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989 lines (801 loc) · 56.1 KB

File metadata and controls

989 lines (801 loc) · 56.1 KB

Unchained Engine vNEXT

  • The order module function initProviders has been moved to order services renamed as initCartProviders
  • The order module function updateCalculation has been moved to order services
  • The order module function invalidateProviders has been removed, the caller now uses the new findCartsToInvalidate to get the list of carts and then calls the new updateCalculation service

Removing the auth fat of unchained

We experienced feature creep in the authentication part of Unchained and suddenly woke up to homemade implementations of Two-Factor Auth via TOTP, WebAuthn, oAuth, Impersonator features etc. Many solutions like Zitadel, Keycloak, Auth0 etc. solve that just perfect and keep up with the ever increasing complexity of auth mechanisms. At the same time, core-accountsjs depends on a package called accountsjs which is unmaintained and uses a conflicting old mongodb driver.

That's why we have decided to remove various auth features that are better solved through Identity Management systems and migrate to passport.js which is also ESM now. That opens the door to complex login methods like OpenID Connect through the community of passport.js,

We will keep supporting the following auth-strategies out of the box that we consider widely known web standards:

  • E-Mail/Username & Password
  • WebAuthn (Passkeys)
  • Access Tokens

## Major

  • Removed sugar connectPlatformToExpress4 to save dependencies when running in no-express env, use import { connect } from '@unchainedshop/api/express/index.js' now.
  • Removed core-accounts, migrated some settings partially to user settings (removed sendVerificationEmailAfterSignup, introduced new validation functions)
  • LoginMethodResponse has a new breaking GraphQL type
  • Remove logoutAllSessions and remove support for loging out a specific session
  • Introduce default password rules (min. 8 chars)
  • Drop 2FA support (if you want this, use a passport plugin)
  • Drop oAuth support (if you want this, use a passport plugin)


  • API: Extend Mutation.confirmOrder and Mutation.rejectOrder with a comment field. Allows to provide arbitrary data like a rejection reason that you can use in messaging.

Unchained Engine v2.14


  • API: Extend Mutation.confirmOrder and Mutation.rejectOrder with a comment field. Allows to provide arbitrary data like a rejection reason that you can use in messaging.
  • API: Product.simulatedPrice now accepts an optional configuration so you can also provide arbitrary configs to simulate prices
  • API: New Queries have been added to gather basic statistical data: Query.eventStatistics, Query.orderStatistics, Query.workStatistics.
  • API: Add Mutation.invalidateToken to manually mark a token as invalidated
  • API: Add Query.tokens, TokenizedProduct.tokens and Order.tokens to get all tokens or tokens related to entitites based on permission.
  • API: Extend Token with new fields: isInvalidateable, accessKey, invalidatedDate, expiryDate.
  • API: Query.orders and User.orders now accept a parameter status to filter by order status
  • setLoginToken has been changed slightly and needs to have res supplied as first param
  • The order deliveries module now exports activePickUpLocation to easily get the current pick up location
  • The locale-context has been refactored completely, allowing unchained to properly cache country and currency detection based on a combination of user/http-headers
  • Extend bulk import with a new option updateShouldUpsertIfIDNotExists that does what it says it does ^^
  • Remove lru-cache for texts because that is beeing done by Apollo Cache
  • Add new ticketing package that allows to extend an Unchained project with Event Ticketing


  • Unchained now clears an invalid cookie automatically by setting set-cookie with empty value
  • Fix confirmed & rejected Date beeing set when an order has been rejected, now we only set rejected in the rejection case :S. Although the bug seems critical, it only had effects on aggregations and custom code.
  • Fix externalLinks crashing
  • Fix a regression not calculation the split amount correctly for Datatrans
  • Fix Stripe descriptor and descriptor prefixes
  • Generally improve performance for queries and mutations across the whole API
  • Improve various Typescript annotations

Unchained Engine v2.13

## Minor

  • Add Query.validateVerifyEmailToken that can be used to verify if a token is valid for use when verifying email
  • Add Query.validateResetPasswordToken that can be used to verify if a token is valid for use on password reset request
  • Re-Scheduling Bahvior of auto-scheduled work has been refined (#565) and the GraphQL API now contains "Work.autoscheduled" in order for the Admin UI to display auto-scheduled work.
  • Add Query.validateVerifyEmailToken that can be used to verify if a token is valid for use when verifying email
  • Add Query.validateResetPasswordToken that can be used to verify if a token is valid for use on password reset request
  • Added Payrexx plugin
  • Changed the way order events work to fix a longstanding bug with double-messaging due to webhooks getting called in-flight. This affects ORDER_CHECKOUT, ORDER_CONFIRMED, ORDER_REJECTED & ORDER_FULLFILLED: Now the updated order is beeing emitted together with a new property "oldStatus" containing the previous order status. Also, order messaging module functions have been removed from core-orders and are now privately setup in setupTemplates @ platform.

## Patch

  • Allow CORS for upload handling
  • Fix avatar upload in PUT mode

Unchained Engine v2.7

## Minor

  • Mutation signPaymentProviderForCheckout does not require an orderPaymentId anymore, it will try to sign the currently selected paymentProvider of the cart if left undefined. This will allow doing 1 request (multi mutation) checkouts in certain configurations.
  • Improve discount types
  • Extend the functionality of the default product-discount plugin so it's universally usable for different kind of product discounts


  • Fix a case with order-discount and order-items-discount plugins not appropriately applying a rate to payment and delivery fees

Unchained Engine v2.6


  • Add shop.unchained.pricing.order-round order price rounding plugin
  • Remove obsolete internal addRoles from users
  • Utility functions have been moved generateDbFilterById, buildSortOptions and generateDbObjectId from @unchainedshop/utils to @unchainedshop/mongodb;
  • Protect upsertLocalizedText in the core packages products, filters & assortments. Forces the developer to use updateTexts or equivalent functions. This is the first step with the goal to move all localized texts to it's appropriate root documents in order to reduce roundtrips to the db.
  • Add new events PRODUCT_UPDATE_VARIATION_TEXT, PRODUCT_UPDATE_TEXT, FILTER_UPDATE_TEXT, ASSORTMENT_UPDATE_TEXT (triggered for every locale & product when text changes).
  • The _CREATE events for products, filters and assortments are now triggered AFTER creating the initial text objects so that you can safely use both events to update texts in external systems.
  • Add new worker configuration option blacklistedVariables that accepts array of variable names that should be removed from a job log data returned.
  • Deprecated APOLLO_ENGINE_KEY from old apollo versions has been removed
  • An undocumented worker internal event queue has been removed and new events have been added to support subscribing to core-worker events: WORK_ADDED, WORK_ALLOCATED, WORK_FINISHED, WORK_DELETED, WORK_RESCHEDULED


  • Fix payment credential signing procedures that depend on a userId
  • Fix worker not cleaning regression
  • Fix local-search plugin
  • Fix WebAuthn plugin to not crash when is not available for catalog download
  • Typescript type improvements
  • Remove dead code
  • Bulk Importer now uses the files plugin underneath to store large bulk import payload files

Unchained Engine v2.5

This small release improves impersonation and pricing, allowing for better support of e-commerce platforms that want to show net prices all along until the end.


  • Allow to configure an "environment" for stripe which allows to drop events coming to the the engine that are intended to land on another engine not causing false negatives in webhooks.
  • Add Error Report job that sends failed work items to an E-Mail Address of choice defined by EMAIL_ERROR_REPORT_RECIPIENT
  • Remove mjml templates because of excessive size of mjml dependencies. Here are the old ones:
  • Add support for net and gross calculation on order items and order totals: Added useNetPrice parameter to, OrderItem.unitPrice,
  • Add granular permissions and default allow rules for all mutations even the anonymous ones
  • Add Mutation.stopImpersonation that will end an impersonated user account session and return back to the initial impersonator account.
  • Add Query.impersonator that returns the currently impersonating user in an impersonation session, allowing the client to check if it's in impersonation mode
  • Add Product.reviewsCount, User.reviewsCount &
  • Update PRODUCT_UPDATE event to contain the changed product too in the event
  • Debounce EventListenerWorker triggered process of the queue to reduce load of Unchained when many items are rolled up


  • Bump various dependencies and remove more
  • Fix landing page
  • Fix heartbeat not logging the country context

Unchained Engine v2.3

We have been working on reducing the bundle size lately and got rid of many third party dependencies. We will not stop here and continue that work. The ultimate goal is to make Unchained run on Deno natively. To achieve, we first have to make the core (core- packages) free of third party dependencies and free of Node package dependence and api basically only depend on Apollo.

## Minor

  • Remove renderMjmlToHtml convenience method and pre-defined html templates because mjml is too heavy weight as a dependency and html e-mails cause more issues than they solve.
  • Support MINIO_UPLOAD_PREFIX to specifiy subdirectory in bucket in front of all uploads
  • Remove various dependencies from core packages.
  • Make updating of token ownerships more performant
  • Improve pricing types
  • Support attachment preview in mail debug mode when using absolute file paths
  • Update mutation.impersonate behavior to enable switching a session to an impersonated account and return to the impersonator account without the need to logout from the impersonated user account and login again to the initial user (impersonator). Note: By default impersonation is only allowed to ADMIN user.


  • Fix an issue with order pricing
  • Fix oder position removal issue #571
  • Fix bookmark edge cases #564
  • Fix an issue with filters not returned that are selected when they return 0 items
  • Fix countryCode not returned in lastLogin field of User

Unchained Engine v2.2

This release contains various bugfixes and improvements and it breaks various type imports because we are currently in the process of moving types to their respective npm modules.


  • Extended the input fn option of auto-scheduling input to expect a promise and also take the pre-calculated workData as input extending the possibilities to alter auto-scheduling behavior. #588
  • Remove autoSchedulingInput because there is no obvious way this is helpful and it has never been used in known projects
  • Move some platform types to platform package
  • The platform option workQueueOptions has been extended to take a retryInput. The retryInput fn can be used to alter input into work when the work is beeing retried. This allows stopping retries. #588


  • Fix timeout field in worker's and types
  • Fix mime-type resolves now based on http response in GridFS when downloading from an URL (fallback scenario #559).
  • Fix worker not set automatically to the hostname, that was leading to stale external work jobs #561
  • Fix reschedule did not cancel old schedules #562

Unchained Engine v2.1

This release contains various bugfixes and improvements


  • Add Mutation.processNextWork to help trigger work from outside and removed Mutation.doWork (was not functional)
  • Customize the Cookie Path with UNCHAINED_COOKIE_PATH
  • Better Order Numbers with Hashid's that don't contain competitive 1,l,0 (O was already removed before)
  • Improved logging for the work the queue
  • Re-introducded corsOrigins adjustable through connectPlatformToExpress4


  • Fixed various typing bugs
  • We found out that a later version of Node.js 16 also supports WHATWG fetch. So the Kitchensink has been made compatible with Node.js 16 again.
  • Mail Interceptor can now show some attachments
  • Fixed double emitting ORDER_CHECKOUT even
  • Fixed not running through customizable product validation fn at checkout
  • Fixed a severe GridFS plugin bug that can lead to server crashes (DOS)
  • Fixed ERC metadata not optional causing issues with traditional warehousing plugins

Unchained Engine v2.0

This is a major feature release bringing Web Authentication API, Web3 Login, Web Push API and Virtual Products including an NFT/Token Minting gateway to Unchained Engine. It's also the first version of Unchained Engine that can be extended to run on other Node.js frameworks than Express.

We are jumping on the ESM train and Unchained Engine 2.0 now requires Node 18+ and uses native fetch. This also breaks Meteor compatibility for the moment. The legacy example will be pinned to v1 for the moment. We will continue to push maintenance and small fixes to both release lines v1.x and v2.x.


  • Tags are now always LowerCase and use an own scalar
  • Order.documents has been removed because it was not used since 3 years
  • The fields createdBy, updatedBy, deletedBy and authorId got removed completely from the database and the whole API surface, reasoning behind is that the value most of the time did not represent who actually did what and kept us back using the inner UnchainedCore as type. It just did not deliver on what it promised, it just added bloat. The only place where authorId is still used is in product reviews where users can add reviews and are actual authors of text.


  • New built-in support for two standard W3C API's: Web Authentication API, Push API
  • New Web3 Experimantal Features: NFT/Token Minting Plugins, Web3 Login through Metamask
  • Unchained now uses Apollo Server 4.
  • We have dropped expressApp and instead now export a new function connectPlatformToExpress4. That Express implementation can be looked up here and is still the default: The new structure and internals allows somebody to wire the engine with a serverless/lambda environment or any other Node.js based framework.
  • @unchainedshop/plugins now has a default export and an Express middleware setup function. Using those functions is dramatically simplifying batteries-included setups. Checkout the kitchensink example's boot.ts which is now less than 60 lines of code.
  • Support out of the box server-side cookies for login and logout tokens when env UNCHAINED_COOKIE_DOMAIN is set. The cookie's name which by default is unchained_token can be overwritten by using env UNCHAINED_COOKIE_NAME. Unchained will still look for cookies even if the domain is not set but in that case the client has to take care of storing and sending the token.
  • Extended users and accounts for WebAuthn standard.
  • Added API mutations for the WebAuthn module: Mutation.createWebAuthnCredentialCreationOptions, Mutation.createWebAuthnCredentialRequestOptions,Mutation.loginWithWebAuthn,Mutation.addWebAuthnCredentials,User.webAuthnCredentials.
  • A new product type TokenizedProduct has been added added that supports NFT's and other virtual products that have no physical representation. They are converted to tokens through a virtual warehouse once checked-out.
  • A new warehousing provider type VIRTUAL has been added that allows to define warehouses for virtual products. In the plugin implementation one can define what happens when a user buys a tokenized product thus what kind of tokens get emitted. Further, tokens support a concept we call "exportability" which allows to bridge an Off-chain token to an On-chain token.
  • API has been extended to support the new tokenization concept: User.tokens, Mutation.exportToken, Query.token, Mutation.updateProductTokenization
  • A new ERC Metadata Server is built into Unchained allowing to generate Ethereum compatible ERC-1155 and ERC-721 metadata JSON files for tokenized products.


  • Currencies now have a field decimals to define how many decimals are there. This is needed for general currency conversion between cryptocurrencies and Fiat and also helps to display the amount of arbitrary currencies better on frontends.
  • The currency conversion plugin now depends on decimals and works across any currency pairs when there is conversion rates stored.
  • Conversion rates are now fetched based on a regular job and not live when needed, this improves performance and stability
  • There can now be more than 1 external job type
  • The Cryptopay Plugin has been refactored from the ground up and various issues have been fixed


  • Further limited exposure of data and stacktrace in exceptions
  • Fix file upload tests

Introduction to WebAuthn

You can even register with WebAuthn, login with e registered device or add WebAuthn to an existing user. So get to know the concept, checkout

Registration Flow:

Added Mutation.createWebAuthnCredentialCreationOptions(username: String!, extensionOptions: JSON): JSON!
Mutation.createUser: added new input field webAuthnPublicKeyCredentials

Login Flow:

Added Mutation.createWebAuthnCredentialRequestOptions(username: String, extensionOptions: JSON): JSON!
Added Mutation.loginWithWebAuthn(webAuthnPublicKeyCredentials: JSON!): LoginMethodResponse

Device Management:

Added Mutation.addWebAuthnCredentials(credentials: JSON!): User!
Added Mutation.removeWebAuthnCredentials(credentialsId: ID!): User!
Added User.webAuthnCredentials: [WebAuthnCredentials!]!

Unchained Engine v1.2

Unchained has been converted from Meteor atmosphere packages to ESM npm packages and is now compatible with most recent Node.js versions and a broad range of builders and webservers like express.js, connect, next, fastify. Switch even improved bootup performance of meteor apps by 2-3x in dev mode.

To show how that works, we have added a new example "kitchensink" which is a Express.js based Node.js 16 app in ESM mode.

## Breaking Changes

  • To upgrade from meteor to NPM with your existing meteor app you will have to:
  1. rename all imports prefixed with meteor/unchained: to @unchainedshop/, then import all the plugins from the new @unchainedshop/plugins package
  2. add the packages to your app's package.json as dependencies
  3. remove all unchainedshop atmosphere packages
  4. forward the WebApp.connectHandlers to the expressApp field when starting the server
  • disableEmailInterception is not available as option anymore, but you can still disable interception in development setting the environment variable UNCHAINED_DISABLE_EMAIL_INTERCEPTION
  • All atmosphere packages have been transformed to npm packages, all plugins are now in a separate package @unchainedshop/plugins. Check out the kitchensink's boot.ts to see how to load them.
  • The payment webhook endpoints changed from /graphql/stripe, /graphql/apple-iap, /graphql/cryptopay, /graphql/postfinance-checkout, /graphql/cryptopay-pricing to /payment/stripe, /payment/apple-iap, /payment/cryptopay, /payment/postfinance-checkout, /pricing/cryptopay
  • Boilerplate has been removed because it was very outdated. A new create-unchained-app version which supports the kitchensink will follow suit.
  • Controlpanel has been removed because Admin UI is not on-par and can be used by anyone through the new Sandbox App


  • [api] Add sort params to Query.orders, Query.quotations, User.orders, User.enrollments, User.quotations
  • [docs] Add typedocs and fix controlpanel references
  • [core] Improved types


  • [core] Fix TOTP high severity bug
  • [core] Fix SSO with Unchained Cloud
  • [core] Fix discount pricing calculation issues
  • [core] Fix crash of findProductIds with assortmentId of non-existing assortment

Unchained Engine v1.1

Breaking Changes for Plugin Developers

  • [core] Instead of updateDelivery and updatePayment we now have updateContext methods on and order.payment modules respectively, consistent with the rest of the system.
  • [core] Pricing Plugins now receive the ongoing director calculation as a sheet in the parameters instead of a function that returns a calculation array on the adapter itself, calls like pricingAdapter.calculationSheet() have to be migrated to params.calculationSheet. Else the resetCalculation has been moved to the sheet itself and it can take a calculationSheet to revert.
  • [core] Discount actions in adapter and director now return a Promise to extend the possibility for discount plugins to do async work
  • [api] customFields has been removed from the input field UserProfileInput and custom data has been moved internally on the user entity from user.profile.customFields to user.meta


  • [api] is now extended with additional filter parameters created get events created after the provided event and the previous selectTypes field is changed to types and accepts array of event types. in addition it is now possible to sort the results any field on event type
  • [api] A new input field sort has been added to many generel queries that return lists of something, for ex. Query.products
  • [api] A new input field queryString has been added to many generel queries that return lists of something, with this change it's possible to search for an order number through Query.orders for ex.
  • [api] new mutation.updateUserProfile is extended to accept new argument meta to store extra information of a user.
  • [api] New default queries were added for all kind of "count" cases so you don't have to query a whole list just to get the amount of items, this can be quite helpful for pagination: workQueueCount, assortmentsCounts, countriesCount, currenciesCount, deliveryProvidersCount, filtersCount, languagesCount, logsCount, ordersCount, paymentProvidersCount, productReviewsCount, productsCount, quotationsCount, subscriptionsCount, usersCount,warehousingProvidersCount,eventsCount


  • [core] Improved Typescript Support
  • [core] A bug has been fixed that accidentally made order positions immutable for further changes
  • [core] A warehousing plugin now get's to know the actual warehousingProvider's ID
  • [core] A bug that rendered the Bulk Importer unusable for product media changes has been fixed
  • [api] Fix issue with schema not extendable due use of @deprecated on ARGUMENT_DEFINITION

Unchained Engine v1.0 ("Maiglöggli")

This is our first major release, it covers all features needed to build highly flexible e-commerce solutions for B2B and B2C cases. Unchained 1.0 is an almost complete rewrite from javascript to typescript and is many ways breaking existing code based on the older versions. It's also a major step toward a Meteor-free future of Unchained which will follow suit after this.

Our Roadmap ahead:

Breaking changes

  • [core] We have removed the Matomo tracker because it was not a plugin but rather an example of an event tracking implementation, it will be re-added later to a "recipes" docs page

  • [platform, api, core] Refactor Unchained Engine's core with the goal to add typescript support, get rid of classes and reduce the usage of meteor package depedencies to a minimum. This leads to a completely new SW architecture. The event director and the databse are initialised in the platform and injected into the core modules and services. The modules provide a well-defined module API to manage the data and the custom services make use of the modules to fetch and manipulate.


  • [core] NEW core module core-files that uses minio cloud object storage compatible with amazon s3 cloud storage api. This update provides a scalable files storage solution for all the projects that use it. All the previous file management APIs now use this module under the hood in addition there are few new endpoint added that support signed put url based upload namely prepareUserAvatarUpload, prepareProductMediaUpload, prepareAssortmentMediaUpload and confirmMediaUpload that can be used to generate signed PUT url for file upload. to learn more on how to use this module refer to docs. All existing media's will not work anymore and need to be migrated by the developer.

  • [api] Date values that previously were returned as timestamps are now converted to UTC compliant with the date-time format outlined in section 5.6 of the RFC 3339 profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar to mitigate issues related to timezone. while mutations that passed timestamp value will not cause an issue, the frontend code that expects UNIX timestamp value for the DateTime value needs to be updated. this included but not only - created, updated, deleted values on all entities that previously exposed this fields - order.ordered, order.confirmed - product.published - quotation.expires, quotation.fulfilled, quotation.rejected - subscription.updated

  • [core] Upgrade to new GraphQL multi-part standard with graphql-upload pinning to v12, please use the latest graphql-upload-client

  • [core] Environment variables LANG, COUNTRY & CURRENCY have to be prefixed with UNCHAINED_ to prevent a conflict that may occur with other systems environment variables.

  • [core] upsertLocalizedText for products and assortments does not automatically change the slug anymore, explicitly set it by providing a slug property

  • [core] Remove cron worker @unchainedshop/core-worker/workers/cron, use the interval worker instead

  • [core] cronText has been removed from configureAutoscheduling in favor of schedule, schedule has to be a later.js compliant schedule definition. If you want to reuse the custom cronText define schedule like later.parse.text('every 5 mins'); Likewise autoSchedulingCronText has been removed from subscription settings and replaced with autoSchedulingSchedule

  • [core] core-subscriptions package is now obsolete and a new core-enrollments package with the same functionality has been added. This is to counterfeit problems with GraphQL Subscriptions from the spec.

  • [api] The meta field has been removed, this will affect the following types that previously had a meta field

  • [schema] SPECIAL ATTENTION REQUIRED: Money type has been completely removed and was replaced with Price, this simplifies reading out prices but involves changing potentially a lot of FRONTEND CODE!. This change will affect the following types and any other type that has fields of this types



  • [core] Bulk Importer now supports skipping the built-in cache invalidation run at the end by using skipCacheInvalidation
  • [core] Bulk Importer now supports defining custom entities to sync
  • [api] Product, Assortment & Filter texts are now loaded through a Dataloader which improves Performance
  • [api] A new RANGE filter type has been added. A range filter parses filter query values differently in searchProducts than MULTI_SELECT and allows to do open-end filtering on decimal values by using :. As an example, 0:500 will match all option values between 0 and 500.
  • [core] Assortment to Product Id cache now resides in a special collection to optimize performance and can be further customized to cache these caches in a custom cache module. See new settings in assortments: setCachedProductIds & getCachedProductIds
  • [examples] Updated Meteor to latest version 2.4 from 2.2 for the minimal project (see
  • [api] Added support for Two Factor Auth with TOTP:
  • [core] We have added a new Datatrans v2 plugin which is based on the new Datatrans JSON based API and allows advanced integration processes like marketplace fee splits and secure fields. Datatrans v2 will always use deferred settlement mode when possible, this makes it almost impossible to have the "order checkout failed but still charged" issue that was possible before depending on how the payment process was implemented client-side, leading to manual work and potential client frustration.
  • [core] orderNumber, quotationNumber and enrollmentNumber generation can now be customized, see config
  • [controlpanel] Now it's possible to add external links to an extended version of Unchained Admin UI or any other site you want to access through the controlpanel by providing JSON using the env EXTERNAL_LINKS variable inside example/minimal. The JSON to be provided has to be an array of external link definitions in the form of objects with href and title properties ([{ href: string, title: string}]). If an external link file object is found its content will appear in the top menu of the controlpanel
  • [api] query.productReviews is extended to support searching/filtering with title or review and sorting all valid fields of product review.
  • [api] New mutation logoutAllSession added that can be used to remove all tokens of current user
  • [platform] Assortment bulk import updated to handle assortment media.
  • [api,core] Add support for remotePort and userAgent in context and heartbeat #118
  • [api,core,controlpanel] Users with admin roles can now search for specific orders by userId,orderId,orderNumber & status through the controlpanel #319
  • [core] NEW core module events allows to listen to various elementary events and trigger custom code based on those. See the documentation here We also provide two default event backend integrations, one for the local Node.js event emitter and one for Redis. In some cases you will only want to react to an event on a worker instance or even completely fire and forget and let another software pick up the events, for these cases we strongly suggest to use the Redis plugin. An additional MongoDB based event log is available through queries and can be inspected through the controlpanel. We will drop support for the MongoDB logging in the future so please make sure that you don't tail the Unchained Logs collection, consider migrating to events instead.
  • [core] simulatePriceRange and catalogPriceRange helpers added that will return price range of products variations assigned for a particular configurable(proxy) product based on the parameters provided to them.
  • [core] Now experimental it's possible to ensure users to always have a cart assigned to them by setting the module config option ensureUserHasCart on the orders module to true.
  • [core] The query workQueue now allows to further narrow the result set based on a creation date range
  • [api] We have added a special mutation called pageView that you can use to trigger server-side pageView tracking events. That way you can connect Unchained with Trackers like Google Analytics or Matomo in a private way without cookies.
  • [api] New mutation.signPaymentProviderForCheckout to sign generic order payment directly (OrderPayment.sign still works but is marked deprecated and will be removed in future major releases)
  • [api] three new fields added ConfigurableProduct.simulatedPriceRange , ConfigurableProduct.catalogPriceRange, SimulateProduct.leveledCatalogPrices PlanProduct.leveledCatalogPrices
  • [platform] Additionally related with the above feature it's possible to assign carts for all existing users in the system at boot time by passing assignCartForUsers boolean value to startPlafom or using the environment variable UNCHAINED_ASSIGN_CART_FOR_USERS
  • [platform] You can now disable the invalidation of orders at boot time by passing invalidateProviders boolean value to startPlafom or using the environment variable UNCHAINED_DISABLE_PROVIDER_INVALIDATION. You can also control the max age so that very old carts are not invalidated forever with providerInvalidationMaxAgeDays.
  • [core] It's is now possible to assign media files for assortments.
  • [controlpanel] Assortment media upload, remove & reorder functionalities are available.
  • [api] Added the following query and mutations that can be used to manage assortment medias
  • [core] New module products.prices.rates for currency rates and a generic ProductPriceRateConversion plugin that consumes these rates.
  • [core] New Cryptopay pricing and payment plugin to support the self-hosted, decentralized Crypto Payment Gateway for payments in BTC, ETH, and arbitrary ERC20 tokens.
  • [core] New PostFinance Checkout payment plugin with support for deferred settlements and refunds.
  • [api] New mutation rejectOrder and corresponding e-mail template ORDER_REJECTION to manually reject an order with status PENDING.
  • [core] New Worldline Saferpay payment plugin.


  • [core] accountsjs's accountsPassword and accountsServer options can now be configured through the normal module configuration of unchained by providing server and password objects with options.
  • [core] The logging of payment providers has been streamlined and is now more verbose by default to help track down payment issues
  • [core] The password has been changed notify e-mail template is now available in English
  • [docs] Improved documentation for orders, accounts, events, subscriptions and email-templating
  • [examples] The minimal example now uses Meteor 2.2
  • [examples] We created an experimental Matomo Tracker Plugin that is part of the minimal example
  • [controlpanel] Fixed various issues, especially with loadMore behavior, user search and UX glitches
  • [*] Various additional bugfixes and enhancements between the undocumented releases of 0.61.1 and 0.61.19 mostly targeting bulk-import and accountsjs stabilization.
  • [core] Update ostrio:files to 2.0.1 to mitigate various download issues
  • [controlpanel] Find issues with assortment and order lists
  • [controlpanel] Ambiguity of where to set environment variable is fixed. Now you can set environment related with the Unchained Admin UI at the root directory of controlpanel and environemt variables related with the engine under root directory of minimal.
  • [controlpanel] Fix logout with server-side cookies
  • [core] Fix issue with price id's beeing null (broke stuff that we didn't want to brake)
  • [core] Fix an issue with scheduling jobs based on past or future dates
  • [core] Improved Matomo tracker
  • [docs] New Get Started Tutorial
  • [examples] Seed delivery and payment providers based on environment variables
  • [core] Extended events module to make it possible to transform context for specific needs
  • [core] Reduce core-events logging verbosity
  • [core] Upstream hotfixes from 61.x
  • [core] Support for currencies that are based on a contract with the new contractAddress field for currencies. Used by the Cryptopay plugins to determine the supported ERC20 tokens.
  • [core] New twilio plugin to send SMS.


This is a bugfix release based on learnings from upgrading client projects

Breaking changes

  • [api] Fix logout regression with not falling back to the current token when used without explicit token
  • [core] Users.createUser now sends messages by default, you have to explicitly bail out by either providing an option skipMessaging to true or set the new autoMessagingAfterUserCreation module param of users to false. Take a look at your seed scripts.
  • [platform] Certain fields like emails and services are now blocked from passing to Users.createUser. If you have used emails in createUser seeding before, use email. If you want to skip e-mail verification forcefully, use initialPassword: true. See the changes in the minimal example seed file to get a glimpse.

## Minor

  • [examples] Fix minimal example not seeding
  • [api] Fix children not receiving includeInactive
  • [core] Fix core not receiving module configuration of users
  • [core] Fix Assortments.sync always auto publishing all assortments
  • [platform] Fix broken cart migration


This is a bugfix release based on learnings from upgrading client projects

Breaking changes

  • [api] Removes filterContext and evalContext
  • [core] Enrollment E-Mails are sent automatically when enrollUser is used with an empty password

## Minor

  • [api] Re-introduce context field to startPlatform, allowing access to the unchained context function so it's possible to adjust the Apollo Server context freely
  • [core] Fix regression with forced sortKey parameters when modifying links, filters or products
  • [core] Fix regression with enrollment of users triggering verification e-mail #307
  • [core] Sends custom AccountsJs Hooks LoginTokenCreated and VerifyEmailSuccess to hook into E-Mail verification (re-enables features based on that prior Unchained < 0.61.0)


We are currently rebuilding parts of Unchained under the hood with a new code structure that helps developers to easily add new resolvers and access the core API's through typescript types.

Breaking Changes

  • [platform] Account Action E-Mail templates now receive different actions than before, for ex. verifyEmail is now verify-email
  • [api] Mutation.setBaseLanguage removed, base language now set through env LANG
  • [api] Mutation.setBaseCountry removed, base language now set through env COUNTRY
  • [api] isBase removed for countries and languages
  • [api] Remove OTP based access to an order
  • [core] Filters.removeFilter now returns id instead of object
  • [core] Removed Assortment helpers addFilter, removeFilter, searchProducts
  • [core] Removed Assortment Filter helper assortmentFilter.filter
  • [core] findProviderById & findReviewById removed
  • [core] You cannot import '@unchainedshop/core-worker/plugins/heartbeat' anymore without typescript package
  • [api] NotFoundErrors have been removed from various queries which return an optional single entity, like Query.product(...): Product #299, affects, Query.currency, Query.deliveryProvider, Query.filter, Query.language, Query.order, Query.paymentProvider, Query.product, Query.productCatalogPrices, Query.productReview, Query.quotation, Query.searchProducts (assortmentId), Query.subscription, Query.user, Query.warehousingProvider,


  • [api] Add Assortment.childrenCount to get a number of child assortments
  • [api] New Query.activeWorkTypes to query for all active work types without introspection
  • [api] Support for Data Loader
  • [api,bookmarks] The Bookmarks core module has been completely refactored, all business logic is now accessible through the Apollo GraphQL context
  • [utils] Multiple functions have been moved to utils from core.
  • [core] The "core" package now is an umbrella for all core modules and does not provide any other functions except for the function that loads all modules in order and ties together the typescript types
  • [roles] Roles package got refactored only keeping a fraction of the previous APIs. We are currently rebuilding parts of Unchained under the hood with a new code structure that helps developers to easily add new resolvers and access the core API's through typescript types
  • [api,core] Business logic and db calls are now wrapped in functions and moved from api to the core packages
  • [pricing] New open-source pricing plugins:
      • EUR catalog price auto conversion with ECB rates
      • Crypto catalog price auto conversion with Coinbase rates
      • Mercantile Rounding
  • [payment] Our official Datatrans plugin now supports all different security modes for signing a transaction through env DATATRANS_SECURITY and DATATRANS_SIGN2_KEY. In the meantime Datatrans has released a new modern JSON based 2.0 API. Our Plugin still only supports the legacy API described here


  • [docs] Added product pricing plugin documentation
  • [controlpanel] Updated theming that better reflects our current CI/CD
  • [controlpanel] New filters for the work queue to find jobs you're interested in
  • [api] Existance checks are now beeing done with count instead of findOne to improve performance
  • [api, pricing] Price simulating functions can now take a forced currency
  • [tests] Index creation is now reused of example project instead of mocked in db setup


  • [accountsjs] Regression, default token expiration now after 30 days instead of 20 minutes
  • [bulk] Regression, removal did not work



  • [api] Type Assertions (#273)
  • Various other bugfixes: #232, #258, #277, #268, #261, #272


Breaking Changes

  • [users] enrollUser now supports hashed passwords and uses the existing password field for it


  • [controlpanel] Fix enrollUser and setPassword



  • [platform] If you used user.setPassword before, that function is now async and does not return the user object anymore
  • [platform] If you used Users.createUser before, that function is now async
  • [api] setPassword mutation now also supports plain passwords if needed.


  • [controlpanel] Fix bug in Currency edit form
  • [controlpanel] Fix bug with Assortment list not showing the assortments


Attention: If you have used Meteor Accounts specific extensions to extend login functionalities for your Unchained-based project, you will have to rewrite all code that depends on Meteor's accounts packages and extend the functionality through accounts-js config, strategies and hooks (

Look for Accounts.registerLoginHandler, Accounts.onLogin or Meteor Accounts Password based features like Accounts.setUsername or Accounts.setPassword to find out if you are affected.

Breaking Changes

  • [api] Auth-related Errors in signup, signin, lost password etc. have other Error Codes now. See for more information.
  • [users] addEmail and updateEmail no longer send out email verification; you need to trigger the verification using sendVerificationEmail mutation.
  • [users] enrollUser doesn't send out the enrollment email by default anymore. You need to trigger it using sendEnrollmentEmail mutation.
  • [api] The functions getConnection and callMethod have been removed
  • [api] Mutation.resendVerificationEmail has been renamed to Mutation.sendVerificationEmail
  • [api] More specific exceptions when using wrong Id's
  • [platform] New unchained instances now generate an admin user with an E-Mail of [email protected] to solve various issues with frontends and services that don't accept addresses like user@toplevel. Also it's now very important to seed your database AFTER startPlatform.

You have to remove meteor's native accounts packages from the project to use the new unchained version:

meteor remove accounts-base accounts-password accounts-oauth


  • [users] sendEnrollmentEmail mutation is now available to trigger enrollment emails.
  • [api] Enhanced Query.users which now allows to query for users with a fulltext search that takes E-mail addresses into account
  • [api] Better integration tests that cover more business logic than before


  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Remove accounts-base and accounts-password from platform package
  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Implement new accountsjs package
  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Convert all authentication related mutations within api/resolvers/mutations/accounts/loginWithPassword.js to use accounts-js.
  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Convert any Users collection helpers to use accounts-js.
  • [api] Fixed an issue which prevented Query.subscription from working at all
  • [assortments] Fixed an issue that resulted in totally wrong breadcrumbs in some special edge case (assortmentPaths)



  • [platform] Fix importing bulk assortments should remove old links
  • [pricing] Fix critical issue with discounts resolving to a total cart value of 0



  • [logger] Support for JSON Logging through UNCHAINED_LOG_FORMAT=json
  • [api] Larger body limit for the new Bulk Import API



  • [core] Compound indexes for text entities


  • [api] Fix rare case where MESSAGE work type lead to an exception


Hotfix for broken product text editing through controlpanel


  • [cp] Update deps
  • [docs] Add API Reference


  • [api] Fix updateProductText not updating text


Minor tweaks and fixes

Breaking Changes

The new experimental Bulk Import API allows to import a big list of entities (filters, assortments & products) at the same time.


  • [cp] You can now search for users #242
  • [payment] New Plugin: Bity (
  • [payment] New Plugin: Stripe Legacy Charges
  • [api] You can now store arbitrary data when using markPaid
  • [api] Add a new field Product.defaultOrderQuantity
  • [api] Also support "token" in cookies instead of only meteor_login_token


  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Remove dburles:factory
  • [pricing] Fix currencyCode in pricing when using multiple currencies for the same country


This new Release is published along our new Documentation Page:

Contributions by: @Mikearaya @harryadel @schmidsi @pozylon

Breaking Changes

New Exceptions: A new exception handling #188 now consistently throws much more intelligent errors with machine-readable error codes than before. This is potentially breaking if you were evaluating the errors thrown in GraphQL Mutations and Queries before.

Datalayer changes: The following functions now require an authorId to work properly:

  • Assortments.createAssortment
  • assortment.addProduct
  • assortment.addLink
  • assortment.addFilter
  • Products.createProduct
  • product.addMedia (was userId before!)
  • product.addMediaLink
  • DeliveryProviders.createProvider
  • PaymentProviders.createProvider
  • WarehousingProviders.createProvider
  • Filters.createFilter
  • filter.upsertLocalizedText
  • variation.upsertLocalizedText
  • assortment.upsertLocalizedText
  • productMedia.upsertLocalizedText
  • product.upsertLocalizedText
  • productVariation.upsertLocalizedText

New factory methods to create new Entities (please don't use Entity.insert anymore if you're writing sync code!), they also require authorId now:

  • Countries.createCountry
  • Currencies.createCurrency
  • Languages.createLanguage
  • ProductVariations.createVariation
  • ProductMedia.createMedia

Changes to Filter Plugins: The async method search on a FilterAdapter is now searchProducts (!). Additionally it's possible to override full-text search of Assortments through searchAssortments.


  • [platform] Migration messages are now logged through logger
  • [api] Query.assortments now additionally takes a list of tags and slugs
  • [api] Added Query.searchAssortments
  • [api] Rename to Query.searchProducts ( still works but is marked deprecated)
  • [api] Exception Handling #188
  • [api] Extend Query.users with queryString, allowing to do fulltext searches on users as admin #228
  • [core] Refactoring on the underlying Datalayer #190
  • [core] It's now possible to control the tax categories for switzerland (mwst, see product-swiss-tax and delivery-swiss-tax plugins)
  • [examples] Controlpanel Enhancements #162, #227
  • [docs] Add Documentation Beta #205
  • [docs] Add documenting comments to the GraphQL schema
  • [ci] Added CodeQL Security Scanning #218
  • [ci] More tests


  • [api] Fix edge case with when slugs is set to null
  • [api] Fix privileges when using Mutation.updateProductReview, Mutation.answerQuotation, Mutation.removeBookmark, Mutation.addPaymentCredentials which were supposed to work as non-admin users
  • [api] Fix float problem edge case with super long numbers in Money type
  • [core] Fix Sort Order when Faceting #211
  • [core] Fix Controlpanel Next.js Warnings #201 #209
  • [core] Fix a Problem where Work Items are not retried after a Restart #200
  • [core] Fix updateCart updating data that should not #198
  • [core] Fix slugs regeneration when title is updated #194
  • [core] Great Purge of Meteor: Removed aldeed:index #216
  • [core] Fix setting the FILE_STORAGE_PATH through env variable for files
  • [core] Fix order discounting when multiple discounts are active at the same time
  • [examples] Minimal: Upgrade to Meteor 1.11.1 #206
  • [examples] Controlpanel: Upgrade to Apollo Client 3 #206


Contributions by: @harryadelb, @Mikearaya & @pozylon

Breaking Changes

We will rename all unchained core specific env variables and prefix them with UNCHAINED_ in the future, for now:

  • [api] Siblings return only active products by default now
  • [payment] The existing Stripe v1 plugin has been removed because it was unsafe to use and depended on an old API
  • [messaging] The architecture of the messaging core plugin has been completely revamped, also the default notification e-mail templates are now loaded as part of the platform package reducing the boilerplate code needed when bootstrapping a fresh Unchained project. For example the send-mail delivery provider cannot be used anymore due to refactoring of the messaging system. There is a new one ("send-message") that needs to be used for this case.
  • [api] assignments behaves now exactly the same as products, returning only assignments with active products if not specified explicitly with includeInactive = true


  • [api] Product.siblings now support a parameter "includeInactive" to return inactive products (same like for Assortment.products & search)
  • [filters] Search now supports a new parameter "ignoreChildAssortments". When activated it will only consider directly linked products for search, ignoring sub-assortment products.
  • [messaging] New Messaging (#163)
  • [filter] The filter plugins are now also called when the queryString is empty, allowing cases like user-specific hiding or showing of products system-wide
  • [cp] It's now possible to search for products (#178 )
  • [tests] Added a whole lot of integration tests (#177 , #176 , #175, #174)
  • [api] Improve error reporting when id's (filters, products) don't exist when provided to a mutation
  • [payment] Apple In-App-Purchase has landed, supporting stored credentials (#173)
  • [payment] Stripe v2 has landed, supporting stored credentials (#179)
  • [payment, delivery] Allow to further customize supported providers #161
  • Improve performance by using lru-caches at bottleneck points throughout the system
  • [worker] It's now possible to define an autoscheduling rule for jobs and the system automatically takes care of setting up the jobs


  • [examples] Fix a regression bug (simple-schema / seeds) when trying to start the minimal example the first time
  • [ci] Skip caching in CI and dev
  • [cp] Various small ui fixes
  • [platform] Fixes carts on bootup when a delivery / payment provider is not valid anymore.
  • [great-purge-of-meteor] Remove aldeed:index


Breaking Changes

We will rename all Unchained core specific env variables and prefix them with UNCHAINED_ in the future, for now:

  • The Environment variable DISABLE_WORKER has been renamed to UNCHAINED_DISABLE_WORKER
  • The Environment variable WORKER_ID has been renamed to UNCHAINED_WORKER_ID
  • The Environment variable WORKER_CRON_TEXT has been removed, provide cronText as option to startPlatform to configure, use your own env var if still needed.
  • The Environment variable FIXTURES has been removed, we will remove the fixtures and faker helpers in the future.
  • [platform] These 3 worker plugins are automatically loaded and started: EventListenerWorker, CronWorker, FailedRescheduler. Please remove the worker boot code from your project like this:
  • [api] getCart now returns a promise
  • [users] the orders helper now returns a promise
  • [payment] Signature of sign changed slightly, takes transactionContext in first property
  • [api] User.lastDeliveryAddress has been removed (was never implemented right)
  • [payment] Signature of charge changed slightly, takes the order as order in first property


  • [subscriptions] Introduce Subscriptions Core Module: Please see PR #158
  • [payment,user,subscriptions] Stored Credentials: The Payment and User modules have been enhanced to support storing payment credentials like creditcards, tokens or aliases used to do fast checkouts. PR #158
  • [api] All product types now support siblings
  • [payment] Datatrans plugin supports aliasing for subscriptions
  • [worker] The worker now supports recurring jobs and exposes configureAutoscheduling that allows to run a specific plugin continously, first used by subscriptions generating orders at a specific rate
  • [platform] startPlatform now supports module specific configuration
  • [worker] Heartbeat worker supports waiting for a timeout before completion (helpful for integration tests)
  • [examples] The Dockerfile in minimal now supports proper layer caching and speeds up builds in CI if supported by the CI system and the dependencies did not change.
  • [assortments] The zipTree function of assortments can now be configured with modules.assortments.zipTree
  • [delivery] It's now possible to customize the sort order of supported delivery providers
  • [payment] It's now possible to customize the sort order of supported payment providers modules.payment.sortProviders
  • [filters] Filters now fallback to no invalidation on startup if not configured
  • [logs] Added an index on the created field for logs and also make the log collection expire with a MongoDB native feature ( This should improve db log performance and disk usage


  • [api] Fixes removeDiscount regression crashing apollo
  • [worker] Now experimental interval worker which does not depend on SyncedCron
  • [examples] Various Fixes in Controlpanel
  • [examples] Various console output and lint issues
  • [tests] Fixed various tests