Group: Kernel Transaction Manager - Library: ktmw32
Copying files as a transacted operation (Vista)
HANDLE WINAPI CreateTransaction(
__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTransactionAttributes,
__in_opt LPGUID UOW,
__in_opt DWORD CreateOptions,
__in_opt DWORD IsolationLevel,
__in_opt DWORD IsolationFlags,
__in_opt DWORD Timeout,
__in_opt LPWSTR Description
DECLARE INTEGER CreateTransaction IN KtmW32;
INTEGER lpTransactionAttributes,;
INTEGER CreateOptions,;
INTEGER IsolationLevel,;
INTEGER IsolationFlags,;
INTEGER Timeout,;
STRING @Description
lpTransactionAttributes A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that determines whether the returned handle can be inherited by child processes.
UOW Reserved. Must be zero (0).
CreateOptions Any optional transaction instructions.
IsolationLevel Reserved; specify zero (0).
IsolationFlags Reserved; specify zero (0).
Timeout The time, in milliseconds, when the transaction will be aborted if it has not already reached the prepared state.
Description A user-readable description of the transaction.
If fails returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (-1). Otherwise retrurns a handle to the transaction.
Requires Windows Vista. Allows conducting various file operations protected by transactions: creating, copying, moving, deleting and more.
See also: CommitTransaction, RollbackTransaction