Group: Internet Functions (WinInet) - Library: wininet
Opening access to the Microsoft Internet functions for the application
How to download a file from the FTP server using FtpGetFile
Retrieving list of files on the FTP directory
Creating a directory on the FTP
Using FtpCommand
Reading Internet Query options
Uploading local file to FTP server with FtpPutFile
Uploading file to the FTP server using InternetWriteFile
Downloading files from the FTP server using InternetReadFile
How to retrieve the size of a remote file (FTP)
How to remove FTP directory
How to delete file on FTP server
How to download this reference`s archive through WinInet functions using InternetOpenUrl
Custom HttpRequest class (WinINet)
Using InternetSetFilePointer when resuming interrupted download from the Internet
Reading list of folders and files on FTP server
Custom FTP Class for Visual FoxPro application
HINTERNET InternetOpen(
LPCTSTR lpszAgent,
DWORD dwAccessType,
LPCTSTR lpszProxyName,
LPCTSTR lpszProxyBypass,
DWORD dwFlags
DECLARE INTEGER InternetOpen IN wininet;
STRING sAgent,;
INTEGER lAccessType,;
STRING sProxyName,;
STRING sProxyBypass,;
lpszAgent [in] Pointer to a string variable that contains the name of the application or entity calling the Internet functions.
dwAccessType [in] Type of access required
lpszProxyName [in] Pointer to a string variable that contains the name of the proxy server(s)
lpszProxyBypass [in] Pointer to a string variable that contains an optional list of host names or IP addresses, or both, that should not be routed through the proxy when dwAccessType is set to INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY
dwFlags [in] Unsigned long integer value that contains the flags that indicate various options affecting the behavior of the function
Returns a valid handle that the application passes to subsequent Win32 Internet functions. If InternetOpen fails, it returns NULL
It"s just a beginning -- to allow your application to use the Microsoft Internet functions. Actually, this function does nothing except this. On exit do not forget to call the closing function -- InternetCloseHandle.
Allow me to allow something, and I soon will be the master of this something.