DECLARE GetSystemTime IN kernel32 STRING @ lpSystemTime
DECLARE GetLocalTime IN kernel32 STRING @ lpSystemTime
*| typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
*| WORD wYear;
*| WORD wMonth;
*| WORD wDayOfWeek;
*| WORD wDay;
*| WORD wHour;
*| WORD wMinute;
*| WORD wSecond;
*| WORD wMilliseconds;
*| } SYSTEMTIME, *PSYSTEMTIME; -> 16 bytes
lcTimeBuffer = REPLI (Chr(0), 16) && SYSTEMTIME structure
= GetSystemTime (@lcTimeBuffer)
? "GetSystemTime(): ", _systemtime(lcTimeBuffer)
lcTimeBuffer = REPLI (Chr(0), 16) && SYSTEMTIME structure
= GetLocalTime (@lcTimeBuffer)
? "GetLocalTime(): ", _systemtime(lcTimeBuffer)
? "VFP DateTime(): ", DATETIME()
FUNCTION _systemtime (lcBuffer)
wYear = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1, 2))
wMonth = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 3, 2))
wDay = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 7, 2))
wHour = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 9, 2))
wMinute = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 11, 2))
wSecond = buf2word (SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 13, 2))
lcStoredSet = SET ("DATE")
lcDate = STRTRAN (STR(wMonth,2) + "/" + STR(wDay,2) +;
"/" + STR(wYear,4), " ","0")
lcTime = STRTRAN (STR(wHour,2) + ":" + STR(wMinute,2) +;
":" + STR(wSecond,2), " ","0")
ltResult = CTOT (lcDate + " " + lcTime)
SET DATE TO &lcStoredSet
RETURN ltResult
FUNCTION buf2word (lcBuffer)
Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256
GetSystemTim rerturns the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) value.
WMI Time classes are supported on WinXP/2003/Vista systems. On Win2K you can still get the system time by querying the Win32_OperatingSystem class and checking the value of the LocalDateTime property.