Group: Internet Functions (WinInet) - Library: wininet
Reads data from a handle opened by the InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, FtpCommand, GopherOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest function
Using FtpCommand
Downloading files from the FTP server using InternetReadFile
How to download this reference`s archive through WinInet functions using InternetOpenUrl
Custom HttpRequest class (WinINet)
Using InternetSetFilePointer when resuming interrupted download from the Internet
Custom FTP Class for Visual FoxPro application
BOOL InternetReadFile(
LPVOID lpBuffer,
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead,
LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead
DECLARE INTEGER InternetReadFile IN wininet;
STRING @ sBuffer,;
INTEGER lNumBytesToRead,;
INTEGER @ dwNumberOfBytesRead
hFile [in] Valid HINTERNET handle returned from a previous call to InternetOpenUrl, FtpOpenFile, FtpCommand, GopherOpenFile, or HttpOpenRequest
lpBuffer [in] Pointer to a buffer that receives the data to read
dwNumberOfBytesToRead [in] Unsigned long integer value that contains the number of bytes to read
lpdwNumberOfBytesRead [out] Pointer to an unsigned long integer variable that receives the number of bytes read
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE otherwise