Group: File System - Library: kernel32
Returns the name of a volume on a computer. This call is used to begin scanning the volumes of a computer.
Enumerating Volumes and Volume Mounting Points (NTFS)
HANDLE FindFirstVolume(
LPTSTR lpszVolumeName,
DWORD cchBufferLength
DECLARE INTEGER FindFirstVolume IN kernel32;
STRING lpszVolumeName,;
LONG cchBufferLength
lpszVolumeName [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives a null-terminated string that specifies the unique volume name of the first volume found.
cchBufferLength [in] Length of the buffer to receive the name, in TCHARs.
If the function fails to find any volumes, the return value is the INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE error code.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a search handle used in a subsequent call to the FindNextVolume and FindVolumeClose functions.
See also: FindFirstVolumeMountPoint, GetVolumeInformation