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [01:17, 01:09](721 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [01:22, 01:17](720 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [01:45, 01:24](1698 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [02:21, 02:08](1096 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [02:20, 02:13](1105 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [03:50, 03:16](1098 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [02:34, 02:34] -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_gnu' [05:47, 05:25](1565 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:50, 04:50] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:20, 08:46](962 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:08, 04:21](950 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [08:35, 08:04](994 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:47, 04:04](899 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:09, 04:28](954 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [07:10, 06:32](862 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [02:46, 02:22](863 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [03:28, 03:01](1271 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [01:32, 01:13](1176 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [01:59, 01:41](928 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [09:15, 09:14] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [04:52, 04:33](990 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [06:02, 06:02] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [02:15, 02:05](977 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [02:06, 01:59](969 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [05:55, 05:34](1285 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [06:10, 05:49](962 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [03:33, 03:19](1195 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [05:56, 05:36](1354 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [06:12, 06:12] -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [02:19, 02:13](1001 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [15:34, 15:34] - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [14:31, 14:31] -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [05:47, 05:07](3117 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [04:31, 04:31] - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [20:49, 20:49] -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [28:04, 27:04](2921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [04:27, 04:27] -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu' [12:45, 12:02](2924 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [24:37, 24:36] -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [02:59, 02:49](770 MB) +* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf +* (-e) - USE ECFLOW + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [12:10, 11:10] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [09:50, 07:35](2128 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [17:10, 16:56] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [22:58, 14:11](2001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [29:44, 15:42](2301 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [20:37, 07:19](1316 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [22:55, 15:28](1918 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [16:10, 15:29] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [22:30, 14:19](1996 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [07:10, 06:45] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [23:00, 21:32](1982 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [15:10, 14:11] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [12:49, 08:47](2175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [17:56, 08:25](2179 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [10:05, 05:08](1971 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [18:54, 09:03](2201 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [06:13, 04:31](1734 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [18:50, 09:49](2542 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [17:53, 08:40](2184 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [07:51, 07:08](2094 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [12:56, 08:43](2171 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [20:42, 16:13](2988 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [10:07, 07:14](2920 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [19:24, 11:54](3835 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [14:27, 07:00](3625 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [07:47, 06:18](2157 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [10:10, 10:08] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [09:52, 07:49](2017 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [05:54, 04:27](2087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [06:10, 05:44] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [09:56, 08:10](2211 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [05:10, 04:58] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [06:56, 05:21](2049 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [10:10, 09:18] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [05:53, 04:21](2088 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [10:10, 09:51] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [09:40, 07:41](3056 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [03:37, 02:10](3036 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [02:31, 01:16](2466 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [13:10, 12:12] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [15:59, 08:23](2184 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [21:10, 20:37] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [19:49, 14:38](2029 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [13:58, 07:51](1401 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [22:48, 16:16](1949 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [06:10, 06:00] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [25:47, 23:07](2012 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [09:10, 08:52] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [08:23, 02:55](720 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [08:32, 02:29](1603 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [08:35, 02:35](1628 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [08:29, 02:29](1608 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:37, 02:36](1604 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [12:33, 06:54](1713 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [11:26, 05:51](841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [15:44, 09:20](1749 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [22:42, 10:19](2008 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [18:47, 07:23](1493 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [12:19, 01:28](663 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [02:26, 00:53](540 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [12:18, 01:25](669 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [11:19, 02:12](661 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [10:21, 02:11](662 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [11:45, 03:37](1905 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [07:57, 03:22](1914 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [08:56, 03:30](1901 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [02:40, 01:39](1148 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [08:52, 03:25](1890 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [04:57, 02:23](1220 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [08:49, 03:43](1886 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [08:43, 03:17](1973 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [08:29, 05:28](1903 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [06:56, 03:46](1964 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [05:03, 02:40](1901 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [04:55, 03:03](1894 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [05:25, 04:38](1203 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [09:25, 03:46](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [06:24, 05:07](1187 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [04:27, 03:01](1151 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:35, 05:15](1514 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [06:30, 04:36](1201 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [06:27, 05:07](1198 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [09:30, 08:32](2078 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [09:10, 08:37] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [08:58, 07:25](1236 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [06:05, 04:07](1348 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [08:40, 07:59](1175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [09:51, 07:16](1369 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [15:07, 03:55](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [09:49, 07:37](1225 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:35, 08:06](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [13:00, 05:38](1208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:59, 03:50](1099 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:40, 03:58](1049 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [12:44, 03:36](1116 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [12:28, 02:15](1040 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [15:54, 06:50](1223 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [17:21, 08:15](2019 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [16:23, 07:52](2169 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [09:10, 08:21] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [16:27, 06:31](1062 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [14:19, 02:57](851 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_gnu' [04:10, 04:01] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_gnu' [16:31, 08:00](1068 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [12:10, 11:16] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [21:35, 09:57](1663 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [09:10, 08:16] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [13:52, 03:10](1908 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [10:25, 05:10](1194 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [09:10, 06:07] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [12:29, 02:26](1644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [14:33, 02:13](1639 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [14:23, 02:51](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [14:22, 02:23](842 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [16:29, 04:40](1145 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [14:27, 02:31](850 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [14:35, 02:22](1699 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [13:31, 03:20](1940 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [26:30, 16:16](1132 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [13:20, 04:14](1227 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [12:24, 04:20](1221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [11:17, 04:15](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [10:18, 04:15](1224 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [09:21, 04:14](1232 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [08:27, 04:29](1312 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:17, 04:26](1235 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:25](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [05:17, 04:23](1237 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [07:17, 04:28](1236 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:20](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [05:23, 04:11](1241 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [09:19, 07:34](1230 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:31](1221 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:23, 05:18](1232 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:17, 04:43](1238 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [08:50, 07:18](1238 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_gnu' [07:10, 04:12] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_gnu' [02:28, 02:03](1045 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [06:10, 04:10] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:10, 07:53] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:43, 03:16](1234 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:37, 05:25](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:02, 02:53](1038 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:35, 05:02](1292 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:42, 02:45](1041 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:38, 03:03](974 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [24:51, 04:04](1094 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [22:28, 01:35](961 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [13:10, 08:03] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [02:38, 01:45](1282 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [16:34, 00:52](1206 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [16:36, 01:06](1148 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [13:10, 08:10] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [04:35, 04:04](1080 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [09:10, 03:46] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:18, 04:05](1106 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [04:18, 03:58](1106 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [13:33, 12:32](1328 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [13:30, 12:44](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [08:28, 07:16](1241 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [13:35, 12:28](1409 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:11, 03:54] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:20, 04:20](1171 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [12:11, 10:53] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [07:03, 05:26](854 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [06:21, 05:07](1260 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [11:20, 06:36](950 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [29:04, 14:12](975 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [20:10, 15:17](1117 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [21:47, 05:33](596 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [23:16, 07:01](609 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [21:38, 02:41](431 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [26:53, 07:38](547 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [24:38, 03:52](606 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [23:42, 03:42](605 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [26:42, 05:00](666 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [21:28, 01:15](447 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [09:10, 03:57] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [32:51, 11:58](640 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [14:11, 10:15] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [36:47, 16:11](738 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [36:48, 16:26](894 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [14:11, 10:14] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [29:50, 09:27](809 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [17:11, 15:04] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [26:05, 05:44](931 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [29:03, 05:56](916 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [37:47, 16:30](1348 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [07:10, 05:10] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [22:18, 02:11](1169 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [16:20, 01:21](1096 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [22:16, 02:06](1025 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [25:18, 02:08](1013 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [24:16, 02:09](1022 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [26:16, 02:12](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [30:18, 02:16](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [29:19, 02:09](1016 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [27:52, 04:59](1167 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [28:52, 04:53](1151 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [24:21, 02:13](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [10:15, 03:05](2406 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [22:17, 03:18](2405 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [04:10, 03:48] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [24:16, 05:15](1067 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [07:11, 06:01] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [21:18, 02:15](1153 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [02:10, 00:45] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [18:27, 00:57](338 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [19:22, 00:52](574 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [05:24, 00:35](576 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [10:10, 09:03] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [22:46, 04:06](2015 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [09:11, 08:21] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [21:46, 04:15](1982 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [09:11, 08:41] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [22:53, 06:25](1890 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [21:56, 06:37](1897 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:34, 03:44](1154 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [05:11, 04:42] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [20:51, 06:02](1914 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [10:11, 09:34] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [17:47, 02:35](1939 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [09:10, 08:42] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [19:46, 04:38](2025 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [19:43, 04:24](1822 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [19:40, 04:47](1820 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [04:10, 03:48] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [30:31, 17:12](4607 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_gnu' [10:10, 05:37] +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_gnu' [20:37, 09:27](1531 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_gnu' [12:21, 02:31](728 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_gnu' [13:19, 03:50](731 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_gnu' [13:44, 04:44](1750 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_gnu' [12:40, 04:30](1708 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_gnu' [12:20, 04:50](806 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_gnu' [10:10, 05:48] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_gnu' [17:47, 08:33](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_gnu' [17:35, 08:53](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_gnu' [16:47, 07:39](1138 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_gnu' [06:57, 04:28](886 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_gnu' [15:48, 08:18](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_gnu' [17:21, 08:36](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_gnu' [08:53, 06:11](884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_gnu' [11:32, 04:17](1069 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_noqr_gnu' [11:32, 04:24](1137 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_gnu' [10:45, 03:54](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_gnu' [10:31, 04:14](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_gnu' [07:21, 02:53](883 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_noqr_gnu' [07:21, 02:46](933 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_gnu' [15:09, 08:02](1087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_debug_gnu' [12:10, 07:35] +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_gnu' [07:40, 01:22](1626 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_gnu' [14:26, 08:34](1133 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_gnu' [07:19, 02:20](1097 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_gnu' [07:20, 02:14](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_gnu' [08:21, 02:09](1097 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_gnu' [09:17, 02:15](1095 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_gnu' [09:26, 02:19](1271 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_gnu' [12:21, 04:25](1098 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_gnu' [10:32, 02:09](1101 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_gnu' [10:23, 02:09](1092 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_gnu' [08:19, 01:13](727 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_gnu' [08:17, 01:27](724 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_gnu' [10:34, 02:58](1699 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_gnu' [09:37, 02:10](1097 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_gnu' [10:18, 03:06](1099 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_gnu' [11:52, 04:02](1103 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_gnu' [08:10, 04:13] +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_gnu' [13:35, 05:55](1561 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [06:10, 04:05] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [13:32, 07:59](963 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:40, 04:42](951 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [11:44, 07:25](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [08:59, 04:17](889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [09:37, 04:41](948 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [06:57, 05:54](865 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [03:30, 02:06](875 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_gnu' [07:40, 03:29](1268 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_gnu' [02:34, 01:10](1176 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_gnu' [03:32, 01:38](933 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [10:11, 08:48] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_gnu' [08:32, 05:23](987 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_phy32_debug_gnu' [08:10, 06:18] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [05:18, 02:47](978 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_gnu' [04:20, 02:38](969 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_gnu' [08:35, 05:52](1286 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_gnu' [08:31, 06:10](958 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_gnu' [05:29, 04:26](1191 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_gnu' [08:27, 06:09](1351 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [11:10, 06:46] +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_gnu' [04:19, 02:20](1005 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_gnu' [24:10, 19:14] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_gnu' [20:11, 15:52] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_gnu' [08:57, 06:07](3090 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_gnu' [06:10, 05:08] + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_gnu' [18:10, 16:44] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_gnu' [30:53, 27:07](3046 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_gnu' [09:10, 04:47] +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_gnu' [15:53, 12:39](2901 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_gnu' [21:10, 17:15] +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_gnu' [07:17, 02:17](769 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 07:47:32 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 11:55:23 -Total Time: 04h:08m:40s +Starting Date/Time: 20240808 19:25:49 +Ending Date/Time: 20240808 21:56:56 +Total Time: 02h:32m:09s Compiles Completed: 57/57 Tests Completed: 244/244 diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log index 97fb2cfbbc..6afe601a58 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_jet.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF JET REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -b40a0f095bb14723f1a8be990d19a22972f356d6 +8cb23af867d56961352ff5fab97656c3a4c6b936 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,309 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) - 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) - be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) --1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd --7476b8f2790a47d788f79cebfdbb551567ae7cf8 FV3/upp/sorc/ncep_post.fd/post_gtg.fd - 041422934cae1570f2f0e67239d5d89f11c6e1b7 GOCART (sdr_v2.1.2.6-119-g0414229) - bcf7777bb037ae2feb2a8a8ac51aacb3511b52d9 HYCOM-interface/HYCOM (2.3.00-122-gbcf7777) - 4b8777eb08b065d8a95e5317b6270a7a67ccf93e MOM6-interface/MOM6 (dev/master/repository_split_2014.10.10-10053-g4b8777eb0) - 9423197f894112edfcb1502245f7d7b873d551f9 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/CVMix-src (9423197) - 29e64d652786e1d076a05128c920f394202bfe10 MOM6-interface/MOM6/pkg/GSW-Fortran (29e64d6) - 3ac32f0db7a2a97d930f44fa5f060c983ff31ee8 NOAHMP-interface/noahmp (v3.7.1-436-g3ac32f0) - 7f548c795a348bbb0fe4967dd25692c79036dc73 WW3 (6.07.1-346-g7f548c79) - fad2fe9f42f6b7f744b128b4a2a9433f91e4296f stochastic_physics (ufs-v2.0.0-219-gfad2fe9) - - -NOTES: -[Times](Memory) are at the end of each compile/test in format [MM:SS](Size). -The first time is for the full script (prep+run+finalize). -The second time is specifically for the run phase. -Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. - -BASELINE DIRECTORY: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240806 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_529651 - -RT.SH OPTIONS USED: -* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: h-nems -* (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf -* (-e) - USE ECFLOW - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [45:17, 44:24] ( 1 warnings 1378 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [23:47, 08:34](2013 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [50:22, 50:00] ( 1 warnings 1425 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [37:36, 22:06](1886 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [44:10, 24:03](2009 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [33:06, 13:32](1112 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [38:50, 24:50](1846 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [55:19, 54:44] ( 1 warnings 1422 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [30:21, 21:36](1884 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [43:17, 42:35] ( 1379 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [20:26, 09:19](2048 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [21:02, 09:42](2050 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [09:13, 05:39](1712 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [20:35, 09:52](2065 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [09:17, 05:39](1735 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [20:17, 09:42](2320 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [20:31, 09:14](2061 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [19:48, 08:21](1998 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [21:00, 09:26](2050 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [19:47, 08:51](2037 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [42:17, 41:49] ( 1277 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [20:00, 07:44](1904 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [20:16, 08:09](1968 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [27:25, 07:44] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [17:39, 11:17](2083 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [26:20, 07:20] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [16:01, 08:21](1933 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [55:22, 38:13] ( 1008 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [13:59, 07:09](1951 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [51:25, 38:23] ( 1013 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [15:14, 12:43](3021 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [07:06, 04:01](3008 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:18, 02:33](2460 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [43:29, 34:13] ( 1607 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [42:19, 08:42](2043 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [53:16, 47:35] ( 1337 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [25:40, 22:29](1920 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [55:24, 11:06](1132 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [56:42, 25:27](1882 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [14:13, 06:37] ( 1560 warnings 1998 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [38:35, 33:59](1937 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [43:15, 38:37] ( 1 warnings 1124 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [10:43, 04:43](651 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [48:34, 04:16](1550 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [32:34, 04:12](1548 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [10:16, 04:27](1546 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [39:34, 04:35](1547 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [17:32, 11:47](1698 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [11:52, 10:22](830 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [59:09, 14:49](1672 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [01:08, 19:50](1800 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [59:24, 14:03](1008 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [08:39, 02:47](602 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [48:46, 01:21](436 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [08:38, 02:38](599 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [09:41, 03:58](604 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [09:41, 03:52](600 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [45:04, 06:11](1842 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [01:18, 04:43](1830 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [13:17, 05:07](1849 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [27:20, 02:57](1052 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [43:05, 05:13](1835 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [27:31, 02:57](1072 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [41:17, 05:44](1831 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [41:16, 05:15](1920 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [14:25, 08:10](1836 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [42:22, 06:27](1902 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [34:06, 04:46](1850 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [42:29, 05:54](1842 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [37:18, 08:09](1002 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [11:55, 04:39](986 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [13:12, 09:13](1002 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [09:16, 07:30](992 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [12:22, 08:50](1012 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [17:14, 08:14](1005 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [39:16, 38:18] ( 3 warnings 1100 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [02:39, 10:47](986 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [58:48, 06:06](1164 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [56:39, 11:01](974 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [58:19, 09:54](1074 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [10:00, 05:20](986 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [03:35, 11:01](985 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [59:01, 11:07](982 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [11:24, 08:24](998 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [57:23, 05:32](989 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [57:23, 05:33](978 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [57:13, 05:05](1053 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [04:34, 03:19](918 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [04:00, 10:37](980 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [03:44, 13:06](1945 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [00:46, 13:03](1939 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [38:17, 35:54] ( 1089 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [56:55, 09:41](960 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [30:31, 04:43](657 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [36:16, 35:46] ( 992 remarks ) -FAILED: TEST TIMED OUT -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [, ]( MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [39:17, 38:01] ( 1292 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [29:57, 04:34](1838 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [10:47, 07:58](997 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [26:15, 09:38] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [28:59, 03:41](1576 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [24:02, 03:27](1574 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [23:33, 04:01](772 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [20:32, 03:36](772 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [18:43, 06:12](1082 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [14:32, 03:36](786 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [14:54, 03:32](1632 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [13:01, 04:11](1853 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [32:51, 23:12](1036 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [07:29, 06:16](1157 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [07:27, 06:05](1158 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [07:23, 06:18](1161 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [07:26, 06:25](1160 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [07:28, 06:20](1156 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [08:44, 06:47](1242 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [07:29, 06:36](1160 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:29, 06:34](1165 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [08:28, 06:20](1166 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [08:35, 06:27](1162 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [07:36, 06:11](1158 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [07:27, 06:17](1157 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [11:32, 10:11](1160 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [07:29, 06:07](1153 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [08:35, 07:33](1160 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [07:25, 06:14](1157 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [12:52, 10:54](1163 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [33:19, 05:25] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [21:02, 16:59](1651 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:17, 31:55] ( 3 warnings 1024 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:18, 05:33](1042 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:11, 09:00](890 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:22, 04:46](867 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:11, 08:40](935 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:20, 04:24](899 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:20, 05:03](854 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:25, 06:46](895 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:32, 02:32](840 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [06:18, 33:24] ( 3 warnings 1197 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [05:04, 03:15](1095 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:50, 01:33](1042 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:48, 01:43](1011 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [58:17, 32:29] ( 3 warnings 1044 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [06:51, 05:52](904 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [31:13, 05:51] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:29, 06:10](1040 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:30, 06:01](1036 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [22:05, 19:03](1146 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [21:50, 19:09](859 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [12:44, 11:04](1093 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [23:52, 18:57](1222 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [28:14, 05:40] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [11:31, 06:32](1082 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [41:17, 40:27] ( 1 warnings 1416 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [09:31, 07:11](695 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [08:39, 07:15](1066 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [12:44, 10:14](752 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [20:05, 17:02](789 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [22:03, 19:07](801 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [12:15, 07:43](1682 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [38:15, 37:10] ( 1263 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [11:41, 09:12](744 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [13:37, 09:00](735 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [09:11, 08:32] ( 67 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [04:27, 03:38](1072 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [03:23, 02:11](1041 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [04:27, 03:31](926 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [04:29, 03:35](924 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [04:27, 03:39](920 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [04:29, 03:36](1065 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [05:29, 03:54](1065 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [04:29, 03:32](928 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [10:21, 08:01](889 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [10:23, 08:00](845 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [04:24, 03:37](1062 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [06:44, 05:28](2359 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [06:41, 05:08](2411 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [04:10, 03:41] ( 2 warnings ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [09:25, 07:59](1025 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [09:11, 08:24] ( 70 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [04:24, 03:41](1074 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [03:10, 01:54] ( 60 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [03:39, 01:58](232 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [03:34, 02:05](270 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [02:33, 01:12](254 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [39:16, 37:27] ( 1013 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [09:51, 08:06](1896 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [37:15, 36:37] ( 1013 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [11:12, 07:57](1891 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [38:16, 38:01] ( 8 warnings 1165 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [17:14, 11:50](1854 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [17:35, 12:10](1846 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [08:55, 06:15](1064 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [07:11, 06:52] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [11:02, 08:14](1886 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [39:28, 38:11] ( 1258 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [07:19, 03:47](1851 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [38:23, 36:43] ( 1096 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [08:52, 06:36](1939 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [10:04, 06:53](1725 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [10:37, 07:05](1730 MB) - -SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 03:37:26 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 09:38:56 -Total Time: 06h:02m:12s -Compiles Completed: 36/36 -Tests Completed: 163/164 -Failed Tests: -* TEST control_wam_intel: FAILED: TEST TIMED OUT --- LOG: /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_529651/control_wam_intel/err - -NOTES: -A file 'test_changes.list' was generated with list of all failed tests. -You can use './rt.sh -c -b test_changes.list' to create baselines for the failed tests. -If you are using this log as a pull request verification, please commit 'test_changes.list'. - -Result: FAILURE - -====END OF JET REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== -====START OF JET REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== - -UFSWM hash used in testing: -f53391f8414a033e03d4d59c3362d7bb8ff66d9f - -Submodule hashes used in testing: - 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) - be5d28fd1b60522e6fc98aefeead20e6aac3530b AQM/src/model/CMAQ (CMAQv5.2.1_07Feb2018-198-gbe5d28fd1) - fbdf6843d6bde852d97f1547591d90136103f669 CDEPS-interface/CDEPS (cdeps0.4.17-41-gfbdf684) - 2ffee5cd48e0c389bdf75c0d910b3f6d53263563 CICE-interface/CICE (CICE6.0.0-451-g2ffee5c) - f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) - f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) - cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -335,22 +36,254 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/role.epic/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs4/HFIP/h-nems/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/RT_RUNDIRS/Fernando.Andrade-maldonado/FV3_RT/rt_4088889 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /mnt/lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/Jong.Kim/RT_RUNDIRS/Jong.Kim/FV3_RT/rt_1259533 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: -* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: h-nems -* (-n) - RUN SINGLE TEST: control_wam -* (-e) - USE ECFLOW - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [18:40, 35:42] ( 992 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [24:20, 15:03](1616 MB) +* (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic +* (-r) - USE ROCOTO + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [43:50, 43:50] ( 1 warnings 1378 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [09:46, 08:18](2002 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [51:36, 51:36] ( 1 warnings 1425 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [24:13, 22:04](1884 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [25:57, 23:48](2021 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [13:18, 11:22](1114 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [27:08, 25:13](1849 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [49:59, 49:59] ( 1 warnings 1422 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [22:15, 21:38](1880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [44:02, 44:02] ( 1379 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [10:08, 08:29](2052 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [10:40, 08:55](2053 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [07:18, 05:22](1708 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [10:19, 08:48](2067 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [06:55, 05:02](1733 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [10:03, 08:38](2316 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [10:26, 09:04](2032 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [09:37, 07:37](2004 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [10:12, 08:42](1974 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [10:03, 08:37](2020 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [41:26, 41:26] ( 1277 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [08:41, 07:21](1892 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [09:13, 07:34](1953 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [07:08, 07:08] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [13:04, 11:18](2079 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [06:45, 06:45] ( 1450 warnings 1228 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [09:27, 07:57](1918 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [37:28, 37:28] ( 1008 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [08:33, 06:51](1966 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [38:10, 38:10] ( 1013 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [13:18, 12:21](3013 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [04:31, 03:32](3006 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [03:15, 02:14](2431 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [33:32, 33:32] ( 1607 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [10:25, 08:52](2042 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [47:33, 47:33] ( 1337 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [23:52, 22:27](1915 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [14:51, 13:18](1123 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [26:51, 25:31](1885 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [06:27, 06:27] ( 1560 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [35:37, 34:03](1934 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [38:50, 38:50] ( 1 warnings 1124 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [05:05, 04:45](643 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [05:05, 04:24](1543 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [05:25, 04:26](1552 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [05:03, 04:26](1545 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [05:21, 04:32](1545 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [12:34, 11:51](1700 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [10:46, 10:25](834 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [16:26, 15:27](1661 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [20:53, 18:49](1794 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [17:08, 14:23](1001 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:56, 02:41](604 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:54, 01:34](426 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:58, 02:36](599 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [04:21, 03:51](599 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [04:03, 03:37](601 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [06:54, 05:44](1838 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [06:47, 05:30](1833 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [06:10, 05:05](1840 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [04:23, 03:18](1048 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [06:24, 05:16](1837 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [04:20, 03:09](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [06:52, 05:45](1822 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [06:45, 05:34](1914 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [09:46, 08:26](1837 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [07:32, 06:24](1888 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [06:20, 05:09](1831 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [07:16, 05:43](1841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [09:22, 08:44](1012 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [05:15, 04:37](1002 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [09:29, 08:50](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [07:09, 06:29](987 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [08:42, 08:02](1003 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [08:50, 08:16](1000 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [38:59, 38:58] ( 3 warnings 1100 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [11:35, 10:26](988 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [06:53, 05:48](1166 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [12:04, 10:55](979 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [11:19, 10:05](1070 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:40, 05:36](985 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [11:37, 10:27](985 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [12:17, 11:02](976 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [09:18, 08:08](994 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:39, 05:19](986 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [07:00, 05:47](976 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:14, 04:57](1056 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:19, 02:57](918 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [11:58, 10:32](981 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [13:26, 13:00](1942 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [13:10, 12:54](1936 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [35:25, 35:25] ( 1089 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [10:14, 09:36](957 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [05:01, 04:42](667 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [35:56, 35:56] ( 992 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [16:10, 15:21](1600 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [38:03, 38:03] ( 1292 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [06:04, 04:43](1825 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [08:50, 08:10](996 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [09:23, 09:23] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [04:16, 03:39](1565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [04:18, 03:34](1571 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [04:29, 04:08](778 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:59, 03:42](776 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [06:43, 06:06](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [04:05, 03:43](784 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [04:43, 03:49](1621 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [05:25, 04:36](1870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [23:43, 23:12](1037 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [07:03, 06:38](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [06:53, 06:28](1155 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [07:06, 06:41](1166 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [07:17, 06:48](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [07:01, 06:24](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [07:10, 06:38](1243 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:44, 06:29](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [06:49, 06:33](1162 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:41, 06:25](1173 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [06:44, 06:23](1166 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [06:22, 06:09](1161 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [06:30, 06:16](1160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [10:24, 10:08](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [06:28, 06:13](1164 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [07:48, 07:30](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [06:31, 06:14](1158 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [11:58, 10:47](1162 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [05:47, 05:46] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [17:24, 16:42](1616 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [31:56, 31:56] ( 3 warnings 1024 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:47, 05:44](1044 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:05, 08:52](895 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:12, 04:36](871 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [10:42, 09:08](943 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:50, 04:14](902 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:00, 04:59](852 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:59, 06:40](892 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:32, 02:51](845 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [27:44, 27:43] ( 3 warnings 1197 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [04:08, 03:16](1092 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:45, 01:45](1037 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:57, 02:00](1007 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [32:25, 32:25] ( 3 warnings 1044 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [07:11, 05:52](905 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [05:47, 05:47] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:36, 06:14](1033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [06:39, 06:16](1029 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [20:11, 19:05](1145 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [20:27, 19:34](853 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [11:46, 11:07](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [19:33, 18:57](1207 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:46, 05:46] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [06:33, 06:17](1078 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [40:45, 40:44] ( 1 warnings 1416 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:53, 07:21](676 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [07:38, 06:58](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [11:32, 09:43](754 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [18:46, 17:19](785 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [21:33, 18:43](800 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [10:32, 08:18](1678 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [36:41, 36:41] ( 1263 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [10:48, 09:34](749 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [10:42, 09:26](730 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [08:56, 08:56] ( 67 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [04:11, 03:52](1060 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:34, 02:21](1031 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:53, 03:39](927 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:54, 03:40](928 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:53, 03:42](929 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [04:08, 03:41](1065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:52, 03:42](1071 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:51, 03:41](936 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [10:37, 09:20](890 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [09:53, 08:48](842 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:53, 03:47](1068 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:24, 05:14](2357 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:24, 05:14](2299 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [03:50, 03:50] ( 2 warnings ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [08:13, 08:05](1029 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [08:30, 08:30] ( 70 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:58, 03:48](1087 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [01:57, 01:57] ( 60 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [02:40, 02:06](232 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [02:10, 01:43](259 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [01:29, 01:09](257 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [37:14, 37:14] ( 1013 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [07:58, 06:29](1883 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [36:44, 36:44] ( 1013 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [07:45, 06:26](1880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [42:33, 42:32] ( 8 warnings 1165 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [11:29, 10:02](1849 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [11:47, 10:29](1851 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [07:24, 06:37](1061 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [07:10, 07:08] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [10:03, 08:19](1874 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [38:43, 38:42] ( 1258 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [04:36, 03:22](1856 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [36:55, 36:54] ( 1096 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [07:19, 06:09](1924 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [08:02, 06:40](1701 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [07:56, 06:51](1724 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 15:58:18 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 19:42:39 -Total Time: 03h:44m:40s -Compiles Completed: 1/1 -Tests Completed: 1/1 +Starting Date/Time: 20240809 11:54:43 +Ending Date/Time: 20240809 19:34:18 +Total Time: 07h:40m:12s +Compiles Completed: 36/36 +Tests Completed: 164/164 NOTES: A file 'test_changes.list' was generated but is empty. diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log index b08d50a9ee..df924a66e7 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_orion.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF ORION REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -c34693f57b7804adb9fae55d41f8519a32801059 +2ef6b2a03b85a89d4029566f29f0ad99dbdda7a0 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (remotes/origin/skeb_hydrostatic) 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (master-tag-before-replacing-with-ipd-setup-step-fast-5296-g9e736da1) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -36,284 +36,284 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/epic/UFS-WM_RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/stmp/zshrader/stmp/zshrader/FV3_RT/rt_2683135 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /work/noaa/stmp/zshrader/stmp/zshrader/FV3_RT/rt_2089570 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: epic * (-l) - USE CONFIG FILE: rt.conf * (-e) - USE ECFLOW -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [18:11, 17:48] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [16:45, 14:17](2083 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [24:11, 23:57] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [19:50, 18:00](1954 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [21:14, 18:58](2136 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [11:13, 08:55](1208 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [22:50, 20:22](1865 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [22:11, 21:51] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [18:46, 17:44](1944 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [10:11, 09:46] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [29:53, 27:32](1937 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [18:11, 17:31] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:18](2131 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [16:45, 14:38](2131 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [09:46, 07:52](1818 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:34](2155 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [09:46, 07:51](1707 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [15:40, 13:22](2421 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:43](2124 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [14:36, 12:12](2042 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [16:46, 14:20](2126 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [19:30, 16:45](2713 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [12:25, 08:52](2721 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [18:44, 11:59](3717 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [16:23, 07:25](3506 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [07:29, 05:57](2103 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [15:11, 15:01] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [15:15, 14:00](1972 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [06:25, 04:50](2050 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [09:11, 09:08] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [10:45, 08:42](2163 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [09:10, 08:53] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [08:09, 06:12](1991 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [16:11, 15:18] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [06:29, 04:42](2042 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [15:11, 15:06] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [11:01, 10:00](3051 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [05:03, 03:18](3027 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:02, 02:18](2474 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [17:10, 16:51] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [16:31, 14:47](2131 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [19:11, 18:30] ( 10 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:13, 18:19](1984 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [10:25, 09:04](1230 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [22:13, 20:31](1921 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [08:10, 07:38] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [31:23, 29:28](1976 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [14:11, 13:31] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [04:27, 03:43](687 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [04:47, 03:13](1587 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [04:52, 03:18](1583 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [04:41, 03:11](1591 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [04:52, 03:15](1584 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [10:52, 09:27](1707 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [09:36, 08:07](840 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [13:02, 11:49](1727 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [15:02, 12:55](1961 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [12:39, 09:55](1342 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:25, 01:51](641 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:39, 01:07](476 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:25, 01:46](644 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:28, 02:45](639 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [03:29, 02:43](642 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [05:14, 03:30](1884 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:21, 03:34](1884 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [05:36, 03:25](1891 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:20, 02:00](1091 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [05:19, 03:23](1877 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:25, 02:00](1133 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [05:19, 03:29](1865 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [05:09, 03:35](1949 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [06:55, 05:54](1878 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [06:34, 04:52](1939 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [05:33, 03:30](1890 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [05:42, 03:51](1879 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [07:41, 06:27](1078 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [04:40, 03:35](1076 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [07:35, 06:46](1072 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [05:41, 04:36](1070 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:35, 06:26](1382 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [07:35, 06:26](1076 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:32, 06:30](1078 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:34, 07:51](1903 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [13:11, 12:57] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [10:05, 08:29](1051 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [07:03, 05:15](1256 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [10:05, 08:45](1030 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [10:05, 08:33](1156 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:35, 04:27](1042 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [10:06, 08:20](1055 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:06, 08:39](1016 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [08:34, 06:16](1073 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:03, 04:23](1031 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:03, 04:28](1025 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:03, 04:11](1094 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:45, 02:18](945 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [10:28, 08:19](1046 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [10:30, 10:02](1986 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:30, 09:47](2029 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [13:11, 12:44] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [07:40, 06:32](1018 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [04:26, 03:29](718 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [13:11, 12:27] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [13:45, 12:40](1664 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [13:11, 13:04] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [05:21, 03:13](1880 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [07:36, 06:13](1077 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [10:11, 09:54] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [04:47, 03:14](1614 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [03:44, 02:39](1616 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [03:26, 03:05](821 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:21, 02:46](815 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [05:37, 04:21](1131 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [03:20, 02:53](825 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [03:46, 02:48](1676 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [04:43, 03:09](1918 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [17:41, 17:07](1083 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:59](1208 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [05:31, 04:50](1204 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [05:27, 04:57](1203 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [05:28, 04:58](1212 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:53](1210 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:34, 05:15](1293 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:26, 05:02](1213 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:24, 05:01](1210 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:56](1207 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:56](1211 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [05:21, 04:57](1205 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [05:20, 04:55](1212 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:22, 07:58](1199 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [05:20, 04:54](1202 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [06:24, 06:07](1209 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [05:26, 04:57](1206 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [10:28, 08:42](1211 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [07:11, 06:22] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [13:43, 13:08](1685 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [13:11, 12:26] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:56, 04:54](1130 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:21, 07:14](996 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:13, 03:47](922 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:02, 07:20](1064 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:06, 03:41](940 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:46, 03:56](897 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [27:33, 05:23](977 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [03:11, 02:10](874 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [13:11, 12:29] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:54, 02:42](1165 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:43, 01:15](1121 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:49, 01:34](1071 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [13:10, 12:19] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:48, 04:35](973 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [07:10, 06:35] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:26, 04:55](1086 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:26, 04:45](1081 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:55, 14:53](1235 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [15:49, 14:44](934 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [09:45, 08:18](1171 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [15:49, 14:40](1302 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:10, 06:13] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:24, 05:04](1135 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [16:11, 15:41] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [08:13, 06:24](744 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [08:30, 07:23](1113 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:29, 07:44](820 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [26:18, 24:37](848 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [29:21, 28:09](871 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [09:07, 07:15](496 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [10:29, 08:36](505 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [05:06, 03:36](378 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [12:24, 09:57](475 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:55, 04:59](526 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:48, 04:48](523 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:53, 06:04](571 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [02:31, 01:39](408 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [26:26, 04:24](1716 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [08:11, 08:06] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [33:14, 13:05](584 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [15:11, 15:09] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [33:17, 13:02](641 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [34:27, 13:20](733 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [15:11, 14:58] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [29:09, 08:46](713 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [15:11, 14:28] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [29:19, 07:34](816 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [29:23, 07:31](796 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [37:12, 16:22](1198 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [09:11, 08:47] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [23:30, 02:58](1153 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:21, 01:54](1107 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [23:19, 02:50](1020 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [22:19, 02:55](1019 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [22:24, 02:53](1019 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [22:20, 02:59](1138 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [21:19, 02:59](1145 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [23:20, 04:21](1020 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [26:13, 06:31](1027 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [25:15, 06:28](1005 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [23:21, 04:33](1156 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [07:23, 04:25](2451 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [22:21, 04:20](2442 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [05:10, 04:46] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [24:21, 06:31](1078 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [16:12, 15:46] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [16:43, 14:23](2084 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [26:12, 25:48] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [19:46, 18:00](1952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [21:16, 18:51](2134 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [11:14, 08:52](1198 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [21:56, 20:17](1880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [21:11, 20:48] ( 1 warnings 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [18:40, 17:39](1944 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:21] ( 1525 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [29:48, 27:20](1938 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [16:11, 15:58] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:26](2123 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [16:43, 14:25](2132 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [09:50, 07:57](1814 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:28](2160 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [09:49, 08:01](1700 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [14:19, 13:07](2435 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [16:33, 14:15](2126 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [13:34, 11:50](2033 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [15:41, 14:04](2127 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c192_p8_intel' [19:44, 16:33](2718 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c192_p8_intel' [12:03, 09:00](2725 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [17:57, 11:35](3689 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [16:24, 07:18](3491 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [07:30, 05:56](2105 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [16:11, 15:31] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [15:23, 13:44](1981 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [06:30, 04:43](2042 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:19] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_p8_intel' [10:21, 09:08](2165 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:10] ( 1450 warnings 1230 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_noaero_p8_intel' [08:12, 06:20](1993 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [15:11, 14:28] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [06:12, 04:43](2041 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [15:11, 14:12] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [10:57, 10:03](3043 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [04:54, 03:14](3027 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [03:49, 02:18](2488 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [17:13, 16:26] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [16:27, 14:46](2131 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [19:12, 18:47] ( 10 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [20:12, 18:18](1993 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [10:24, 09:04](1246 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [22:12, 20:25](1904 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:21] ( 1560 warnings 2000 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [31:15, 29:21](1969 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [14:13, 13:44] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [04:27, 03:47](685 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [03:47, 03:10](1582 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [04:52, 03:15](1592 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [03:38, 03:09](1583 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [04:55, 03:15](1584 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [10:52, 09:28](1697 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [08:37, 08:05](838 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [12:56, 11:43](1720 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [14:57, 12:45](1967 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [12:40, 09:51](1327 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [02:33, 01:51](647 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [01:42, 01:05](478 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [02:30, 01:46](644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [03:26, 02:44](644 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [03:31, 02:41](638 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [05:25, 03:31](1876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [05:21, 03:42](1872 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [05:31, 03:30](1876 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [03:14, 02:02](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [05:12, 03:29](1870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [03:39, 01:58](1129 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [05:16, 03:34](1860 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [05:08, 03:38](1959 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [06:50, 05:57](1874 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [06:29, 05:01](1940 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [05:25, 03:34](1889 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [05:38, 03:57](1880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [07:40, 06:32](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [04:42, 03:33](1073 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [07:41, 06:57](1083 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [05:37, 04:49](1064 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [07:41, 06:34](1389 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [07:40, 06:36](1090 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [07:32, 06:29](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [08:33, 07:50](1901 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [13:15, 13:10] ( 3 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [10:01, 08:26](1053 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [05:57, 05:09](1263 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [10:02, 08:34](1026 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [10:01, 08:32](1157 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [06:38, 04:23](1046 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [10:02, 08:21](1057 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [10:03, 08:40](1026 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [08:31, 06:18](1071 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [06:00, 04:22](1026 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [06:02, 04:26](1024 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [06:01, 04:11](1094 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [03:40, 02:24](948 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [10:16, 08:20](1046 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [10:23, 10:00](1986 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [10:28, 09:43](2026 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [12:12, 12:00] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [07:37, 06:35](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [04:24, 03:31](716 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [13:14, 12:33] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [13:47, 12:43](1665 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [13:13, 12:24] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [05:26, 03:19](1880 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [07:33, 06:11](1075 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [10:12, 09:50] ( 884 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [03:43, 03:02](1615 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [03:45, 02:38](1611 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [03:30, 03:07](818 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [03:20, 02:49](817 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [05:32, 04:21](1134 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [03:25, 02:57](823 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [03:46, 02:47](1676 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [03:45, 03:07](1913 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [18:41, 17:27](1092 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [05:27, 04:58](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [05:25, 05:03](1198 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [05:28, 04:54](1208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [06:25, 05:24](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [05:23, 05:03](1209 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [06:32, 05:12](1294 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:24, 05:02](1205 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [05:25, 05:00](1205 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [06:26, 05:18](1204 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [05:25, 04:54](1212 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [05:23, 04:56](1208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [05:23, 05:03](1196 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [08:29, 07:55](1205 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [05:24, 04:56](1203 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [07:24, 06:13](1208 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [05:21, 05:01](1213 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [10:25, 08:41](1213 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [07:12, 06:40] ( 839 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [14:45, 13:17](1678 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [12:12, 12:05] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:55, 04:51](1131 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [08:14, 07:09](1000 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:38, 03:47](932 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [09:14, 07:21](1074 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:40, 03:41](945 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:17, 03:56](900 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [07:20, 05:24](969 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [02:39, 02:02](880 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [13:13, 12:28] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [03:52, 02:37](1183 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [02:41, 01:13](1113 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [02:47, 01:36](1067 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [13:12, 12:57] ( 3 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [05:40, 04:36](972 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [07:12, 07:04] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:22, 04:49](1080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [05:29, 04:49](1083 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [15:50, 14:48](1232 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [15:45, 14:53](931 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [09:40, 08:31](1175 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [15:44, 15:09](1296 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [07:11, 07:04] ( 787 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [05:25, 05:02](1142 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [15:13, 15:04] ( 1 warnings 9 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [07:12, 06:05](740 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [07:28, 06:24](1116 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [09:25, 07:29](820 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [25:13, 24:07](851 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [30:20, 28:43](873 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [08:03, 07:01](495 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [10:30, 08:23](502 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [04:56, 03:24](375 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [12:28, 09:30](479 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [05:50, 04:40](523 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [05:57, 04:25](523 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [06:52, 05:42](574 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [02:30, 01:31](399 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_nested_intel' [07:16, 04:23](1714 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [08:11, 08:01] ( 1467 warnings 1502 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [15:02, 13:15](582 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [15:12, 14:39] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [14:09, 13:01](666 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [14:00, 12:58](731 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [15:13, 15:05] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [10:00, 08:32](711 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [15:12, 14:16] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [09:19, 07:28](818 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [09:12, 07:30](799 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [17:54, 16:22](1202 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_intel' [09:12, 08:54] ( 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_intel' [03:20, 03:00](1149 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_restart_cfsr_intel' [02:21, 02:01](1112 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_gefs_intel' [03:20, 02:49](1015 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_iau_gefs_intel' [03:19, 02:54](1020 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_stochy_gefs_intel' [03:18, 02:53](1023 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_ciceC_cfsr_intel' [03:18, 02:57](1159 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_cfsr_intel' [03:20, 02:59](1156 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_bulk_gefs_intel' [03:19, 02:49](1023 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_cfsr_intel' [08:10, 06:31](1030 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_mx025_gefs_intel' [08:06, 06:28](999 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_multiple_files_cfsr_intel' [03:16, 02:58](1158 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_3072x1536_cfsr_intel' [05:19, 04:20](2449 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_gfs_intel' [05:20, 04:21](2408 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_debug_intel' [05:13, 05:01] ( 2 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_debug_cfsr_intel' [07:19, 06:31](1075 MB) PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_faster_intel' [09:11, 08:41] ( 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [19:20, 02:59](1142 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_control_cfsr_faster_intel' [03:17, 02:58](1157 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [02:11, 01:24] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [14:34, 01:01](254 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [14:26, 00:56](321 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [01:32, 00:37](319 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'datm_cdeps_land_intel' [02:12, 01:23] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_gswp3_intel' [01:29, 01:01](255 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_intel' [01:25, 00:57](327 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'datm_cdeps_lnd_era5_rst_intel' [01:28, 00:35](321 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [13:11, 13:04] ( 3 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [17:16, 04:08](1978 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [14:11, 13:12] ( 3 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [06:06, 04:12](1969 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [13:11, 12:52] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [17:08, 03:56](1944 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [13:12, 12:53] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_dice_intel' [05:09, 03:56](1956 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [14:12, 13:27] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [18:34, 04:49](1862 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [16:33, 04:50](1861 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [04:12, 02:49](1070 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [14:12, 13:29] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_sbs_intel' [06:31, 04:54](1850 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_intel' [06:29, 04:51](1863 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_atmlnd_intel' [03:54, 02:48](1052 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [09:11, 08:14] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [08:34, 05:53](1889 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [08:12, 07:38] ( 882 warnings 2 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_atmlnd_debug_intel' [07:29, 05:50](1894 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [13:12, 12:55] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [03:23, 02:07](1908 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmw_intel' [14:12, 13:37] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmwav_control_noaero_p8_intel' [03:21, 02:08](1908 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [13:12, 12:50] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [06:20, 04:36](1990 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [07:22, 05:20](1775 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [07:01, 05:25](1787 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [14:11, 13:17] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [06:22, 04:33](1986 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [07:12, 05:18](1767 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [07:04, 05:24](1783 MB) -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [07:11, 06:39] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [23:11, 21:06](4568 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [07:11, 06:34] ( 884 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [22:53, 20:23](4561 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240806 15:14:51 -Ending Date/Time: 20240806 17:05:39 -Total Time: 01h:51m:39s +Starting Date/Time: 20240808 22:06:22 +Ending Date/Time: 20240808 23:39:07 +Total Time: 01h:33m:34s Compiles Completed: 41/41 Tests Completed: 185/185 diff --git a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log index 1be8a7287f..82b2351fcc 100644 --- a/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log +++ b/tests/logs/RegressionTests_wcoss2.log @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ ====START OF WCOSS2 REGRESSION TESTING LOG==== UFSWM hash used in testing: -e875df6009b3d0da5f8808467e1127a1740672e1 +2b4a599fc5da5cda16fc82974e07f353b6760f77 Submodule hashes used in testing: 37cbb7d6840ae7515a9a8f0dfd4d89461b3396d1 AQM (v0.2.0-37-g37cbb7d) @@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Submodule hashes used in testing: f6ff8f7c4d4cb6feabe3651b13204cf43fc948e3 CICE-interface/CICE/icepack (Icepack1.1.0-182-gf6ff8f7) f13e16e414e115e268b2dd300b665e628e5f2429 CMEPS-interface/CMEPS (cmeps_v0.4.1-2308-gf13e16e) cabd7753ae17f7bfcc6dad56daf10868aa51c3f4 CMakeModules (v1.0.0-28-gcabd775) - 80134e94003c4604f2133dab2ab67e8b72660731 FV3 (remotes/origin/feature/chunked_array_support_use_it) - 55182e9baf0c67e8b5beca801b924aea6237f278 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-415-g55182e9) - 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (v0.1.0-1698-g0f82327) - 9e736da10c58ea10b93c9e6ec26a588b0bb78b60 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-850-g9e736da1) + fd590042f958cae20968eb2221bdbbcedd931bea FV3 (remotes/origin/HEAD-5-gfd59004) + d92b739ed0c7d7d676c5906a66d626cb3178c817 FV3/atmos_cubed_sphere (201912_public_release-405-gd92b739) + 0f8232724975c13289cad390c9a71fa2c6a9bff4 FV3/ccpp/framework (2024-07-11-dev) + 1d9b076503c27cd4cfa8b22a977a71e889cbb149 FV3/ccpp/physics (EP4-851-g1d9b0765) 74a0e098b2163425e4b5466c2dfcf8ae26d560a5 FV3/ccpp/physics/physics/Radiation/RRTMGP/rte-rrtmgp (v1.6) be0410ece28f2b5b9c089f8ca09ce0c80c79fe6c FV3/upp (upp_v10.2.0-191-gbe0410ec) -1ba8270870947b583cd51bc72ff8960f4c1fb36e FV3/upp/sorc/libIFI.fd @@ -36,238 +36,238 @@ The second time is specifically for the run phase. Times/Memory will be empty for failed tests. BASELINE DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/nems/noscrub/emc.nems/RT/NEMSfv3gfs/develop-20240730 -COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_24943 +COMPARISON DIRECTORY: /lfs/h2/emc/ptmp/brian.curtis/FV3_RT/rt_46914 RT.SH OPTIONS USED: * (-a) - HPC PROJECT ACCOUNT: GFS-DEV * (-e) - USE ECFLOW -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [38:03, 31:22] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [52:01, 02:24](3103 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [18:41, 12:38] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [12:09, 02:46](1817 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [50:26, 02:11](1846 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [49:37, 02:25](974 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [12:10, 03:01](1782 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [24:48, 18:38] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [06:01, 02:02](1808 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [12:33, 05:58] ( 1505 warnings 1998 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [18:17, 02:42](1838 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [30:55, 24:35] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [59:55, 02:10](3131 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [59:55, 02:39](3130 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [49:22, 02:39](3057 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [59:55, 01:57](3151 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [49:24, 02:05](3076 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [59:55, 02:38](3374 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [59:55, 02:13](3126 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [59:56, 02:05](3075 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [59:55, 02:24](3138 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [00:04, 06:43](4129 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [28:33, 05:13](4264 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [59:55, 02:26](3108 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [22:45, 16:06] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [08:04, 01:46](1822 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [08:04, 02:57](1894 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [17:41, 10:43] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [13:08, 02:51](1887 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [16:40, 10:29] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [14:08, 02:18](2869 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [14:08, 01:56](2878 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [06:54, 02:03](2285 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [32:58, 26:57] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [57:51, 02:14](3132 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [30:53, 23:58] ( 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [59:56, 02:33](1816 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:28, 02:29](999 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:00, 02:30](1804 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [26:43, 22:50] ( 1541 warnings 1998 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [49:24, 02:06](1854 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [20:41, 15:31] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [53:28, 02:09](569 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [53:28, 02:20](1466 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [49:19, 01:42](1481 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [49:15, 01:34](1476 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [49:11, 01:53](1473 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [48:57, 01:41](1561 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [48:07, 01:56](689 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [47:45, 02:21](1578 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [47:26, 02:49](1873 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [47:26, 04:00](1071 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [47:22, 02:11](525 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [40:49, 02:00](326 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [47:19, 02:13](524 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [46:43, 01:45](525 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [45:55, 01:24](520 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [45:14, 02:18](1758 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [43:53, 02:44](1753 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [43:53, 02:45](1761 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [38:36, 02:24](910 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [43:46, 02:23](1751 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [36:36, 01:55](921 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [43:46, 02:17](1752 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [43:25, 02:34](1836 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [43:23, 01:58](1769 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [43:19, 02:50](1812 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [42:53, 02:14](1761 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [42:52, 03:08](1760 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [42:27, 01:25](844 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [34:44, 01:19](841 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [42:20, 02:11](840 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [41:14, 01:41](895 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [40:49, 01:18](1170 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [40:20, 02:27](844 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [40:05, 01:19](840 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [39:42, 02:13](1572 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [18:33, 14:31] ( 3 warnings 92 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [54:35, 02:33](911 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [54:36, 02:36](1059 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [54:35, 02:27](909 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [54:35, 02:54](992 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [38:21, 02:21](779 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [54:35, 02:17](910 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [54:35, 02:32](909 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [37:22, 02:46](778 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [54:35, 02:21](908 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [54:35, 02:21](906 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [54:36, 02:48](982 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [37:21, 02:15](734 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [54:35, 02:18](904 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [54:35, 02:02](1870 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [54:35, 02:23](1856 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [30:54, 27:28] -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [36:49, 01:29](864 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [36:36, 01:54](561 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [14:34, 12:43] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [53:30, 01:39](1558 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [18:36, 16:57] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [36:26, 02:58](1751 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [36:21, 01:21](835 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [13:32, 11:25] ( 869 warnings 92 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [36:18, 02:15](1499 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [36:17, 02:21](1495 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [35:39, 01:49](703 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [35:20, 02:01](705 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [35:07, 01:30](1006 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [34:54, 02:08](707 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [34:37, 02:34](1561 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [34:12, 01:36](1786 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [33:41, 02:11](884 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [33:07, 01:36](1084 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [32:31, 01:53](1080 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [32:24, 01:49](1081 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [32:22, 01:44](1080 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [32:20, 01:43](1084 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [31:30, 01:28](1166 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [31:17, 01:32](1084 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [31:08, 01:39](1084 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [31:06, 01:42](1088 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [30:31, 01:40](1085 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [30:28, 01:48](1082 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [30:27, 01:40](1083 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [30:25, 01:25](1080 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [30:07, 01:45](1080 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [30:04, 01:23](1084 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [30:02, 01:38](1088 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [29:53, 02:43](1087 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [09:26, 07:27] ( 825 warnings 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [29:40, 01:40](1580 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [11:29, 07:54] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [29:13, 01:59](923 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [29:01, 02:16](786 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [28:42, 02:52](781 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [28:23, 02:25](843 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [28:18, 03:03](830 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [28:00, 02:41](780 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [18:57, 03:03](677 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [20:51, 01:20](664 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [11:29, 09:27] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [27:38, 01:47](998 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [22:40, 01:58](996 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [22:30, 01:43](866 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [14:30, 10:58] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [26:57, 02:14](814 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [09:23, 06:32] ( 773 warnings 91 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [25:34, 01:50](962 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [24:36, 01:50](960 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [24:36, 01:49](1052 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [24:36, 01:38](716 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [24:37, 01:35](1047 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [23:46, 02:11](1114 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [30:53, 28:52] ( 773 warnings 91 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [21:25, 01:52](982 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [14:29, 12:50] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [23:41, 03:05](601 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [23:32, 02:07](943 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [23:29, 03:00](648 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [22:53, 02:49](674 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [22:53, 02:43](695 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [22:52, 02:07](377 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [22:30, 03:12](388 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [20:56, 02:34](282 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [20:56, 04:52](370 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [20:42, 01:42](401 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [20:07, 01:52](411 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [19:51, 01:56](479 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [19:05, 01:55](315 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [19:33, 16:58] ( 1449 warnings 1501 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [18:50, 02:28](517 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [23:50, 20:07] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [18:44, 02:29](523 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [18:04, 02:14](703 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [16:31, 13:23] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [17:31, 03:41](701 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [14:29, 11:12] ( 7 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [17:26, 02:28](651 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [17:22, 04:02](627 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [17:02, 02:13](878 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [15:38, 12:01] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [16:29, 01:44](1816 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [17:37, 14:56] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [11:25, 09:03] ( 868 warnings 2 remarks ) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [17:46, 14:43] ( 1 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [14:55, 02:59](3028 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [14:50, 02:22](2907 MB) -PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [14:39, 02:22](2925 MB) - -PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [11:27, 10:01] ( 870 warnings 6 remarks ) -PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [14:30, 02:45](4443 MB) +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_intel' [12:28, 11:14] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_mixedmode_intel' [08:43, 02:10](3103 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_intel' [37:08, 35:52] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_intel' [44:03, 02:02](1806 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_gfsv17_iau_intel' [25:56, 01:44](1839 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_gfsv17_intel' [25:51, 02:15](973 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_gfsv17_intel' [43:58, 01:37](1784 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_sfs_intel' [24:25, 23:07] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_sfs_intel' [56:46, 01:09](1806 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_32bit_pdlib_debug_intel' [16:39, 15:18] ( 1505 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_gfsv17_intel' [04:33, 01:19](1845 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_intel' [12:28, 11:22] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:23](3132 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [08:43, 01:29](3132 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_p8_intel' [00:23, 02:10](3059 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_qr_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:20](3154 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_qr_p8_intel' [00:23, 02:09](3080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_2threads_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:47](3367 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_decomp_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:29](3127 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_p8_intel' [08:44, 02:20](3077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_ciceC_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:30](3131 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_bmark_p8_intel' [08:52, 03:43](4123 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_bmark_p8_intel' [50:28, 04:22](4266 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_s2sa_p8_intel' [08:43, 01:35](3110 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_intel' [31:01, 29:46] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_intel' [50:11, 01:02](1827 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_nowave_noaero_p8_intel' [50:11, 01:11](1896 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_aoflux_intel' [12:28, 11:06] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_noaero_p8_agrid_intel' [08:43, 01:22](1885 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2s_intel' [12:28, 10:05] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_c48_intel' [08:42, 00:43](2865 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_warmstart_c48_intel' [08:42, 01:47](2870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_c48_intel' [04:07, 01:36](2274 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2swa_faster_intel' [23:24, 21:01] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_p8_faster_intel' [57:47, 01:54](3130 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_intel' [24:26, 22:52] ( 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_control_pdlib_p8_intel' [56:46, 01:11](1817 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_restart_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:18, 01:36](984 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_mpi_pdlib_p8_intel' [39:19, 00:55](1798 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 's2sw_pdlib_debug_intel' [10:55, 08:10] ( 1541 warnings 1998 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'cpld_debug_pdlib_p8_intel' [57:48, 01:36](1860 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_dyn32_intel' [20:34, 19:21] ( 1 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_flake_intel' [48:08, 00:31](568 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_intel' [48:08, 00:35](1473 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_parallel_intel' [48:08, 00:27](1480 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_latlon_intel' [48:08, 00:28](1469 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_intel' [48:08, 00:37](1468 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48_intel' [48:07, 00:58](1557 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c48.v2.sfc_intel' [48:07, 00:57](690 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c192_intel' [48:08, 01:14](1579 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384_intel' [48:12, 02:00](1862 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_c384gdas_intel' [48:12, 02:43](1065 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_intel' [47:51, 00:23](525 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_restart_intel' [45:23, 01:02](329 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_intel' [46:39, 00:34](529 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr4_intel' [45:22, 00:41](523 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_iovr5_intel' [45:19, 00:40](519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_intel' [45:08, 01:01](1755 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8.v2.sfc_intel' [45:08, 01:02](1762 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_ugwpv1_intel' [45:08, 01:05](1761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_p8_intel' [40:23, 00:57](895 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_noqr_p8_intel' [44:57, 01:29](1750 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_restart_noqr_p8_intel' [39:35, 00:50](916 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_decomp_p8_intel' [44:43, 01:23](1750 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_2threads_p8_intel' [44:42, 01:41](1848 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_lndp_intel' [44:08, 01:01](1761 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_rrtmgp_intel' [44:08, 01:55](1808 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_mynn_intel' [44:06, 01:52](1773 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'merra2_thompson_intel' [44:06, 01:44](1766 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_intel' [43:46, 01:10](845 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_restart_intel' [37:08, 00:27](841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_decomp_intel' [43:32, 00:53](842 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2threads_intel' [43:19, 00:52](904 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_noquilt_intel' [43:17, 00:22](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_netcdf_parallel_intel' [42:56, 00:25](844 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_2dwrtdecomp_intel' [41:53, 00:14](841 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_wofs_intel' [41:50, 00:43](1572 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_intel' [14:26, 11:53] ( 3 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_intel' [54:16, 01:28](909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_intel' [54:17, 01:05](1058 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_decomp_intel' [54:16, 01:39](911 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_intel' [54:16, 02:08](994 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_intel' [41:10, 01:02](782 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_intel' [54:16, 01:20](906 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_decomp_intel' [54:16, 01:41](911 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_restart_intel' [40:22, 01:45](777 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_intel' [54:16, 01:21](909 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_intel' [54:16, 01:17](906 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_intel' [54:17, 01:46](983 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_intel' [48:38, 01:02](735 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_intel' [54:16, 01:18](906 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_intel' [54:16, 01:04](1870 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1nssl_nohailnoccn_intel' [54:16, 00:19](1857 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'csawmg_intel' [17:30, 16:22] +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_intel' [51:13, 00:32](864 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_intel' [51:13, 00:49](559 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_intel' [14:20, 13:20] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_intel' [50:11, 00:30](1562 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_faster_dyn32_intel' [10:39, 09:33] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_p8_faster_intel' [40:22, 01:57](1750 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_control_faster_intel' [39:54, 00:22](837 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_debug_dyn32_intel' [18:47, 17:59] ( 869 warnings 92 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_CubedSphereGrid_debug_intel' [38:42, 01:18](1501 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wrtGauss_netcdf_parallel_debug_intel' [38:39, 01:26](1496 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_stochy_debug_intel' [38:26, 00:46](702 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_lndp_debug_intel' [37:43, 01:11](699 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_csawmg_debug_intel' [37:36, 00:31](1007 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_ras_debug_intel' [37:22, 01:18](706 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_diag_debug_intel' [37:12, 01:22](1565 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'control_debug_p8_intel' [37:08, 01:00](1791 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_debug_intel' [37:07, 00:39](885 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_intel' [36:56, 00:48](1089 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_intel' [36:54, 00:56](1079 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_gf_debug_intel' [36:15, 00:51](1080 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_c3_debug_intel' [36:14, 00:49](1082 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_drag_suite_debug_intel' [35:57, 00:45](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_diag_debug_intel' [35:50, 00:41](1168 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [35:49, 00:39](1087 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_unified_ugwp_debug_intel' [35:28, 00:41](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_lndp_debug_intel' [34:58, 00:42](1086 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_progcld_thompson_debug_intel' [34:06, 00:49](1088 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_debug_intel' [34:06, 00:55](1078 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_sfcdiff_debug_intel' [34:03, 00:51](1085 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_noah_sfcdiff_cires_ugwp_debug_intel' [33:57, 00:46](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rrfs_v1beta_debug_intel' [33:55, 00:42](1077 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_clm_lake_debug_intel' [33:48, 00:41](1081 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_flake_debug_intel' [33:40, 00:32](1084 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'gnv1_c96_no_nest_debug_intel' [33:22, 01:56](1088 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'wam_debug_intel' [20:52, 19:56] ( 825 warnings 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'control_wam_debug_intel' [33:22, 00:32](1581 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_intel' [25:03, 23:52] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_spp_sppt_shum_skeb_dyn32_phy32_intel' [30:20, 01:29](921 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [30:18, 01:07](783 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_dyn32_phy32_intel' [30:14, 02:24](779 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [30:07, 01:25](839 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_2threads_dyn32_phy32_intel' [29:31, 02:05](830 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_decomp_dyn32_phy32_intel' [29:30, 01:40](780 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [23:03, 01:32](676 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_restart_dyn32_phy32_intel' [24:22, 00:19](659 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_faster_intel' [10:51, 10:21] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_control_intel' [39:53, 01:08](992 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_2threads_intel' [33:10, 00:56](997 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_restart_mismatch_intel' [32:48, 00:43](871 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_intel' [09:29, 08:21] ( 3 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_intel' [39:35, 01:23](810 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn32_phy32_debug_intel' [16:46, 15:53] ( 773 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [32:40, 00:51](961 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hrrr_control_debug_dyn32_phy32_intel' [32:20, 00:59](957 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_intel' [32:16, 00:50](1044 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_qr_intel' [31:57, 00:33](717 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_debug_2threads_intel' [29:19, 00:26](1046 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'conus13km_radar_tten_debug_intel' [29:14, 00:44](1118 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'rrfs_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [12:34, 11:55] ( 773 warnings 91 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'rap_control_dyn64_phy32_debug_intel' [29:12, 00:49](984 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_intel' [11:32, 11:10] ( 1 warnings 8 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_intel' [29:09, 01:31](600 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_thompson_gfdlsf_intel' [28:54, 01:13](952 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_intel' [28:48, 01:50](652 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_wav_intel' [28:12, 01:45](669 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [27:24, 01:40](698 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_1nest_atm_intel' [27:23, 01:05](377 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_telescopic_2nests_atm_intel' [27:24, 02:13](393 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_1nest_atm_intel' [27:23, 01:33](292 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_multiple_4nests_atm_intel' [27:15, 02:36](368 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_specified_moving_1nest_atm_intel' [26:17, 01:32](405 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [26:11, 00:58](411 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_intel' [24:17, 00:45](477 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_global_storm_following_1nest_atm_intel' [24:16, 00:28](310 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_debug_intel' [10:29, 09:21] ( 1449 warnings 1501 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_debug_intel' [24:08, 01:16](513 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafsw_faster_intel' [10:38, 09:25] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_intel' [24:06, 00:58](519 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_inline_intel' [23:55, 01:45](701 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_mom6w_intel' [15:47, 15:17] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_storm_following_1nest_atm_ocn_wav_mom6_intel' [23:06, 00:56](703 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'hafs_all_intel' [12:34, 12:01] ( 7 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_intel' [22:40, 02:12](649 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_docn_oisst_intel' [22:22, 02:09](625 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'hafs_regional_datm_cdeps_intel' [21:47, 00:34](878 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [15:53, 14:47] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atm_ds2s_docn_pcice_intel' [21:47, 00:40](1822 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_intel' [15:44, 14:59] ( 8 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atml_debug_intel' [10:36, 09:49] ( 868 warnings 2 remarks ) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaero_intel' [16:42, 16:12] ( 1 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_intel' [19:53, 01:19](3028 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_intel' [19:53, 01:46](2908 MB) +PASS -- TEST 'atmaero_control_p8_rad_micro_intel' [19:53, 01:54](2921 MB) + +PASS -- COMPILE 'atmaq_debug_intel' [08:33, 07:21] ( 870 warnings 6 remarks ) +PASS -- TEST 'regional_atmaq_debug_intel' [21:41, 01:58](4442 MB) SYNOPSIS: -Starting Date/Time: 20240807 17:28:56 -Ending Date/Time: 20240807 19:15:26 -Total Time: 01h:47m:05s +Starting Date/Time: 20240809 15:38:32 +Ending Date/Time: 20240809 17:05:15 +Total Time: 01h:27m:22s Compiles Completed: 33/33 Tests Completed: 156/156 diff --git a/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml b/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml index c0189f0bdf..edfca0beed 100644 --- a/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml +++ b/tests/parm/fd_ufs.yaml @@ -1,1266 +1,1266 @@ - field_dictionary: - version_number: 0.0.0 - institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups - source: automatically generated by the NUOPC Layer - description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields - entries: - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: mediator calculation for atm/ocn flux calculation - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faox_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator calculation - long wave radiation flux over the ocean - # - - standard_name: Faox_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator calculation - # - - standard_name: Faox_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator calculation - # - - standard_name: Foxx_lwnet - alias: mean_net_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn net longwave flux - # - - standard_name: Foxx_sen - canonical_units: W m-2 - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Foxx_evap - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - alias: mean_evap_rate - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_evap - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faxa_bcph - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_ocph - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swdn - alias: inst_down_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean downward SW heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn - alias: inst_down_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean downward LW heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rain - alias: inst_prec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rainc - alias: inst_prec_rate_conv - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_rainl - alias: inst_prec_rate_large - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snow - alias: inst_fprec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snowc - alias: inst_fprec_rate_conv - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_snowl - alias: inst_fprec_rate_large - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swnet - alias: inst_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swndf - alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swndr - alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf - alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr - alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux - # - - standard_name: Sa_dens - alias: air_density_height_lowest - canonical_units: kg m-3 - description: atmosphere export- density at the lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_pbot - alias: inst_pres_height_lowest - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_prsl - alias: inst_pres_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_pslv - alias: inst_pres_height_surface - canonical_units: Pa - description: atmosphere export - instantaneous pressure land and sea surface - # - - standard_name: Sa_ptem - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_shum - alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity - # - - standard_name: Sa_qa - alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity - # - - standard_name: Sa_tbot - alias: inst_temp_height_lowest - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_tskn - alias: inst_temp_height_surface - - standard_name: Sa_tskn - alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_ta - alias: inst_temp_height_lowest_from_phys - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature - # - - standard_name: Sa_u - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_v - alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_wspd - alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed - # - - standard_name: Sa_z - alias: inst_height_lowest - canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height - # - - standard_name: Sa_topo - alias: inst_surface_height - canonical_units: m - description: atmosphere export - topographic height - # - - standard_name: Faxa_taux - alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx - - standard_name: Faxa_taux - alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export- zonal component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_tauy - alias: inst_merid_moment_flx - - standard_name: Faxa_tauy - alias: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxa_lwnet - canonical_units: W m-2 - alias: inst_net_lw_flx - description: atmosphere export - mean net longwave flux from atm - # - - standard_name: Faxa_sen - canonical_units: W m-2 - alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx - description: atmosphere export - sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name : Faxa_evap - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - alias: inst_evap_rate - description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux conversion - # - - standard_name: Faxx_evap - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxa_lat - alias: inst_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_lat - alias: mean_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxx_lwup - alias: mean_up_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - merged ocn/ice flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: atmosphere import - # - - standard_name: Faxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere import - zonal component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Faxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: atmosphere import - meridional component of momentum flux - # - - standard_name: Sa_ofrac - alias: openwater_frac_in_atm - canonical_units: 1 - description: atm export to mediator - open water ocean fraction (varies with time) - # - - standard_name: Sa_u10m - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - zonal wind height 10m - - standard_name: Sa_u10m - alias: eastward_wind_at_10m_height - # - - standard_name: Sa_v10m - alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - meridional wind height 10m - - standard_name: Sa_v10m - alias: northward_wind_at_10m_height - # - - standard_name: Sa_wspd10m - alias: inst_wind_speed_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: atmosphere export - wind speed height 10m - # - - standard_name: Sa_t2m - alias: inst_temp_height2m - canonical_units: K - description: atmosphere export - temperature height 2m - # - - standard_name: Sa_q2m - alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m - canonical_units: kg kg -1 - description: atmosphere export - specifc humidity height 2m - # - - standard_name: canopy_moisture_storage - canonical_units: m - description: canopy moisture content - # - - standard_name: inst_aerodynamic_conductance - canonical_units: m - description: aerodynamic conductance - # - - standard_name: inst_canopy_resistance - canonical_units: s m-1 - description: canopy aerodynamic resistance - # - - standard_name: leaf_area_index - canonical_units: 1 - description: leaf area index - # - - standard_name: temperature_of_soil_layer - canonical_units: K - description: temperature in soil layer - # - - standard_name: height - canonical_units: m - description: orography - # - - standard_name: Sa_exner - alias: inst_exner_function_height_lowest - canonical_units: 1 - description: dimensionless exner function at surface adjacent layer - # - - standard_name: Sa_ustar - alias: surface_friction_velocity - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: surface friction velocity - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: sea-ice export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faii_evap - alias: evap_rate_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Faii_lat - alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faii_sen - alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faii_lwup - alias: lwup_flx_ice - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export - outgoing logwave radiation - # - - standard_name: Faii_swnet - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Faii_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress - # - - standard_name: Faii_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress - # - - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_melth - alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_meltw - alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) - # - - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso - alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO - # - - standard_name: Fioi_salt - alias: mean_salt_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf - alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean - # - - standard_name: Fioi_taux - alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress - # - - standard_name: Fioi_tauy - alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress - # - - standard_name: Si_anidf - alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_anidr - alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_avsdf - alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_avsdr - alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_ifrac - alias: ice_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) - # - - standard_name: Si_imask - alias: ice_mask - canonical_units: 1 - description: sea-ice export - ice mask - # - - standard_name: Si_qref - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: sea-ice export to atm - # - - standard_name: Si_t - alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_tref - canonical_units: K - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_u10 - canonical_units: m/s - description: sea-ice export - # - - standard_name: Si_vice - alias: sea_ice_volume - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit area - # - - standard_name: Si_snowh - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent - # - - standard_name: Si_vsno - alias: snow_volume_on_sea_ice - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area - # - - standard_name: Si_thick - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice thickness - # - - standard_name: Si_floediam - canonical_units: m - description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean export to mediator - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Fioo_q - alias: freezing_melting_potential - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_bldepth - alias: mixed_layer_depth - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_h - alias: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - - standard_name: So_h - alias: seahgt - # - - standard_name: So_dhdx - alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal - canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_dhdy - alias: sea_surface_slope_merid - canonical_units: m m-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_duu10n - canonical_units: m2 s-2 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_fswpen - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ofrac - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_omask - alias: ocean_mask - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_qref - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_re - canonical_units: 1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_s - alias: s_surf - canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ssq - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_t - alias: sea_surface_temperature - canonical_units: K - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_tref - canonical_units: K - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_u - alias: ocn_current_zonal - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_u10 - canonical_units: m - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_ustar - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - - standard_name: So_v - alias: ocn_current_merid - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ocean export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: ocean import - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hrain - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of rain - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hsnow - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of snow - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hevap - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of evaporation - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hcond - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of condensation - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of liquid runoff - # - - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: to ocn heat content of ice runoff - # - - standard_name: Foxx_rofi - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) - # - - standard_name: Foxx_rofl - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet - alias: mean_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr - alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf - alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr - alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf - alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_sen - alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_lat - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_taux - alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - zonal surface stress to ocean - # - - standard_name: Foxx_tauy - alias: mean_merid_moment_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: ocean import - meridional surface stress to ocean - # - #----------------------------------- - # mediator fields - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: cpl_scalars - canonical_units: unitless - # - - standard_name: frac - canonical_units: 1 - # - - standard_name: mask - canonical_units: 1 - # - #----------------------------------- - # fields to use fluxes from mediator - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Faox_lat - alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_sen - alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Faox_lwup - alias: lwup_flx_ocn - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean - # - - standard_name: Faox_taux - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export - # - - standard_name: Faox_tauy - alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid - canonical_units: N m-2 - description: mediator export - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: atmosphere fields that need to be defined but are not used - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: mean_prec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: mean_fprec_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: mean_prec_rate_conv - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: mean_down_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_lw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_down_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_net_sw_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_surface_height - canonical_units: m - - standard_name: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: N m-2 - - standard_name: inst_evap_rate - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_up_surface_flx - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_down_surface_flx - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_clmn_mass_dens - canonical_units: g m-2 - - standard_name: inst_tracer_anth_biom_flx - canonical_units: ug m-2 s-1 - description: atmosphere export - - standard_name: inst_pres_interface - canonical_units: Pa - - standard_name: inst_pres_levels - canonical_units: Pa - - standard_name: inst_geop_interface - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_geop_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_temp_interface - canonical_units: K - - standard_name: inst_temp_levels - canonical_units: K - - standard_name: inst_zonal_wind_levels - canonical_units: m s-1 - - standard_name: inst_merid_wind_levels - canonical_units: m s-1 - - standard_name: inst_omega_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_soil_moisture_content - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: soil_type - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_pbl_height - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: surface_cell_area - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_convective_rainfall_amount - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_spec_humid_conv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_exchange_coefficient_heat_levels - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_friction_velocity - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_rainfall_amount - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_land_sea_mask - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_temp_height_surface - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_up_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_lwe_snow_thickness - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: vegetation_type - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_vegetation_area_frac - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_surface_roughness - canonical_units: tbd - - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx - canonical_units: W m-2 - - standard_name: land_mask - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_cloud_frac_levels - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: inst_ice_nonconv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_liq_nonconv_tendency_levels - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - - standard_name: inst_surface_soil_wetness - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: lake_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: ice_fraction_in_atm - alias: sea_ice_area_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: ocean_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - - standard_name: surface_snow_area_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - # - #----------------------------------- - # WW3 import - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level - canonical_units: m - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: sea_surface_salinity - alias: s_surf - canonical_units: g kg-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity - alias: ocn_current_zonal - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: surface_northward_sea_water_velocity - alias: ocn_current_merid - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: eastward_wind_at_10m_height - alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: northward_wind_at_10m_height - alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 import - # - - standard_name: sea_ice_concentration - alias: ice_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 import - # - #----------------------------------- - # WW3 export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Sw_z0 - alias: wave_z0_roughness_length - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_z0 - alias: z0rlen - # - - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_x - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension - # - - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension - # - - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum - alias: wave_elevation_spectrum - canonical_units: m2/s - description: wave elevation spectrum - # - # remaining fields are unused but required to be present - # - - standard_name: Sw_ch - alias: wave_induced_charnock_parameter - canonical_units: 1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ch - alias: charno - # - - standard_name: eastward_stokes_drift_current - alias: uscurr - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components - # - - standard_name: northward_stokes_drift_current - alias: vscurr - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes - alias: eastward_surface_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export surface drift components - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes - alias: ussx - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes - alias: northward_surface_stokes_drift_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export using surface drift components - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes - alias: ussy - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru - alias: eastward_wave_bottom_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru - alias: wbcuru - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv - alias: northward_wave_bottom_current - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv - alias: wbcurv - # - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp - alias: wave_bottom_current_period - canonical_units: s - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp - alias: wbcurp - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu - alias: eastward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: N m-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu - alias: wavsuu - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv - alias: eastward_northward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: N m-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv - alias: wavsuv - # - - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv - alias: northward_wave_radiation_stress - canonical_units: Pa - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv - alias: wavsvv - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 - alias: x1pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 - alias: x2pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 - alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 - alias: x3pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 - alias: y1pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 - alias: y2pstk - # - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 - alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: ww3 export - - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 - alias: y3pstk - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: FV3 atm export/import to/from JEDI - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: u - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: u_component_of_native_D_grid_wind - # - - standard_name: v - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: v_component_of_native_D_grid_wind - # - - standard_name: ua - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: eastward_wind - # - - standard_name: va - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: northward_wind - # - - standard_name: t - canonical_units: K - alias: air_temperature - # - - standard_name: delp - canonical_units: Pa - alias: air_pressure_thickness - # - - standard_name: ps - canonical_units: Pa - alias: surface_pressure - # - - standard_name: sphum - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: specific_humidity - # - - standard_name: ice_wat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: cloud_liquid_ice - # - - standard_name: liq_wat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: cloud_liquid_water - # - - standard_name: rainwat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: rain_water - # - - standard_name: snowwat - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: snow_water - # - - standard_name: graupel - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: graupel - # - - standard_name: o3mr - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - alias: ozone_mass_mixing_ratio - # - - standard_name: phis - canonical_units: m2 s-2 - alias: sfc_geopotential_height_times_grav - # - - standard_name: u_srf - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: surface_eastward_wind - # - - standard_name: v_srf - canonical_units: m s-1 - alias: surface_northward_wind - # - # - - standard_name: t2m - canonical_units: K - alias: surface_temperature - # - - standard_name: slmsk - canonical_units: flag - description: landmask sea/land/ice=0/1/2 - # - - standard_name: weasd - canonical_units: mm - description: water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice - alias: sheleg - # - - standard_name: tsea - canonical_units: K - description: surface skin temperature - # - - standard_name: vtype - canonical_units: index - description: vegetation type - # - - standard_name: stype - canonical_units: index - description: soil type - # - - standard_name: Sa_vfrac - canonical_units: frac - description: areal fractional cover of green vegetation - - standard_name: Sa_vfrac - alias: vfrac - # - - standard_name: stc - canonical_units: K - description: soil temperature content - # - - standard_name: smc - canonical_units: m3 m-3 - description: soil moisture content - # - - standard_name: snwdph - canonical_units: mm - description: snow depth in mm - # - - standard_name: f10m - canonical_units: ratio - description: fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind - # - - standard_name: Sa_zorl - canonical_units: cm - description: composite surface roughness in cm - - standard_name: Sa_zorl - alias: zorl - # - - standard_name: t2m - canonical_units: K - description: two meter temperature - # - #----------------------------------- - # section: land export - #----------------------------------- - # - - standard_name: Sl_lfrac - alias: land_fraction - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_lfrin - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_t - canonical_units: K - description: land export - # - - standard_name: inst_tracer_diag_aod - canonical_units: 1 - description: AOD - # - - standard_name: Sl_sfrac - alias: inst_snow_area_fraction_lnd - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_tref - alias: inst_temp_height2m_lnd - canonical_units: K - description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes - # - - standard_name: Sl_qref - alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m_lnd - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_q - alias: inst_spec_humid_lnd - canonical_units: kg kg-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Fall_lat - alias: inst_laten_heat_flx_lnd - canonical_units: kg kg-1 m s-1 - description: land export to atm - atm/lnd latent heat flux - # - - standard_name: Fall_sen - alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx_lnd - canonical_units: K m s-1 - description: land export to atm - atm/lnd sensible heat flux - # - - standard_name: Fall_evap - alias: inst_potential_laten_heat_flx_lnd - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Fall_gflx - alias: inst_upward_heat_flux_lnd - canonical_units: W m-2 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Fall_roff - alias: inst_runoff_rate_lnd - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Fall_soff - alias: inst_subsurface_runoff_rate_lnd - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_cmm - alias: inst_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum - canonical_units: m s-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_chh - alias: inst_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture - canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 - description: land export - # - - standard_name: Sl_zvfun - alias: inst_func_of_roughness_length_and_vfrac - canonical_units: 1 - description: land export +field_dictionary: + version_number: 0.0.0 + institution: National ESPC, CSC & MCL Working Groups + source: automatically generated by the NUOPC Layer + description: Community-based dictionary for shared coupling fields + entries: + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: mediator calculation for atm/ocn flux calculation + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faox_lat + alias: mean_laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_lwup + alias: mean_up_lw_flx_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + # + - standard_name: Faox_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator calculation + # + - standard_name: Faox_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator calculation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_lwnet + alias: mean_net_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn net longwave flux + # + - standard_name: Foxx_sen + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Foxx_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + alias: mean_evap_rate + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: mediator calculation - atm/ocn specific humidity flux + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faxa_bcph + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_ocph + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_dstdry + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_dstwet + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swdn + alias: inst_down_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean downward SW heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lwdn + alias: inst_down_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean downward LW heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rain + alias: inst_prec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rainc + alias: inst_prec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_rainl + alias: inst_prec_rate_large + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snow + alias: inst_fprec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snowc + alias: inst_fprec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_snowl + alias: inst_fprec_rate_large + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swnet + alias: inst_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swndf + alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir diffuse flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swndr + alias: inst_down_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward nir direct flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swvdf + alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+vis diffuse flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_swvdr + alias: inst_down_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - mean surface downward uv+visvdirect flux + # + - standard_name: Sa_dens + alias: air_density_height_lowest + canonical_units: kg m-3 + description: atmosphere export- density at the lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_pbot + alias: inst_pres_height_lowest + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_prsl + alias: inst_pres_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - pressure at lowest model layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_pslv + alias: inst_pres_height_surface + canonical_units: Pa + description: atmosphere export - instantaneous pressure land and sea surface + # + - standard_name: Sa_ptem + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer potential temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_shum + alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + # + - standard_name: Sa_qa + alias: inst_spec_humid_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer specific humidity + # + - standard_name: Sa_tbot + alias: inst_temp_height_lowest + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_tskn + alias: inst_temp_height_surface + - standard_name: Sa_tskn + alias: inst_temp_skin_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - sea surface skin temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_ta + alias: inst_temp_height_lowest_from_phys + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer temperature + # + - standard_name: Sa_u + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer zonal wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_v + alias: inst_merid_wind_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer meridional wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_wspd + alias: inst_wind_speed_height_lowest + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer wind speed + # + - standard_name: Sa_z + alias: inst_height_lowest + canonical_units: m + description: atmosphere export - bottom layer height + # + - standard_name: Sa_topo + alias: inst_surface_height + canonical_units: m + description: atmosphere export - topographic height + # + - standard_name: Faxa_taux + alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx + - standard_name: Faxa_taux + alias: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere export- zonal component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_tauy + alias: inst_merid_moment_flx + - standard_name: Faxa_tauy + alias: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere export - meridional component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lwnet + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: inst_net_lw_flx + description: atmosphere export - mean net longwave flux from atm + # + - standard_name: Faxa_sen + canonical_units: W m-2 + alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx + description: atmosphere export - sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxa_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + alias: inst_evap_rate + description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux conversion + # + - standard_name: Faxx_evap + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxa_lat + alias: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere export - latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_lat + alias: mean_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxx_lwup + alias: mean_up_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import - merged ocn/ice flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_sen + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: atmosphere import + # + - standard_name: Faxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere import - zonal component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Faxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: atmosphere import - meridional component of momentum flux + # + - standard_name: Sa_ofrac + alias: openwater_frac_in_atm + canonical_units: 1 + description: atm export to mediator - open water ocean fraction (varies with time) + # + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - zonal wind height 10m + - standard_name: Sa_u10m + alias: eastward_wind_at_10m_height + # + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - meridional wind height 10m + - standard_name: Sa_v10m + alias: northward_wind_at_10m_height + # + - standard_name: Sa_wspd10m + alias: inst_wind_speed_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: atmosphere export - wind speed height 10m + # + - standard_name: Sa_t2m + alias: inst_temp_height2m + canonical_units: K + description: atmosphere export - temperature height 2m + # + - standard_name: Sa_q2m + alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m + canonical_units: kg kg -1 + description: atmosphere export - specifc humidity height 2m + # + - standard_name: canopy_moisture_storage + canonical_units: m + description: canopy moisture content + # + - standard_name: inst_aerodynamic_conductance + canonical_units: m + description: aerodynamic conductance + # + - standard_name: inst_canopy_resistance + canonical_units: s m-1 + description: canopy aerodynamic resistance + # + - standard_name: leaf_area_index + canonical_units: 1 + description: leaf area index + # + - standard_name: temperature_of_soil_layer + canonical_units: K + description: temperature in soil layer + # + - standard_name: height + canonical_units: m + description: orography + # + - standard_name: Sa_exner + alias: inst_exner_function_height_lowest + canonical_units: 1 + description: dimensionless exner function at surface adjacent layer + # + - standard_name: Sa_ustar + alias: surface_friction_velocity + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: surface friction velocity + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: sea-ice export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faii_evap + alias: evap_rate_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Faii_lat + alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faii_sen + alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - atm/ice sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faii_lwup + alias: lwup_flx_ice + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export - outgoing logwave radiation + # + - standard_name: Faii_swnet + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Faii_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ice_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to atm - air ice zonal stress + # + - standard_name: Faii_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ice_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export - air ice meridional stress + # + - standard_name: Fioi_bcphi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophilic black carbon flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_bcpho + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - hydrophobic black carbon flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_flxdst + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - dust aerosol flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_melth + alias: net_heat_flx_to_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - net heat flux to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_meltw + alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) + # + - standard_name: Fioi_meltw_wiso + alias: mean_fresh_water_to_ocean_rate_wiso + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - fresh water to ocean (h2o flux from melting) for 16O, 18O, HDO + # + - standard_name: Fioi_salt + alias: mean_salt_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - salt to ocean (salt flux from melting) + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdr + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vis dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_vdf + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of vif dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idr + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dir shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_swpen_idf + alias: mean_sw_pen_to_ocn_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - flux of ir dif shortwave through ice to ocean + # + - standard_name: Fioi_taux + alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean zonal stress + # + - standard_name: Fioi_tauy + alias: stress_on_ocn_ice_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: sea-ice export to ocean - ice ocean meridional stress + # + - standard_name: Si_anidf + alias: inst_ice_ir_dif_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_anidr + alias: inst_ice_ir_dir_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_avsdf + alias: inst_ice_vis_dif_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_avsdr + alias: inst_ice_vis_dir_albedo + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_ifrac + alias: ice_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export to atm - ice fraction (varies with time) + # + - standard_name: Si_imask + alias: ice_mask + canonical_units: 1 + description: sea-ice export - ice mask + # + - standard_name: Si_qref + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: sea-ice export to atm + # + - standard_name: Si_t + alias: sea_ice_surface_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_tref + canonical_units: K + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_u10 + canonical_units: m/s + description: sea-ice export + # + - standard_name: Si_vice + alias: sea_ice_volume + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - volume of ice per unit area + # + - standard_name: Si_snowh + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - surface_snow_water_equivalent + # + - standard_name: Si_vsno + alias: snow_volume_on_sea_ice + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - volume of snow per unit area + # + - standard_name: Si_thick + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - ice thickness + # + - standard_name: Si_floediam + canonical_units: m + description: sea-ice export - ice floe diameter + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: ocean export to mediator + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Fioo_q + alias: freezing_melting_potential + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_bldepth + alias: mixed_layer_depth + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_h + alias: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + - standard_name: So_h + alias: seahgt + # + - standard_name: So_dhdx + alias: sea_surface_slope_zonal + canonical_units: m m-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_dhdy + alias: sea_surface_slope_merid + canonical_units: m m-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_duu10n + canonical_units: m2 s-2 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_fswpen + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ofrac + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_omask + alias: ocean_mask + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_qref + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_re + canonical_units: 1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_s + alias: s_surf + canonical_units: g kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ssq + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_t + alias: sea_surface_temperature + canonical_units: K + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_tref + canonical_units: K + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_u + alias: ocn_current_zonal + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_u10 + canonical_units: m + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_ustar + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + - standard_name: So_v + alias: ocn_current_merid + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ocean export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: ocean import + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrain + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of rain + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hsnow + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of snow + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hevap + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of evaporation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hcond + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of condensation + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofl + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of liquid runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_hrofi + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: to ocn heat content of ice runoff + # + - standard_name: Foxx_rofi + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (frozen) + # + - standard_name: Foxx_rofl + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: ocean import - water flux due to runoff (liquid) + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet + alias: mean_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdr + alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave visible direct radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_vdf + alias: mean_net_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave visible diffuse radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idr + alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave ir direct radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_swnet_idf + alias: mean_net_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - net shortwave ir diffuse radiation to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_sen + alias: mean_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - sensible heat flux into ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_lat + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: ocean import - latent heat flux into ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_taux + alias: mean_zonal_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: ocean import - zonal surface stress to ocean + # + - standard_name: Foxx_tauy + alias: mean_merid_moment_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: ocean import - meridional surface stress to ocean + # + #----------------------------------- + # mediator fields + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: cpl_scalars + canonical_units: unitless + # + - standard_name: frac + canonical_units: 1 + # + - standard_name: mask + canonical_units: 1 + # + #----------------------------------- + # fields to use fluxes from mediator + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Faox_lat + alias: laten_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_sen + alias: sensi_heat_flx_atm_into_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - atm/ocn surface sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Faox_lwup + alias: lwup_flx_ocn + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: mediator export - long wave radiation flux over the ocean + # + - standard_name: Faox_taux + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_zonal + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator export + # + - standard_name: Faox_tauy + alias: stress_on_air_ocn_merid + canonical_units: N m-2 + description: mediator export + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: atmosphere fields that need to be defined but are not used + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: mean_prec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_fprec_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_prec_rate_conv + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: mean_down_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_lw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_net_sw_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_net_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_ir_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dif_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: mean_down_sw_vis_dir_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_surface_height + canonical_units: m + - standard_name: mean_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: mean_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_zonal_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_merid_moment_flx_atm + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: N m-2 + - standard_name: inst_evap_rate + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_up_surface_flx + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_down_surface_flx + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_clmn_mass_dens + canonical_units: g m-2 + - standard_name: inst_tracer_anth_biom_flx + canonical_units: ug m-2 s-1 + description: atmosphere export + - standard_name: inst_pres_interface + canonical_units: Pa + - standard_name: inst_pres_levels + canonical_units: Pa + - standard_name: inst_geop_interface + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_geop_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_temp_interface + canonical_units: K + - standard_name: inst_temp_levels + canonical_units: K + - standard_name: inst_zonal_wind_levels + canonical_units: m s-1 + - standard_name: inst_merid_wind_levels + canonical_units: m s-1 + - standard_name: inst_omega_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_tracer_mass_frac + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_soil_moisture_content + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: soil_type + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_pbl_height + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: surface_cell_area + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_convective_rainfall_amount + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_spec_humid_conv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_exchange_coefficient_heat_levels + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_friction_velocity + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_rainfall_amount + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_land_sea_mask + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_temp_height_surface + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_up_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_lwe_snow_thickness + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: vegetation_type + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_vegetation_area_frac + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_surface_roughness + canonical_units: tbd + - standard_name: inst_laten_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: inst_sensi_heat_flx + canonical_units: W m-2 + - standard_name: land_mask + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_cloud_frac_levels + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: inst_ice_nonconv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_liq_nonconv_tendency_levels + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + - standard_name: inst_surface_soil_wetness + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: lake_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: ice_fraction_in_atm + alias: sea_ice_area_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: ocean_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + - standard_name: surface_snow_area_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + # + #----------------------------------- + # WW3 import + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level + canonical_units: m + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: sea_surface_salinity + alias: s_surf + canonical_units: g kg-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity + alias: ocn_current_zonal + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: surface_northward_sea_water_velocity + alias: ocn_current_merid + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: eastward_wind_at_10m_height + alias: inst_zonal_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: northward_wind_at_10m_height + alias: inst_merid_wind_height10m + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 import + # + - standard_name: sea_ice_concentration + alias: ice_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 import + # + #----------------------------------- + # WW3 export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sw_z0 + alias: wave_z0_roughness_length + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_z0 + alias: z0rlen + # + - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_x + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension + # + - standard_name: Sw_pstokes_y + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export partitioned drift components using ungridded dimension + # + - standard_name: Sw_elevation_spectrum + alias: wave_elevation_spectrum + canonical_units: m2/s + description: wave elevation spectrum + # + # remaining fields are unused but required to be present + # + - standard_name: Sw_ch + alias: wave_induced_charnock_parameter + canonical_units: 1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ch + alias: charno + # + - standard_name: eastward_stokes_drift_current + alias: uscurr + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components + # + - standard_name: northward_stokes_drift_current + alias: vscurr + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export spectrum of drift components + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes + alias: eastward_surface_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export surface drift components + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes + alias: ussx + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes + alias: northward_surface_stokes_drift_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export using surface drift components + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes + alias: ussy + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru + alias: eastward_wave_bottom_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcuru + alias: wbcuru + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv + alias: northward_wave_bottom_current + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurv + alias: wbcurv + # + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp + alias: wave_bottom_current_period + canonical_units: s + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wbcurp + alias: wbcurp + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu + alias: eastward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: N m-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuu + alias: wavsuu + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv + alias: eastward_northward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: N m-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsuv + alias: wavsuv + # + - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv + alias: northward_wave_radiation_stress + canonical_units: Pa + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_wavsvv + alias: wavsvv + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes1 + alias: x1pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes2 + alias: x2pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 + alias: eastward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_ustokes3 + alias: x3pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_1 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes1 + alias: y1pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_2 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes2 + alias: y2pstk + # + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 + alias: northward_partitioned_stokes_drift_3 + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: ww3 export + - standard_name: Sw_vstokes3 + alias: y3pstk + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: FV3 atm export/import to/from JEDI + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: u + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: u_component_of_native_D_grid_wind + # + - standard_name: v + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: v_component_of_native_D_grid_wind + # + - standard_name: ua + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: eastward_wind + # + - standard_name: va + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: northward_wind + # + - standard_name: t + canonical_units: K + alias: air_temperature + # + - standard_name: delp + canonical_units: Pa + alias: air_pressure_thickness + # + - standard_name: ps + canonical_units: Pa + alias: surface_pressure + # + - standard_name: sphum + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: specific_humidity + # + - standard_name: ice_wat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: cloud_liquid_ice + # + - standard_name: liq_wat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: cloud_liquid_water + # + - standard_name: rainwat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: rain_water + # + - standard_name: snowwat + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: snow_water + # + - standard_name: graupel + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: graupel + # + - standard_name: o3mr + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + alias: ozone_mass_mixing_ratio + # + - standard_name: phis + canonical_units: m2 s-2 + alias: sfc_geopotential_height_times_grav + # + - standard_name: u_srf + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: surface_eastward_wind + # + - standard_name: v_srf + canonical_units: m s-1 + alias: surface_northward_wind + # + # + - standard_name: t2m + canonical_units: K + alias: surface_temperature + # + - standard_name: slmsk + canonical_units: flag + description: landmask sea/land/ice=0/1/2 + # + - standard_name: weasd + canonical_units: mm + description: water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice + alias: sheleg + # + - standard_name: tsea + canonical_units: K + description: surface skin temperature + # + - standard_name: vtype + canonical_units: index + description: vegetation type + # + - standard_name: stype + canonical_units: index + description: soil type + # + - standard_name: Sa_vfrac + canonical_units: frac + description: areal fractional cover of green vegetation + - standard_name: Sa_vfrac + alias: vfrac + # + - standard_name: stc + canonical_units: K + description: soil temperature content + # + - standard_name: smc + canonical_units: m3 m-3 + description: soil moisture content + # + - standard_name: snwdph + canonical_units: mm + description: snow depth in mm + # + - standard_name: f10m + canonical_units: ratio + description: fm at 10m - Ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind + # + - standard_name: Sa_zorl + canonical_units: cm + description: composite surface roughness in cm + - standard_name: Sa_zorl + alias: zorl + # + - standard_name: t2m + canonical_units: K + description: two meter temperature + # + #----------------------------------- + # section: land export + #----------------------------------- + # + - standard_name: Sl_lfrac + alias: land_fraction + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_lfrin + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_t + canonical_units: K + description: land export + # + - standard_name: inst_tracer_diag_aod + canonical_units: 1 + description: AOD + # + - standard_name: Sl_sfrac + alias: inst_snow_area_fraction_lnd + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_tref + alias: inst_temp_height2m_lnd + canonical_units: K + description: mediator export to glc - no levation classes + # + - standard_name: Sl_qref + alias: inst_spec_humid_height2m_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_q + alias: inst_spec_humid_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_lat + alias: inst_laten_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: kg kg-1 m s-1 + description: land export to atm - atm/lnd latent heat flux + # + - standard_name: Fall_sen + alias: inst_sensi_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: K m s-1 + description: land export to atm - atm/lnd sensible heat flux + # + - standard_name: Fall_evap + alias: inst_potential_laten_heat_flx_lnd + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_gflx + alias: inst_upward_heat_flux_lnd + canonical_units: W m-2 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_roff + alias: inst_runoff_rate_lnd + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Fall_soff + alias: inst_subsurface_runoff_rate_lnd + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_cmm + alias: inst_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum + canonical_units: m s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_chh + alias: inst_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture + canonical_units: kg m-2 s-1 + description: land export + # + - standard_name: Sl_zvfun + alias: inst_func_of_roughness_length_and_vfrac + canonical_units: 1 + description: land export diff --git a/tests/rt_utils.sh b/tests/rt_utils.sh index c82ee2d1b8..6f049cf161 100755 --- a/tests/rt_utils.sh +++ b/tests/rt_utils.sh @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ EOF fi cat << EOF >> "${ROCOTO_XML}" - ${BUILD_CORES} + 1:ppn=${BUILD_CORES} ${BUILD_WALLTIME} &RUNDIR_ROOT;/compile_${COMPILE_ID}.log ${NATIVE}