Group: Windows Sockets 2 (Winsock) - Library: ws2_32
Provides protocol-independent name resolution from an address to an ANSI host name and from a port number to the ANSI service name.
Winsock: resolving an address to a host name
int WSAAPI getnameinfo(
__in const struct sockaddr FAR *sa,
__in socklen_t salen,
__out char FAR *host,
__in DWORD hostlen,
__out char FAR *serv,
__in DWORD servlen,
__in int flags
DECLARE INTEGER getnameinfo IN ws2_32;
STRING @sockaddr,;
INTEGER salen,;
STRING @host,;
LONG hostlen,;
STRING @serv,;
LONG servlen,;
INTEGER procFlags
sa [in] A pointer to a socket address structure that contains the address and port number of the socket. For IPv4, the sa parameter points to a sockaddr_in structure. For IPv6, the sa parameter points to a sockaddr_in6 structure.
salen [in] The length, in bytes, of the structure pointed to by the sa parameter.
host [out] A pointer to an ANSI string used to hold the host name.
hostlen [in] The length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the host parameter.
serv [out] A pointer to an ANSI string to hold the service name.
servlen [in] The length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the serv parameter.
flags [in] A value used to customize processing of the getnameinfo function.
On success, getnameinfo returns zero. Any nonzero return value indicates failure and a specific error code can be retrieved by calling WSAGetLastError.
The getnameinfo function deprecates the gethostbyaddr function.