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artart78 edited this page Mar 26, 2013 · 1 revision

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The PSP Media Engine very close to PSP's main CPU. It has the same new instructions from Sony, and a FPU, but with no COP2 (VFPU).

Differences with the main CPU

The ME processor has three instructions unused/not available in the main processor:

  • DBREAK (debugging break), which exists on other MIPS processors; it's used only once
  • MTVME and MFVME.
Those two last instructions actually have the same opcode as LDL and SDL, but the ME CPU is 32-bit: these instructions doesn't really exist, and are always called with $a3 as register containing the memory address.
We actually have:
 ldl $reg, off($a3) <=> mfvme $reg, $off
 sdl $reg, off($a3) <=> mtvme $reg, $off

It's probably used to store and retrieve informations from unknown VME registers.
These instructions seem to be only used for video decoding.


The VME is a still quite obscure part of the Media Engine: it's apparently a reconfigurable DSP.
It can be accessed with the weird mfvme/mtvme instructions, or by storing informations in the memory, from 0x440F8000 to 0x440FFFFF and then calling hardware (to be completed).

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