The VR Bystander Integration Library
Built on Unity version 2019.3.7f1
Client Requirements:
- Multiplayer HLAPI, XR Legacy Input Helpers Packages
Smartphone Build Settings:
Build-Plattform: Android
Player Settings:
- Default Orientation: Landscape right / left
- Graphics APIs: remove Vulkan
- Multithreaded Rendering: disabled
- Minimum API Level: Android 7.0 Nougat API Level 24
- ARCore Supported: enabled
Enter the Server’s IP address in the NetworkControl script, attached to the NetworkManager object in the scene.
Both Smartphone and Server have to be in the same LAN network
Server Build Settings:
- Player Settings: Color Space set to Gamma
- We used the Example Database for QR code reading. This can be exchanged in the settings of the AugmentedImagesSessionConfig.
- The Smartphone 3D model was made by Vertex Studio: