- Oriol Nieto https://github.com/urinieto
- Jordan Smith https://github.com/jblsmith
- Eric Humphrey https://github.com/ejhumphrey
- Stephan Balke https://github.com/stefan-balke
- Keunwoo Choi https://github.com/keunwoochoi
- Rustam S https://github.com/fortunto2
- Cheng-i Wang https://github.com/wangsix
- Carl Thomé https://github.com/carlthome
- Axel Marmoret https://github.com/ax-le
OLDA and Laplacian algorithm implementations were forked from the original repos by the titanest Brian McFee: https://github.com/bmcfee/olda and https://github.com/bmcfee/laplacian_segmentation, respectively.
SI-PLCA implementation was forked from the original repo by Ron Weiss: http://ronw.github.io/siplca-segmentation/.
Constrained Clustering implementation was forked from the original code by Mark Levy: https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/projects/qm-dsp/repository/show/dsp/segmentation.
Additional thanks to Juan Pablo Bello and the rest of MARL for all their help and support.