DO decl
* displays dimensions for the objects
DO _winRect && main VFP window
DO _clientRect && client part of the main VFP window
DO _screenRect && _screen object
PROCEDURE _screenRect
? "*** _SCREEN dimensions"
? " left: " + STR(_screen.left, 6)
? " top: " + STR(, 6)
? " width: " + STR(_screen.width, 6)
? " height: " + STR(_screen.height, 6)
lpRect = REPLI (Chr(0), 16)
= GetWindowRect (GetActiveWindow(), @lpRect)
lnWinLeft = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 1,4))
lnWinTop = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 5,4))
lnWinRight = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 9,4))
lnWinBottom = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 13,4))
lnWinWidth = lnWinRight - lnWinLeft + 1
lnWinHeight = lnWinBottom - lnWinTop + 1
? "*** Main VFP window rectangle"
? " left: " + STR(lnWinLeft, 6)
? " top: " + STR(lnWinTop, 6)
? " right: " + STR(lnWinRight, 6)
? " bottom: " + STR(lnWinBottom, 6)
? " width: " + STR(lnWinWidth, 6)
? " height: " + STR(lnWinHeight, 6)
PROCEDURE _clientRect
lpRect = REPLI (Chr(0), 16)
= GetClientRect (GetActiveWindow(), @lpRect)
lnWinLeft = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 1,4))
lnWinTop = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 5,4))
lnWinRight = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 9,4))
lnWinBottom = buf2dword(SUBSTR(lpRect, 13,4))
lnWinWidth = lnWinRight - lnWinLeft + 1
lnWinHeight = lnWinBottom - lnWinTop + 1
? "*** Main VFP client window rectangle"
? " left: " + STR(lnWinLeft, 6)
? " top: " + STR(lnWinTop, 6)
? " right: " + STR(lnWinRight, 6)
? " bottom: " + STR(lnWinBottom, 6)
? " width: " + STR(lnWinWidth, 6)
? " height: " + STR(lnWinHeight, 6)
DECLARE INTEGER GetActiveWindow IN user32
DECLARE INTEGER GetWindowRect IN user32 INTEGER hwnd, STRING @lpRect
DECLARE INTEGER GetClientRect IN user32 INTEGER hwnd, STRING @lpRect
FUNCTION buf2dword(cBuffer)
RETURN Asc(SUBSTR(cBuffer, 1,1)) + ;
BitLShift(Asc(SUBSTR(cBuffer, 2,1)), 8) +;
BitLShift(Asc(SUBSTR(cBuffer, 3,1)), 16) +;
BitLShift(Asc(SUBSTR(cBuffer, 4,1)), 24)
_SCREEN Width and Height are affected by the state of:
- VFP System Menu (try RELEASE MENU _msysmenu)
- VFP status bar (try SET STATUS BAR ON/OFF)
- VFP toolbar: where it is docked, how many controls it contains
- VFP Command Window: whether it is dockable or notChange the state of these objects, and check how it affects the output of this code.