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How to build Gem on MacOSX Mavericks

IOhannes m zmölnig edited this page Jul 22, 2014 · 34 revisions

How to build Gem on Mac OS X Mavericks

This document describe how to build Gem on Mac OS X Maverick (OSX-10.9).


Xcode command line tools

You need to download Xcode Command Line tools. It comes with Xcode but if you don't want to install full Xcode development package, you can run in a terminal : xcode-select --install and then click Install rather than Get Xcode.


You also need the GNU tool gettext. You can install it from several package managers, but it doesn't seem to work with brew when I am writing this. So I built it from sources. Get the source here : And follow the README instruction to build it.

gettextis needed by automake tools. If it's not installed, it tries to make the job without it but in my case it failed, so I installed it.


You need a recent version of pure-data. The latest one can be found on

Note that there are 32-bit and 64-bit version of pure-data. But 64-bit Pd-extended is not well supported for now. So maybe 32-bit is a good choice at first.

get Gem's sources

git clone git://

third party libs

Gem has a plugin system which adds lot's of functionalities depending on installed libraries.

ImageMagick and FTGL

brew install imagemagick ftgl and this also install Freetype


Mac OS X comes with GLU and OpenGL but you can enable other output by adding some libraries : brew install glut

Building process

If you clone the git repository, you have to build the building tool yourself from the root of the cloned directory : ./


Then configure the building chain with :

./configure --enable-fat-binary=i386

I use the --enable-fat-binary=i386 flag to force 32 bit binary.

then build with :

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