Group: Extensible Storage Engine (ESE, Jet Blue) - Library: esent
Extensible Storage Engine class library
JET_ERR JET_API JetRetrieveColumn(
__in JET_SESID sesid,
__in JET_TABLEID tableid,
__in JET_COLUMNID columnid,
__out_opt void* pvData,
__in unsigned long cbData,
__out_opt unsigned long* pcbActual,
__in JET_GRBIT grbit,
__in_out_opt JET_RETINFO* pretinfo
DECLARE INTEGER JetRetrieveColumn IN esent;
INTEGER sesid,;
INTEGER tableid,;
INTEGER columnid,;
INTEGER pvData,;
LONG cbData,;
LONG @pcbActual,;
INTEGER grbit,;
INTEGER pretinfo
sesid The session to use for this call.
tableid The cursor to use for this call.
columnid The JET_COLUMNID of the column to retrieve.
pvData The output buffer that receives the column value.
cbData The maximum size, in bytes, of the output buffer.
pcbActual Receives the actual size, in bytes, of the column value.
grbit A group of bits that contain the options to be used for this call.
pretinfo If pretinfo is give as NULL then the function behaves as though an itagSequence of 1 and an ibLongValue of 0 (zero) were given.
Returns the JET_ERR datatype with a predefined return code.