Although this may seem like a no brainer, I'd suggest you import your third-party CSS libraries into webpack using the style-loader
, which is already setup for you.
Say you want to use bootstrap, bulma, or materialize for your electron app. Go ahead and install from npm
inside your app
directory like you normally would, but instead of attaching the asset to index.ejs
we will import the CSS in our JavaScript, specifically in app/src/renderer/main.js
Let's install bulma
inside our app
npm install bulma --save
Then inside app/src/renderer/main.js
let's add this line.
import 'bulma/css/bulma.css'
Now webpack will know to bundle bulma
into our app and make it available in our production builds.
When using pre-processors for CSS, it's very beneficial to make use of global variables/mixins throughout all Vue component files. Here's how to make that happen.
This example demonstrates how to apply a globals.scss
to all Vue component files. This documentation assumes you have already setup sass-loader
in your development environment (more info).
$brand-primary: blue;
$brand-accent: turquoise;
webpack.renderer.config.js Line 50
loaders: {
sass: 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader?indentedSyntax=1&data=@import "./app/src/renderer/globals"',
scss: 'vue-style-loader!css-loader!sass-loader?data=@import "./app/src/renderer/globals";'
Some Vue Component File
<style lang="scss">
body { color: $brand-primary; }