This page describes how to convert and publish your notebook into an executable application package.
Follow the jupyter notebook tutorial for automatically building an application package.
{% hint style="warning" %} Currently, the app pack gen service does not provide much information on status or result of the builds. This is an on-going process on which improvements are being made. {% endhint %}
The built application packages can currently be found under the edwinsarkissian
user name in dockstore- another change we will be making in the near future.
This will allow you to build your own application packages from Jupyter notebooks. Note, a container (e.g. docker) build engine is required to do this!
A requirement for using the unity application generator is to install it. Currently the install must be manual.
$ pip install git+
$ pip install git+
$ build_ogc_app -h
usage: build_ogc_app [-h] [--state_directory STATE_DIRECTORY] {init,build_docker,push_docker,parameters,build_cwl,push_app_registry} ...
Unity Application Package Generator
positional arguments:
init Initialize a Git repository for use by this application. Creates a .unity_app_gen directory in the destination directory
build_docker Build a Docker image from the initialized application directory
push_docker Push a Docker image from the initialized application directory to a remote registry
parameters Display parsed notebook parameters
build_cwl Create OGC compliant CWL files from the repository and Docker image
push_app_registry Push CWL files to Dockstore application registry
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--state_directory STATE_DIRECTORY
An alternative location to store the application state other than .unity_app_gen
We are now ready to build an application! We will build the unity-example-application.
Initialize the respository we want to build. If you want to checkout the repository from git to build, run the following command:
$ build_ogc_app init my-example-app
DEBUG:app_pack_generator.git:Cloning Git repository from to my-example-app
DEBUG:git.cmd:Popen(['git', 'clone', '-v', '--', '', 'my-example-app'], cwd=/home/gangl/tutorial, stdin=None, shell=False, universal_newlines=True)
DEBUG:git.repo.base:Cmd(['git', 'clone', '-v', '--', '', 'my-example-app'])'s unused stdout:
DEBUG:unity_app_generator.state:Initializing new application state directory /home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app/.unity_app_gen
DEBUG:docker.utils.config:Trying paths: ['/home/gangl/.docker/config.json', '/home/gangl/.dockercfg']
DEBUG:docker.utils.config:Found file at path: /home/gangl/.docker/config.json
DEBUG:docker.auth:Found 'auths' section
DEBUG:docker.auth:Found entry (registry='', username='gangl')
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:http://localhost:None "GET /version HTTP/1.1" 200 846
If you have an existing repository you'd like to build, you can run the init command from inside that repo:
$ cd unity-application-package #my existing git repo working directory
$ build_ogc_app init .
We are now ready to build the docker file for our application. This can take a while initially as it needs to pull images, install dependencies, and your notebook for builds. Once built. updates to the jupyter notebook are built relatively quickly as it's the last step in the build process.
From within the repository you'd like to build (e.g. cd unity-example-application
or cd my-example-app
$ build_ogc_app build_docker --no_owner
build_ogc_app build_docker --no_owner
DEBUG:unity_app_generator.state:Reading existing application state directory /home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app/.unity_app_gen
DEBUG:app_pack_generator.git:Using existing Git repository from destination path /home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app with source
DEBUG:docker.utils.config:Trying paths: ['/home/gangl/.docker/config.json', '/home/gangl/.dockercfg']
DEBUG:docker.utils.config:Found file at path: /home/gangl/.docker/config.json
DEBUG:docker.auth:Found 'auths' section
DEBUG:docker.auth:Found entry (registry='', username='gangl')
DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:http://localhost:None "GET /version HTTP/1.1" 200 846
DEBUG:git.cmd:Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=/home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app, stdin=<valid stream>, shell=False, universal_newlines=False)
DEBUG:app_pack_generator.docker:Building Docker image named unity-example-application:9ecce051
Successfully tagged unity-example-application:9ecce051
We use the "no-owner" command above so that we do not include the unity_sds organization in the built container. This makes it easier to push the container to a registry.
$ docker login
$ build_ogc_app push_docker <docker_hub_username>
You can push this to any repository you like, but the default is to use the open platform dockerhub. You'll need a username and account on dockerhub to push a container to. Before running the above command, make sure you login!
the next step is to build the CWL for the application package. This is done by looking at the notebook for any stage-in or stage-out annotations, as well as the 'parameters' cell. A summary of the parameters found and their inferred_type will be displayed to you after completion:
$ build_ogc_app build_cwl
name inferred_type cwl_type default help
-------------------------- --------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------
input_stac_collection_file stage-in string test/stage_in/stage_in_results.json
output_stac_catalog_dir stage-out File test/process_results/
summary_table_filename str string summary_table.txt
output_collection str string example-app-collection___1
example_argument_int int int 1
example_argument_float float float 1.0
example_argument_string str string string
example_argument_bool bool boolean True
example_argument_empty string string Allow a null value or a string
DEBUG:git.cmd:Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch-check'], cwd=/home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app, stdin=<valid stream>, shell=False, universal_newlines=False)
DEBUG:git.cmd:Popen(['git', 'cat-file', '--batch'], cwd=/home/gangl/tutorial/my-example-app, stdin=<valid stream>, shell=False, universal_newlines=False)
Finally, we want to publish this to the Unity application catalog to reference by a processing system. For this you'll need a dockstore token and the url of the dockstore API.
$ build_ogc_app push_app_registry --api_url --token ***
That's it! your application is now registered in the Unity application catalog.
You can only get a token from within the dockstore UI after logging in.
To view your token, go to your account:
Access your account information
And then copy (or view) your dockstore token:
Finding your token for REST access