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Nextflow run with singularity run with apptainer

Pre-release notes

Please note, this code is actively being updated.


  • Genefinder and BLAST functionality has temporarily been removed while the input data file format is changed.
  • Docker will be supported but has not been fully tested on our systems.

Table of contents


LOMA is a Nextflow pipeline designed to comprehensively assess metagenomic samples sequenced using the Oxford Nanopore (long-read) platform.

The pipeline has two primary approaches to analysis:
     1). Read-based taxonomic classification - assign a taxonomic designation to individual sequencing reads.
     2). Metagenome assembly - assemble and perform in silico typing typing of metagenome assembled genomes.

A general overview is provided below. Detailed guidance on the installation, usage and function of LOMA can be found in the wiki, example outputs can be found here.

Pipeline summary

Simplified schematic overview

loma overview


The pipeline will perform the following steps:

1). Read quality control - Assess read quality, remove adapters and filter long-reads by quality.
2). Read-based taxonomic annotation - Read-based taxonomic classification and standardization.
3). Host read removal - Identify and remove host-contaminant reads.
4). Assembly - Assembly of reads into metagenome and polishing (contig error correction).
5). Contig analysis - Per-contig identification of taxonomic hits, mobile genetic elements and contig statistics.
6). Assembly binning - Classify and bin contigs into individual metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs).
7). Bin quality control - Assess the quality of MAGs and merge bin QC and contig QC results into summary reports.
8). Typing - Subset MAGs (target species) and pass them on to individual subworkflows (run per-MAG).
    8a). Bacteria - Identification of genes of interest, multi-locus sequence type and screen for plasmids.
    8b). Listeria monocytogenes - Perform in silico serogroup prediction of L. monocytogenes.
    8c). Salmonella - Perform in silico Salmonella serotyping, identify cgMLST alleles and lineages.
    8d). Escherichia coli/Shigella spp. - Identify pathotype, serotype and lineage of E. coli/Shigella spp.
9). Antimicrobial resistance - Identify AMR genes (incl. point mutations), virulence/stress resistance genes.


Step by step instructions for installation and initital runs can be found on the wiki. A short summary is also given below.



  • A POSIX-compatible system (Linux, macOS, etc) or Windows through WSL.
  • At least 16GB of RAM.
  • At least 100 GB of storage.

    ℹ️ Storage requirements

    • The pipeline installation requires 100 Mb of storage.
    • Combined the default databases use 120 GB of storage.
    • Containers require a total of 11 GB of storage.
    • The pipeline generates a variable number/size of input files, depending on input size and quality. Generally this ranges from 30-60 Gb.
    • The pipeline output generates ~200 Mb of output files per-sample.


  • Mandatory: A host reference database (genome assembly and/or Kraken2 database).

  • Optional: Up to 14 databases containing relevant reference datasets.

    ℹ️ Optional databases

    • If optional databases are not installed the pipeline will still run without error but the associated stages will be skipped.
    • A script is provided which will download any requested databases and update the relevant config files.
    • It is highly recommended to install the at least one of: Kraken2, Centrifuger and/or Slyph databases, as this is required for read-based taxonomic assignment.
    • It is highly recommended to install the Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) as this is required to add taxonomic assignments to metagenome-assembled genomes.
    • It is highly recommended to install geNomad and Skani databases as these are required for contig classification.

Detailed installation instructions for LOMA and associated databases can be found on the wiki.



There is only one mandatory parameter for running LOMA, an input file (format detailed below).

./run_loma --input input.tsv

Input file structure

The input file (e.g. 'input.tsv') is a five column tab-separated file with the following structure:

  • RUN_ID: Run identifier, will determine the highest level directory name in the results directory

  • BARCODE_ID: Sample barcode

  • SAMPLE_ID: Sample identifier, will determine the subdirectory where results are stored per-sample

  • SAMPLE_TYPE: Sample description, will be added to the reports, but doesn't change how the sample is processed.

  • /FULL/PATH/TO/FASTQ_FILE: Location of input FASTQ files.

    ℹ️ Input file formatting

    • Any number of samples can be included provided they do not have both identical RUN_ID and SAMPLE_ID's.
    • Inputs containing spaces should be enclosed in quotation marks (").
    • Periods ('.') will automatically bereplaced with underscores ('_') in the output.

Example input file:

RUN01	RB01	SAMPLE_1	BLOOD	/data/reads/SAMPLE_1.BLOOD.fq.gz
RUN01	RB02	SAMPLE_2	BLOOD	/data/reads/SAMPLE_2.BLOOD.fq.gz
RUN03	XBD     SAMPLE_1	SKIN	/data/reads/SAMPLE_3.SKIN.fq.gz

Optional parameters

A full list of optional parameters for LOMA can be found on the wiki.

Major optional parameters can be shown with:

./run_loma -h

The full list of parameters can be shown with:

./run_loma --validationShowHiddenParams


Output folder structure

LOMA outputs can be grouped into two major categories:

  • Per-metric outputs, created for each analysis step.
    • A graphical summary of the output folder structure can be found on the wiki.
  • Summary outputs - HTML and TSV reports (see below).

HTML reports

  • HTML reports can be found in the output 'summary' directory, covering major analysis areas, along with an overall summary report.

    • <SAMPLE_ID>.<RUN_ID>.summary_report.html - Simiplified summary detailing all major metrics.
    • <SAMPLE_ID>.<RUN_ID>.readqc_report.html - Read quality metrics, pre- and post- quality control.
    • <SAMPLE_ID>.<RUN_ID>.taxonomy_report.html - Read-based taxonomic abundances.
    • <SAMPLE_ID>.<RUN_ID>.amr_report.html - Results of AMR typing tools.
    • <SAMPLE_ID>.<RUN_ID>.summary_binning_report.html - Summary of binning results.
  • Example reports using data for the ZymoBIOMICS HMW DNA Standard (ERR7287988), can be found here.

loma html

Improving speed and efficiency

Skipping major analysis steps

When specified, the following parameters will skip substantial sections of the pipeline, saving resources if the results are not of interest:

  --skip_assembly                                 Skip read assembly.
  --skip_taxonomic_profiling                      Skip read-based taxonomic profiling.
  --skip_prokarya_typing                          Skip metagenome assembled genome analyses.

Skipping read-based taxonomic annotation

Excluding taxonomic databases will skip the associated step, reducing overall runtime.

  --TAXONOMIC_PROFILING.krakendb=""               Skip Kraken2 taxonomic profiling
  --TAXONOMIC_PROFILING.centrifugerdb=""          Skip Centrifuger taxonomic profiling
  --TAXONOMIC_PROFILING.sylphdb=""                Skip Sylph taxonomic profiling

Skipping/reducing polishing

Assembly error correction is a very time consuming step. To save time you can reduce the number of rounds of Racon polishing:

  --ASSEMBLY.racon_rounds 1                       Runs 1 round of Racon polishing (default:4, range: 0-4)

If you find the per-base accuracy of your MAGs are low, even after polishing with Racon. You can enable Medaka polishing (very slow, so disabled by default):

  --ASSEMBLY.medaka                               Perform metagenome assembly polishing with Medaka.

However, a quicker approach is to only polish the MAGs of interest. This can be done by specifying:

  --BIN_TAXONOMY.medaka_mag                       Polish individual metagenome assembled genomes with Medaka.

Further tips for optimization can be found on the wiki.

Troubleshooting and errors

Advice on how to identify, diagnose and fix errors can be found on the wiki.