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UoS³ Flight Computer Firmwware

⚠️ This repo is under development


Software Writing Standards

There is a standards document that you should follow when writing code for this repository, it can be found here.


Developing this repository requires the following software:

  • build-essential - generic build utilities for GNU.
  • gcc-arm-none-eabi - the GCC cross-compiler for ARM targets
  • arm-none-eabi-gdb - the ARM target GDB
  • CMake - used as the build system
  • lm4flash - used to flash the TM4C launchpad
  • Python 3 - used for build script
  • cmocka - framework used to test the software
  • OpenOCD - debugging host which allows GDB to be used to debug the software
  • TinyDB and rich - python libraries used in the constant database and lookup tool
  • pyserial - python module used for serial monitoring/in some tests
  • tomlc99 - TOML parsing library used for configuration management

On ubuntu the following command should install most of these:

sudo apt install build-essential gcc-arm-none-eabi cmake lm4flash openocd
pip install tinydb rich pyserial

For python3, be careful as you probably already have it installed.

cmocka must be installed from source. Download version 1.1.5 from here (cmocka-1.1.5.tar.xz for ubuntu), extract it and follow the instructions under

You must also get a copy of the TivaWare drivers from the website. Extract these one level up from this repository and create a symbolic link to that folder in this one:

mkdir tivaware_tm4c_<VERSION NUMBER> && cd tivaware_tm4c_<VERSION NUMBER>
cd ../obc-firmware
ln -s ../tivaware_tm4c_<VERSION NUMBER> tivaware

Finally arm-none-eabi-gdb must be installed from source from ARM's website.

Recommended VSCode extensions

It is recommended to use Visual Studio Code for development with the following extensions:

To make Todo Tree highlight TODOs in C block comments change the extension setting Todo-tree > Regex to:

((//|#|<!--|;|/\*|\s?\*|^)\s*($TAGS)|^\s*- \[ \])

Building the firmware

To build the firmware a build script is provided at ./build. To use it, check that the script is executable with

chmod +x ./build

then run

./build --help

to see help information.

The build files will be output into a builds directory, subsequently divided into release and debug mode builds.


Most (TODO: all) modules provide unit tests using the cmocka unit test framework. These tests are collected into a binary test_all_modules.bin, which is run as a part of the GitHub actions CI system, and should be run by the developer before any commit to ensure no regression takes place.

To build these tests use ./build --tests. Currently this test has not been proven to work on the TM4C, though this will be done soon.

In addition valgrind should be used to verify that there are no memory leaks and that the total heap size is kept small.

valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full <PATH_TO_BIN>
valgrind --tool=massif --stacks=yes <PATH_TO_BIN>

You can use massif-visualizer to see the memory graphs in a nice format.


The ./flash script can be used to flash specific ELF files to a TM4C, either a launchpad or the TOBC itself. Make the script executable with

chmod +x ./flash

the run using

./flash <PATH_TO_ELF>

You can use ./flash --help to see help information. The script expects ELF files that have been built using ./build -t tm4c.

You can also flash immediately after building, for instance:

./build -t launchpad --flash demo_imu.elf



OpenOCD and GDB can be used to debug the software on the launchpad. To use these in one terminal start OpenOCD (openocd) with the launchpad connected over USB to the debug port. Then in another terminal use

arm-none-eabi-gdb -x openocd.gdb <PATH_TO_ELF>.elf

to start the GDB session. The software will immediately run. Make sure to use the ELF file not a binary, as GDB and OpenOCD will handle the flashing process for you. You can put breakpoints in the code using __asm("BKPT"). Make sure to remove these before testing without the debugging setup as they will halt execution.

If you're encountering faults using GDB will allow you to see where the faults are coming from. If you see a SIGTRAP with the GDB frame being debug_fault_handler, you can inspect the p_frame input to see what function caused the fault:

p/a *p_fault
$1 = {
  r0 = 0x40037000, 
  r1 = 0x4000022, 
  r2 = 0x0 <g_pfnVectors>, 
  r3 = 0x200000a8 <TIMER_STATE+168>, 
  r12 = 0xf801312e, 
  lr = 0x1fbb <Timer_enable+38>, 
  return_address = 0x2a18 <TimerConfigure>, 
  xpsr = 0x21000000

This gives information on the function causing the fault (return_address and lr, and the inputs to those functions r1-12.)


When connected via the BlackMagic probe the TOBC can be debugged with arm-none-eabi-gdb directly. Use

arm-none-eabi-gdb -x blackmagic_debug.gdb <PATH_TO_ELF>.elf

to start the GDB session. You can run the software by using the standard GDB commands like run.

Monitoring Execution

The firmware uses the DEBUG_x statements to print debugging log lines over UART to a host computer. This allows the execution of the system to be observed by the operator. The UART used varies between the launchpad and TOBC:

  • launchpad - UART1, which is on pins PB0 (RX) and PB1 (TX), these are accessible from the launchpad header and can be plugged into the UART pins of a raspberry pi for monitoring.
  • TOBC - UART4, which is on pins PC4 (RX) and PC5 (TX), and are broken out on the PC104 header stack as pins H1P1 and H2P5. These can be connected into the UART lines of the blackmagic probe.

When connected the serial devices can be accessed on a linux machine (including a raspberry pi) at any of the /dev/tty* devices. Normally if using the blackmagic probe this is /dev/ttyACM1, and for the launchpad this is /dev/serial0. The user should be in the dialout group to access these, some additional setup may be required on the PI to enable the right serial lines.

To view these log lines the pyserial module provides an application which displays the output:

python3 -m /dev/<SERIAL_DEVICE> 115200 --raw

The baud rate of the debug serial is 115200, the fastest standard baud rate so that delays to the execution of the firmware are minimised.

Build Features

A number of features may be enabled by a build, which can be seen by calling

./build --list-features

Features allow certain parts of the code to be excluded from particular builds, for instance the IMU calibration code is not required in the flight version of the software, so it's inclusion in the build is only enabled when using the imu_calib feature.


The software uses 16-bit constants for error, event and datapool ID codes. There are many different codes and looking them up can be a challenge, therefore a database of all codes and a short python tool to search that database is provided.

The databse is generated automatically as a part of the build process. The lookup tool can be used as such:

python src/tools/ 0x940A

and will return


    EVT_IMU_STATE_CHANGE: 0x940A (37898, 0b1001010000001010)
        Event used to signal a state change in the IMU. This is done so that 
        the new state will run it's first function in the next cycle without 
        the system going to sleep.



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