A curated list of awesome things related to UnoCSS
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Package | Description | Remarks |
The default preset | Deprecated: Use presetWind3 from @unocss/preset-wind3 instead in @66.0.0 |
@unocss/preset-mini | The minimal but essential rules and variants | |
Tailwind CSS / Windi CSS compact preset | Deprecated: Use presetWind3 from @unocss/preset-wind3 instead in @66.0.0 |
@unocss/preset-wind3 | Tailwind CSS3 / Windi CSS compact preset | |
@unocss/preset-attributify | Enables Attributify Mode for other rules | |
@unocss/preset-tagify | Enables Tagify Mode for other rules | |
@unocss/preset-icons | Pure CSS Icons solution powered by Iconify | |
@unocss/preset-web-fonts | Web fonts (Google Fonts, etc.) support | |
@unocss/preset-typography | The typography preset | |
@unocss/preset-rem-to-px | Converts rem to px for utils |
Package | Description |
@unocss/transformer-variant-group | Transformer for Windi CSS's variant group feature |
@unocss/transformer-directives | Transformer for CSS directives like @apply |
@unocss/transformer-compile-class | Compile group of classes into one class |
@unocss/transformer-attributify-jsx | Support valueless attributify in JSX/TSX |
Package | Description |
@unocss/extractor-pug | Extractor for Pug |
@unocss/extractor-svelte | Extractor for Svelte |
@unocss/extractor-arbitrary-variants | Extractor to support arbitrary variants for utilities |
- unocss-preset-scalpel - Scalpel Preset by @macheteHot.
- unocss-preset-chroma - Gradient Preset by @chu121su12.
- unocss-preset-scrollbar - Scrollbar Preset by @action-hong.
- unocss-applet - Using UnoCSS in applet (UniApp / Taro) by @zguolee.
- unocss-preset-weapp - WeChat MiniProgram Preset for UniApp and Taro by @MellowCo.
- unocss-preset-heropatterns - Preset that integrates Hero Patterns by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-flowbite - Port of Flowbite Tailwind plugin for UnoCSS by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-forms - Port of @tailwindcss/forms for UnoCSS by @Julien-R44.
- unocss-preset-extra - Animate.css Preset and some other rules by @Zhang-Wei-666.
- unocss-preset-daisy - daisyUI Preset by @kidonng.
- unocss-preset-primitives - Like headlessui-tailwindcss, radix-ui, custom for UnoCSS by @zirbest.
- unocss-preset-theme - Preset for automatic theme switching by @Dunqing.
- unocss-preset-chinese - Preset for Chinese fonts by @kirklin.
- unocss-preset-autoprefixer - Autoprefixer Preset by @zouhang.
- unocss-preset-scrollbar-hide - Hide scrollbars, although the element can still be scrolled by @reslear.
- unocss-preset-radix - Use the Radix UI color palette with UnoCSS by @endigma.
- unocss-preset-glyph - Embed subset of glyphs from fonts by @chu121su12.
- unocss-preset-grid - Bootstrap 5 Like Grid Preset by @StatuAgency.
- unocss-preset-grid-areas - Grid Areas Preset for UnoCSS by @chz.
- unocss-preset-ease - Easing Functions as Transitions for UnoCSS by @kirklin.
- unocss-preset-useful - Integrate and Useful Preset by @zyyv.
- una-ui-preset - Build your own components using UnaUI preset by @phojie.
- unocss-preset-fluid - Elegantly scale type and space without breakpoints by @renatomoor.
- unocss-preset-block - Block some non-standard classnames by @chizuki.
- unocss-preset-animations - Preset for flexible and composable animations by @Aelita.
- unocss-preset-shadcn - Use shadcn/ui with UnoCSS by @zouhang and @hyoban.
- @yeungkc/unocss-preset-safe-area - Use safe area with Unocss by YeungKC.
- @unifydev/unify-preset - Atomic Theming UI Library Powered By UnoCSS, like DaisyUI but customizable. By @johnkat-mj.
- unocss-preset-tailwindcss-motion - Ridiculously awesome animations via unofficial Tailwind Motion port, by @whatnicktweets.
- unocss-preset-magicss - Integrate magic css animation preset by @zyyv.
- css-fade - Fade out one or multiple sides of html elements using CSS mask in UnoCSS by @dan-smt.
- unocss-preset-gradient-fn - Support gradient transitions and gradient easing functions. Preset by @onmax.
- unocss-preset-scale-px - Numeric values are the same as px by @onmax.
- Anu - DX focused utility based vue component library by @jd-solanki.
- Onu UI - Opinionated and lightweight UnoCSS ui library by @zyyv, @yzh990918.
- AtoUI - Elemental UI library for Svelte offering an easily themeable design system by @bennymi.
- Una UI - The atomic UI Framework for Nuxt 3, powered by UnoCSS engine by @phojie.
- unocss-transformer-attribute-values-group - Attribute values group transformer for UnoCSS by @lvjiaxuan.
- unocss-transformer-alias - Transform alias for UnoCSS shortcuts by @zyyv.
- CSS to UnoCss - Transform CSS to Unocss by @Simon-He95.
- unocss-transformer-classnames-minifier - Transform UnoCSS classnames minifier by @alisobirjanov.
- unocss-transformer-hash - Hash UnoCSS utilities by @zyyv.
- Unot - VSCode extension that provides the ability to convert css to unocss and simplifies the writing of unocss by @Simon-He95.
- figma-to-unocss - Figma plugin to transform design to unocss by @zouhang.
- hexo-unocss - Support using UnoCSS when writing articles by @imba97.
- uno-colors - Generate UnoCSS color gradation by @imba97.