Group: Window - Library: user32
Retrieves a handle to a window whose class name and window name match the specified strings. The function searches child windows, beginning with the one following the specified child window.
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HWND FindWindowEx(
HWND hwndParent,
HWND hwndChildAfter,
LPCTSTR lpszClass,
LPCTSTR lpszWindow
DECLARE INTEGER FindWindowEx IN user32;
INTEGER hwndParent,;
INTEGER hwndChildAfter,;
STRING @ lpszClass,;
STRING @ lpszWindow
hwndParent [in] Handle to the parent window whose child windows are to be searched.
hwndChildAfter [in] Handle to a child window. The search begins with the next child window in the Z order.
lpszClass [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the class name or a class atom created by a previous call to the RegisterClass or RegisterClassEx function.
lpszWindow [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the window name (the window"s title). If this parameter is NULL, all window names match.
If the function succeeds, the return value is a handle to the window that has the specified class and window names.