A desktop GUI application for python-kasa to control devices in your local network.
Uses the NICEGUI library to launch a desktop application (or browser, through http://localhost:8080/) from which you are able to control your TP-Link Kasa smart home devices.
Note: the app can only discover devices in your LOCAL NETWORK, it has no access to your cloud account.
As far as I know, works in Windows 10 and 11, MacOS and Linux. Requires Python 3.11+
You can download the latest release.
This application is written in Python primarily using the modules Python-kasa, Nicegui and Plotly.
As supported by the python-kasa module:
- HS100
- HS103
- HS105
- HS107
- HS110
- KP105
- KP115
- KP125
- KP401
- EP10
Power Strips
- EP40
- HS300
- KP303
- KP200 (in wall)
- KP400
- KP405 (dimmer)
Wall switches
- ES20M
- HS200
- HS210
- HS220
- KS200M
- KS220M
- KS230
- LB100
- LB110
- LB120
- LB130
- LB230
- KL50
- KL60
- KL110
- KL120
- KL125
- KL130
- KL135
Light strips
- KL400
- KL420
- KL430