Group: Window Class - Library: user32
The GetClassInfoEx function retrieves information about a window class, including a handle to the small icon associated with the window class.
Drawing icons associated with the VFP main window
BOOL GetClassInfoEx(
HINSTANCE hinst, // handle to application instance
LPCTSTR lpszClass, // class name
LPWNDCLASSEX lpwcx // class data
DECLARE INTEGER GetClassInfoEx IN user32;
INTEGER hinst,;
STRING lpszClass,;
STRING @ lpwcx
hinst [in] Handle to the instance of the application that created the class. To retrieve information about classes defined by the system (such as buttons or list boxes), set this parameter to NULL.
lpszClass [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the class name.
lpwcx [out] Pointer to a WNDCLASSEX structure that receives the information about the class.
If the function finds a matching class and successfully copies the data, the return value is nonzero.
Check GetClassLong function as an alternative way to retrieve most class window parameters.