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Teams Logger

Rich logging for Microsoft Teams using HTTP POST to Teams Incoming Webhook Connector


Basic logger creation

var logger = new TeamsLogger.TeamsLogger(
	new TeamsWebhookClient("Your teams channel Uri"),
        new LoggerConfiguration { AutomaticallySetColor = true },
        "Module Name");
logger.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "This is a simple log");

IoC Container logger registration

// This example uses Autofac
builder.Register(ctx =>
    var loggingUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TeamsLoggingUri"]; // Your teams channel uri
    var webhookClient = new TeamsWebhookClient(loggingUri);
    return new TeamsLogger.TeamsLogger(
        new LoggerConfiguration { AutomaticallySetColor = true },
        "Module Name");

logger.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "This is a simple log");


There is only one setting new LoggerConfiguration { AutomaticallySetColor = true } which dictates if message cards are automcatically colored based on severity of the message logged. User can always override this setting by supplying their own hex code.

Logging Concepts

Simple Logs

These create simple log messages and post to Teams right away. Each log message represents an individual message card.

// Color will set the color of the message card
public void LogMessage(LogSeverity severity, string message, string color = null);
public Task LogMessageAsync(LogSeverity severity, string message, string color = null);

Simple Log

Running Logs

Running logs help create rich log cards by aggregating multiple logs serially within your app, and eventually logging them all at once as a single Teams message card. Note: This only works if your app isn't distributing its logging. For distributed case, use simple logging.

For example:

var logger = new TeamsLogger.TeamsLogger(
	new TeamsWebhookClient("Your teams channel Uri"),
        new LoggerConfiguration { AutomaticallySetColor = true },
// App begins running log aggregation
logger.BeginRunningLog("Begin logging");

// Logs app events
logger.AddLogToCurrentMessageCard(LogSeverity.Info, "Some event happened");
logger.AddLogToCurrentMessageCard(LogSeverity.Warn, "Not so good event happened");
logger.AddLogToCurrentMessageCard(LogSeverity.Error, "Bad event happened");

// some exception occurred, and was caught here
// Full log was uploaded to some url
logger.CreateNewExceptionMessageCard(e, "log url here", "Log");

// App continues
logger.AddLogToCurrentMessageCard(LogSeverity.Info, "Some event happened");
logger.AddLogToCurrentMessageCard(LogSeverity.Warn, "Not so good event happened");

_logger.PostRunningLog(); // Log is posted here, can use async

Simple Log