Group: Monitor Configuration (Vista) - Library: dxva2
BOOL SetMonitorContrast(
HANDLE hMonitor,
DWORD dwNewContrast
DECLARE INTEGER SetMonitorContrast IN dxva2;
INTEGER hMonitor,;
LONG dwNewContrast
hMonitor [in] Handle to a physical monitor. To get the monitor handle, call GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR or GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9.
dwNewContrast [in] Contrast value. To get the monitor"s minimum and maximum contrast values, call, call GetMonitorContrast.
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.
If this function is supported, the GetMonitorCapabilities function returns the MC_CAPS_CONTRAST flag.
See also: GetMonitorContrast, GetMonitorBrightness