This documentation explains the infrastructure behind the application.
The application is made up of the following components:
A simple application. This is the only component that the user interacts with directly.
Behind the front-end application sits as a Node.js API. The front-end application makes calls to this API to send and retrieve data.
The database stores user and feed item information. The back-end API interacts with this database to store and retrieve information.
The application is hosted using AWS resources.
The PostreSQL database is provisioned using AWS RDS. It is a publicly accessible database hosted in the us-east-1 region on port: 5432.
The front-end is hosted as a static website using AWS S3. The application files are hosted in a publicly accessible storage bucket.
The back-end is hosted using AWS EB. It is a t2.medium sized single instance environment.
Below is an architecture diagram containing all of the application's components.