Group: Data Decompression Library - Library: ntdll
This function is used to determine the correct size of the WorkSpace buffer for the RtlCompressBuffer and RtlDecompressFragment functions.
Compressing and decompressing files with Windows API Runtime Library routines
NTSTATUS RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(
__in USHORT CompressionFormatAndEngine,
__out PULONG CompressBufferWorkSpaceSize,
__out PULONG CompressFragmentWorkSpaceSize
DECLARE INTEGER RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize IN ntdll;
SHORT CompressionFormatAndEngine,;
LONG @CompressBufferWorkSpaceSize,;
LONG @CompressFragmentWorkSpaceSize
CompressionFormatAndEngine [in] Bitmask specifying the compression format and engine type.
CompressBufferWorkSpaceSize [out] A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer receiving the size, in bytes, required to compress a buffer.
CompressFragmentWorkSpaceSize [out] A pointer to a caller-allocated buffer receiving the size, in bytes, required to decompress a compressed buffer to a fragment.
Returns STATUS_SUCCESS (0) or an appropriate error code.