- How to position the GETPRINTER() dialog
- Using Extended MessageBox() Class[Using Extended MessageBox() Class](sample_424.md)
- Extended MessageBox Class[Extended MessageBox Class](sample_418.md)
- How to change font name and size in the MessageBox dialog[How to change font name and size in the MessageBox dialog](sample_434.md)
- Creating an Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open (Shell32 version)[Creating an Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open (Shell32 version)](sample_365.md)
- Creating the Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open[Creating the Open dialog box to specify the drive, directory, and name of a file to open](sample_363.md)
- How to display a dialog box that enables the user to select a folder (an alternative to the GETDIR)[How to display a dialog box that enables the user to select a folder (an alternative to the GETDIR)](sample_364.md)
DO decl * some of the bit flags for the dialog #DEFINE OFN_HIDEREADONLY 4 #DEFINE OFN_NOCHANGEDIR 8 #DEFINE OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT 0x400 #DEFINE OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST 0x800 #DEFINE OFN_CREATEPROMPT 0x2000 #DEFINE OFN_EXPLORER 0x80000 #DEFINE OFN_DONTADDTORECENT 0x2000000 *| typedef struct tagOFN { *| DWORD lStructSize; 0:4 *| HWND hwndOwner; 4:4 *| HINSTANCE hInstance; 8:4 *| LPCTSTR lpstrFilter; 12:4 *| LPTSTR lpstrCustFilt; 16:4 *| DWORD nMaxCustFilter; 20:4 *| DWORD nFilterIndex; 24:4 *| LPTSTR lpstrFile; 28:4 *| DWORD nMaxFile; 32:4 *| LPTSTR lpstrFileTitle; 36:4 *| DWORD nMaxFileTitle; 40:4 *| LPCTSTR lpstrInitialDir; 44:4 *| LPCTSTR lpstrTitle; 48:4 *| DWORD Flags; 52:4 *| WORD nFileOffset; 56:2 *| WORD nFileExtension; 58:2 *| LPCTSTR lpstrDefExt; 60:4 *| LPARAM lCustData; 64:4 *| LPOFNHOOKPROC lpfnHook; 68:4 *| LPCTSTR lpTemplateName; 72:4 = 76 bytes *| #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) *| void * pvReserved; 76:4 *| DWORD dwReserved; 80:4 *| DWORD FlagsEx; 84:4 *| #endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500) *| } OPENFILENAME, *LPOPENFILENAME; total = 88 bytes #DEFINE OPENFILENAME_SIZE 76 && set to 88 for W2K LOCAL lcBuffer, loFilter, loFilename, loFilenameRet,; loTitlebar, loDefExt, lnFlags, lnFileOffset, lnExtOffset,; lcFullname, lcPath, lcFilename, lcFileext loFilter = CreateObject("PChar",; "Text Files" + Chr(0) + "*.txt;*.bak" + Chr(0)+Chr(0)) loFilename = CreateObject("PChar", Padr("myfile.txt", 250,Chr(0))) loFilenameRet = CreateObject("PChar", Repli(Chr(0),250)) loTitlebar = CreateObject("PChar",; "Will you save this file at least?") loDefExt = CreateObject("PChar", "TXT") lnFlags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST + OFN_EXTENSIONDIFFERENT +; OFN_CREATEPROMPT + OFN_HIDEREADONLY + OFN_NOCHANGEDIR * compiling the OPENFILENAME structure * Rem: initdir - default chosen lcBuffer = num2dword(OPENFILENAME_SIZE) +; num2dword(GetActiveWindow()) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(loFilter.GetAddr()) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(1) +; num2dword(loFilename.GetAddr()) +; num2dword(loFilename.GetAllocSize()) +; num2dword(loFilenameRet.GetAddr()) +; num2dword(loFilenameRet.GetAllocSize()) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(loTitlebar.GetAddr()) +; num2dword(lnFlags) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(loDefExt.GetAddr()) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(0) +; num2dword(0) * creating a Save dialog box using the prepared structure IF GetSaveFileName (@lcBuffer) = 0 LOCAL lnErrorCode lnErrorCode = CommDlgExtendedError() IF lnErrorCode <> 0 ? "Error code:", lnErrorCode ELSE * the Cancel button selected ENDIF ELSE lcFullname = STRTRAN(Trim(loFilename.GetValue()), Chr(0),"") lcFilename = STRTRAN(Trim(loFilenameRet.GetValue()), Chr(0),"") lnFileOffset = buf2word(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 57,2)) lnExtOffset = buf2word(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 59,2)) lcPath = SUBSTR(lcFullname, 1, lnFileOffset-1) lcFileext = SUBSTR(lcFullname, lnExtOffset+1) ? lcFullname ? lcPath ? lcFilename ? lcFileext ENDIF * end of main FUNCTION num2dword (lnValue) #DEFINE m0 256 #DEFINE m1 65536 #DEFINE m2 16777216 LOCAL b0, b1, b2, b3 b3 = Int(lnValue/m2) b2 = Int((lnValue - b3*m2)/m1) b1 = Int((lnValue - b3*m2 - b2*m1)/m0) b0 = Mod(lnValue, m0) RETURN Chr(b0)+Chr(b1)+Chr(b2)+Chr(b3) FUNCTION buf2word (lcBuffer) RETURN Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 1,1)) + ; Asc(SUBSTR(lcBuffer, 2,1)) * 256 DEFINE CLASS PChar As Custom PROTECTED hMem PROCEDURE Init (lcString) THIS.hMem = 0 THIS.setValue (lcString) PROCEDURE Destroy THIS.ReleaseString FUNCTION getAddr && returns a pointer to the string RETURN THIS.hMem FUNCTION getValue && returns string value LOCAL lnSize, lcBuffer lnSize = THIS.getAllocSize() lcBuffer = SPACE(lnSize) IF THIS.hMem <> 0 DECLARE RtlMoveMemory IN kernel32 As Heap2Str; STRING @, INTEGER, INTEGER = Heap2Str (@lcBuffer, THIS.hMem, lnSize) ENDIF RETURN lcBuffer FUNCTION getAllocSize && returns allocated memory size (string length) DECLARE INTEGER GlobalSize IN kernel32 INTEGER hMem RETURN Iif(THIS.hMem=0, 0, GlobalSize(THIS.hMem)) PROCEDURE setValue (lcString) && assigns new string value #DEFINE GMEM_FIXED 0 THIS.ReleaseString DECLARE INTEGER GlobalAlloc IN kernel32 INTEGER, INTEGER DECLARE RtlMoveMemory IN kernel32 As Str2Heap; INTEGER, STRING @, INTEGER LOCAL lnSize lcString = lcString + Chr(0) lnSize = Len(lcString) THIS.hMem = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_FIXED, lnSize) IF THIS.hMem <> 0 = Str2Heap (THIS.hMem, @lcString, lnSize) ENDIF PROCEDURE ReleaseString && releases allocated memory IF THIS.hMem <> 0 DECLARE INTEGER GlobalFree IN kernel32 INTEGER = GlobalFree (THIS.hMem) THIS.hMem = 0 ENDIF ENDDEFINE PROCEDURE decl DECLARE INTEGER GetActiveWindow IN user32 DECLARE INTEGER GlobalFree IN kernel32 INTEGER hMem DECLARE INTEGER GetSaveFileName IN comdlg32 STRING @lpofn DECLARE INTEGER CommDlgExtendedError IN comdlg32
GlobalSizeThe OPENFILENAME structure length depends on the OS, and can be 76 or 88 bytes.
This is important, because invalid parameter creates an error. Note that this structure is used with GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName functions. There is substantial set of OFN flags to control the dialog behaviour.
To fill the OPENFILENAME structure -- as well as almost all other Comdlg structures used -- you need not just strings but pointers to strings. There is a class PChar in this examples, which creates such extended strings. In more simple cases the StrDup is quite enough to accomplish this task.