diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2ff4838..8d8c4f9 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -951,3 +951,15 @@ A curated list of awesome C++ frameworks, libraries and software. * [cpp-taskflow/cpp-taskflow](https://github.com/cpp-taskflow/cpp-taskflow) - Modern C++ Parallel Task Programming * [gameplay3d/GamePlay](https://github.com/gameplay3d/GamePlay) - Open-source, cross-platform, C++ game engine for creating 2D/3D games. * [ChenglongChen/Kaggle_CrowdFlower](https://github.com/ChenglongChen/Kaggle_CrowdFlower) - 1st Place Solution for Search Results Relevance Competition on Kaggle. +* [google/differential-privacy](https://github.com/google/differential-privacy) - Google's C++ differential privacy library. +* [rapidsai/cuml](https://github.com/rapidsai/cuml) - cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library +* [WeAreROLI/JUCE](https://github.com/WeAreROLI/JUCE) - The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework +* [dfranx/SHADERed](https://github.com/dfranx/SHADERed) - Lightweight, cross-platform & full-featured desktop IDE for HLSL and GLSL shaders +* [googlecartographer/cartographer](https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer) - Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. +* [facebook/conceal](https://github.com/facebook/conceal) - Conceal provides easy Android APIs for performing fast encryption and authentication of data. +* [OculusVR/Flicks](https://github.com/OculusVR/Flicks) - A unit of time defined in C++. +* [serge-sans-paille/pythran](https://github.com/serge-sans-paille/pythran) - a claimless python to c++ converter +* [GPUOpen-Tools/CodeXL](https://github.com/GPUOpen-Tools/CodeXL) - CodeXL is a comprehensive tool suite that enables developers to harness the benefits of CPUs, GPUs and APUs. +* [googlecartographer/cartographer_ros](https://github.com/googlecartographer/cartographer_ros) - Provides ROS integration for Cartographer. +* [CXXGraph](https://github.com/ZigRazor/CXXGraph) - Header-Only Graph library for C++ ( >= 17 ). + \ No newline at end of file