Quickly create applications that communicate with an Universal Robots industrial robot.
SDK : Software Development Kit
More information : https://underautomation.com
From Pypi :
pip install UnderAutomation.UniversalRobots
From this repo :
git clone https://github.com/underautomation/UniversalRobots.py.git
Import features :
from underautomation.universal_robots.ur import UR
from underautomation.universal_robots.connect_parameters import ConnectParameters
from underautomation.universal_robots.common.pose import Pose
from underautomation.universal_robots.rtde.rtde_input_data import RtdeInputData
from underautomation.universal_robots.rtde.rtde_output_data import RtdeOutputData
from underautomation.universal_robots.rtde.rtde_input_values import RtdeInputValues
# from underautomation.universal_robots... import ...
# etc.
Full support for :
- RTDE (Real-Time Data Exchange) : read and write registers up to 500Hz
- Primary Interface :
- Receive robot state data at 10Hz : Cartesian and angular position, robot status, inputs and outputs value, and 100+ more measurements ...
- Send URScript
- Get variables
# Create a robot instance
robot = UR()
# Setup connection to th robot
param = ConnectParameters()
param.ip = ""
# Enable primary interface to get variable values
param.primary_interface.enable = True
# Enable rtde at 5Hz (500Hz possible)
param.rtde.enable = True
param.rtde.frequency = 5
# Ask the robot for permission to write these registers
param.rtde.input_setup.add(RtdeInputData.InputBitRegisters, 64)
# Ask the robot to send me this data
# Connect to the robot
# Function called when new RTDE data is received
def on_output_data_received(o, e):
# Display robot TCP pose
pose = robot.rtde.output_data_values.actual_tcp_pose
# pose.X, pose.Y, pose.Z, pose.Rx, ...
# Display robot TCP force
force = robot.rtde.output_data_values.actual_tcp_force
# Write data in robot controler
inputs = RtdeInputValues()
inputs.standard_analog_output0 = 0.2
inputs.input_bit_registers.x64 = True
# Event raised when data is received
# Function called when any program or installation variable changes in the robot
def on_value_updated(p, e):
# Display all program and installation variables
variables = robot.primary_interface.global_variables.get_all()
name = variables[0].name
value = variables[0].to_pose()
type = variables[0].type
# Event raised when a program or installation variable change
# Function called when masterboard data is received
def on_masterboard_data_received(p, e):
ai0 = robot.primary_interface.masterboard_data.analog_input0
di2 = robot.primary_interface.masterboard_data.digital_inputs.digital2
# Several other events are raised by primary interface
# Function called when cartesian data is received
def on_cartesian_info_received(p, e):
x = e.X
tcpOffsetX = e.TCPOffsetX
# Function called when joint data is received
def on_joint_data_received(o,e):
shoulderAngle = e.Shoulder.Position
elbowMode = e.Elbow.JointMode
wrist3Speed = e.Wrist3.ActualSpeed
Read program and installation variables :
myVar = robot.primary_interface.global_variables.get_by_name("myVar")
variables = robot.primary_interface.global_variables.get_all()
Remote control the robot : load, play, pause, and stop a robot program, power on and off, release brake, shutdown, ...
# Create a new robot instance
robot = UR()
# Setup connection to th robot
param = ConnectParameters("")
# Connect to the robot
# Display a popup on the pendant
robot.dashboard.show_popup("I just remote-controlled my robot!")
# Power on the robot arm and release brakes
# Load program file to polyscope
# Start the program
# Get program name and state
state = robot.dashboard.get_program_state()
From your robot program, remote call a function implemented in your .NET program. For example, this allows you to request a position resulting from image processing.
Robot code (URScript) :
# Connect to the SDK and specifie the IP and port of the PC
# Call method GetPose and wait for the reply. The replied pose will be assigned in variable "answer"
Python code :
# XML-RPC server on port 50000
parameters.xml_rpc.enable = True
parameters.xml_rpc.port = 50000
# Event callback :
# robot.xml_rpc.xml_rpc_server_request
The library can start a communication. The robot can connect to your server and exchange custom data.
Robot code (URScript) :
# Connect to robot socket server in URScript
socket_open("", 50001)
# Raise event SocketRequest is your app
socket_send_string("Hello from robot")
# Raise event SocketGetVar is your app
var1 := socket_get_var("MY_VAR")
Python code :
robot = UR()
# Setup connection to th robot
param = ConnectParameters("")
# Enable spcket server on port 50001
param.socket_communication.enable = True
param.socket_communication.port = 50001
# Connect to the robot
# Function called when robot connects with URScipt function socket_open()
def on_socket_client_connection(o, e : SocketClientConnectionEventArgs):
e.client.socket_write("Hello cobot <3")
# Function called when the robot sends a message with socket_write()
def on_socket_request(o,e:SocketRequestEventArgs):
# Get robot message
robotMessage = e.Message
# Send a message to all connected clients
# List of all connected clients
connectedClients = robot.socket_communication.connected_clients
# IP address and remote port of a client
clientEndpoint = connectedClients[0].end_point
# Send a message to a specific connected robot
connectedClients[0].socket_write("Hello robot [0]")
# Handle client disconnection
def on_socket_client_disconnection(o,e):
Manipulate files and folders of the robot via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) : download to the robot, import from the robot, rename, delete, move, list files in a folder...
robot = UR()
# Setup connection to th robot
param = ConnectParameters("")
# Enable SFTP file access
param.ssh.enable_sftp = True
# Connect to the robot
# Enumerates files and folder
items = robot.sftp.list_directory("/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/")
# Download program file prg.urp to your local disk
robot.sftp.download_file("/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/prg.urp", "C:\\temp\\prg.urp")
# Send a local file to the robot
robot.sftp.upload_file("C:\\temp\\prg.urp", "/home/ur/ursim-current/programs/prg.urp")
# Manipulate files and directories
robot.sftp.rename_file("/home/ur/prg.urp", "/home/ur/prg2.urp")
exists = robot.sftp.exists("/home/ur/prg.urp")
robot.sftp.write_all_text("/home/ur/file.txt", "Hello robot !")
Open a SSH (Secure Shell) connection with the robot to execute Linux command lines, as in the terminal.
robot.ssh.run_command("echo Hello > /home/ur/Desktop/NewFile.txt");
Convert Rotation Vector to and from RPY.
# Create X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ pose
pose = Pose(0.1, 0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.05, 0.1)
# Convert cartesian pose type to RPY or rotation vector
rpy = pose.from_rotation_vector_to_rpy()
vectorPose = pose.from_rpy_to_rotation_vector()
Open and edit program (.urp) and installation (.installation) files :
# Decompile program and installation files and access inner XML
installation = URInstallation.load("C:\\temp\\default.installation")
prg = URProgram.load("C:\\temp\\prg.urp")
internalXml = prg.xml
This SDK is a commercial library and a license must be purshased. Once acquired, any application you develop can be delivered to an unlimited number of customers without royalties and without recurring subscription.
More information : https://underautomation.com