The CIMMS Conflict Visualizer is a web-based user interface for configuring the CIMMS Conflict Monitor, as well as displaying notifications, downloading data, and visualizing conflicts. This repository also contains the associated API, which hosts endpoints for the GUI to access data from the jpo-conflictmonitor MongoDB database.
This application is fully dockerized, with the API and GUI alongside an instance of the jpo-ode, jpo-geojsonconverter, jpo-conflictmonitor. Information on how to build and run those projects is available in their repositories. The docker-compose available in this repository will build three components: the conflictvisualizer-api, the conflictvisualizer-gui and a Keycloak server used to authenticate both.
This application is a part of the JPO Connected Vehicle Portal, which is made up of this repository and others, to provide a single application with access to other connected intersection tools.
To provide feedback, we recommend that you create an "issue" in this repository ( You will need a GitHub account to create an issue. If you don’t have an account, a dialog will be presented to you to create one at no cost.
GUI: ReactJS web app with Typescript, NextJS, and Mapbox
API: Java Spring Boot REST application. Contains submodule of jpo-conflictmonitor repo
Description: An application that helps an organization monitor their connected intersections alerting when conflicts occur and visualizing the conflicts to identify real vehicle incidents and issues within RSU message configuration.
- Login Authentication hosted by
- View and accept Notifications
- View and update configuration parameters
- Visualize Notifications (SPATs, MAPs, and BSMs)
- Query and download data (events/assessments/SPATs/MAPs/BSMs)
Clone the repository and initialize sub-modules
git clone --recurse-submodules
Alternatively, clone the repository first, then import submodules second
git submodule update --init --recursive
Run ODE, then GeoJSONConverter, then ConflictMonitor. Each can be built and run by navigating to their respective directories that contain a pom.xml, then running:
mvn install
or to skip the tests:
mvn install -DskipTests
- Make a copy of the sample properties file api/jpo-conflictvisualizer-api/src/main/resources/ and configure it for deployment.
cp api/jpo-conflictvisualizer-api/src/main/resources/ api/jpo-conflictvisualizer-api/src/main/resources/
- Edit the newly created file. Configure, CORS and Email settings as needed.
No configuration is explicitly required for the GUI, all environment variables are passed down from the root docker image.
- Make a copy of the sample.env file ./sample.env
cp sample.env .env
- Modify the .env file and set the appropriate deployment variables
There are two options to run the conflict visualizer, the first option is to run all components of the conflict visualizer together from docker-compose (recommended). The second option is to manually start up each component. This provides additional flexibility, but increases how much configuration is required.
Note: The environment variables for the GUI need to be defined before building the docker images (these are set in the root .env). This is a requirement from Next.js.
docker-compose up --build -d
To Start the Keycloak server
docker run -p 8084:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin start-dev
To Start the ConflictMonitor-API
cd api
docker-compose up --build -d
To Start the ConflictMonitor-GUI (make sure the .env at the root has been copied into the gui directory)
cd gui
docker-compose up --build -d
The below section provides additional instruction on how to setup the conflict visualizer components for development. This section describes how to run the components locally to allow for quick changes and rapid iteration.
The conflict visualizer API requires the following dependencies be installed to run locally
- Java 11
- Maven
Additionally there are other dependencies installed through maven. Before building the conflictvisualizer-api. Make sure that local copies of the ODE, JPO-GeoJsonConverter, and JPO-ConflictMonitor have been built and installed on your system. For instructions on building these locally, please see each ones respective repository.
Once these components have been installed. Download and install additional dependencies for the conflict visualizer using the following:
cd api/jpo-conflictvisualizer-api
mvn clean install
The conflict visualizer Gui requires the following dependencies to be installed to run locally
- Node 17
- npm 8
Copy the .env from the root to the gui directory
cp .env ./gui/.env
To Install dependencies for the conflict monitor GUI run the following.
cd gui
npm install
npm run dev
An Smtp4dev server can be used locally to test the Email capabilities of the conflict monitor API and GUI: smtp4dev. Once running, this server can be connected to the api and GUI.
Currently the CIMMS Conflict Visualizer is under active development.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.