Group: Common Dialog Box - Library: comdlg32
Displays a Print dialog box. The Print dialog box enables the user to specify the properties of a particular print job.
Retrieving Printer Device Context using PrintDlg function
Retrieving graphic capabilities of default printer
How to print FoxPro form
How to print a bitmap file
How to print picture stored in enhanced-format metafile (*.emf)
How to print FoxPro form -- II
GDI+: printing image file
GDI+: sending image of FoxPro form to printer
BOOL PrintDlg(
LPPRINTDLG lppd // initialization data
DECLARE INTEGER PrintDlg IN comdlg32;
STRING @ lppd
lppd [in/out] Pointer to a PRINTDLG structure that contains information used to initialize the dialog box. When PrintDlg returns, this structure contains information about the user"s selections.
If the user clicks the OK button, the return value is nonzero. The members of the PRINTDLG structure pointed to by the lppd parameter indicate the user"s selections.
This function can be used to get a device context for a printer.
See also: PrintDlgEx, DocumentProperties