- fixed "show previous exception" buttons not working (reported by etienneroudeix, thanks!)
- fixed popovers not getting closed when clicking outside of the popover
- fixed AJAX requests in the requests list might not be selectable (reported by FeBe95, thanks!)
- fixed "Empty metadata" error might be incorrectly shown
- upgraded to Vue.js 3 and Vite
- added new "HTTP Requests" tab, showing executed HTTP requests and their details
- improved error messaging when we are unable to load request metadata
- improved error messaging when we are unable to parse Xdebug profile
- improved details tables to shorten very long messages by default
- improved pretty-printed data previews to shorten long strings (idea by simbig, thanks!)
- improved short SQL queries in Timeline when the query contains table name including schema (idea by kdbond2, thanks!)
- improved handling of auto appearance setting now reacts to OS theme changes (implemented by bloep, thanks!)
- improved sharing to make the share service URL configurable
- updated the details tables' page sizes from 30 to 50 items
- updated conditionals to use v-if instead of v-show through the app (idea by eigan, thanks!)
- updated Chrome extension to use Manifest v3
- fixed not being able to expand details of keys starting with number including non-numeric characters in pretty-printed data (reported by masdimdev, thanks!)
- fixed Xdebug profiler might stay enabled for Clockwork metadata requests in extension mode (reported by Defimas, thanks!)
- fixed reading cookies in extension mode (implemented by LachlanArthur, thanks!)
- fixed cache time not being rounded in the Performance tab
- removed Atom and Textmate from code editor selection
- cleaned up unused assets
- added database queries syntax highlighting (implemented by edgardmessias, thanks!)
- added database queries prettifying (implemented by edgardmessias, thanks!)
- added official Edge build
- added support for overriding metadata path via settings
- improved compatibility with Firefox when handling cookies (reported by DarkVen0m, thanks!)
- improved Data sidebar section styles (reprted by DarkVen0m, thanks!)
- improved behavior of standalone mode with "keep requests log" disabled (reported by piperone, thanks!)
- improved monospace font stack and styles
- updated suggested Sublime url handler (idea by peterthomson, thanks!)
- updated dependencies
- fixed stack traces popovers placement issues (reported by JackWH, thanks!)
- fixed high-precision timings from Xdebug 3 not being shown correctly in profiler (reported by tsukasagenesis, thanks!)
- fixed not being able to show previous exception of chained eceptions in the log tab
- fixed npm build scripts breaking with latest Node
- fixed user tabs not being shown (reported by martbean, thanks!)
- fixed timeline not working if two events have the exact same start and end time (reported by mahagr, thanks!)
- fixed flickering profiler controls when enabled
- fixed broken performance tab for requests with performance log data (reported by sinnbeck, thanks!)
- fixed some UI glitches, wrong spinner colors in dark theme
- added many design tweaks, refinements and consistent iconography
- added reworked timeline with new UI, condensed mode, self and children times, event details, default "total" event, custom colors
- added client-side metrics and web-vitals to the performance tab
- added new "models" tab showing models actions with details, retrieved, created, updated and deleted models counts
- added new "notifications" tab showing all kinds of notifications (replaces emails tab)
- added email previews to the notifications tab
- added ability to share requests
- added ability to link to the current request in standalone mode
- added credits modal and app version to settings modal
- added on-demand mode (with optional secret)
- improved tab bar styles and behavior
- improved requests sidebar to show basic request info
- improved settings and "what's new" to use a new modal UI
- improved performance chart with simplified styles
- improved performance issues to be a separate performance tab section
- improved performance pofiler UI
- improved log tab to likify urls in log messages
- improved metadata loading with automatic retry in case of failure
- improved metadata polling to use a simple dynamic interval
- improved additional metadata loading to not transfer the whole request metadata
- improved metadata loading error handling
- improved clockwork api endpoint detection in standalone mode
- improved date handling to use date-fns instead of momentjs (~30% lower bundle size)
- changed moved requests search to the requests list
- changed moved clear button to the requests list
- changed moved preserve log settings to the settings modal
- updated to vue-cli 4
- fixed clearing requests list in standalone mode (implemented by edgardmessias, thanks!)
- fixed requests list behavior where a request might not be selectable
- fixed expanded sidebar sections state not being persisted
- fixed profiler unnecessary re-parsing of profiles, sorting, changing requests not updating content and the docs url
- fixed polling not being throttled on inactivity in extension mode
- fixed multi-line database queries timeline descriptions (implemented by edgardmessias, thanks!)
- added support for the "chrome.storage" api as a fall-back persistent settings storage if localStorage is not available
- improved behavior if we have no persistent storage, warning is now shown in the settings modal and what's new message is no longer shown (reported by ci_trex, thanks!)
- fixed authentication UI might not be shown as expected when running as an extension
- fixed pretty printing showing objects with empty string keys as infinitely recursive (reported by mahagr, thanks!)
- added support for command type requests, showing command name and exit code in requests list and arguments and options in sidebar
- added command output tab showing ansi formatted command output
- added support for queue-job type requests, showing job name and status in requests list and payload, connection, queue and options in sidebar
- added support for dispatched jobs status in the queue tab and ability to show queue-job request details
- added support for test type requests, showing test name and status in requests list and executed asserts in sidebar
- added database quries, events, cache queries, queue jobs, redis commands, views and emails to the timeline
- added tags support for timeline events with ability to hide individual tags
- added support for parent requests, with ability to load and show parent request
- added new settings modal, settings are now applied and saved right-away on change
- added appearance setting (auto, light, dark), default auto option will use theme according to OS or Dev Tools settings
- added settings to hide command, queue-job and test type requests
- added setting to disable automatically showing incoming requests (idea by robclancy, thanks!)
- added "what's new" overlay showing new features when Clockwork app gets updated
- improved requests list to mark ajax requests, incoming ajax requests are no longer automatially shown
- improved search to support name (command, queue-job or test) and request type
- improved database tab to show bindings if available (idea by tminich, thanks!)
- improved views tab to use a timeline view instead of a simple table (idea by rhukster, thanks!)
- improved views tab to support memory usage data
- improved views tab to not show empty view data
- improved requests switching behavior to show default performance tab if current selected tab is not available
- improved requests list to keep requests sorted by request time
- improved requests list to not show database timings if no shown requests have database timings (idea by rhukster, thanks!)
- fixed PHPStorm editor links (implemented by zlodes, thanks!)
- fixed pagination breaking timeline layout
- fixed very long event descriptions breaking timeline layout
- fixed stack traces rendering as icons with empty popups when no trace is available
- fixed missing number rounding filter
- updated npm dependencies
- fixed requests list behavior when "preserve log" is disabled (reported by Vai2kas, thanks!)
- fixed PHPStorm editor links (implemented by zlodes, thanks!)
- fixed timeline and sidebar sections not rendering when showing too many records (partially implemented by Zuken, thanks!)
- fixed entire performance log not being shown if the request doesn't have slow queries (reported by sebastiaanluca, thanks!)
- fixed crash in standalone mode when resolving cookie values (reported by christophmayrhofer, Tongzzzzz and spaceemotion, thanks!)
- fixed database, queue and redis tab "connection" and queue tab "queue" columns never being shown (implemented by fitztrev, thanks!)
- fixed broken layout in the responsive column view if the details pane has a lot of content
- updated npm deps
- fixed sorting tables by columns with numeric data (reported by fitztrev, thanks!)
- fixed tables pagination being preserved when changing requests leading to broken pagination state
- fully rewritten in Vue.js
- added requests history search
- added request sidebar (replaces request tab)
- added request body data (pretty-printing of json data) to request sidebar
- added executed middleware to request sidebar
- added request date and Clockwork id to request sidebar
- added Queue tab showing dispatched queue jobs
- added Redis tab showing executed Redis commands
- added slow queries count and highlight slow queries in Database tab
- added performance warnings to the Performance tab (eg. duplicate queries)
- added slow queries to the Performance tab
- added support for database stats in metadata
- added simple pagination to large tables (significantly improving performance)
- added messages overlay showing update notifications, exception and parent request info
- added build scripts for all supported platforms (chrome, firefox, web)
- improved requests list styles (cleaner, method before URIs, color-coded response status)
- improved requests list to shorten the controller name if narrow
- improved column view and responsive styles in general
- improved session tab is now part of the request sidebar
- improved requests list, sidebar and sidebar sections toggling is now preserved after closing Clockwork
- improved raw Cookie header is no longer shown (since we already have full Cookies section)
- improved standalone mode to throttle requests list updates when the browser tab is not active
- improved stack trace popover alignment
- improved build scripts to be platform-independent (implemented by Ir00man, thanks!)
- fixed some cases when empty tabs were shown
- fixed Firefox incompatibility in standalone mode
Versions below are available at https://github.com/itsgoingd/clockwork-chrome
- fixed ordering database queries table by the query column (thanks fitztrev)
- fixed Clockwork not working when "Block third-party cookies" is enabled in Chrome (thanks betawax)
- note, if "Block third-party cookies" is enabled, settings, theme, authentication tokens and dismissed update notifications won't be preserved when you close Clockwork
- added new server-side update notification
- added showing of last exception to the request tab for HTTP 500 responses
- added authenticated user info to the session tab
- added support for opening files in editor in stack traces (thanks xiaohuilam)
- improved displaying exceptions in the log tab now show the class, code, correct stack trace and support chained exceptions
- fixed xdebug installation instructions link pointing nowhere
- fixed error handling in some cases where metadata can't be retrieved
- fixed pretty printing not rendering numeric value "0" correctly
- fixed subrequest processing missing urldecode
- fixed some minor styles issues
- fixed metadata requests having wrong Content-Type when running as standalone (thanks ssnepenthe)
- fixed Clockwork not working in incognito mode (thanks YummyTofu)
- fixed requests not showing up in some rare cases (thanks alextime)
- added performance metrics and renamed the timeline tab to performance tab
- added new timeline component UI
- added peak memory usage to the performance tab
- added support for filtering all tables (thanks Gennnji)
- added support for reordering all tables
- added support for user-data (custom tabs)
- added request method, url, controller, response status and the ability to copy the url to the request tab (thanks sisve)
- added query counts and time on top of the database tab (thanks fgilio)
- added distinct colors to errors and warning in the log tab (thanks Gennnji)
- added support for stack traces in the log, events, database and cache tabs (thanks sisve)
- added total number of queries to the cache tab
- added Xdebug profiler to the performance tab
- added support for authentication (thanks xiaohuilam)
- added support for subrequests
- added support for dark theme when running as a standalone app
- improved pretty printing - arrays are shown as Array with items count, supports new type metadata, fixed showing booleans, added distinct styles to booleans, nulls, resources and anonymous functions
- improved the requests list behaviour, reliability of metadata loading and error handling
- improved performance dropping jQuery and other minor improvements
- improved dark theme highlight color to be a bit more contrasting (thanks robclancy)
- fixed requests table header to compensate for scrollbar
- fixed standalone app opening in a broken state if the web app have no metadata yet (thanks spaceemotion)
- dropped support for resizing requests table columns
- polished bunch of styles
- learn more about privacy when using Clockwork extensions - https://underground.works/clockwork/docs/extension-privacy
- added support for displaying route middleware (thanks Vercoutere)
- fixed not being able to load metadata if the url contains hash
- updated to latest Angular 1.x
- added "preserve log" feature (works similar as in the Dev Tools network tab)
- improved requests list behavior, requests are now shown in loading state while we are loading metadata, error message is shown if metadata fails to load
- changed to use webRequest api for observing HTTP request in both Chrome and Firefox (fixes latest Chrome Beta/Canary)
- fixed requests with redirect responses not being shown in Firefox
- fixed no requests being shown in Firefox if multiple instances of Clockwork are open
- fixed some layout issues (fixes firefox scrolling issue) (thanks spaceemotion)
- added workaround for a bug in Firefox 57 (thanks miclf)
- fixed crash when using custom metadata request headers, preserve header letter case (thanks SerafimArts)
- fixed log tab not showing context of the messages
- fixed not being able to scroll using the mouse wheel (thanks KKSzymanowski)
- fixed update notifications showing if the server-side has higher version (thanks KKSzymanowski)
- added cache tab, including stats like reads, hits, misses, writes, deletes, time and full cache query log with pretty-printed values and caller file support
- added events tab for apps using event dispatching
- added dark theme
- added showing of last request when Clockwork is opened
- added ability to load older requests
- added ability to collapse the requests list
- added support for showing classes of pretty-printed objects
- added support for running as a standalone app
- added Firefox compatibility
- added Clockwork server-side update notifications
- changed UI tweaks, new tab bar, tweaked colors and whitespace
- changed headers, get and post data, cookies and session data are now sorted alphabetically by name
- changed refactored whole metadata handling code and a lot of the UI code
- changed styles are now in SCSS using node-sass for compilation
- changed handling of invalid metadata to be more robust
- changed X-Clockwork-Version header is now optional
- changed deprecated Chrome api usage
- updated angular, jquery and other 3rd party libraries, switched to the "slim" jquery version
- cleaned up styles and markup
- added support for model and caller file name and line number in database tab (thanks OmarMakled and fitztrev for the idea)
- added support for caller file name and line number in log tab (thanks crissi for the idea)
- added support for context in the log tab (thanks crissi for the idea)
- improved pretty jason component to lazy-render objects improving UI performance a ton when logging large objects like Eloquent collections
- fixed sorting of database, log, view and emails tables not working
- fixed minor style issues with requests list error/warning count overlay on dark background
- fixed HTML injection in the pretty-jason component
- updated angular, jquery and other 3rd party libraries
- cleaned up and refactored some internal parts
- added support for resizing requests table columns
- added tooltips to requests table showing cell values
- added errors and warnings counts to the requests table
- changed incoming requests behavior, incoming requests are no longer automatically shown when other then last request was manually selected, selecting last request or clearing requests resets the default behaviour
- changed toolbar implementation to a custom one to save some vertical space
- changed timeline and log tabs to not be shown when there are no records to show
- fixed requests table not scrolling to new requests properly
- fixed compatibility with web server sending lowercase headers (thanks EvanDarwin)
- added connection column to database tab when there are queries from multiple connections in request data
- fixed a bug where numeric values were displayed as empty objects
- added views and emails tabs
- empty tabs are no longer shown
- improved compatibility when incomplete data is received
- log level is now specified as string by client, allowing any level names
- added support for custom headers on metadata requests specified by client via X-Clockwork-Header-NAME headers
- fixed non-string and object values not being pretty-printed correctly
- updated design for the new flatter dev tools look comming in Chrome 32
- json values in request data, logs, session and cookies now displayed as interactive elements similar to Chrome javascript console
- fixed compatibility with some older versions of the Clockwork php library
- fixed wrong order of the timeline events
- added support for custom Clockwork data uri (used for apps running in subdirs for example)
- released on Chrome Web Store! - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clockwork/dmggabnehkmmfmdffgajcflpdjlnoemp
- added new standalone web app version - https://github.com/itsgoingd/clockwork-web
- changed extension logo
- added application routes tab