Item | version |
Nodejs | v6.11.2 |
NPM | v3.10.10 |
SailsJS | v0.12.14 |
Elasticsearch | v5.5.2 |
PredictionIO | v0.11.0 |
Pull the project main repositpory (flexmain) from GitLab
git clone --recursive [email protected]:ulysse.rosselet/flexmain.git git checkout feature/[v0.X.0]
Elasticsearch installation
JVM need to be installed before launching elasticsearch
Based on your OS, download and install the appropriate distribution from Elasticsearch website
Install node modules for the Front-end and Back-end repository
NodeJS and NPM need to be installed before executing the following command
Sailsjs, Bower and node-gyp need to be installed globally (npm i -g sails)
cd to [front-end | backend] then execute
npm install
cd to back-end/assets then execute the following command
bower install
URL : http://localhost:9200
cd to backend folder
Can also be done via the admin Front-end
node_modules/elastic-import/bin/elastic-import.js ./data/liste_plateformes_crowdflower_vf.json localhost:9200 operation platform -i ignoreMe,myArray[*].ignoreMe --json
node_modules/elastic-import/bin/elastic-import.js ./data/description_categories.json localhost:9200 operation category -i ignoreMe,myArray[*].ignoreMe --json
sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch restart
Can also be done via the admin Front-end
npm install elasticdump
cd to backend directory
--input=http://localhost:9200/operation --output=./data/flexcrowd_[data|mapping|analyzer].json --type=[analyzer | mapping | data]
# Import from local to server
elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/operation --output= --type=data
# Import from server to local
elasticdump --input= --output=http://localhost:9200/operation --type=data
# Import from local server to files
elasticdump --input=http://localhost:9200/operation --output=./data/10012018.json --type=data
# Import from file to local server
elasticdump --input=./data/10012018.json --output=http://localhost:9200/operation --type=data
pm2 start --name FLXC-FE-DEV npm -- run [dev|prod]
Install bower globally
npm install bower -g
cd to/backend/assets folder
bower install
pm2 start process.json --env [development|production]
netstat -vanp tcp | grep 9200