Quickly create applications that communicate with an Universal Robots industrial robot.
SDK : Software Development Kit
More information : https://underautomation.com
Full RTDE (Real-Time Data Exchange) implementation for reading and writing up to 500Hz
robot.PrimaryInterface.Script.Send("movej([-1.5,-1.5,-2,-0.5,1.8,0],a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)");
double x = robot.PrimaryInterface.CartesianInfo.TCPOffsetX;
double shoulderSpeed = robot.PrimaryInterface.JointData.Shoulder.ActualSpeed;
``` c#
var robot = new UR();
var param = new ConnectParameters("");
// Enable RTDE
param.Rtde.Enable = true;
// Exchange data at 500Hz
param.Rtde.Frequency = 500;
// Select data you want to write in robot controller
param.Rtde.InputSetup.Add(RtdeInputData.InputIntRegisters, 0);
// Select data you want the robot to send
param.Rtde.OutputSetup.Add(RtdeOutputData.OutputDoubleRegisters, 10);
// Connect to robot
// Be notified at 500Hz when data is received
robot.Rtde.OutputDataReceived += Rtde_OutputDataReceived;
// Write input values in robot
var inputValues = new RtdeInputValues();
inputValues.StandardAnalogOutput0 = 0.2;
inputValues.InputIntRegisters.X0 = 12;
Send URScript commands and receive robot state data at 10Hz : Cartesian and angular position, robot status, inputs and outputs value, and 100+ more measurements ...
robot.PrimaryInterface.Script.Send("movej([-1.5,-1.5,-2,-0.5,1.8,0],a=1.4, v=1.05, t=0, r=0)");
double x = robot.PrimaryInterface.CartesianInfo.TCPOffsetX;
double shoulderSpeed = robot.PrimaryInterface.JointData.Shoulder.ActualSpeed;
Read program and installation variables :
GlobalVariable myVar = robot.PrimaryInterface.GlobalVariables.GetByName("myVar");
GlobalVariable[] variables = robot.PrimaryInterface.GlobalVariables.GetAll();
Remote control the robot : load, play, pause, and stop a robot program, power on and off, release brake, shutdown, ...
From your robot program, remote call a function implemented in your .NET program. For example, this allows you to request a position resulting from image processing.
# Connect to the SDK and specifie the IP and port of the PC
# Call method GetPose and wait for the reply. The replied pose will be assigned in variable "answer"
// Answer sent to the robot
robot.XmlRpc.XmlRpcServerRequest += (o, request) =>
if(request.MethodName == "GetPose") request.Answer = new Pose(request.Arguments[0], 200, 100, 0, 0, 0);
The library can start a communication. The robot can connect to your server and exchange custom data.
# Connect to robot socket server in URScript
socket_open("", 50001)
# Raise event SocketRequest is your app
socket_send_string("Hello from robot")
# Raise event SocketGetVar is your app
var1 := socket_get_var("MY_VAR")
// Send a message to all connected soket clients
robot.SocketCommunication.SocketWrite("Hi cobot !");
// Event raised when a robot connects with socket_open()
robot.SocketCommunication.SocketClientConnection += SocketCommunication_SocketClientConnection;
// Event raised when a robot disconnects with socket_close()
robot.SocketCommunication.SocketClientDisconnection += SocketCommunication_SocketClientDisconnection;
// Event raised when a connected robot sends a message
robot.SocketCommunication.SocketRequest += SocketCommunication_SocketRequest;
// Respond to a client requesting the value of a variable with the URScript line : var1 := socket_get_var("VAR_NAME")
robot.SocketCommunication.SocketGetVar += SocketCommunication_SocketGetVar;
Manipulate files and folders of the robot via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) : download to the robot, import from the robot, rename, delete, move, list files in a folder...
robot.Sftp.DownloadFile("/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/my-program.urp", content);
robot.Sftp.UploadFile(content, "/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/my-program.urp");
robot.Sftp.WriteAllText("/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/file.txt", "Hello !");
Open a SSH (Secure Shell) connection with the robot to execute Linux command lines, as in the terminal.
robot.Ssh.RunCommand("echo Hello > /home/ur/Desktop/NewFile.txt");
Convert Rotation Vector to and from RPY.
var pose = new Pose(1, 1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, -0.5);
var rpy = pose.FromRotationVectorToRPY();
var rotVect = pose.FromRPYToRotationVector();
Open and edit program (.urp) and installation (.installation) files :
URProgram prg = URProgram.Load("myPrg.urp");
URInstallation installation = URInstallation.Load("default.installation");
Compatible with all UR robots and firmwares UR3, UR5, UR10, UR16, CB-Series, e-Serie.
Nothing to install on the robot : implemented protocols are available on your robot out of the box.
A 100% managed "UnderAutomation.UniversalRobots.dll" assembly without dependencies in the version of your choice: .NET Framework ≥3.5, .NET Standard, - .NET 5 and Core for Windows, Linux, MacOS
Pre-built example applications with source code are provided for Winforms, .NET console, LabVIEW and Python.
This SDK is a commercial library and a license must be purshased. Once acquired, any application you develop can be delivered to an unlimited number of customers without royalties and without recurring subscription.
More information : https://underautomation.com