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distinguish between recursive and nonrecursive lets in term printer
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mitchellwrosen committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent d272484 commit 4556497
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 24 deletions.
155 changes: 131 additions & 24 deletions parser-typechecker/src/Unison/Syntax/TermPrinter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ import Control.Lens (unsnoc)
import Control.Monad.State (evalState)
import Control.Monad.State qualified as State
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Foldable qualified as Foldable
import Data.List
import Data.List qualified as List
import Data.Map qualified as Map
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Text qualified as Text
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,8 +410,7 @@ pretty0
goNormal prec tm = pretty0 (ac prec Normal im doc) tm
specialCases term go = do
doc <- prettyDoc2 a term
case doc of
prettyDoc2 a term >>= \case
Just d -> pure d
Nothing -> notDoc go
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,14 +653,14 @@ printLet ::
(MonadPretty v m) =>
AmbientContext ->
BlockContext ->
[(v, Term3 v PrintAnnotation)] ->
[LetBindings v (Term3 v PrintAnnotation)] ->
Term3 v PrintAnnotation ->
[Pretty SyntaxText] ->
m (Pretty SyntaxText)
printLet context sc bs e uses = do
bs <- traverse (printLetBinding bindingContext) bs
bs <- traverse (printLetBindings bindingContext) bs
body <- body e
pure . paren (sc /= Block && context.precedence >= Top) . letIntro $ PP.lines (uses <> bs <> body)
pure . paren (sc /= Block && context.precedence >= Top) . letIntro $ PP.lines (uses <> concat bs <> body)
bindingContext :: AmbientContext
bindingContext =
Expand All @@ -671,12 +672,25 @@ printLet context sc bs e uses = do
Block -> id
Normal -> (fmt S.ControlKeyword "let" `PP.hang`)

printLetBindings ::
(MonadPretty v m) =>
AmbientContext ->
LetBindings v (Term3 v PrintAnnotation) ->
m [Pretty SyntaxText]
printLetBindings context = \case
LetBindings bindings -> traverse (printLetBinding context) bindings
LetrecBindings bindings -> traverse (printLetrecBinding context) bindings

printLetBinding :: (MonadPretty v m) => AmbientContext -> (v, Term3 v PrintAnnotation) -> m (Pretty SyntaxText)
printLetBinding context (v, binding) =
if Var.isAction v
then pretty0 context binding
else renderPrettyBinding <$> prettyBinding0' context (HQ.unsafeFromVar (Var.reset v)) binding

printLetrecBinding :: (MonadPretty v m) => AmbientContext -> (v, Term3 v PrintAnnotation) -> m (Pretty SyntaxText)
printLetrecBinding context (v, binding) =
renderPrettyBinding <$> prettyBinding0' context (HQ.unsafeFromVar (Var.reset v)) binding

prettyPattern ::
forall v loc.
(Var v) =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1568,23 +1582,27 @@ allInSubBlock tm p s i =
-- statement, need to be emitted also by this function, otherwise the `use`
-- statement may come out at an enclosing scope instead.
immediateChildBlockTerms ::
(Var vt, Var v) => Term2 vt at ap v a -> [Term2 vt at ap v a]
forall a ap at v vt. (Var vt, Var v) => Term2 vt at ap v a -> [Term2 vt at ap v a]
immediateChildBlockTerms = \case
LetBlock bs e -> concatMap doLet bs ++ handleDelay e
_ -> []
handleDelay (Delay' b) | isLet b = [b]
handleDelay _ = []
doLet (v, Ann' tm _) = doLet (v, tm)
doLet :: LetBindings v (Term2 vt at ap v a) -> [Term2 vt at ap v a]
doLet = \case
LetBindings bindings -> concatMap doLet2 bindings
LetrecBindings bindings -> concatMap doLet2 bindings
doLet2 (v, Ann' tm _) = doLet2 (v, tm)
-- we don't consider 'body' to be a place we can insert a `use`
-- clause unless it's already a let block. This avoids silliness like:
-- x = 1 + 1
-- turning into
-- x =
-- use Nat +
-- 1 + 1
doLet (v, LamsNamedOpt' _ body) = [body | not (Var.isAction v), isLet body]
doLet t = error (show t) []
doLet2 (v, LamsNamedOpt' _ body) = [body | not (Var.isAction v), isLet body]
doLet2 t = error (show t) []

isSoftHangable :: (Var v) => Term2 vt at ap v a -> Bool
-- isSoftHangable (Delay' d) = isLet d || isSoftHangable d || case d of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1643,42 +1661,131 @@ isBlock tm =
Delay' _ -> True
_ -> False

-- A `LetBindings` is either:

-- * A list of nonrecusrive lets (e.g. let x = ... in let y = ... in let z = ... in ...), where each binding is in

-- scope for all subsequent bindings.
-- In made-up syntax:
-- let
-- x = ...
-- in
-- let
-- y = ...
-- in
-- let
-- z = ...
-- in
-- body

-- * A single letrec's bindings, where each binding is in scope for all subsequent bindings.

-- In made-up syntax:
-- letrec
-- x = ...
-- y = ...
-- z = ...
-- in
-- body
data LetBindings v term
= LetBindings [(v, term)]
| LetrecBindings [(v, term)]

-- | A group of let bindings (with all bound variables cached at the top level for efficiency).
-- The sequence has an invariant: no two `LetBindings` in a row (that would be a single `LetBindings`).
-- For example, the bindings
-- a = ...
-- b = ...
-- c = ...
-- d = ...
-- e = ...
-- f = ...
-- body
-- might be two lets `a` and `b`, followed by a letrec `c` and `d`, followed by a different letrec `e`, `f`:
-- let
-- a = ...
-- in
-- let
-- b = ...
-- in
-- letrec
-- c = ...
-- d = ...
-- in
-- letrec
-- e = ...
-- f = ...
-- in
-- body
data LetBindingsGroups v term
= LetBindingsGroups (Set v) (Seq (LetBindings v term))

instance (Ord v) => Semigroup (LetBindingsGroups v term) where
LetBindingsGroups vs1 bs1 <> LetBindingsGroups vs2 bs2 =
LetBindingsGroups (Set.union vs1 vs2) (bs1 <> bs2)

letBindingsToLetBindingsGroups :: (Ord v) => [(v, term)] -> LetBindingsGroups v term
letBindingsToLetBindingsGroups bindings =
LetBindingsGroups (Set.fromList (map fst bindings)) (Seq.singleton (LetBindings bindings))

letrecBindingsToLetBindingsGroups :: (Ord v) => [(v, term)] -> LetBindingsGroups v term
letrecBindingsToLetBindingsGroups bindings =
LetBindingsGroups (Set.fromList (map fst bindings)) (Seq.singleton (LetrecBindings bindings))

pattern LetBlock ::
(Ord v) =>
[(v, Term2 vt at ap v a)] ->
[LetBindings v (Term2 vt at ap v a)] ->
Term2 vt at ap v a ->
Term2 vt at ap v a
pattern LetBlock bindings body <- (unLetBlock -> Just (bindings, body))
pattern LetBlock bindings body <-
(unLetBlock -> Just (LetBindingsGroups _ (Foldable.toList @Seq -> bindings), body))

-- Collects nested let/let rec blocks into one minimally nested block.
-- Handy because `let` and `let rec` blocks get rendered the same way.
-- We preserve nesting when the inner block shadows definitions in the
-- outer block.
unLetBlock ::
forall a ap at v vt.
(Ord v) =>
Term2 vt at ap v a ->
Maybe ([(v, Term2 vt at ap v a)], Term2 vt at ap v a)
unLetBlock t = rec t
Maybe (LetBindingsGroups v (Term2 vt at ap v a), Term2 vt at ap v a)
unLetBlock = rec
dontIntersect v1s v2s =
all (`Set.notMember` v2set) (fst <$> v1s)
v2set = Set.fromList (fst <$> v2s)
dontIntersect :: LetBindingsGroups v term -> LetBindingsGroups v term -> Bool
dontIntersect (LetBindingsGroups xs _) (LetBindingsGroups ys _) =
Set.disjoint xs ys

rec :: Term2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe (LetBindingsGroups v (Term2 vt at ap v a), Term2 vt at ap v a)
rec t = case unLetRecNamed t of
Nothing -> nonrec t
Just (_isTop, bindings, body) -> case rec body of
Just (innerBindings, innerBody)
| dontIntersect bindings innerBindings ->
Just (bindings ++ innerBindings, innerBody)
_ -> Just (bindings, body)
Just (_isTop, bindings0, body) ->
let bindings = letrecBindingsToLetBindingsGroups bindings0
in case rec body of
Just (innerBindings, innerBody)
| dontIntersect bindings innerBindings ->
Just (bindings <> innerBindings, innerBody)
_ -> Just (bindings, body)

nonrec :: Term2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe (LetBindingsGroups v (Term2 vt at ap v a), Term2 vt at ap v a)
nonrec t = case unLet t of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (bindings0, body) ->
let bindings = [(v, b) | (_, v, b) <- bindings0]
let bindings = letBindingsToLetBindingsGroups [(v, b) | (_, v, b) <- bindings0]
in case rec body of
Just (innerBindings, innerBody)
| dontIntersect bindings innerBindings ->
Just (bindings ++ innerBindings, innerBody)
Just (bindings <> innerBindings, innerBody)
_ -> Just (bindings, body)

pattern LamsNamedMatch' ::
Expand Down

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