- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/developing_plugins.html
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/developing_inventory.html
- https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/dev_guide/developing_collections.html
# Install dependencies
pip install pip-tools
pip-compile --extra dev -o requirements_dev.txt pyproject.toml
pip-sync requirements_dev.txt
# Install the collection from local.
ansible-galaxy collection install ../ --force
# Run the inventory plugin with example configuration.
ansible-inventory -i gs_inventory.yaml --list --yaml
# ansible-inventory -i gs_inventory.yaml --graph --vars
# View the inventory docu in terminal
ansible-doc -t inventory unbyte.gridscale.gs_inventory
Install pre-commit.
pre-commit run --all-files
# ansible-test sanity --docker default -v
ansible-test sanity --docker -v --python 3.12
# https://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/antsibull-docs/collection-docs/#linting-collection-docs
# antsibull-docs lint-collection-docs --plugin-docs .
ansible-test units tests/unit/plugins/ --docker --python 3.12
# ansible-test units tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/test_version.py --docker --python 3.12
# Create a subdirectory which should contain the docsite:
mkdir built-docs
# Install the collection from local. So we can use `--use-current` flag in the next step.
ansible-galaxy collection install ../ --force
# Create a Sphinx project for the collection:
antsibull-docs sphinx-init --use-current --squash-hierarchy unbyte.gridscale --dest-dir built-docs
# Copy conf files
cp .github/workflows/docs/conf.py built-docs/
cp .github/workflows/docs/antsibull-docs.cfg built-docs/
# Install requirements for the docsite build
# (if you don't have an active venv, create one!)
cd built-docs
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Build the docsite by:
# 1. running antsibull-docs to create the RST files for the collection,
# 2. running Sphinx to compile everything to HTML
# Open the built HTML docsite in a browser like Firefox:
firefox build/html/index.html