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Writeup Open-gyckel-krypto from Midnightsun CTF 2019 (Quals)

Primes are fun, don't google translate me bro


while True:
    p = next_prime(random.randint(0, 10**500))
    if len(str(p)) != 500:
    q = Integer(int(str(p)[250:] + str(p)[:250]))
    if q.is_prime():

>> p * q
>> pow(m, 65537, p * q)

So we have for some $a, b \le 10^{250}$:

$$ \begin{aligned} p &= a \times 10^{250} + b\\ q &= b \times 10^{250} + a\\ n &= pq = ab \times 10^{500} + (a^2+b^2) \times 10^{250} + ab \end{aligned} $$

Let $x = ab$ and $y=a^2+b^2$. Then $n$ is in decimal notation:

+     yyyyyyyy
+         xxxxxxxx

So $x$ is just (int(str(n)[:250]) - carry) * 10**250 + int(str(n)[-250:]), where carry <= 10. Then

$$ \begin{aligned} y &= (n - x \times 10^{500} - x) / 10^{250}\\ a+b &= \sqrt{(a+b)^2} = \sqrt{2x + y} \end{aligned} $$

To decrypt, we compute

$$ \begin{aligned} \phi(n) &= (p-1)(q-1) = p\cdot q-p-q+1 = n+1 - p+q\\ p+q &= (a+b) \times 10^{250} + (a+b) \end{aligned} $$


for i in range(100):
    ab = (int(str(pq)[:250]) - i) * 10 ** 250 + int(str(pq)[-250:])

    a2_p_b2 = (pq - ab * 10**500 - ab) / 10**250

    a_p_b, ok = gmpy2.iroot(a2_p_b2 + 2 * ab, 2)
    if ok:
        p_p_q = 10**250 * a_p_b + a_p_b
        phi = n+1 - p_p_q
        d = gmpy2.invert(e, phi)
        m = pow(c, d, n)
        print unhex(hex(m)[2:])
#Flag: midnight{w3ll_wh47_d0_y0u_kn0w_7h15_15_4c7u4lly_7h3_w0rld5_l0n6357_fl46_4nd_y0u_f0und_17_50_y0u_5h0uld_b3_pr0ud_0f_y0ur53lf_50_uhmm_60_pr1n7_7h15_0n_4_75h1r7_0r_50m37h1n6_4nd_4m4z3_7h3_p30pl3_4r0und_y0u}

Coppersmith variant

There is also a fun way to obtain $a$ or $b$ directly using Coppersmith's algorithm. Basically, Coppersmith allows us to find a small root modulo a factor of $n$ of some polynomial.

For $f = (10^{250} - 1)\cdot x + (a+b)$, we have $f(a) = a \times 10^{250} + b \equiv 0 \mod p$.

Sage code:

F.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(n), implementation='NTL')

apb = 15871665624873106757366073367006393842426740622843832520348006298484905394116528310818622424957645305919818028562611709016786155701425048746304994384930166284051799405392923428638445235361622797592069085322151835651113619585729206760658312388130829530

f = x * 10**250 - x + apb

f *= inverse_mod(10**250 - 1, n)  # make f monic, i.e., the leading coefficient must be 1

print f.small_roots(X=10**250-10**249, beta=0.4) # play around a little bit with the coefficients until finding a solution (see also